2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Ahealthylife同步检测 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Ahealthylife同步检测 新人教版选修6.单词拼写1He felt they had_(滥用,妄用)his trust by talking about him to the press.2Youve put me in an_(令人尴尬的)position.3Her position in the party has_(加强)in recent weeks.4He didnt work hard and was fired_(最终)5The employee_(辞职)from the pany because he was not promoted.6He used to get up late but now he is_(习惯于)to getting up early.7He admitted that he was an_(不合法的)immigrant.8The heating system in the hotel has an_(自动的) temperature control.9With just four months left, the students of Senior 3 are being more_(紧张的)each day.10He_(冒险)losing the train to help the old lady.答案:1.abused2.awkward3.strengthened4.eventually5quitted6.accustomed7.illegal8.automatic9.stressful10risked.完成句子1I feel sleepy. I_ _ _ _ _ _(想喝点茶). (feel)2Were still_ _ _ _ _ _(试图确定地点)for the activity.(decide)3His girlfriend has left him, because_ _ _ _ _(他喝酒成瘾)(addicted)4_ _ _ _ _(尽管年事已高), he still leads an active life.(spite)5Have you_ _ _ _ _ _(习惯了你在学校的生活)?(accustom)6He has_ _ _ _(养成习惯)of turning on the puter as soon as he es back from work.(get)答案:1.feel like having some tea2.trying to decide on a place3he is addicted to alcohol4.In spite of his age5.bee accustomed to your school life6.got into the habit.单项填空1Jim was_to have troubled me with so many questions.AguiltyBcrazyCmiserable Dashamed答案:Dashamed“惭愧的”。句意:Jim问了我很多问题,感到很不好意思。be ashamed to do sth.“为做而感到羞耻”;be guilty of“犯有罪,过失”;crazy“疯狂的,狂热的”;miserable“痛苦的,凄惨的”。2_the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.AIn spite BAlthoughCThough DDespite答案:Ddespitein spite of(介词)后跟名词;although/thou- gh(连词)后跟从句。句意:尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。3When I began to sing, he laughed and made me_.Aconfused BnervousCshameful Dembarrassed答案:Dembarrassed“窘迫的,困窘的”。句意:我开始唱歌时,他大笑起来,使我感到很窘。confused“困惑的,烦恼的”;nervous“紧张的,不安的”;shameful“不体面的”。4Accustomed to_the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.Aclimbing BclimbChaving climbed Dhave climbed答案:Abe accustomed to(doing)sth.be used to(doing)sth.习惯(做)某事。5The Internet and the effect_brought about did a lot of good to our daily life and work.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dit答案:D句意:互联网和它的影响对我们的生活和工作产生了良好的影响。_brought about是定语从句部分,省略了关系代词,而定语从句中又缺少主语,所以填it。6The old woman at the street corner must be lost. She is looking around _for someone to help her.Askillfully Bextremely Caccidentally Ddesperately答案:D考查副词。句意:那位在街角的老妇人一定是迷路了。她在焦急地四处找人帮助她。desperately“渴望地,焦急地”。7In spite of_has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dwho答案:C考查宾语从句的引导词。_has recently been done to provide more buses for the people作of的宾语,该部分又缺少主语,所以选起双重作用的what。8I didnt like the soap opera at first, but when I started watching one, I immediately became_it.Aaccustomed toBaddicted toCopposed to Dallergic to答案:B考查短语。句意:一开始,我不喜欢肥皂剧,但是一旦开始看,我立刻就看上瘾了。be addicted to“对上瘾”;be accustomed to“习惯于”;be opposed to“反对”;be allergic to“对过敏”。9Mary, who was a very shy girl, felt_and unforta- ble when she couldnt answer the teachers questions.Acurious Bawkward Ccautious Dunfair答案:B句意:玛丽是一个内向的女孩,每当回答不出老师的问题时,她会觉得尴尬和不舒服。awkward“不便的,不合适的;尴尬的”。再如:He felt awkward and unfortable. 他感到尴尬和不舒服。 10You can keep what you want. I want_of this.AeachBanyCnoneDnothing答案:C句意:想要多少就拿多少吧。我一点也不想要。none“一点儿也没;一个也没”。11John looks a bit upset. Did you tell him the bad news?Yes, but I_him after his birthday party.Ashould have told Bmust have toldCshouldnt have told Dneednt have told答案:A答语句意:我告诉了他那个坏消息。但我本来应该等他过了生日再告诉他的。should have told“本应该告诉”。12Some biologists believe this is an ancient survival strategy,_a diet with 30 percent fewer calories than usual increased life span.Afor which Bto which Cof which Din which答案:D句意:一些生物学家认为这是古代的生存策略,一餐比平时少摄入百分之三十的热量使人长寿。