2019-2020年高中英语 课后巩固训练 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 课后巩固训练 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train 外研版必修1Elementary exercises(基础题).Fill in the blanks with the right word or phrase in the box.(用方框里的单词或短语的适当形式填空。)get onget offrefer tofrightenallowshoot1.In his speech the headmaster_ the great help the school received from the local government.2.What a_ noise!3.The little boy _ the bus as soon as it stopped,but to his disappointment,there was no seat left.4.Dont_ the bus before it has stopped.5.She was _ in the leg.6.My parents dont _ me to stay outside alone at night.答案:.1.referred to本句意为“在发言中,校长提到了地方政府对学校的大力支持”。由后面的received可知refer要用其过去式。2.frightening本句意为“多可怕的声音”。frighten是动词,其形容词形式为frightening(可怕的)和frightened(受惊吓的),前者通常修饰物,后者通常修饰人。3.got on本句意为“车一停下小男孩就上了车,令他失望的是,车上已没有空位了”。 由后面的stopped可知get要用其过去式。4.get off本句意为“车停稳前别下”。因为是祈使句,故要用动词原形。5.shot本句意为“她被击中了腿”。腿是被击中,故要用被动语态。6.allow本句意为“夜晚我父母不允许我独自外出”。allow sb.to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“允许某人做某事”。.Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.One sentence has each.(改正下列各句中的错误,每句只有一处。) 1.What do you think is he doing now?2.Everyone attended the meeting holding last week.3.We will go until we get our pay.4.They didnt any more need the camels.5.The letters PRC are short of “the Peoples Republic of China”.6.He has just returned back from America.7.Try to phone him if you cant find him at work.8.We express our feeling by means with words.答案:1.is hehe is此题考查了“特殊疑问词+do you think+陈述句?”这一结构。结构中的do you think可看作插入语,但又影响了句子的语序,要用陈述语序。2.holdingheldhold a meeting意为“召开会议”。held last week为过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于which was held last week从句。3.willwont/will后加notnot.until意为“直到才”。本句意为“直到拿到我们的报酬我们才走”。4.any more移至句末not.any more结构中的any more常位于动词和宾语后。5.offorbe short of意为“缺乏”,而be short for为“是的缩写”。6.去掉backreturn不与back连用。7.to phonephoningtry to do意为“努力做”,而try doing意为“试着做”。本句意为“如果在班上找不到他,试试打电话给他”。8.withofby means of为固定搭配,意为“通过;靠”。Integrated exercises(综合题)plete the following paragraph according to the text. (根据课文内容填空。)Im Alice.Im 18 years old.Recently I had my first _ on the famous Ghan train.I got on in _ and got _ in Alice Springs.I spent two days on the train and we ate great meals _ by experts.The _ was colorful,but suddenly we saw _ farms _ more than a hundred years ago.Sometimes,I read _ and talked to other_.At night,I watched the night_.Ghan is _ for Afghanistan.There is a story about it.A long time ago,Australians used _ for traveling to the middle of the country,but they didnt like the hot weather and sand.So Australians used _ camels to carry food and other supplies.In the 1920s,the government built a new_ line,so they didnt need the camels _.答案:ride;Sydney;off;cooked;scenery;abandoned;built;books;passengers;sky;short;horses;trained; railway; any more.Reading prehension(阅读理解)On this program,going places takes viewers on a trip to South Africa,a nation still rediscovering itself.Find out what life is like in several of South Africas hunting areas.Explore the gold mines and the diamond centers near Johannesburg,the largest city in sub-Saharan Africa.Visit the weling city of Cape Town and try some local lobsters.Drive to the Stellenbosch wine country and sample the local wine.Listen to the sounds of Joseph Shabalala and Ladysmith Black Mambazo.On this program,going places takes viewers“down under”to Sydney,Australia,with its beautiful beaches,relaxed people,and interesting history.Drink some beer at the Lord Nelson Hotel,bargain