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2019-2020年高考英语情态动词用法归纳与练习A: can / could = be able to 1 表示能力两种时态can (could),其他时态要用be able to的形式He can speak French.Was/were able to 可以表示成功做成某事的含义* managed to do / succeeded in doing With our help, he was able to build the house. 2 表示请求或许可 Could 比 Can 更加客气* mayCan I go now? Yes, you can.3 表示推测或可能性,常用于否定句和疑问句Can he be at school?Today is Sunday. He cant be at school.Cant couldnt/ Can ? Could? have done There is no light in the room. Can she have gone to bed?She cant have gone to school- its Sunday.Could have done 可用在肯定句中表示过去存在的可能性* may have doneShe could have gone out with some friends yesterday.Could have done 可以表示虚拟语气某事可能发生(并没有发生)It was silly to throw the TV out of the window. It could have hit somebody.批评某人没有完成某事(本可以做某事)You are late again. You could have got up earlier.4 can 表示客观上的可能性*Anybody can make mistakes.B: may and might 1 表示请求和允许 类似用法can could(更加口语化)May I watch TV now? Yes, you may.2 表示可能性; 猜测might比may更加不确定may/might have done 对过去的揣测*He may be busy these days.May not 可能不;不可能;一定不可3 表示祝愿 Wish you success!May you succeed!*C: must and have to1 表示必须;一定要 可以用 have to 代替 must 现在;将来的必须 而且是主观看法*have to 有多种时态 而且强调客观情况I really must stop smoking now.I had to leave early because I wasnt feeling well.Must I e here?Yes, you must. No, you neednt. neednt / dont have to must not 一定不能做某事 mustnt2 must 表示推测 意思非常肯定 “一定是”“一定会”It must be raining outside.Must have done 对过去/完成的推测* must have done, didnt / hasntMust be doing 推测现在正在进行He must have gone over the article, hasnt he?It must have rained last night, didnt it?D: need and dare 过去时 dared情态动词和实意动词的区别A 人称变化 B do / to do C 直接否定 / 间接否定 can workNeed /dare 肯定句中,实义动词She needs to do it. I dare to do it.使用在否定句,疑问句中,情态动词,实义动词。I dare not do it. I dont dare (to) do it.I need not do it. I dont need to do it.1 need 情态动词 无时态;人称的变化 多用于疑问句和否定句You neednt try to explain.Neednt = dont have to Neednt have done sth 过去本不必做某事* 虚拟语气2 need 实义动词 有时态;人称的变化 后接to do You need to tell us the truth.The car needs repairing. The car needs to be repaired.3 dare 情态动词 过去时 dared 无人称的变化 多用在疑问句和否定句Dare he tell them what he knows?4 dare 实义动词 有时态;人称的变化后接to do用于疑问句和否定句时 其后的to 有时可省略Do you dare (to) jump off the high wall?E: will and would1 表示征求对方(第二人称)意见或询问对方意愿 would 比will 更客气委婉Will you have some more wine?Would you mind my smoking here?2 will 表示习惯性动作或某种倾向 would 表示过去习惯性动作或某种倾向Fish will die out of water.When I was young, I would play badminton on Sundays.Would 与 used to 的区别*Would 只能用来表示重复的动作而不能表示状态Used to 既可表示动作也可表示状态, 强调现在不如此He used to be a university student.3 will 表示意愿 决心I will never do that again.F: shall, should and ought to1 shall 在问句中表示征求对方意见或请求 用于第一,三人称What shall we do now?2 shall 肯定句中 表示说话人强烈的感情 允许,命令,禁止和威胁 *或表示按规定,规章和义务等用于第二,三人称If you dare to do that, you shall be punished.These rules shall be obeyed. Shall not 禁止,不许3 shall 决心,意愿 = willI shall e if I want to.4 should 表示劝告,建议 = ought to 应该You should wash your hands first.Should 主要表示主观看法*Ought to 客观情况 法律、规定、义务的使用Should have done / ought to have done sth 虚拟语气*Shouldnt have done / ought not to have done sth You should have done it today.5 should 推测 推论 可能性 = ought to *估计They should/ ought to be there by now.6 should说话人的感情。如惊奇、愤怒、失望等、“竟然” 否定句疑问句You cant imagine that well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a ladyWhy should he do such a thing?推测 肯定性 可能性 由强到弱must / shall* / ought to / should / would* / could* / may / might /can 理论上的可能/ can? Could? / cant couldntmust 用于表示必定,必会:All mankind must die.(表示必然会发生的事)所有的人一定会死的。shall用于表示必定:I shall be rich one day. (shall be )总有一天我发达的。ought to / should用于表示想必会(语气较must 弱):They should / ought to be there by now.他们想必已到那儿了。will 和 would 用于表示预测或习惯性:I think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会)我想他现在一定好了。Could 表推测No, but the shop could be in the east of the city.may 和 might 用于表示事实上的可能性或预测:It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测)今天下午可能会下雪。You might be right. (表示有可能)你可能是对的。Can理论上的可能Anybody can make mistakes. (只表示理论上的可能性)任何人都可能犯错误。Can? Could? / cant couldnt 疑问否定He cant be at home. (否定句)他不可能在家。Can the news be true ? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句)这消息可能是真的吗?情态动词 be doing情态动词 have donemust / could / may / might / Can; could? have done / cant ; couldnt have done请求和允许 Can could I; he /may might I; he / will would you / shall should ought to I; he? / Must I?不同类型语气分析Can I go with you ? (请求)我能跟你一起走吗?Could I ask you something ? (请求,用 could 比 can 更婉转)我可以问你一件事吗?May I make a suggestion ?我可以提个建议吗?Might I take a look of your work ?我看看您的大作行吗?Will you kindly tell me the way to the post office ?(表示客气请求)请问到邮局怎么走?Would you give me your address ? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气)请你告诉我你的地址,好吗?Shall we talk?我们谈谈好吗?What should we do next ? (用should 比 shall 表示更客气)下一步我们该怎么做?Shall he e to see you ? (用于第三人称疑问句)要不要他来看你?Must I finish the work right now?Must I pay now ? (用于疑问句) (如回答不必时,需用 neednt 或 dont have to)我现在就得付款吗?情态动词的用法:表示“应该”、“必须”命令和建议(Must, have to , Shall, ought to, Should, May*, Might*,)Must 用于表示“必须”、“务必”:You must keep the place clean. (务必)你务必保持地方干净。Shall 和 Should 用于表示“必须”:Each member shall wear a name card. (表示规定)每一个会员必须配带名卡。I should answer his letter as soon as possible. (表示应该)我应该尽快给他回信。The rules shall take effect onJan. 1st.(shall 用于规章等,表示义务和规定)新规则于一月一日起生效。Ought to 用于表示“应该”(强调客观上):(大多情况可用 should 代替)You ought to go to see the doctor. (ought to 的语气比must 弱)你应该去看看医生。You oughtnt (ought not) to smoke so much. (oughtnt 用于否定句)你不应该抽这么多烟。May 和 Might 用于表示“应该(多用于法律等条文,一般上多用 shall ):Payment may be paid by check.(表示规定)应以支票付款。You might ask before you use my puter.(might表示应该)你应该先问过再使用我的电脑。情态动词的用法:表示“意图”、“打算” “意愿” “决心”(will, would* shall, should*)情态动词+完成式对过去或完成的猜测must / may /might / could / cant / couldnt/can?/could? have done 虚拟语气could have done 本来可以;有可能neednt have done 本没必要做某事should / ought to have done 本应该做某事shouldnt / oughtnt to have done本不应该做某事情态动词练习(1)1 May I stop my car here? No, you_.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. dont have to2. Must we clean the house now? No, you _.A. neednt B. may not C. mustnt D. cant3. John his father about his failure in the exam.A. dares not tell B. dares not tellingC. dare not tell D. dares not to tell4. You return the book now. You can keep it next week if you like.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not5. Johnny, you play with the knife, you hurt yourself.A. wont.cant B. mustnt.may C. shouldnt, must D. cant.shouldnt6. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone get out.A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to7. Would you go out for a walk with me?No, I . My girl friend is ing.A. wouldnt B. shall not C. wont D. shouldnt8. Man die without water. A. will B. can C. need D. shall9. If he started at 9 0clock, he be there by now.A. need B. shall C. ought to D. must10. I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She_it.A. must receive B. cant receive C. might receive D. must have received11.The professor gave orders that the experiment before 5:30p.m.A. be finished B. will finishC. must be finished D. would be finished12. There was plenty of time. You_.A. mustnt hurry B. mustnt have hurriedC. neednt hurry D. neednt have hurried13. Tom was a diligent boy. He go to school though it was raining hard.was able to B. could C. couldnt D. wasnt able to 14. _I go back before lunch? No, I dont think you_.A. Need.must B. Do.need to C. Must.have to D. May . ought to15. The teacher do all the exercises, but a pupil_.A. neednt.must B. may not.must C. neednt.neednt D. cant.must16. Would you open the window please ? Yes, I_.A. will B. would C. do D. can17. A lion only attacks a human being when it is hungry.A. should B. can C. will D. shall18. _Must I finish this novel this morning ?_No, you_.A. mustnt B. might not C. dont have to D. cant19. The taxi _ only hold six passengers. It is full. You take the next one.A. may.may B. can.may C. may.can D. must.can20. I a little earlier, but I met a friend of mine on the way.A. may e B. may have e C. could have e D. must have e21. I wish to go home now, I?A. may B. cant C. must D. do22. He must have finished his homework, he?A. mustnt B. didnt C. neednt D. hasnt23. This pen looks like mine, yet it isnt. Whose it be?A. must B. can C. may D. might24. He didnt do well in the exam. He hard at his lessons.A. must have worked B. ought to have workedC. would have worked D. has worked25. I wonder how he that to the teacher.A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared say26. Mr Baker, a number of students want to see you. _ they wait here or outside?A. Should B. Will C. Shall D. Are27. You the trees. Look, it is raining now.A. mustnt have watered B. neednt have wateredC. could have watered D. might have watered28. I give you an answer tomorrow. I promise!A. must B. will C. may D. shall29. As a soldier, you do as the head tells you.A. will B. shall C. may D. ought30. The streets are all dry. It_ during the night.A. cant have rained B. must have rainedC. couldnt rain D. shouldnt have rained31. When _ he leave the hospital? I asked the doctor.A. will B. shall C. can D. may32. They have not finish the work up to now._Well, they _A. should have B. should C. ought to D. ought have33. Since it is already midnight, we_.A. had better leaving