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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Units35考点突破练新人教版选修.阅读理解AEvery year,TIME editors take a look at the past years coolest inventions.In xx,they picked 25 favorites.These inventions are making the world better,smarter and a little more fun.Here are some exciting ones.A See-through TruckToo often people meet with car accidents because a large vehicle blocks their view.This is especially true in Argentina.The South American country is known for its winding and narrow roads.However,Samsung and ad agency Leo Burnett have e up with a creative solution: the Safety Truck.The system sends video footage (片段) in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of whats ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,” said Sang Jik Lee,president of Samsung Electronics Argentina.A Virtual (虚拟的) Pencil and PaperIn the 450 years or so since its invention,a pencil has bee so mon.Its easy to forget how great technology is.It writes darker words when you press it harder.Its marks can be erased (擦掉)Its difficult to digitally copy the way it works.Thats what makes Apples latest effort so impressive.The Apple Pencil allows users to draw,paint,or write on a screen,just as they do on a piece of paper.The Apple Pencil goes for $99,and the iPad Pro is $799.Easy-on ShoesIn xx,Matthew Walzer,a high school student with a disability,sent a note to Nike.“My dream is to go to college,” he wrote,“without having to worry about someone ing to tie my shoes every day.” Nike appointed a design team to the challenge.This year,they came up with their solution:the Flyease.The basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand.The idea for the mechanism came from “opening and closing a door,” said Tobie Hatfield,the shoes head designer.A pair of Nike Flyease shoes sells for $130.【语篇解读】本文是应用文,题材为日常生活类。本文介绍了几个xx年最酷的发明创造。这些发明创造与人们的生活相关,能极大地提高人们的生活质量。1Once put to use,the Safety Truck_Awill be very expensiveBwill only be sold in ArgentinaCcan greatly reduce car accidentsDcan be the most popular truck in the world答案C细节理解题。根据文章第二段The system sends video footage in front of a truck to four screens on its back.It gives drivers a clear view of whats ahead.“We believe this will change the history of road safety,”可知,安全卡车能告诉司机前方有什么,可以极大地减少交通事故。2What makes the Apple Pencil different from the mon pencil?AIt writes more smoothly.BIts marks cannot be erased.CIt can be digitally used on a screen.DUsers have to press it harder when writing.答案C细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Its difficult to digitally copy the way it works.Thats what makes Apples latest effort so impressive可知C项正确。”3It can be learned that Matthew Walzer_Ahas only one foot Bmight have one disabled handCcant play basketball Dwants a pair of Nike shoes答案B细节理解题。根据文章最后一段without having to worry about someone ing to tie my shoes every day和The basketball shoes can be fastened with one hand可知,Matthew Walzer可能有一只手残疾。BJulianne Moore talks about why people are so touched by her film Still Alice.“Its not just because its a disease movie,” she says of the story of Dr.Alice Howland,a 50-year-old university professor and a mother of three who is struck with Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默氏病)“Its a movie about mortality (生命的有限) and being,” she says.“It makes us really think about our lives.Youre never closer to loving life than when youre closest to loss.”And Moore is loving her life right now.The actress,54,lives in New York City with her husband,who shes been with for 19 years and married to for 10.They have two kids,a son,Caleb,17,and a daughter,Liv,12.And home really is where her heart is.