2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module6 War and Peace 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module6 War and Peace 外研版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module6 War and Peace 外研版选修6.单词拼写1To the doctors surprise,the cancer cells have _(入侵)other parts of the old mans body besides his stomach.2The medical group had to _(放弃)their research on cloning for lack of funds and support.3The fire fighter lost his life when trying to _(营救)a child from the big fire.4We are not only _(震惊的)at the terrible working conditions,but also moved by the workers spirit.5Some soldiers were killed and some got seriously _(受伤)in the battle.6Driving again after his accident must have taken a lot of _(勇气)7Parents often make _(牺牲)for their children.8She knew that society would _(谴责)her for leaving her children.9The striking office workers have _(占据)the whole building.10He _(最终)escaped and made his way back to England.答案:1.invaded2.abandon3.rescue4.shocked5.wounded6.courage7.sacrifice8.condemn9.occupied10eventually.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空despite, worthwhile, view, operation, pick up, astonishment, pany, disagree, last, hungry and tired1I _ a magazine and looked through it.2The water supply should _ another 48 hours.3Ask the _ to put you through.4Just because weve had a few _, it doesnt mean we arent still friends.5His _ on the subject were wellknown.6He is ing with me for _.7Its _ to discuss the problem again.8To my _, he started to cry.9He arrived home after a days work, _.10_ the traffic jam, he arrived here on time.答案:1.picked up2.last3.operator4.disagreements5.views6pany7.worthwhile8.astonishment9.hungry and tired10.Despite.单项填空1The plan was _ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.AreleasedBdesertedCresigned Dabandoned答案:Dabandon指因外界压力和影响而放弃自己负有责任或感兴趣的东西;desert常指通过离开的方式放弃,意为“抛弃”,“废弃”;release“解除,免除”;resign“辞职”。故选D。2Mary is _ the translation of a French novel.Aengaged with Bbusy inCabsorbed to Doccupied with答案:D表示忙于某事可用:be engaged in, be busy with sth./be busy in doing, be absorbed in (doing) sth.,be occupied with sth.,根据句意及选项的结构可知,答案为D。3The lifeboats were sent to _the sailors _ the sinking ship.Arescue; from Bthrow; onCtreat; as Dcarry; into答案:Arescue.from.“把从中营救出来”。句意:这些救生船被派去营救正在下沉的船上的船员。4The evening news es on at seven oclock and _ only thirty minutes.Akeeps BcontinuesCfinishes Dlasts答案:D动词辨析题。keep“保持”;continue“继续”;finish“完成(不接时间段)”;last“持续”。句意:晚间新闻七点开始并且仅持续半小时。所以答案为D。5There was nothing _ view on the desert.Ain BonCin the Don the答案:Ain view“在视野中”; on view“在展览/陈列”,属固定短语,据句意应选A,表示在视野中。6Sorry, I didnt realize you had _ in your house with you.Aa pany BpanyCpanies Dthe pany答案:B句意:不好意思,我原不知道你家里有客人。pany表示“客人”为不可数名词,此处不属特指,故答案为B。7_ being busy, I am still working hard on my writing and I am pleased to announce that I will have a new book published soon.ADespite BBesidesCBut for DDue to答案:Adespite“尽管”,是介词,由busy与still working hard可知前后为转折关系。besides“除外还有”;but for“要不是”;due to“由于,因为”,均不合句意。8Have you received Jacks plan?Yes, but I dont think _.Ait is worth being consideredBit is worthy be consideredCit is worth consideredDit is worthwhile to consider it答案:DIt is worthwhile to do/doing.固定句型,“是值得做的”;A项应用主动式considering,B项be前应加to;C项considered应为considering。所以答案为D。9The teachers words were a great _ to him. And he decided to work hard.Aencouragement BencouragingCdiscouragement Dbravery答案:A前句的句意:老师的话对他来说是个很大的鼓励。encouragement n. “鼓励”。在这里为抽象名词具体化,“起激励作用的事物”。10She gave him the overcoat, _ to be of service.Aanxiously BanxiousCanxiety Danger答案:B句意:她把大衣给他,很愿意为他服务。anxious是说明主语she的状况,为形容词作状语。A项是修饰动词的;C项是名词不可作状语;D项是名词,在语法上更是讲不通。11(xx浙江舟山中学期中)Students were _ to hear that they would have a threeday holiday.Aa little more than gladBmore than a little gladCglad more than a littleDmore than glad a little答案:B句意:学生们听说要放假三天,非常高兴。