高中英语 Unit13 People Lesson1 EQIQ课件 北师大版必修5.ppt

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重点单词,1. _n. 形容,描述. _v. 描述 2. _vt. 预言;预测_ n. 预言,预测_adj. 可预言的 3. _adj.错误的_n. 错误 4. _n. 可能性 _ adj.可能的_adv.可能地 _n. 残疾;无能 _adj.残疾的 6. _ adj. 有天赋的_n. 天赋 7. _n. 失败_v.失败,possibility,predict,description,describe,disabled,disability,predictable,prediction,mistake,mistaken,possible,possibly,gifted,gift,failure,fail,重点短语,1. get promoted 升迁 2. end up 以告终 3. be open to 向开放;易于接受 4. have sth. to do with 与 5. in terms of 从角度;在方面 6. be willing to do 乐于做 7. be involved in 参与;涉及;卷入 8. be positive about 对积极 9. react to 对做出反应 10. draw up 草拟,Unit 13 Lesson 1 EQ:IQ,By the end of this lesson, youll be able to: get the information about IQ and EQ; understand the words in context; translate the text into Chinese.,Objectives,Who invented the term EQ?,Professor Salovey.,Reading,What do IQ and EQ stand for?,Intelligence quotient Emotional quotient,average,EQ,tells you how well you use your smartness,IQ,tells how intelligent you are,What does IQ and EQ tell us?,Do this test to find out your score on page91. Then compare and discuss your results with a partner.,Success comes with a high EQ,1. a=10, b=20, c= 10, d= 0,2. a= 20, b=0, c=0, d=0,3. a=20, b=0, c=0, d=0,4. a=0, b=20, c=0, d=0,Scan the text and choose the best answers. 1. According to Professor Salovery, _when we think of the future success. A. IQ is as important as EQ B. IQ is more important than EQ C. EQ is more important than IQ D. both IQ and EQ are important 2. Which of the following statements about IQ is TRUE? A. Success comes with a high IQ. B. It is possible for students with high IQs to do badly in an exam. C. Those with high IQs always have high EQs as well. D. A students IQ tells how well he uses his intelligence.,Task 1,3. People with low EQs have negative attitudes towards life because _. A. they are more likely to be disturbed by problems B. they cant get on well with other people C. they have problems dealing with difficult situations D. all of the above 4. What does the writer think of Professor Salovey and Mayers finding? A. Supportive B. Negative C. Objective D. Critical,Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F) ( ) 1. The article is mainly talking about the relationship between EQ and IQ. ( ) 2. Whether we can succeed or not more depends on IQ than EQ. ( ) 3. High EQ can make people get along well with other people. ( ) 4. A person cant have both high EQs and IQs.,Task 2,F,F,T,F,Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. 1. How does professor Salovey describe EQ and IQ? 2. Whats the meaning of “people skills”?,Task 3,At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that get you promoted.,They are skills in dealing with people , such as understanding and communication.,Normal Ss become willing toand better understanding,Disabled Ss become more positive and more eager,IQ gets you hired;EQ gets you promoted.,Best and quick-witted Ss may fail.,Low EQ people find it harder to survive.,EQ could be improved.,EQ is more important than IQ,Success is not simply the result of a high IQ.,EQ also plays an important role in peoples success and it can be improved.,Summarize the main idea of the whole text within 30 words.,Task 4,EQ also plays an important role as IQ in peoples success. And EQ can be improved.,内容:课文翻译 Requirements: 1. discuss with group members. 2. choose the representatives,Discussion(3 mins),Show Time,1. Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someones future success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.,该句中supported为_分词表示(主动/被动),在句子中充当_语。 b. 该句中that 引导_从句。,过去,状,宾语,When he watches TV, he always likes having a snack. When watching TV, he always likes having a snack.,2. The fact that it might be possible to raise EQs means that schools need to make sure that their students are receiving the education they really need. a. 该句中第一个that引导_从句;与fact用法类似的还有news, idea, suggestion等 b. 该句中第二个that引导_从句。 c. 翻译本句:,同位语,宾语,情商有可能被提高的事实意味着学校需要确保他们的学生在接受他们真正需要的教育。,美文美句,1. Success is not simply the result of a high IQ. 成功不仅仅是高智商的结果。 2. At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted. 在职场,一个人的智商决定了他能否被录用,而情商则决定了他能否被提拔。 3. People generally believe that a persons IQ is determined by birth. 人们普遍认为,人的智商是与生俱来的。,Five elements of EQ: self-awareness motivation self-regulation empathy adeptness EI shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves.,Discussion Which do you think is more important, IQ or EQ, on your way to success? Why? Give some examples. What can we do to improve our own IQ and EQ?,Seven Powerful, Simple Techniques for Increasing EQ competence,1. Take time every day to appreciate whats right in the world and in your life.,2. Increase your feeling word vocabulary.,3. Be your own best friend.,4. Listen with your heart.,5. Talk back to yourself.,6. Tune in to your body.,7. Smile more.,

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