“Theres nowhere else I want to be.I see a great amount of purpose there and have a real feeling of belonging,” she says.Not only is she a mom with a family,shes also a five-time Oscar nominee (被提名人)“The most difficult thing for me as an actor is dealing with accuracy,with specificity.When you havent actually experienced something,you have a responsibility to be as true as possible,” Moore says.Thats why the first thing she told directors when she took the part of Alice was,“I dont want to represent anything on screen that I dont have experience of.I dont think its fair.” She did four months of research for Still Alice,talking to real women with Alzheimers,doctors working with patients,and visiting a long-term care home.And the results have left viewers moved to tears.So far shes already won a Golden Globe and a Critics Choice award.She may finally win an Academy Award,too.And yes,she wants to win.“Thats the nomination from your peers (同龄人),” she says.“Its a very,very big deal.”She hopes Still Alice affects viewers the same way it did her.“Its uplifting,” she says.“Its about what you love,who you value and how much you love being alive.”【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国女演员朱丽安摩尔以及她主演的电影依然爱丽丝。4What can we learn about Still Alice?AIt is encouraging.BIt makes people sad.CIt is based on a true story.DIt was written by Julianne Moore.答案A细节理解题。由第一段中的It makes us really think about our lives以及最后一段的Its uplifting 可知,Still Alice是一部励志片。5Julianne Moores words in Paragraph 2 show that_Ashe has no sense of belongingBshe attaches great importance to her familyCshe thinks family is more important than a careerDshe has achieved a balance between family and career答案B细节理解题。由第二段可知,Moore家庭幸福。对她来说,家便是她心之所在,家赋予了她生活的意义及归属感。故选B项。6We can infer from Paragraph 3 that_AMoore shows great devotion to her careerBthe filming of Still Alice lasted four monthsCMoore refused to play the part of Alice at firstDthe film Still Alice was badly received by critics答案A推理判断题。由第三段中Julianne Moore说的话When you havent actually.as true as possible以及她为了出演Still Alice进行了为期四个月的调查研究可以推断,她很敬业。7Whats Moores attitude towards winning an Academy Award?AShe doubts it.BShe cares about it.CShe is uncertain about it.DShe thinks it unimportant.答案B推理判断题。由第三段末的And yes,she wants to win.“Thats the nomination from your peers,” she says.“Its a very,very big deal.”可知,Julianne Moore很在乎奥斯卡奖。.完形填空One of the most positive lessons I got from my parents was to treat others the way I wanted to be treated.I _1_made a big deal of it,but today I realize that if everyone in the world obeyed that _2_,there would be much less violence and _3_I know how much the lesson can _4_a child.And I wouldnt want my children to _5_corrupting in this world,so Ill teach my children “The Golden Rule”Another important lesson my _6_always gave me was to keep clean.Although I got _7_at times,and didnt want to clean up,Im glad that I had my parents who had me do it at once.Most kids_8_their parents clean up for them,but my parents always lectured (训诫) me into taking my own _9_Whether I cleaned up my room or I _10_my dishes,I did what I had to do.If you “baby” your children throughout all their _11_of being under your household,they wont be _12_when its time to let them go.Have you ever heard of “_13_with your peers (同伴)”?Well,that lesson is one of my favorites!Lets say you have extra money _14_lunch,but someone has no money,and is _15_Well,if you share that money with the person,it will _16_you out in your own time of need.Im grateful to have my parents that _17_me about sharing.As a father,I will happily ask my children to know all the benefits of sharing with others.Parents are important in childrens _18_They are what makes the kids what they are,so parents should set themselves as good _19_,and give children good thoughts,_20_the children can live by them.【语篇解读】作者从他的父母那里得到许多积极的经验。其中之一是以自己想要别人对待自己的方式去对待别人;一个是保持整洁;另一个是学会与别人分享。