此处more than表示“非常”,用来修饰形容词或者副词。12(xx福建福州三中高三月考) If you let challenges stimulate _ annoy you, much more can be acplished than you thought possible.Amore than Bother thanCless than Drather than答案:D句意:如果你让挑战激励你,而不是烦扰你,你取得的成就就会比你想象的更大。rather than表示“而不是”。前三项分别表示“超过”;“除了之外”;“少于”。13(xx江苏苏州中学高三期中)More than one student, along with some parents, _ quizzed for information on the reference book so far.Awas BwereChave been Dhas been答案:D句意:到目前为止,很多学生和一些家长已经接受了关于参考书信息的小测验。 along with some parents是介词短语充当后置定语,所以谓语动词要和前面的more than one student保持一致。“more than one单数名词”虽然表示的是复数意义,但是谓语动词要用单数形式。14(xx湖南长郡中学高三月考)Learning a language is certainly _ just memorizing words, phrases and structures.Arather than Bother thanCmore than Dno more than答案:C句意:学习一门语言当然不仅仅是记忆单词、词组和结构。此处more than“不仅仅”。rather than“而不是”;other than“除了之外”;no more than表示“仅仅”。15It wasnt _ to write it all out again and the time wasnt enough for us at that time.Aworthwhile BworthCworthy Dto worth答案:AIt is worthwhile to do sth.“干某事是值得的”。.完形填空Try It a Different WayHe moved to Hollywood, promising to find his _5_ .But he didnt make _6_.For almost 10 years, he drove a taxi and worked as a waiter, _7_ at an actors workshop opened in Hollywood. But Moresco kept working at his _8_ career.In 1983 his younger brother was murdered in a moblinked killing. Moresco moved back to his _9_ neighborhood. In 1988 he finally wrote a play that was _10_ to his life, called HalfDeserted Streets; it was based on his brothers _11_ and staged at a small theater. A Hollywood producer_12_ to see it and asked him to work on a screenplay.His _13_ grew, and he got enough assignments to move back to Hollywood. However,it was never easy. By xx, he was _14_ out of work and out of cash _15_ he got a call from Paul Haggis, a director who had befriended him. The two worked on the script(戏剧的脚本) but every studio _16_ it down. Moresco believed so _17_ in the script that he borrowed money, and sold his house. At last the writers found an independent film producer who would take a chance.The movie, Crash,_18_ into the theaters in May xx, and quietly became both a hit and a critical success. It won three Academy AwardsBest Picture, Best Film Editing and Best Writing.At the age of 54, Bobby Moresco became an _19_ success. “If you have something you want to do in life, dont _20_ the problems,” he says, “think about the ways to get it done.”1A.mustBshouldCcan Dneed答案:B因为他出身于普通工人家庭,按照父亲和周边伙伴们的发展轨迹,他也应该只能当建筑工人或警察。should have been表示“本应该是”。2A.over BoffCout Dup答案:C他想摆脱自己的宿命,也就是说他想闯出来。选择out可表示这层意思。3A.simple BstrictCfirm Dgood答案:D从转折连词but及下文可知,他的演艺生涯一直不成功,因此此处表示他自认为不是一个“好”演员。4A.different BimpressiveCeffective Dspecial答案:A虽然不是一个好的演员,但他还是希望能改变自己的人生,做一些与众不同的事情。different意为“不同的”。5A.occasion BtreasureCfortune Dpossibility答案:C为了实现自己的夙愿,他去了好莱坞碰运气。find ones fortune意为“碰运气”。6A.it BoneCthis Dthat答案:Amake it是固定用法,有“获得成功”之意。7A.gathering BentertainingCpracticing Dvolunteering答案:D因为太想当一名演员,所以他自愿在好莱坞的一个演员工作室工作。volunteer意为“自愿效劳”。8A.afforded BchosenCrespected Doffered答案:B尽管他当时做的工作很辛苦,但他仍然执着于自己选择(choose)的事业。afford“给予,提供”,respect“尊敬”,offer“提供”,均与上下文语境不符。9A.early BonlyCold Dnew答案:C由于弟弟被谋杀,他回到了原来的街区。old意为“原来的,旧的”,符合语境。10A.turned BpointedCbelonged Drelated答案:D这里是指他写了一部与他自己生活有关的戏剧。be related to.表示“与有关”。11A.arresting BinjuringCkilling Dshooting答案:C本段第一句已经谈到他的弟弟被谋杀,此处选择killing即指此事。12A.advised BhappenedCintended Dplanned答案:B这里是指好莱坞的一个制片人碰巧看到了这部戏。happen to do sth.意为“碰巧做某事”。13A.influence BambitionCsuccess Dreputation答案:D这里是指他渐渐有了名气。reputation意为“名气,名望”。influence“影响”,ambition“雄心”,success“成功”,均不符合文意。14A.again BevenCfinally Dstill答案:A上文谈到他失业过一次,因此这次是“再一次”失业。15A.before BwhenCsince Dwhile答案:B他正处于穷困潦倒之中,就在这时他接到了导演Paul Haggis的电话。when表示“正当这时”。16A.let BlookedCtook Dturned答案:D他们二人合作创作了剧本,但每一个摄影室都拒绝接拍。turn down有“拒绝,驳回”之意。