2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 专项语法突破9 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 专项语法突破9 外研版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 专项语法突破9 外研版必修5.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 专项语法突破9 外研版必修5.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 专项语法突破9 外研版必修51(xx江苏,35)Happy birthday!Thank you! Its the best present I _ for.Ashould have wished Bmust have wishedCmay have wished Dcould have wished答案:Dshould have done意为“本应该做”;must have done意为“一定做过”;may have done意为“可能做过”;could have done意为“本能够做,本可以做”。根据句意判断应选D项,表示“这是我能够希望得到的最好的礼物”。2(xx陕西,23)l _ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. Awont BcantCcan Dwill答案:B句意:在我们不在家期间,你对我儿子的帮助我感激不尽。can not或can never与too much连用表示“再也不过分”。故选B项。3(xx全国,17) Im going to Europe on vacation together with John if I _ find the money.Acan BmightCwould Dneed答案:Acan“能够”;might“可能”;would“愿意”;need“需要”。句意:如果我能找到那笔钱,我打算和约翰一起去欧洲度假。故选A项。4(xx江苏,28)Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but _ say where he was.Amustnt BshouldntCwouldnt Dmightnt答案:Cmustnt意为“禁止,绝对不可”;shouldnt意为“不应该”;wouldnt意为“不愿意,不想”;mightnt意为“可能不,也许不”。句意:几天后,我弟弟打电话说他很好,但是就是不说他在哪里。5(xx辽宁,24)One of our rules is that every student _ wear school uniform while at school.Amight BcouldCshall Dwill答案:C句意:我们有一项规定,每位学生在校期间都要穿校服。此处shall表示按照法律、条文、规定必须要做的事情。其他选择项均无此用法。6I havent received the camera ordered online yet.Dont worry.The things ordered online _ be delivered slowly sometimes.Amust BwouldCshould Dcan答案:D考查情态动词。can在此表示“可能”。答语后半句句意:网上订的东西有时候可能会很慢。7(xx江西,22)We _ have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.Amay not BneedntCcant Dmustnt答案:B句意:既然苏西不与我们一起吃晚饭,我们原本不必买那么多食物。neednt have done表示原本不必要做某事,但事实上已经做了。8(xx新课标全国,30)I _ use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the train es by my house.Acouldnt Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt答案:DA项意为“不能够,不可以”;B项意为“禁止,绝对不可”;C项意为“不应该”;D项意为“不必,不需要”。根据句意判断应选D项,句意:我没有必要使用闹钟把我叫醒,因为每天早晨六点钟火车都要从我的房子旁边经过。9(xx天津,8)Its quite warm here; we_ turn the heating on yet.Acouldnt BmustntCneednt Dwouldnt答案:C句意:这里现在很暖和,我们还没有必要打开供暖设备。couldnt不能;mustnt禁止,不许;neednt不必;wouldnt不愿,不想。10(xx重庆,25)_ you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone?Sorry Sir, but its urgent.ACan BShouldCMust DWould答案:C由第一句可知说话者正忙着,不满意对方的打搅,must表示与说话者主观愿望相反或表示一种不耐烦的情绪,常译成“偏要,偏偏”。can表示可能性;should表示应该;would表示将要,要,都不符合题意。句意:你现在偏要打搅我,难道你没看见我正在打电话吗?对不起,先生。但是有急事。故选C项。11(xx四川,19) I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese, and I said “Ni Hao”, just as I _ do in China.Amust BmightCcan Dshould答案:Bmight表示可能性。句意:我走近了,听见他们在说汉语。然后我就以在中国可能的打招呼方式说了声“你好”。must“必须,偏要”,can“能够,可能”,should“应该”,均不符合句意。12(xx安徽,31)Grace doesnt want to move to New York because she thinks if she _ there, she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often.Alives Bwould liveChas lived Dwere to live答案:D句意:格雷斯不想搬到纽约去,因为她认为如果她住在那儿的话,就不能经常见到她的父母了。由句意可知,这是对将来事情的虚拟。故主句中要用“would动词原形”,条件句中可以用were to do,一般过去时态或者shoulddo。所以只有D项符合题意。13(xx北京,33)We _ the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me?Ashould face Bmight face Ccould have faced Dmust have faced答案:C句意:“我们本可以一起面对困难的,但是你为什么不告诉我?”could have done sth“本可以做某事”;should do sth“应该做某事”;might do sth.“可能做某事”,must have done sth.“一定做某事”,表推测,根据句意可知选C项。14(xx北京,35)Dont handle the vase as if it _ made of steel.Ais BwereChas been D.had been答案:Bas if条件句用虚拟语气表示与现在的事实相反。句意:“不要对待那个花瓶像它是由钢制成似的。”15. (xx福建,31)We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we _ more places of interest yesterday.Avisited Bhad visitedCwould visit Dwould have visited答案:D由句子中的“我们在那个小村庄里迷了路”与otherwise可想到本题考查对过去事情的虚拟语气;otherwise等于if we hadnt lost our way in that small village,因此其主句应用“would have done”的形式,故答案为D项。16(xx湖南,29)Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.Ahave had Bhad hadChave Dhad答案:D句意:很抱歉,我现在很忙。要是我有时间,一定会与你去远足的。根据句意可知,此处表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,条件句中的谓语动词要用过去式,故D项正确。17(xx辽宁,33)Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he _ something instead of just talking.Awill do Bhas doneCdo Ddid答案:D句意:杰克是个空谈家。到了他做点事而不是夸夸其谈的时候了。it is high time从句中要用虚拟语气,其谓语动词多用一般过去时,或是should动词原形,should不能省略。故只有D项正确。18(xx山东,30)If we _ adequate preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful.Ahavent made Bwouldnt makeCdidnt make Dhadnt made答案:D在if引导的条件虚拟句中,与过去情况相反的条件句用had done的形式,主句为情态动词have done。句意:如果我们没有做好充分的准备,会议也就不会那么顺利。故选D项。19(xx陕西,17)If my car _ more reliable, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.Awas Bhad beenCshould be Dwould be答案:B根据would have driven可知是与过去的事实相反,故if条件句用过去完成时。句意:如果我的车子再可靠一点的话,我就会开车而不是乘飞机去拉萨了。20(xx天津,15)We would have called a taxi yesterday if Harold _us a ride home.Adidnt offer Bwouldnt offerChasnt offered Dhadnt offered答案:D句意:昨天,如果不是哈罗德让我们搭他的车回家,我们就叫辆出租车了。表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,条件句的谓语动词用过去完成时。

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