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2019-2020年高中英语Module4MusicBorninAmericaSectionOtherPartsoftheModule教学案外研版选修原文呈现读文清障Music Born in Hong KongFrom a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world. As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. Music born in Hong Kong is booming .In most of the world, pop music is a sign of friction between generations. But Cantopop expresses only harmony and virtue, and Hong Kong is blessed with the most conventional music scene in the world. The stars dont wear fancy clothes. The women wear clean blouses and the men wear pressedslacks. Theyre so neat and wellbehaved that any mom would want their kids to watch them. And the consensus of most people is that the music is very good. But it is .well, different from anywhere else.arise /raIz/v(由)引起(产生)(arose, arisen)地点状语位于句首,句子用完全倒装。as well as也,还offshore /f/adv.向海,离岸过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰music。boom /bum/v繁荣;兴起;迅速发展friction /frIkn/n不合,抵触;摩擦harmony/hmni/n融洽,一致virtue /vtu/n美德be blessed with有幸conventional/knvennl/adj.按惯例的;传统的scene n场所,场地fancy /fnsi/adj.新潮的blouse /blaz/n女士宽松短衫,女衬衫pressed adj.平整的slacks /slks/n宽松长裤,便裤neat /nit/adj.整齐的,整洁的wellbehaved adj.举止好的mom /mm/n妈妈so neat and wellbehaved .含有so .that .句式,意为“如此以至于”。consensus/knsenss/n共同意见,一致看法,共识that the music .是that引导的表语从句。香港的音乐第12段译文在一个有七百万人口的地区出现了一些世界上最伟大的流行音乐。粤语流行音乐不仅仅吸引了香港本地大批听众,还传到海外各地,粤语流行歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都非常出名。香港的音乐越来越繁荣。在世界上的大部分地区,流行音乐是两代人之间产生代沟的象征。但是粤语流行歌曲只表达了融洽与美德,香港有幸成为世界上最传统的音乐基地。明星们不穿新潮的衣服。女士们穿着干净的衬衫,男士们穿着平整的长裤。他们的形象整洁,举止良好,因此每位母亲都喜欢让自己的孩子看他们。大多数人一致认为这种音乐很好。但是它是噢,不同于其他地方。Their fans expect regular makeovers. You cant budget for looking good, you just need a blank cheque and a fashion consultant. Singer Kelly Chen changes her image once every three months. But she claims she isnt vain.As a bonus for their fans, nearly every Cantopop singer also acts in the movies, from Jackie Cheung to Faye Wong. Andy Lau regularly stars in tough guy roles and romantic edies, and their movie DVDs and VCDs sell worldwide.Hong Kong stars work hard, and the pace is hot. Some make ten movies a year, others record four CDs as well as keeping to a tight schedule of concerts and TV shows. Last year 20yearold Nicholas Tse released five albums, and his spokeswoman says that he just has to meet the deadline. Otherwise, he will soon be abandoned by his pany and his fans. When new albums e out, the stars are marketed like consumer products, as teenagers spend their allowance on the latest songs. Its far from being a parttime job.makeover /meIkv/n改头换面budget /bdIt/v制定预算,按预算来安排开支cheque /tek/n支票consultant /knsltnt/n顾问image n形象claim v声明,声称vain /veIn/adj.自负的;自视过高的in vain徒劳,无结果,白白地bonus /bns/n没有预料到的好事tough guy 坏小子DVD/dividi/数码录像光碟VCD 影音光碟pace /peIs/n速度,进度at a rapid pace 以很快的速度keep pace with与并驾齐驱/步伐一致as well as此处接动名词。keep to 遵守,遵从schedule /edjul/n计划表,进度表,日程表release v发行album n专辑spokeswoman /spkswmn/n女发言人,女代言人meet the deadline 赶上截止时间otherwise /waIz/adv.否则,要不然abandon v抛弃,遗弃e out出版market v销售allowance /lans/n津贴,补助far from完全不far from (being) satisfactory远不令人满意;远非满意parttime/pt taIm/adj.