2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 4《A spring outing》(Part A)教案 闽教版.doc

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Unit 4 A Spring Outing Part A教学目标语言知识目标1.学习词汇:spring outing,climb,mountain,water,thirsty,camera等。2.学习句型:Whatre you going to take with you?Im going to takewith me.3.功能:谈论春游。语言技能目标1.能运用be going to do sth的句式来谈论春游时准备开展的活动。2.能运用be going to do sth的句式来说一说春游前准备带的东西和准备穿的衣物。3.能根据不同场合或不同活动,制订出相应的计划。情感态度学会做计划,培养合理安排事情的能力。教具准备1.本课新单词和词组的卡片。2.PPT和教学光盘。3.课文人物头像教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1.师生互致问候。2.师生齐唱歌曲:Little Red Bird in the Tree。3. Free talkHow are you today?How is the weather todayHow many seasons in a year? What are they?Whats your favorite season? Why?4. T: My favorite season is spring. Its warm in spring. There are many flowers. Its a good season to go out.5.复习spring 并教学spring outing6.揭示并板书课题:Unit 4 A Spring Outing Part A。Step 2 Presentation1. 学习词组go for a spring outing2. Listen and choose(出示图一)T: They are going for a spring outing.What are they going to do?They are going to_.A. climb a hill B. climb a mountain3.教学mountain 和 climb a mountain4.游戏:Whats missing5.揭示评价: 男女生比赛爬山,看谁先到山顶。6.教学句子:We are going to climb a mountain.7. Listen and answer. What are they going to take?8.教学单词water和thirsty区分thirty与thirsty,帮助学生快速记忆9.游戏:火眼金睛10.教学camera 并复习takewith11. 教学句子:What are you going to take? 及答句 Im going to.(1)T: I am going for a holiday. What am I going to take? 猜猜,老师出行会带些什么东西,会穿什么衣服(2)引导学生问,What are you going to take with you?和 What are you going to wear?12. Listen and answer.Is Sally going to wear sports shoes?13. Listen and follow14. Read and find the answerWe are going for a_. We are going to_. We can take_with us. Wang Tao is going to take_with him. He wil be_. Sally is going to take_with her.She wants to _.Step 3 Extension 小组活动:旅游前的准备What are you going to take with you?Im going to take with me.What are you going to wear?Im going to wear.foodbread, bananas, apples, water, milkclothessweater, jacket, T-shirt, dress, sports shoes, capotherscamera, toys, mobile, umbrella, bag .Step 4 Homework1. 抄写并背诵单词2. 完成活动手册3. 熟读课文

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