作者将永远记住这些重要的经验,并将传递给他的孩子。1A.always Bnever Ceven Dyet答案B根据下文“but today I realize”可知,此刻作者已经意识到了父母的教诲。由此可知,起初他完全没有把它当回事。2A.promise Bthought Clesson Dlaw答案C根据上文“One of the most positive lessons I got from my parents”可知,作者从父母那里得到了积极的教益。由此可知,此处为lesson(教益)。3A.killing BdiscussionCfriendship Dpollution答案A根据上文“much less violence”可知,会有更少的暴力,与violence并列的应为贬义词,且程度相当。因此选A.killing杀戮。B.discussion讨论;C.friendship友谊;D.pollution污染。4A.destroy Bimpact Cprotect Dimpress答案B根据文章第一句“positive lessons”可知,作者得到的是积极的教益。由此可知,作者知道它对孩子的影响有多大。5A.begin with Bstay onCgo on Dend up答案D根据下文“Ill teach my children The Golden Rule”可知,作者要教他的孩子“黄金法则”。由此可知,作者不想让他的孩子得到一个堕落的结局。6A.parents BfriendsCpartners Dclassmates答案A根据文章第一句“One of the most positive lessons I got from my parents”可知,这些教益是来自他的父母。7A.slow Bfree Ckind Dlazy答案D根据下文“and didnt want to clean up”可知,作者不想打扫。由此可知,作者有时也懒惰起来。8A.had Bhelped Csaw Dsuggested答案A根据上文“but my parents always lectured me into cleaning up my own”可知,作者的父母让他打扫自己的房间。由此可知,大多数孩子是让他们的父母为他们打扫卫生。9A.measures BresponsibilitiesCefforts Ddecisions答案B作者的父母总是教育他要自己的事情自己做,承担起自己的责任。10A.washed Bmade Cbought Dused答案A根据下文的“dishes”可知,用“wash”,洗碗。11A.things Byears Cholidays Dcareers答案B如果你溺爱你的孩子,在他们的成长过程中会出现问题。“throughout all their years of being under your household”指孩子在父母身边的这些时间里,父母包揽了孩子的家务工作。12A.careless Bhappy Cready Dfunny答案C根据下文“when its time to let them go”可知,当该放手让孩子自己做事的时候,他们不会准备好。13A.play Bstay Ctalk Dshare答案D根据下文“share that money with the person”、“about sharing”及“benefits of sharing with others”提示可知,此处为与同伴“分享”。14A.at Bto Cfor Don答案C“extra money for lunch”指买午餐之外剩余的钱。15A.painful Bhungry Cwarm Dcold答案B根据上文“extra money _14_ lunch,but someone has no money”可知,你吃饭有多余的钱,而别人没钱。由此可知,此时别人肯定是饥饿的。16A.put Bfind Cturn Dhelp答案D根据下文“in your own time of need”可知,你在别人困难的时候与别人分享,在你需要帮忙的时候,就会有人帮你解决困难。“help out”意为“帮助解决困难”。17A.warned Basked Ctaught Dcalled答案C作者感激他的父母教会了他“与人分享”的教益。18A.heart BmindCexperience Dlife答案D根据下文“They are what makes the kids what they are”可知,这些决定了孩子将来成为什么样的人。因此父母对孩子生活的影响是非常重要的。19A.examples BfiguresCeducators Dteachers答案A父母要以身作则,为孩子树立好的榜样。20A.but Balthough Cso Das答案C父母为孩子灌输好的思想,这样孩子才会依靠它们过好自己的生活。.语法填空Once,in a lovely garden,lived the most beautiful butterfly in the world.She was so pretty,and had won so many beauty contests _1_she became very proud.One day,a cockroach (蟑螂) got fed up with her showing off,and decided _2_(teach) her a lesson.She went to see the butterfly,and in front of everyone she _3_(say) that the butterfly unfairly won those _4_(pete) and that in fact the cockroach was more beautiful.The butterfly was angry and said to the cockroach,“I _5_(beat) you in a beauty contest,with whichever judge you choose.”“OK,I accept.See you on Saturday,” answered the cockroach,and left _6_waiting for a reply.That Saturday everyone went to the beauty contest.The butterfly arrived _7_(plete) confident of victory until she saw _8_the judges were: cockroaches,worms,beetles.All of them preferred the ugliness and bad smell of the cockroach.The butterfly was left _9_(cry) and disappointed,wanting never to enter another beauty contest in her life.Fortunately,the cockroach forgave the butterfly for her pride and _10_became friends.答案1.that考查连词。so.that意为“如此以至于”。2to teach考查不定式作宾语的用法。decide to do sth意为“决定做某事”。3said考查一般过去时。由上下文可知say所表示的动作发生在过去,故填said。4petitions考查名词。those后需跟可数名词的复数形式,且设空处意为“竞赛”,故填petitions。5will beat考查一般将来时。由下句中的on Saturday可知,beat是将来发生的动作,故填will beat。6without考查介词。此处表示蟑螂没有等待答复就离开了,故填without。7pletely考查副词。设空处修饰形容词confident,故填副词pletely。8who考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且从句意为“评委们都是谁”,故填who。9crying考查动词-ing形式作主语补足语的用法。The butterfly和cry之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且由and disappointed可知设空处作主语补足语,故填crying。10they考查代词。设空处指代the cockroach and the butterfly,故填they。

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