部分时间的,兼职的fulltime全职的,专职的 第35段译文歌迷们期望明星们有规律的改变。为了展示良好形象,你不能按预算安排开支,你只需要一张空白支票和一个时尚顾问。歌手陈慧琳每三个月改变一次造型。但她声称她并不自负。作为给歌迷们的惊喜,基本上所有的粤语歌手都会演电影,从张学友到王菲。刘德华就经常扮演坏小子或者拍浪漫喜剧,他们的电影光碟DVD和VCD在全世界销售。香港的明星们努力工作,拍片进度也很紧张。一些明星一年拍10部电影,另一些一年录4张唱片,还安排紧凑的演唱会和电视节目。去年,20岁的谢霆锋发行了5张专辑,他的女经纪人说这只是达到了最低线。否则,他很快就会被公司和歌迷遗弃。当新专辑发行的时候,明星们就像消费品一样被宣传,因为青少年用他们的零花钱来买最新问世的歌曲。这可远远不是一项业余工作。The fans are devoted to their stars. Online they swap information about their super heroes. They yell their names at concerts and begfor autographs. The Kings of Cantopop are Jacky Cheung, Aaron Kwok, Leon Lai, and Andy Lau and their fame is their pension, and they wont quit the concert stage for the rest of their lives. But the new talent isnt far behind. They include Hacken Lee, Andy Hui, Leo Ku, and Edmond Yung. Sammi Cheng easily sells a million albums a year. Their fans find the music clean and refreshing, and the songs are easy to sing in karaoke bars.Cantopop isnt just a type of pop music but a musical empire. Any music which has millions of fans around the world must be doing something right.be devoted to对专一,专注devote/dIvt/v为付出时间/努力/金钱等swap/swp/v(exchange)交换swap sth. for sth.用某物交换某物swap sth. with sb.跟某人交换某物super /sup/adj.极好的,了不起的,超级的yell /jel/v叫喊,叫嚷yell out 叫喊,大嚷大叫yell at 冲大喊大叫beg for 乞求,请求beg /be/v请求,恳求autograph n亲笔签名pension /penn/n养老金;退休金;抚恤金quit/kwIt/v离开,辞去其过去式和过去分词为quit或quitted;现在分词为quitting。the new talent在此处指“新出现的歌星”。far behind远远落后此处是“find宾语宾补(adj.)”结构。refreshing /rIfreI/adj.令人耳目一新的not just/only .but(also) .不仅而且which引导定语从句,修饰any music。do something right做正义之事,做正确之事 第67段译文歌迷们对他们喜爱的明星非常忠实。他们在网上相互交流超级巨星的信息。他们在他们的音乐会上大喊他们的名字并索要亲笔签名。粤语流行歌曲的天王们有张学友、郭富城、黎明和刘德华,他们的名气就是他们的养老金,他们将不会退出音乐舞台度过余生。但是新星也不甘落后,包括李克勤、许志安、古巨基和Edmond Yung。郑秀文一年很轻松地卖掉100万张专辑。歌迷们认为这些音乐纯净、令人耳目一新,很适合在卡拉OK里点唱。粤语流行歌曲不仅仅是一种流行音乐,也是音乐帝国。任何一种在世界上有上百万歌迷的音乐,必定有它的可取之处。Step 1True (T) or False (F). (Passage on P53)1Cantopop has spread all over the world._T_2Moms think it OK for their kids to watch the performances by Cantopop stars because they are wellbehaved._T_3Some Cantopop stars are abandoned by their panies because they have released too many albums._F_4Cantopop stars have more fans in Hong Kong than in the mainland._F_5The writer thinks Cantopop is more than a type of pop music._T_Step 2Choose the best answers according to the passage. (Passage on P55)1Which of the following is TRUE according to Cultural Corner?AHis large mouth gave Louis Armstrong the nickname Satchmo.BJohnsons music has influenced generations of old rock musicians.CWoody Guthrie is both a folk singer and a blues one.DGuthries song was more humourous when he was young.2Who died in 1938?ALouis Armstrong.BRobert Johnson.CWoody Guthrie. DAndy Lau.3Where was Woody Guthrie born?AIn New Orleans. BIn Mississippi.CIn Oklahoma. DIn New York.4Who was called the father of rock and roll?ALouis Armstrong. BWoody Guthrie.CRobert Johnson. DBob Dylan.5Why did the parents name their son after Woodrow Wilson?ABecause Woodrow Wilson was one of the most influential musicians in the history of music.BBecause Woodrow Wilson wrote very poetic and sad blues songs.CBecause Woodrow Wilson is known as a pioneer of protest music.DBecause Woodrow Wilson was elected President in the year when their son was born.