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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Unit2Healthyeating课时训练新人教版必修.单句语法填空1Perhaps evolution(进化) provided human babies with _(curious) and a natural drive to explain their worlds.(xx浙江,阅读C)2Gossip(闲话) also can have a third effect: it _(strength) unwritten,unspoken rules about how people should act.(xx浙江,阅读A)3Two weeks have passed since you came to our school for the exchange program,which we all have benefited _(xx天津,书面表达)4Move slowly,then be sure to keep _ balance and dont let your body shake.5Some people believe that they cant help _ (put) on weight as they get older.6As part of _ healthy diet,eat more fruits and vegetables each day.7My husband must _(gain) weight.The sweater that used to fit him well is now too tight for him.8He knew he could get through any emergency by doing _ he could to the best of his ability.9Its great for women to have their children and jobs _ (bine)10_ you want to catch a fish you need to think like a fisherman.答案1.curiosity2.strengthens3.from4.your 5putting6.a7.have gained8.what9bined10.If.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1They stood there,glared at each other without a word.2Im very sorry to have had you wait for so long.3There is no possibility that he will keep his word.He is always told lies.4Shes getting tired of go into that office every day.5Knowledge can be of very benefit to everybody.6China today is no longer that what she used to be thirty years ago.7In order to make herself more beautiful,she had her hair cutting yesterday.8Its unfair that he gets away from cheating because hes a famous author.9He looked about for her everywhere,felt deeply frustrated at her disappearance.10This country has in debt for a year because of the financial crisis.Now things have improved a little.答案1.glaredglaring2.waitwaiting3.toldtelling4.gogoing5.verygreat6.去掉that 7cuttingcut8.fromwith9.feltfeeling10.has后加been.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1这是保持健康的几条建议。(keep healthy)_2你需要健康平衡的饮食。(balanced diet)_3不要吃富含糖类和脂肪的食物。(contain)_4它们会很容易让你长胖。(put on weight)_5因此你应该减少它们的摄入量。(cut down)_6为了健康,充分的休息是必要的。(for the benefit of)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Here are some tips to keep healthy.2You need a healthy and balanced diet.3Dont eat the foods containing too much sugar and fat.4They will make you put on weight easily.5Therefore,you should cut down the amount of them.6It is necessary to have enough rest for the benefit of your health.(二)【参考范文】Here are some tips to keep healthy.You need a healthy and balanced diet; besides,dont eat the foods containing too much sugar and fat,which will make you put on weight easily.Therefore,you should cut down the amount of them.At the same time,it is necessary to have enough rest for the benefit of your health.阅读理解Americans spend more than $20 billion a year on supplements (营养品) in the hope of preventing cancer,heart disease and dementia (痴呆)However,a new study shows they provide no benefit and they may even be dangerous for people.Researchers say people have spent too much money on pills that bring no benefit,and in some cases may even be harmful.Whats worse,some panies even casually state that their products can have a positive effect on some kinds of diseases.Enough is EnoughAn international team of researchers conducted three different studies.The first was a study that looked at the consumption of a daily multivitamin (复合维生素) to prevent disease and cancer in more than 450,000 participants.These pills had no obvious effect on death.The second study looked into the effect of a daily multivitamin after a heart attack in about 1,700 men and women over an average of five years.No advantage could be found.The third study looked into the use of a multivitamin to prevent dementia in nearly 6,000 men aged 65 or older.Again,nothing.“These vitamin pills should not be used for disease prevention.Enough is enough,” said researchers.Dangerous to Your HealthIf that wasnt bad enough,researchers also found that vitamin E,when taken in large doses (剂量),can be harmful.Surprisingly,smokers who took some supplements were at an increased risk of developing cancer.Besides,too many vitamin pills can do harm to people.Instead of taking in vitamins and minerals,experts suggest that people should eat fruits and vegetables,reduce fat and salt and take exercise.【语篇解读】本文是说明文,题材为日常生活类。很多人觉得维生素可以补充营养,长期服用还能预防疾病。研究表明,吃营养品对健康无效,吃多了还有害。1Whats the best title for the text?AVitamins and minerals are a waste of moneyBAmericans dislike eating fruits and vegetablesCThree studies on supplements on saleDAmericans value health more答案A主旨大意题。本文主要讲研究表明,吃营养品对健康无效,吃多了还有害,所以花钱买营养品是一种浪费。2What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?AThe government should punish some panies.BAmericans are unlikely to suffer heart attacks.CPeople know they have been cheated.DPeople should stop taking these pills.