2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 The computer the ination age grammar教案(1) 冀教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 The puter the information age grammar教案(1) 冀教版必修3一。总述: 为了便于讲解,我将英语中的时态,分为现在时和过去时。现在时包括一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,姑且把将来时也归入此类。过去时包括,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。一般来说,时态对应是指现在时对应现在时,过去时对应过去时。当然,特殊语境需要特别分析。二。时态对应主要包括以下的典型用法。1。下列情况下,如果主句是将来时用will/shall/can/must/或者主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时。1在 if /unless/ even if/ 引导的条件状语从句中.如:You will be punished unless you go though with the work.I wont attend the party even if I am invited.2在when/before/until/as soon as/the moment/ once/引导的时间状语从句中。如:Ill let you know the moment I get timely information.Once you realize your mistake, youll regret for what youve done.3在 no matter what/no matter who/no matter when/no matter where/no matter how/no matter which/或者 whatever/whoever/whenever/wherever/however/whichever 引导的让步状语从句中。如:Ill believe whatever you have said.However difficult the problem is ,well overe it .Wherever you go,Ill follow you.We can help whoever gets in trouble.2。在 祈使句+and/or+句子 的模式中,and/or 后的句子常用将来时态。如:Put on the coat,or youll catch a coldWork hard,and youll make rapid progress.3。注意used to/would 区别。他们都表示过去常常。但would 常和时间连用,而used to 不可以。如:When I was a boy, I would swim every day.4.be about to do 如果用在简单句中,常用一般现在时。如果用在复合句中,常和when 引导的过去时的从句连用。如:I am about to leavewhen i was about to fall asleep when someone knocked the door.但要注意be about to do 不和具体的时间连用。我们不可以说,We are about to leave this afternoon ,应说,we are about to leave或者说,we will be leaving this afternoon.5.语境中的过去时常表示“刚刚,刚才”之意,暗示现在已经不是这样.如:Sorry,I didnt know you were here .6.表示愿望,打算一类的词,如hope, expect, mean, intend, want, think, suppose, want 等,其过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的愿望或意图。如:-Why havent you attended the party?-I had meat to,but I was busy.7.在 It/This be the first/second/-time+that 句中。如果be 为一般现在时,that后的句子一般用现在完成时或一般现在时,如果 be为一般过去时,that后的句子为过去完成时。如:This is the first time that I have met the famous scientist.This is the first time that he gets involved in the tournament.8.在 It be +段时间 +since 从句中,如果be 表现为 is或has been 形式,since 从句用过去时,如果be 表现为was 或 had been,从句用过去完成时。如:It is 3 years since he has taught in this university.9.在.hardly.when/.no sooner.than.结构中,hardly/no sooner 所在的主句用过去完成时,when/than所在的从句用一般过去时。而且,如果 hardly/no sooner 放在句首,主句部分要部分到装,从句结构不变。如:I had hardly recognized him when he turned up.Hardly had I recognized him when he turned up.No sooner had the train left than I got to the railway station.10. 在“主句+before+从句”的结构中,如果主句和从句中动词先后顺序明显,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时;如果主句和从句的动作先后顺序不明显,主从句都用一般过去时。如,The film had been on for 30 minutes before I got there .He hurriedly went out before I said a word.11.在 it be+段时间+before从句中,如果从句是一般现在时,主句中的 动词用will be形式。如果从句中的动词是一般过去时,主句动词用 was的形式。如:It will not be some time before he graduates.It was 3 years before he graduated.12.在“will/shall be doing结构中将来进行时,其后往往跟上具体的将来时间。如:The plane will be flying over the Pacific this time tomorrow morning.13.在“by + 时间”的结构中,如果时间是过去时间,主句中的行为动词常为过去完成时,但如果句中的动词是状态动词be ,仍然用一般过去时。如果时间是将来时间,主句中的行为动词用将来完成时,同样,如果句中的动词是状态动词be,仍然用将来时。如:By the end of last year,they had pleted the task.By last month,he was 10 years old.By he joined the army,he had served us as a cook for 5 years.By next month,we will have learned Lesson 21.14.在“主语+介词+主语”的结构中,句中的动词要以第一个主语作为标准,这类介词有with/together with/as well as/等。如:The teacher together with the students is going to Hongkong tomorrow.The dog ,as well as ten sheep is going to be shipped to Qingdao .15.在 neither.nor./either.or./there be.等结构中,采用“就近原则”。如:Were neither you nor he there when the accident happened ?Neither you nor he was there when the accident happened.There is a pen and ten books on the desk.There are ten books and one pen on the desk.16.注意一般过去时 和 过去进行时的区别。一般过去时可以指过去动作的完成,而过去进行时仅表示动作的进行。如:-Has he finished the book?-Ive no idea, but he_ it last week.A.wrote B.was writing学生很容易选A。从 Ive no idea仔细分析,可以知道本句的动作是进行,而不是完成。所以B是正确的。

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