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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1Period3Wordpower教案The General Idea of This Period:This period is about vocabulary learning, which is so challenging. In this period you will learn some techniques to enlarge your vocabulary. Also we will learn to read a map and find the shortest way to a certain place.Teaching Aims:Enable the Ss to be able to read a map.Enlarge Ss vocabulary by learning about school facilities.Teaching Important & Difficult PointsHelp the students to find the way and express themselves in English.Some mon techniques to enlarge Ss vocabulary.How to express themselves in English when finding the way.Master some techniques to enlarge vocabulary.Teaching Methods:petition to stimulate them to act quickly and actively. Association to increase their interest and enlarge vocabulary.Teaching Aid:A multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Greetings1. Greet the whole class as usual.2. Check their homework Step 2 Lead in T : When we go to a place for the first time, a map is very helpful. It can help us to get familiar with the place soon and find our destinations quickly.T : S1 , do you often take a map when you go to somewhere?S1 : No, I dont think I need it.T: That may be because you dont go to a strange place often.S1 : Yes. And also I think I have a good sense of directions.T: Good! Now I will show you a map. (Show the map on Page 6 on the screen. )T : Look at the map carefully please. See where Wei Hua is and where she wants to go.T : S2. Would you please tell us the way she takes?S2 : She is at the school gate, walks towards the car park and goes between the car park and the art room. She then turns left, walks past the science laboratory and goes straight on.T: Very good! But you see there is another route here on the map. Whod like to explain it?S3 : She walks past the lecture hall and turns left. She has a stop at the office building. After she leaves the office building, she walks between the gym and the garden. Then she sees the destination : the canteen next to the swimming pool.T: Wonderful! You both did a good job and I cant wait to give you a petition: Please tell us where you are standing and where you want to go. Then you pick anyone from the next group to tell us the way and Lets see which group will do it best. (The teacher may write down Group 1 ,Group 2,Group 3 and Group 4 on the Bb. When they are peting, you may draw stars if they have done a good job. After one or two rounds, the teacher may present another game) Now lets play Hide-and-Seek: Each of you please write a route: where are you at first, and then you go, and go and then., and at last ask anyone from the next group to judge where you are at last. OK? (This is a succession of the previous game and at the end let the students see how many stars each group has got. ) Step 3 Notice pletion T: Just now Wei Hua went to the office building, and she had a notice from the Students Office, but some of the names of the buildings are missing. Please fill in the blanks so she can find her way around the school. You may discuss with your partner of the words. (After several minutes, the teacher may ask the whole class to check the answers in chorus, for this part is not too difficult. ) Step 4 Part D: Gym T: Opposite the canteen is a gym. It is a place where you students like to go, so do the students at CMHS. First can you tell me why you like to go there? What can you find there? (Ask the students to name as many names as possible about the pieces of equipment. ) Lets have a look at the inside of the gym. There are a lot of pieces of equipment in the gym. Below are eight of them. Write the number of each piece in the correct box. (This is easy for them, so after checking the answers, the teacher may stimulate them to list related vocabulary. ) basket backboard rebound basket support basketball ring player foul NBA/CBA T: You can also think of words of a same group. What other kinds of ball games can you think of besides basketball? football volleyball golf tennis basketball table tennis softball baseball soccerT: Another way is to find words of similar meanings. possible probably maybe perhaps 可能,可能性 can may might should T: Derivation is another way to enlarge your vocabulary. pete-petition-petitor-petitive T: Also there are many suffixes and prefixes: (Ask students to give examples of prefixes and suffixes and explain their meanings. )Step 5 Summary T: Today we have covered word power. In this class we learned to express ourselves in finding ways. After class do Part B in word power by your selves and tomorrow well check it. Then we learned some basic strategies to enlarge our vocabulary, and I do hope you often use them in future. Find out more strategies after class.Step 6 Homework1. Finish part D2. Visit the following website: 24hourfitness/html/fitness/today/3.Discuss the following questions in groups: Do you think having a gym is an important factor for students when choosing a school?Why are more and more key schools spending a large amount of money on improving their school facilities?Do you think it is necessary for all schools to have this kind of equipment?

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