答案D推理判断题。根据文章第一段they may even be dangerous for people和第二段Researchers say people have spent too much money on pills that bring no benefit,and in some cases may even be harmful可知,吃营养品对健康无效,吃多了还有害。3The author mentions vitamin E to_Awarn smokers against vitamin EBshow vitamin E does harm to healthCpersuade readers to give up vitamin EDprove blindly taking in vitamin E is dangerous答案D细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段If that wasnt bad enough,researchers also found that vitamin E,when taken in large doses,can be harmful可知,研究人员发现,大剂量服用维生素E对身体有害。4The text may be selected from_Aa storybook Ba medical journalCan agricultural magazine Dan engineering textbook答案B推理判断题。这篇文章主要讲过多摄入营养品对身体健康不利,这和医学有关,故这篇文章可能选自医学杂志。.阅读七选五Shed (去掉) that sweet toothThe World Health Organization (WHO) has set new dietary guidelines for people around the world.The guidelines advise people to cut back on their sugar intake to stay healthy.The guidelines do not apply to the sugars in fresh fruits and vegetables or those that are naturally present in milk.According to the WHO,there is no reported evidence of negative effects of consuming those sugars._1_These include sugars that are added to processed foods and drinks such as cookies,candy,and soft drinks._2_That is because they exist in foods we might not think of as sweets,such as honey and ketchup (番茄酱)Health experts advise consumers to look at ingredients on food packages to help make better-informed decisions.In the US.,adults currently get about 11% to 15% of their calories from added sugars._3_For adults in Hungary and Norway,it is about 7%.In Spain and the United Kingdom,sugar makes up as much as 17% of adults diets.Kieran Clarke,scientist of the University of Oxford,said,“_4_ Even if you are not eating lollies (棒棒糖) and candy,you are probably eating a fair amount of sugar.”But Clarke also notes that for those people who cant shake their love for sweets,getting more exercise is a good solution.She said,“_5_But its very hard to avoid large amounts of sugar unless all youre eating is fruits and vegetables.”ASweet treats can be hard to resist.BIn Europe,sugar intake varies by country.CNew health guidelines advise less sugar in our diets.DThe trouble is,we really do like sugar in a lot of things.EIf you get enough exercise,you can eat almost anything.FAdded sugars are sometimes described as “hidden” sugars.GInstead,the new guidelines focus on “added” or “free” sugars.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。世界卫生组织建议人们减少糖的摄入量。1GG项与下文的These include sugars that are added to processed foods and drinks相呼应。2F下文的That is because they exist in foods we might not think of as sweets与F项构成因果关系。3B下文列举了在欧洲不同国家糖摄入量的不同情况。故B项恰当。4DD项与下文的Even if you are not eating lollies and candy,you are probably eating a fair amount of sugar相呼应,强调很多食物中都含糖。5EE项与上文的getting more exercise is a good solution相呼应,指出运动可以消耗掉糖。.短文改错Like a movie lover,I used to stay home watching TV during the summer holidays.After doing my homework,I always spend too much time in front of the TV set.Unless my parents encouraged me go outside and get some fresh air,I didnt listen to them.The summer holiday is ing and all I want to do are lie on the couch and watch TV as usually.However,Ive been told the park in our area will offer free movies the whole family can watch them soon.The news which we can watch movies under the star really makes us happy.After all,we can watch some movies together with our family while enjoyed the fresh air.答案 a movie lover,I used to stay home watching TV during the summer holidays.After doing my homework,I always too much time in front of the TV set. my parents encouraged me go outside and get some fresh air,I didnt listen to them.The summer holiday is ing and all I want to do lie on the couch and watch TV as .However,Ive been told the park in our area will offer free movies the whole family can watch soon.The news we can watch movies under the really makes us happy.After all,we can watch some movies together with our family while the fresh air.书面表达某英文网站正在进行主题为“好睡眠,好生活”的征文活动。请你用英语写一篇参赛作文,要点包括:1良好睡眠的重要性;2如何养成良好的睡眠习惯。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Having a good sleep is of great importance for us.【参考范文】Having_a_good_sleep_is_of_great_importance_for_us. As is often the case,a good sleep can fill us with energy for the ing day,allowing us to do our studies and jobs in an effective way.Besides,going to bed early and having a good sleep can really benefit our health,and help ensure that we have a happy life.To have a good sleep habit,first of all you should understand its importance,keep a good sleep pattern,and follow it strictly.Second,its highly remended that you go to sleep before 10 pm.If you have had trouble falling asleep for a long time,you should consult a doctor.

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