13Most of the jobs we do every day are small ones,but they mean a lot if_ well.AdidBdoingCdoneDdo答案:C句意:今天我们做的许多工作都很细小,但是如果做好了,意义却很大。此处if后面省略了most of the jobs are,再由句意可知,用done。14_, I suppose, and the housing problems for about 280,000 lowine families in this area could be settled.AIf you double your efforts BSo long as you keep your spiritsCA bit more efforts DMaking greater efforts答案:C此句考“祈使句and陈述句”句型。在这个句型中,前面的祈使句如果带有比较级修饰名词,可将谓语动词省略,成为“比较级名词and陈述句”结构。15_the end of their relationship, they still keep in touch with each other.AIn spite of BApart fromCExcept for DDue to答案:A句意:尽管关系已结束,但他们还有联系。.阅读理解Obese Youngsters Have Obese FriendsObese young people are more likely to have overweight friendsat least that is what researchers at the Institute of Prevention Research at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California(USC)claim after carrying out their study.The team of researchers, led by Thomas Valente, Ph. D, Professor of Preventive Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, was stunned to discover how strong was the connection between obesity and social networks, despite the fact that such link was somewhat anticipated, being found by earlier studies. But in the current study researchers took advantage of more sophisticated statistical modeling methods.“The findings certainly raise health concerns because when kids start associating only with others who have a similar weight status it can reinforce the negative behaviors that cause obesity,”says Valente.The study involved the analysis of 617 students aged between 11 and 13, all of them living in the Los Angeles area. Besides noticing that most obese students had overweight friends, researchers noticed that obese girls named more friends, but were less likely to be named friends pared to girls with normal body weight index.According to Valente, in most cases researchers pay more attention to health problems linked with obesity, but they should also understand and focus on the social cost for overweight young people. “The social outes of obesity should also be taken into consideration by parents and teachers,”says the researcher.Valente mentioned that there is a need of more longitudinal researches for more remendations on the link between obesity and social status in a social environment. The research was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.文章大意:研究发现肥胖青少年更有可能结交肥胖朋友,肥胖和社交圈子有着密切联系。1What surprised the researchers in the study?AObese young people have thin friends.BThe link between obesity and social networks is so strong.CThe conclusion they drew had been already found by others.DThe study has used more sophisticated methods.答案:B细节理解题。文章第二段提到,研究人员吃惊地发现肥胖和社交圈子有紧密的联系,故选B。2What was another finding of the study?AObese young people dont have any worry about themselves.BObese girls think of others but seldom be remembered.CObese girls dont have as normal a body shape as others.DObesity is normal among American young students.答案:B细节判断题。由第四段可知,另一个发现是与正常体形的女孩相比,肥胖的女孩子说出更多朋友的名字,但是却很少被当做朋友而叫出名字。3What suggestion did the researcher make to the educators?APay more attention to health problems relating to obesity.BTake the social outes of obesity into consideration.CUnderstand and focus on the social cost for the overweight.DExperiment further to prove the findings are really right.答案:B推理判断题。由第五段内容可知,研究人员说家长和老师应该考虑到肥胖的社会后果。4What can be inferred based on the information provided in the passage?AThe research will go on to test the social outes of obesity.BThe researchers will give further suggestion on obesity.CThe researchers further report will e out in a science magazine.DThe social outes can break out in the future.答案:A推理判断题。由最后一段内容可知,Valente提到需要更多的纵向研究,可以推知研究人员会进一步对肥胖的社会后果进行研究。