答案:15ABCCD一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.arisev. (由)引起(产生)2.offshoreadv. 向海,离岸3.virtuen. 美德4.consensusn. 共同意见,一致看法,共识5.chequen. 支票6.vainadj. 自负的,自视过高的7.pacen. 速度,进度8.tightadj. (控制)严格的,严密的9.schedulen. 计划表,进度表,日程表10.deadlinen. 截止时间,最后期限11.otherwiseadv. 否则,要不然12.allowancen. 津贴,补助13.superadj. 极好的,了不起的,超级的14.yellv. 叫喊,叫嚷15.quitv. 离开,辞去16.protestn. 抗议.拓展词汇1.touchv触动;感动;使动心touched adj.受感动的touching adj.感人的,动人的2.boomv繁荣;兴起;迅速发展booming adj.急速发展的3.harmonyn融洽,一致harmonious adj.和谐的;和睦的4.conventionaladj.按惯例的;因袭的;传统的convention n习俗;习惯5.consultantn顾问 consult v咨询;询问6.devotev为付出时间/努力/金钱等devotion n专心;献身;热爱devoted adj.挚爱的;忠诚的7.refreshingadj.令人耳目一新的refresh v使恢复精力8.begv请求;恳求beggar n乞丐9.migrantn移民migrate v移居;迁徙migration n移居;迁徙10.humorousadj.幽默的humor n幽默1. refreshing adj.令人耳目一新的联想盘点re前缀单词recycle v回收利用restore v. 恢复;使复原remove v. 拿走,脱掉recharge v. 充电reaction n. 反应recall v. 回想2.offshore adv.向海,离岸联想onshore adj.在岸上的,海岸的3.virtue n美德联想quality n品质4.pace n速度,进度联想peace adj.和平的,平静的5.tight adj.严格的同义strict adj.严格的(通常用于指对人的行为要求符合规范)6.schedule n日程表比较timetable n时间表 (更实际,常指课程表或车、船、航班等的时刻表)7.otherwise adv.否则,要不然同义or conj.否则8.parttime adj.兼职的反义fulltime adj.全职的9.harmony n融洽,一致串记Peoples life here is full of harmony and at the same time, human and nature make a harmonious picture. 10.devote v为付出串记The educator was devoted to the educational cause of the motherland and we looked up to him as a shining example of devotion to the educational cause.二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.in order有序地2.try out 尝试3.be blessed with 有幸4e out 出版5.far from 完全不6.be devoted to 对专一,专注7.beg for 乞求,请求8.make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象1.relax your brain放松你的大脑2.test scores 测验分数3.take the test 参加考试4.do some revision 复习5.fall asleep 睡着6.meet the deadline 到最后期限7.at the age of 13 在13岁8.even so 尽管如此三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.It was the first time Id heard this kind of music. 这是我第一次听到这种类型的音乐。It was the first time that sb. had done sth.“某人第一次做某事”为固定句型,that可省略。It_was_the_first_time they had ridden in a train. 那是他们第一次坐火车。2.In my case, when Im trying to concentrate and get an essay written or do some revision, I listen to some music . 以我为例,当我试图集中精力去写文章或复习时,我就听一些音乐get an essay written是get sth.done结构,表示“使某事被做”或“让别人做某事”。He wants to get_his_performance_seen by more people. 他想让更多的人看到他的表演。3.From a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world. 在一个有七百万人口的地区出现了一些世界上最伟大的流行音乐。介词短语位于句首,句子用全部倒装。Under_that_tree_sits_a_beautiful_girl,_who is dressed in white. 树下坐着一个漂亮的女孩,她穿着白色的衣服。1(教材P48)The Song That Touched My Heart.触动我心灵的歌曲。touch v触动;感动;使动心;接触,触摸n.触摸,碰;联系 keep in touch with与保持联系get in touch with 与取得联系lose touch with 与失去联系out of touch 不联系,不接触be touched by 被所打动Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please.无论你去哪里,请与我保持联络。He asked for my address and said that he didnt want to_lose_touch_with me. 他要了我的地址并说他不想和我失去联系。