for boomerangs at the Rocks Market,and go into the bush to explore Australias wild outback,where wallabies run free.Taste all kinds of food from freshly-caught local fish to emu,crocodile,and even kangaroo.On this program,going places takes viewers on a trip to New York City,a place where you can spend a lifetime and still not see it all.Go high above towering skyscrapers in a helicopter or take a more grounded tour on a double-decker bus.Enjoy New Yorks cooking everything from smoked fish and bagels to frozen custard and pizza.Learn about the history at Ellis Island,and then head uptown to Harlems Strivers Row.Take a break and relax in Central Park.Then go for dinner at Sardis and see a Broadway show.On this program,going places takes viewers on a trip to Turkey,where East meets West and old mixes with new to form an exotic and colorful culture.Visit the beautiful Blue Mosque,tour the well-preserved ancient city of Ephesus,and see the treasures of kings at Tokapi Palace.Explore the rugged“Turquoise Coast”of Antalya by sea boat and then go underground to the cave of Cappadocia.Take a fortable bath at a hamam,try exotic foods from street vendors,and bargain with shopkeepers in Istanbul.Read the passage and fill in the blanks.Three words at most for each.1.You can experience the mixed culture of East and West in _.2.The city which is famous for gold and diamonds is _.3._ is the city that you cant see all even if you live there all your life.答案:1.Turkey2.Johannesburg3.New York City Link to test(链接).Multiple choice(单项选择)1.北京 _ leave at the end of this month.I dont think you should do that until_ another job.A.Im going to;youd foundB.Im going to;youve foundC.Ill;youll findD.Ill;youd find答案:Bbe going to和will都表示一般将来时,前者有“打算”的意思,没有后者那么肯定,且由第二句“直到你找到工作我认为你才可以那么做”,可判断“找到工作”会对下决定造成影响,故第二空要用现在完成时。2.xx上海春季 It was foolish of him to _his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.A.stick toB.refer toC.keep toD.point to答案:Bstick to意为“坚持”;refer to意为“参考;查阅”;keep to意为“保持”;point to意为“指向”。根据句子意思可知应选B项。3.xx天津 Helen was much kind to her youngest son than to the others,_,of course,make the others envy him.A.whoB.thatC.whatD.which答案:D空格地方缺一个词作主语,且指代前面整个句子的内容。who不能代替句子,that不用于非限制性定语从句,what不能引导定语从句,which可用在非限制性定语从句中用来指代前面整个句子。4.xx全国 “We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob,_ out of the window.A.lookingB.to lookC.lookedD.having looked答案:Alooking表示与谓语同时发生的动作,在句中作伴随状语。表示一边往窗外看,一边说因天气原因不能出去。5.xx上海 Bills aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising on TV is illegal,_?A.isnt itB.is itC.isnt heD.is he 答案:A主语是Bills aim,谓语是is,且主句为肯定形式,所以反意疑问句用isnt it。6.xx全国 The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a_ of 60 miles.A.lengthB.distanceC.wayD.space答案:Ba distance of.意为“一段距离”,其余三个选项均不符合题意。快乐时光Chief is at the weddingA police stopped a motorist who was speeding on the street.“But officer,”the man said,“I can explain.”“Just be quiet,”snapped the officer.“Im going to put you in jail until the chief gets back.”“But,officer,I.”“I said to keep quiet!You are going to jail!”A few hours later,the officer looked in on his prisoner and said,“You are lucky because the chief is at his daughters wedding.Hell be in a good mood when he gets back.”“Are you sure?”answered the man in the cell.“Im the groom.”在婚礼上的长官一名警察向一名在路上驰骋的摩托车司机示意并叫他停下。“但是,长官,”那个人说道:“我可以解释。”“安静点,”警察突然打断了他的话。“我要把你送进监狱,直到局长回来。”“但是,长官。我”“我说了让你保持安静!你要进监狱了!”几个小时之后,警察看着他的囚犯说,“你很幸运了,因为局长在她女儿的婚礼上。他回来的时候一定心情不错。”“你确定吗?”监狱里的那人说,“我就是新郎。”

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