B. ought to have leaveC. should take our leave D. might as well leave34. you be happy!A. May B. Can C. Must D. Would35. Must we e tomorrow?A. No, you cant B. No, you needntC. No, you mustnt D. No, you may not36. You miss the lesson, though we have it on Thursday.A. mustnt.neednt B. neednt.mustntC. mustnt.mustnt D. neednt.neednt37. To succeed in a difficult task,_.A. one needs to work hard B. to work hard is neededC. you need be a hard working person D. to work hard is what one needs38. In case I_, I would try again.A. will fail B. would miss C. should fail D. shall miss39. Some people feel that handguns_.A. should control B. should be controlledC. must be controlling D. can be control40. _ open the door for you ?A. Would you like that I B. Do you want that IC. Will I D. Shall I41. My son _ the examination, but he wasnt careful enough.A. might be able to pass B. must have passedC. could have passed D. were able to pass42. Isnt it strange that the lazy boy pass the exam?A. should B. has C. might D. would43. We the work so early without your help.A. couldnt finish B. cant finishC. couldnt have finished D. cant have finished44. We the manager, but no one _ his telephone number.A. could have called, knew B. could have called, had knownC. could call, had known D. could call, knew45. Would you e and join them?I wish I . But I am busy at this moment.A. cant B. couldnt C. could D. can46. If Alice this afternoon, the meeting should be put off.A. would not e B. might not eC. should not e D. could not e47. I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She at the meeting.A. mustnt have spoken B. shouldnt have spokenC. neednt have spoken D. couldnt have spoken48. With so much work on hand, you to see the game last night.A. mustnt go B. shouldnt goC. couldnt have gone D. shouldnt have gone49. I thought you like something to read, so I have brought you some books.A. may B. might C. could D. must50. There was plenty of time. She_.A. mustnt have hurried B. couldnt have hurriedC. must not hurry D. neednt have hurried51. Its still early, you_.A. mustnt hurry B. wouldnt hurryC. may not hurry D. dont have to hurry52. Please open the window,_?A. cant you B. arent you C. do you D. will you53. We for her because she never came.A. mustnt have waited B. shouldnt have waitedC. mustnt wait D. neednt wait54. May I stop here?No, you _.A. mustnt B. might not C. neednt D. wont55. He _ you more help, even though he was very busy.A. might have given B. might giveC. may have given D. may give56. I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She at the meeting.A. mustnt have spoken B. shouldnt have spokenC: neednt have spoken D. couldnt have spoken57. Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course you_.A. might B. will C. can D. should58. Please dont make a noise. -Ill be as quiet as a mouse.A. Yes, I wont B. No, I wont C. No, I will D. Yes, I will59. The young man has made so much noise that he not have been allowed to attend theconcert.A. could B. must C. would D. should60. One ought for what one has done.A. not to be punished B. to not be punishedC. to not punished D. not be punished61. If you really want yourself to be in good health, you must always so much.A. not, be smoking B. not, have smokedC. not, to smoke D. be not, smoking62. Where is Mary?She isnt here. I think she_.A. may have gone home B. must have gone homeC. might have gone home D. All the above63. I think Helen is at home.No, she be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. dared not64. She is already two hours late. What to her?A. can have happened B. may have happenedC. should have happened D. must happen65. “ he be watching TV now?”Yes, he be watching TV now?No, he be watching TV now.A. Must, can, mustnt B. Can ,must, cantC. Can, can, mustnt D. May, must, neednt66. You must be a writer, _?A. mustnt you B. are you C. must you D. arent you67. You must have seen him last night, ?A. havent you B. didnt you C. dont you D. must you68. I got up early this morning, but I _so because I had no work to do.A. mustnt have done B. didnt need to doC. neednt have done D. cant have done69. Lets say that you could go there again, how feel?A. will you B. should you C. would you D. do you70. I darent tell you what he did for fear that he angry with.A. will be B. is C. was D. should be71. Without the leadership of the Party, there no New China.A. would be B. has been C. was D. should be72. It is necessary that we a foreign language.A. must master B. ought to master C. master D. should master73. Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the English party. They say that it _ better organized.A. had been B. had to be C. must have been D. could have been74. I am surprised that he to help me when I needed it most.A. should refuse B. would have refused C. should have refused to D. may have refused75. Look! Tom is too sleepy to work .He _ up watching TV.A. mustnt have stayed B. shouldnt have stayed C. mustnt stay D. ought not to say.练习题答案110BACCBDCADD 1120ADACAACCBC 2130ADBBDCBBBA 3140BADABAACBD 4150CACACCDDBD 5160DDBAADCBDA6170ADCABDBCCB 7175ADDCB情态动词练习(2)1) You_ all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thingA) neednt have washedB) shouldnt have washed C) must not have washedD) can not have washed2) Johns score on the test is the highest in the class; he_ last night.A) should study B) should have studiedC) must have studiedD) must have to study3) The room is in a terrible mess; it _cleaned. (CET-4, 1996,6)A) cant have beenB) shouldnt have beenC) mustnt have been D) wouldnt have been4) Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They _ from South America on rafts.A) must have sailedB) can sailC) might have sailedD) should have sailed5) Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. She _ in her classroom.A) should have beenB) must have beenC) must beD) should be6) Bob said he was going to join our club but he didnt. He _ his mind.A) cant have changedB) wouldnt have changedC) must have changedD) shouldnt have changed7) You_ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.A) neednt goB) had better not goC) should not goD) neednt have gone8) We_ the letter yesterday, but it didnt arrive.A) must receiveB) ought to receiveC) must have receivedD) ought to have received9) With all the work on hand, he_ to the cinema last night.A) mustnt goB) shouldnt have gone C) could not goD) couldnt have gone10) Eve was late for class again. She _earlier.A) should get upB) must get upC) need to get upD) should have got up11) I am feeling sick. I_ so much chocolate.A) neednt have eaten B) couldnt have eaten C) mustnt have eaten D) shouldnt have eaten12) I didnt send out my application form last week, but I _.A) had B) would doC) should have D) might have to13) Walking alone in the deserted village, John was scared. He thought he_ Tom to go with him.A) might have askedB) should askedC) must have asked D) should have asked14) When I got to the cinema, the film had already started; I_ there earlier.A) ought to getB) ought to have gotC) must have gotD) must get15) The road was muddy. It_ last night.A) must rainedB) must have rainedC) must be rainedD) could have rained16) She can speak quite fluent English. She_.A) must been in the U.S.A. for some timeB) must have been in the U.S.A. for some timeC) should have been in the U.S.A. for some timeD) May be in the U.S.A. for some time 17) You should bear in mind that he is not so strong as he_.A) was used to beB) used to beC) was used toD) use to18)“We didnt see him at the exhibition yesterday.”“He _it.”A) mustnt visitB) cant have visitedC) should have gone to seeD) may see 19) Mary _my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.A) should have received B) has receivedC) Couldnt have receivedD) ought to have received20) I _ you a valuable present for your birthday, but I was short of money.A) would have liked to giveB) liked to give C) have liked to giveD) would like to give21)“Where _ my umbrella?”“Somebody _ it away by mistake.”A) is, must have takenB) is, must takeC) have been, must takeD) is, takes22) What _ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?A) will you supposeB) you supposeC) do you supposeD) you would suppose23) Two eyes _see more than one.A) canB) mayC) willD) should24) _ you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater successes.A) WouldB) WillC) MayD) Should 25) We ought to help each other in our work, _?A) oughtnt weB) should weC) shouldnt weD) ought to we26) Tom _ better than to ask Dick for help.A) shall knowB) shouldnt know C) has knownD) should have known27) You _ your tooth pulled out before it rot pletely.A) had better gotB) had to get better C) had better to getD) had better get28) When we got to the cinema, the film hasnt started yet, so we _.A) neednt hurryB) didnt need hurryC) neednt to hurryD) neednt have hurried29) It was really very dangerous; you _ him seriously.A) might have injuredB) could injureC) should have injuredD) must injure 30) As he had heart attack, he was told that he _ continue the work.A) neednt B) may not C) mustntD) cant31) An Englishman who _not speak Italian was once traveling in Italy.A) mustB)


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