They have been out_of_touch with each other since their graduation from college. 大学毕业之后,他们就失去联系了。2(教材P52)But if Im listening to loud music or rap or rock, my handwriting starts getting very bad and my thoughts dont stay in order.但是如果我听大声的音乐或说唱乐或摇滚乐,我的字迹会变得潦草而且思绪混乱。in order按顺序;有序地;整齐 in order of按的顺序in good order 秩序井然out of order 次序错误的;发生故障的put/keep . in order 使井然有序in order to 为了起见;以便in order that 为了;目的在于We must keep everything in the room in order. 我们必须使房间里的一切东西井然有序。The teacher placed the children in_order_of height. 老师按照学生个子的高矮把他们排好队。Please keep your things together. They are not in good order. 请把你的东西收拾在一起,太乱了。3(教材P52)The teacher told us that she would try out the theory and play us some classical music before the next test and see if we get better test scores!老师告诉我们她会尝试一下这个理论,在下次考试前为我们播放一些古典音乐,看我们的成绩是否会提高!try out 尝试;试验try out for参加的选拔try on 试穿try for 力图获得try ones best to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事try ones luck/fortune 碰运气In these cases, I want to try out the experience. 在这些情况下,我想去亲自体验一下。His brothers example inspired him to try out for the football team. 他哥哥的榜样激励他去接受足球队的选拔测试。In one word, we must try_our_best to do the job. 总而言之,我们必须尽力去做这项工作。4(教材P53)From a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world.在一个有七百万人口的地区出现了一些世界上最伟大的流行音乐。arise v(由)引起(产生);发生,出现;起因于;起床;起身 I arose from the chair to answer the doorbell. 我从椅子里站起来去开门。Accidents often arise from carelessness.事故往往起因于粗心。辨析比较arise, rise, raise, arouse原形过去式过去分词arise (vi.出现,发生,起因于)arosearisenrise (vi.升起,起身,增长,上升)roserisenraise (vt.举起,唤起,提高,饲养)raisedraisedarouse (vt.唤醒,唤起,激起)arousedaroused选用上述单词填空Generally speaking, the disaster will arouse sympathy from people.New difficulties will arise from this situation.The mist quickly scattered as the sun rose.She stood there watching the national flag being raised.5(教材P53)But Cantopop expresses only harmony and virtue, and Hong Kong is blessed with the most conventional music scene in the world.但是粤语流行音乐只表达了融洽与美德,香港有幸成为世界上最传统的音乐基地。harmony n融洽,一致 (1)in harmony with与融洽;与一致out of harmony with 不协调,不一致(2)harmonious adj. 和谐的,融洽的,协调的,悦耳的We must ensure that industry develops in harmony with the environment. 我们必须确保工业与环境和谐发展。The piano was out_of_harmony_with the rest of the instruments. 钢琴弹得与其他乐器不协调。We are trying to form a harmonious (harmony) society to meet peoples need. 我们正在构建和谐社会来满足人们的需要。6(教材P53)Otherwise, he will soon be abandoned by his pany and his fans.否则,他很快就会被公司和他的粉丝抛弃。otherwise (1)adv.&conj.否则,要不然(相当于or, or else)Listen to your parents.Otherwise you will regret.听你父母的话,不然你会后悔的。You must go early, otherwise/or_you_will_miss_the_bus.你必须早点走,否则就赶不上公共汽车了。 (2)adv.除此以外;在其他方面;不同地The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 这所房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意的。and otherwise等等or otherwise 或相反We will get there somehow, by train or_otherwise. 不论是搭火车或用其他方式,我们总会到达那里的。7(教材P53)When new albums e out, the stars are marketed like consumer products, as teenagers spend their allowance on the latest songs.当新专辑发行的时候,明星们就像消费品一样被宣传,因为青少年用他们的零花钱来买最新问世的歌曲。e out(1)出版,发行(不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态)When will his new novel e out?