BFindings from a new study were presented at a recent meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. Researchers in the United States studied 100 000 women during an eight year period. All of the women were fifty years of age or older.The women were asked questions that measured their beliefs or ideas about the future. The researchers attempted to identify each womans personality eight years after gathering the information.The study found that hopeful individuals were fourteen percent less likely than other women to have died of any cause. The hopeful women were also thirty percent less likely to have died of heart disease after eight years.Hilary Tindle from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania was the lead author of the report. She said the study confirmed earlier research that linked optimistic feelings to longer life.The researchers also gathered information about peoples education, financial earnings, physical activity and use of alcohol or cigarettes. Independent of those things, the findings still showed that optimists had less chance of dying during the eightyear period.Some women who answered the questions were found to be hostile(敌对的), or highly untrusting of others. These women were sixteen percent more likely to die than the others. They also were twenty three percent more likely to die of cancer. The study also found that women who were not optimistic were more likely to smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetes(糖尿病). They were also more likely not to exercise.Professor Tindte says the study did not confirm whether optimism leads to healthier choices, or if it actually affects a persons physical health. She also says the study does not prove that negative emotions or distrust lead to bad health effects and shorter life. Yet there does appear to be a link that calls for more research.文章大意:研究人员对美国十万名老年妇女进行了为期八年的跟踪研究,结果发现情绪乐观的人患病的几率较其他人低,死亡率也低。相反,对别人敌对或不信任的人发病率和死亡率都较高。但是人的情绪与健康和寿命之间的关系还需要进一步的研究。5Which of the following statements about the new study is NOT right?AIt took researchers eight years to carry out the study.BResearchers asked the women about their beliefs or ideas about the future.CResearchers of the study were women of fifty years old or older.DThe womens personality was identified after eight years.答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,十万名50岁以及50岁以上的妇女是研究人员研究的对象,而不是研究人员本身,因此C项错。6The study found that women who were optimistic_.Awere thirty percent less likely to have died from any cause than other womenBhad less chance of dying from heart disease after eight yearsCwere more likely to smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetesDwere mostly hostile or highly untrusting of others答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可以得知,乐观的妇女八年后死于心脏病的几率降低百分之三十,因此正确答案为B。7According to the study, women who were not hopeful_ _.A. were sixty percent more likely to die than the othersB. were twentythree percent less likely to die of cancerC. tended to smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetesD. were more likely to take exercise答案:C细节理解题。根据第六段倒数第二句可以得知,不够乐观的妇女更容易吸烟和患高血压、糖尿病,故答案选C项。8We can learn from the passage that_.Aresearchers hadnt known the link between optimistic feelings and longer life earlierBoptimistic people are sure to lead a healthier lifeCnegative emotions or distrust actually affect a persons physical healthDwhether there is a link between emotions and life span calls for more research答案:D推理判断题。从文章最后一句可以推出,人的情绪和寿命之间的联系还需要更多的研究工作才能证实。9Whats the best title of this passage?A. Findings from a New StudyB. Hopeful Individuals Live LongerC. Emotions and Physical HealthD. Happy Thoughts Mean Being Healthy?答案:D主旨大意题。这篇文章主要介绍了美国研究人员的新发现:情绪乐观的人患病率和死亡率相对其他人较低,而对别人敌对或不信任的人患病率和死亡率都较高,但是人的情绪与健康和寿命之间的联系还不能确定,因此采用疑问式的题目比较符合文章内容。B项过于肯定,A,C两项都过于空泛。

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