2019年高考英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications课后达标复习检测 外研版必修1.doc

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2019年高考英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telemunications课后达标复习检测 外研版必修1.单项填空1Students should be encouraged to use_Internet as_resource.A不填;aB不填;theCthe;the Dthe;a2A team,_two doctors and three policemen,was sent to search for the lost explorers.Aconsisting of Bconsists ofCconsisted of Dto be consisted of3In xx the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000,a(n)_of 40,000 per year.Aaverage BnumberCamount Dquantity4When you start to build up a store of vocabulary it is important to use it_.Aeventually BoccasionallyCfortunately Dfrequently5Our vacation was totally ruined in the summer of xx.Not only was the food terrible,but the weather was awful_.Athough Bas wellCeither Dhowever6How is Dennis getting along with his work?Very well,he can always_a new idea for increasing sales.Ae up with Be aboutCget away with Dget up7Charles Dickens_many wonderful characters in his novels.Ainvented BdiscoveredCcreated Duncovered8Did_get through the driving test in xx?No,_.A few failed.Aeverybody;not all Banybody;no oneCeverybody;none Danybody;not all9Have you considered how weak humans are_a volcano,hurricane or earthquake?Aparing withBpared withCto pare withDhaving been pared with10He was worried,because he lost his bag_his passport,ID card and a lot of money.Aincluded BincludingCcontained Dcontaining11The government is carrying out a reform of the present educational system,in order to provide children with fair_to education.Aaccess BpassageCway Dapproach12Programmes,_to bring the old and the young together,will grow in popularity all over the world in xx.Adesigned Bto be designedCdesigning Dhaving designed13They were taken to the police station as they had entered the area without_.Apermit BpermittedCpermission Da permission14(xx福建福州市质检)Your smile is one of the strongest tools that make_possible for you to meet new people.Ait BthemCthis D/15_Id like to buy a birthday gift for my only daughter.AWhy do you e?BHow can I help you?CWhat would you like to buy?DNice to meet you!.阅读理解(创新题)Usain Bolt says he intends to defend his Olympic 100m and 200m sprint(短跑) titles at the xx Rio de Janeiro Games.The Jamaican,who kept both titles as well as the 4100m in London,said he has decided against switching to either the 400m or long jump.“To do the three sprints,that is the focus.I dont want to try any different events at Rio,” he said.“Ill just defend my titles to show the world theres a possibility I can do it again.” He insisted he had no intention of easing off in his training.Bolt,who also holds the 100m and 200m world records,said he aimed to run even faster in the year of xx,during which the World Championships will be held in Moscow.He added.“Its all about hard work.When I was doing great when I was young,people used to say I was fast for my age,but I have put a lot of work into it since I was a senior athlete.I continue to work hard,continue staying focused and pushing myself.Im sure I can go faster each year.So for me the focus right now is to see how fast I can go.”Bolt became the first man to keep both Olympic sprint titles in a time of 19.32 seconds in the 200m in London in August,with Yohan Blake in silver and Warren Weir in bronze.It came after he had seen off Blakes challenge to win the 100m in 9.63 seconds,just 0.05 seconds slower than his own world record,in what was a new Olympic best.Speaking after he had pleted his second Olympic sprint treble (三连胜),Bolt had cast doubt on his participation in the events in Rio when he said:“My coach wants me to do 400m,but I want to try long jump.Its just about making different goals.There are a lot of things I can do in the sport.”1It can be known from the first two paragraphs that _.ABolt has a clear sense of directionBBolt wont practice as hard as everCBolt won two gold medals in LondonDBolt is likely to switch to 400m sprint2From what Bolt says in the third paragraph we can infer that _.Ahe is too proud of himselfBhe is modest but stubbornChe looks down on other athletesDhe is hardworking and confident3What is the 100m world record according to the passage?A9.58 seconds. B9.63 seconds.C9.66 seconds. D9.68 seconds.4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?ABolt feels it extremely difficult to push himself ahead.BBolt doesnt know which events hed like to take part in in Rio.CBolts idea of participation in the events is different from that of his coach.DBolt wants to achieve his second Olympic treble at the xx Rio de Janeiro Games.B(创新题)Greeting gone wrongMICROSOFT founder Bill Gates,57,has found himself at the center of a cultural row since April 22.It all started with a handshake with South Koreas President Park Geynhye,61,during Gates visit to the country.Gates has been accused of disrespecting Park after he was pictured shaking hands with her with his left hand in his pocket.