他的新小说什么时候出版?(2)(消息、真相等)被知道,为人所知When the news came_out,_everyone was shocked.得知这个消息时,人人都感到震惊。(3)露出;(太阳、月亮)出现;(花)开Its wonderful to watch the stars e out at night!看星星出现在夜空中真是美妙啊!e about发生;产生(常与how连用)e across 偶遇,碰上;被理解e to 苏醒;达到;被想出;共计e up 破土而出;被提出(不用于被动语态)e up with 想出(主意),提出(方案)How did it e about that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢?I came_across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning. 今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老校友。My assistants have e up with a very good plan. 我的助手提出了一个非常好的计划。8(教材P53)Its far from being a parttime job.这可远远不是一份业余工作。far from完全不;远非;离远 as far as远到;至于;就而言as far as Im concerned 就我而言by far 得多;尤其;显然so far 到目前为止far from it 完全相反,绝非,远非如此Far from taking my advice, he went and did just what I warned him against. 他非但不接受我的劝告,反而去做了我告诫他不要做的事。As_far_as_I_am_concerned,_I think sports are good for you.就我来说,我认为体育运动对你有好处。No agreement has been reached between them so_far. 到现在为止,他们之间还没达成协议。9(教材P53)The fans are devoted to their stars.歌迷们都忠实于他们的明星。devote vt.为付出时间/努力/金钱等 (1)devote oneself/ones life/money/energy to (doing) . 把自己/一生/金钱/精力奉献给(用于)(2)devoted adj.挚爱的;忠实的be devoted to 忠实于,专心致力于(3)devotion n. 深爱;忠诚;奉献I dont think we should devote any more time to this question.我认为我们在这个问题上不应当花费更多的时间了。Every effort has been devoted to studying (study) the origin of cancer. 已经作出最大努力来研究癌症的起因。We were deeply touched by his singleminded devotion(devote) to world peace. 他一心一意为世界和平作贡献,这使我们深受感动。语境串记Mrs.White, a devoted friend of mine, devoted all her energy to her career and her devotion to children made us vote for her.Finally, she was promoted to headmistress.怀特夫人,我的一位忠实的朋友,把所有的精力都献给了她的事业,她对孩子们的关爱使我们投票选了她。最终她被提升为校长。名师点津含有介词to的动词短语还有:object to反对pay attention to 注意get down to 开始做lead to 导致look forward to 盼望着stick to 坚持be used to 习惯于10(教材P55)“I wanted black music to make an impression on white audiences and we got some great blues, jazz and gospel artists and Robert Johnson was the greatest.”“我想使黑人音乐给白人听众留下印象。我们也有一些布鲁斯音乐、爵士音乐和福音音乐方面了不起的艺术家罗伯特约翰逊就是其中最伟大的。”make an impression on sb.给某人留下印象(其中的make可换为leave)(1)first impression第一印象(2)impress v. 使留下深刻印象be impressed with/by . 被留下印象impress sth. on sb.impress on sb. sth.使某人了解某事的重要性(3)impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的I am sure the film made an impression on everybody who saw it. 我敢肯定,这部影片给每个观众都留下了深刻的印象。The audience was impressed with/by his profound lecture. 听众对他意义深远的演讲印象深刻。This is the most impressive (impress) architecture Ive seen on this trip. 这是我此次旅行见到的最令人难忘的建筑。1It was the first time Id heard this kind of music. 这是我第一次听到这种类型的音乐。本句中It was the first time that sb. had done sth.为固定句型。若前面用was,则that从句中用过去完成时态。如果前面是is,that从句则应用现在完成时。其中it可换为this/that,后面的that可省去。It is the first time that she has been in China.这是她第一次在中国。It was the second time this week that plane crashes had_happened (happen)这是本周发生的第二次飞机坠毁事件。 (1)the first time “首次;第一次”。常引导时间状语从句,其重点不是讲第一次做什么,而是说明另一动作或情况;也可以作表语,强调到说话为止某一情况或动作的次数。(2)for the first time “首次;第一次”。表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。The two girl students talked for the first time at the beginning of the term. 