17A.strongly BhardlyCdeeply Dbravely答案:A尽管剧本被一次次驳回,但他对自己的作品还是有着强烈的信心。strongly可反映出他坚强的信念。18A.moved BslippedCfell Dput答案:B由本句中的quietly可判断,他的电影溜进了各大影院,于悄然之间获得了成功。slip into意为“溜进”。19A.effortless BenjoyableCovernight Ddesirable答案:C这里是指他一举成名。overnight作形容词时意为“突然的,极快的”。20A.think about Badjust toCget through Ddeal with答案:ABobby Moresco在此分享了他的成功经验:如果你想在人生中做点什么事情,不要考虑(think about)有什么困难,而是想想怎样才能做到。.阅读理解Jeanette Rankin was born on a ranch in Montana, USA in 1882. In those days, Montana was still a frontier stale, and life there was hard. Men and women shared the difficult outdoor work. But young Jeanette noticed men and women were not equal in many ways. For instance, at election time, women were not allowed to vote. Jeanette thought this was not fair, and several years later,after graduating from college, she realized how to help change the situation.First, she joined with other women, and gave speeches through the state. Thanks to their years of efforts, Montana women were finally allowed to vote. This experience changed Jeanettes life. She wanted to work for the welfare of women and children everywhere. She was now well known throughout Montana, so she decided to run for the US Congress. In 1916, she became the first woman in the Congress of the United States.Just six days after Rankin first attended Congress in 1917, American President Wilson called for a vote to go to war against Germany, as German submarines (潜水艇) attacked American ships during World War I. When Jeanette was called upon to vote,she said,“I want to stand by my country, but I cannot vote for war. I vote no. ”Fortynine other congress members also voted no,but she was the person who was criticized most. Newspapers said her decision came from weakness and she was antiAmerican.In the Second World War, Japanese warplanes attacked the American base at Pearl Harbor in 1941. The time came again for the US Congress members to vote for or against going to war. Everyone was waiting for Jeanette Rankin to vote, who rose and said, “As a woman, I cant go to war, so I refuse to send anyone else” .Out of 471 members, she was the only member who voted against war. After that, she received thousands of letters. Most people criticized her, but some praised her for her courage.Shortly before she died in 1973, she was asked if she regretted voting “no” to the two wars. “Never,” she answered. “If you are against war, youre against war regardless of what happens.”Today, in the US Congress Building, there is a statue of Jeanette Rankin.On the base of the statue are her words: “I cannot vote for war.”1When Jeanette Rankin was young,_.Awomen were not allowed to work with menBwomen had no right to voteCwomen could not go to collegeDwomen could not deliver speeches in public答案:B细节题。根据第1段中的“For instance,at election time,women were not allowed to vote”可知当时在蒙大拿州妇女没有选举权。2She decided to run for the US Congress because _.Ashe wanted to bee famous throughout the USABshe hated warsCshe wanted to help more women and childrenDshe was a born politician答案:C细节题。根据第2段中的“She wanted to work for the welfare of women and children everywhere”可知选C项。3Which is true according to the passage?AJeannette was the only member to vote no to the two wars.BJeannette voted no to the wars because she was weak.CEveryone in the USA hated her when she voted no to the war against Japan.DJeanette believed that no war was right.答案:D细节题。根据倒数第2段最后一句话“If you are against war,youre against war regardless of what happens”可知答案为D项。4From the passage we can tell that Jeanette Rankin was _.Afull of courage Bvery fairCvery intelligent Dvery stubborn答案:A推断题。由倒数第3段最后的“Out of 471 members,she was the only member who voted against war.but some praised her for her courage”可知答案为A项。

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