“Disrespectful handshake or casual handshake?” asked South Koreas largest newspaper,the DongA Ilbo.Similarly,the Joongang Ilbo newspaper asked:“Cultural difference or bad manners?”“Perhaps it was his allAmerican style,but an open jacket with a hand in his pocket?That was way too casual.It was very regretful,” Chung Jinsuk,secretary general at South Koreas National Assembly,told ABC News.In Asian countries,a onehand shake is very casual,used only when the other party is a good friend,of the same age or younger age.Using one hand with the other in the pants pocket is considered rude,often an expression of superiority toward the other.This isnt the first time Gates has broken the countrys social rules.According to AFP,Gates used a similarly casual handshake in xx with Parks predecessor Lee Myungbak.However,a picture from xx showed him giving a twohanded shake to thenpresident Kim Daejung.Some South Korean media have said that it may have been on purpose,showing his political preferences (偏向)respect for the opposition leader Kim but disrespect for the ruling party leaders Lee and Park.“Gates is a casual man whos not bound by customs so he shakes hands in this manner even when meeting heads of international organizations or top political figures,”DongA Ilbo quoted an unnamed friend of Gates in Seoul as saying.5What is the article mainly about?AHow to shake hands with people.BRules for shaking hands in different countries.CThe recent discussion about handshake manners.DGates disrespectful behavior gaining attention.6What does the underlined word “superiority” in paragraph 4 mean?Aa proud attitudeBan uncertain feelingCa positive attitudeDa feeling of dislike7The writer used Paragraphs 5 and 6 to show that _.AGates hates being bound by customsBGates doesnt like meeting with top political figuresCGates doesnt care about other countriessocial rulesDGatesonehand shake was viewed by many as disrespect8We can infer from the article that _.ASouth Koreans think that its Gates right to shake hands how he wants toBSouth Koreans think that its improper for Gates to give a onehand shakeCthe author suggests that readers be careful when shaking handsDit is very mon for Asian people to give onehand shakes必修1Module 6课后达标检测6.单项填空1解析:选D。句意:应该鼓励学生把因特网用作一种资源。Internet 前加定冠词特指因特网;第二空表示“一种资源”为泛指,前面用不定冠词。2解析:选A。consist of意为“由组成”,与句子的主语a team为主谓关系,故用现在分词作定语。3解析:选A。句意:xx获得驾照的考生人数达到了20万,平均每年4万。an average of 平均是。4解析:选D。考查副词辨析。句意:在你开始大量识记词汇时,重要的是要经常去使用词汇。frequently意为“时常;经常”;eventually意为“最后,终于”;occasionally意为“偶尔”;fortunately意为“幸运地”。5解析:选B。根据句意可知,“不但吃的很差,天气也很糟糕”,故选as well,意为“也”。6解析:选A。句意:丹尼斯工作如何?很好,他总能想到一些增加销售的新方法。e up with 提出,想出;e about 产生,发生;get away with 做错事未受惩罚;get up 起来,起床。7解析:选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意:查尔斯狄更斯在他的小说中塑造了许多精彩的人物形象。create“创造”,符合句意。invent“发明”;discover“发现”;uncover“揭开”。8解析:选A。句意:xx大家都通过驾照考试了吗?并不是全部通过,一些人未过。第一空为everybody表示“所有的人,每个人”,第二空应用not all表示部分否定。9解析:选B。句意:你考虑过跟火山、飓风及地震相比,人是多么的脆弱吗?pared with/to“和相比”,符合题意。10解析:选D。句意:他很担心,因为他丢了装有护照、身份证和许多钱的包。contain表示“装有”与bag构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此用containing,作后置定语修饰bag。11解析:选A。考查名词辨析。句意:政府正就目前的教育体制进行一项改革,目的是为孩子们提供接受教育的平等机会。access在此意为“享用权,享用机会”,access to得到的机会,权利。passage 船费,通道,段落;way 方法,方式,路;approach接近,方法,途径。12解析:选A。句意:这些旨在让老年人和年轻人聚在一块的项目,xx在全世界将会变得越来越普及。programmes与design之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动,相当于定语从句which are designed。13解析:选C。“未经许可”可以表达为without permission,without a permit或without being permitted。14解析:选A。句意:你的微笑就是你与新人交往的最强有力的工具之一。空格内为it作形式宾语,而 for you to meet new people为真正的宾语。15解析:选B。考查买东西的交际用语。服务员常以How can I help you?开始和顾客的谈话。.阅读理解A解题导语博尔特称,他想要在xx的里约热内卢奥运会上卫冕100米和200米冠军。1解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段“To do the three sprints,that is the focus.I donwant to try any different events at Rio”等可知,博尔特是一个有明确目标的人。2解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段中博尔特说的话“Its all about hard work.I have put a lot of work into it.Im sure I can go faster each year.”可以推断,博尔特训练非常刻苦而且很自信。3解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段“It came after he had seen off Blakes challenge to win the 100m in 9.63 seconds,just 0.05 seconds slower than his own world record,in what was a new Olympic best.”可知,100米的世界纪录是9.58秒。4解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“My coach wants me to do 400m,but I want to try long jump.”可以推断,对于xx奥运会上他还要参加哪种项目,博尔特和教练的看法不同。B解题导语本文介绍了比尔盖茨与韩国总统朴槿惠的随意式握手引起的争议。5解析:选C。主旨大意题。本文介绍了“盖茨式握手”引起的争议。6解析:选A。猜测词义题。由语境可知superiority意思是“优越的,卓越的”。7解析:选D。推理判断题。由第五、六段可知,“盖茨式握手”被许多人认为是不尊重人。8解析:选B。推理判断题。由文中第六段可知韩国人认为“盖茨式握手”是不合适的。


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