两位女生开学初首次交谈。I knew we would be good friends the_first_time I met her. 第一次见到她,我就知道我们会成为好朋友。 2In my case, when Im trying to concentrate and get an essay written or do some revision, I listen to some music, because without it, its too quiet and I would fall asleep.以我为例,当我试图集中精力去写文章或复习时,我就听一些音乐,因为没有音乐就太安静了,我会睡着的。(1)get an essay written是get sth.done结构,表示“使某事被做”或“让别人做某事”。Ill just get these dishes washed and then Ill e.我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。I must get the television fixed (fix)我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。(2)“get宾语宾补”结构的用法如下:Can you get the machine running (run)?你能把这机器发动起来吗?Where are you going to get/have your hair cut (cut)?你打算到哪里去理发?I got someone to_repair (repair) my bike.我让人修理我的自行车。.单句语法填空1Ill get in touch with him and call you back later. 2He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.3When we have harmony within ourselves, we live in harmony with all others.4So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy,but it is far from ideal.We still have to work harder.5Devoted (devote) to his scientific work, he has no time to care for his family affairs.6His illness arose out of overtiredness and lack of sleep.7I got him to_help (help) me when I did the repair. 8Here are the first three volumes, the fourth one will e out next month.9The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 10Was this the first time that you had_visited (visit) the Great Wall? .完成句子1Frank made_a_good_impression_on_the_manager,_so he gave him the job.弗兰克给经理留下了好印象,因此经理给了他这个工作。2We determined to get_the_work_done before May Day. 我们决定在五一之前把工作做完。3The artistic devoted_his_life_to_pleting a great masterpiece. 这位艺术热心者奉献他一生来完成一部伟大的作品。4He may have known the truth; otherwise_he_wouldnt_be_so_angry now. 他当时很可能知道事情的真相,否则他现在不会这么生气。5As is known, mobile phones make it possible for people to_get_in_touch_with_each_other_conveniently.众所周知,移动电话使人们能够方便地相互联系对方。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1Harmonious (和谐的) societys tomorrow will be able to be better! 2Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues (美德). 3Judging from his letters, he seems to have quitted/quit(辞去) his job.4I love sailing on the lake. Its so refreshing (令人耳目一新的) to feel the wind in my hair and water on my face.5His humorous (幽默的) remark lightened the tense atmosphere.6We have learned a great deal from her devotion_(忠实) to her work and to her readiness to help others.7The children who have been encouraged by their parents to take a parttime (业余的) job will have more selfconfidence.8I know you have a tight schedule (日程), so I wont take up more of your time.9We looked to him to settle most of the troubles that arose(产生) among us. 10Ive got to leave a bit early, otherwise (否则) Ill miss the train.单句改错1We have been cleaning up the new house for a whole week, and now everything here is in the order.去掉第二个the2Most of his spare time devoted to translating those works. devoted前加was3Unluckily the astronauts lost in touch with the scientists on earth.去掉in4Emoti


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