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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习单元检测二十六AJobWorthDoing外研版必修.阅读理解AAt first sight, Ronny looked like other kids in the firstgrade classroom where I volunteered as a Reading Mom. However, he usually arrived at school wearing old clothes with windblown hair and a dirty face.On the days when it was Ronnys turn to read, he sat very close to me. I watched his dirty fingers move slowly under each letter as he tried to speak out “Bud the Sub”. It sounded more like “Baw Daw Saw” when he said it because of his difficulty with the alphabet (字母)The year passed quickly and Ronny had made some progress but hardly enough to take him up to the grade level. A few weeks before the school year ended, I held an award ceremony. I had gifts and certificates for everyone. It took me a while to think about where Ronny fit; I believed the gift could cheer him up. I finally decided on “Most Improved Reader”. I showed Ronny his certificate and a book.A few days later, I saw Ronny reading the book when I went back to the school. His teacher said, “He hasnt put that book down. Thats the first book hes ever owned.”Fighting back tears, I came to Ronny and asked,“Will you read me your book, Ronny?” He nodded.And then, for the next few minutes, he read to me more fluently than Id ever thought possible for him. When he finished reading, Ronny closed his book and said, “Good book.” At that moment, I knew I would get serious about my own writing career and do what that author had done care enough to make a difference in children.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者作为一名志愿者来到一所学校帮助孩子们提高阅读能力。然而,一个名叫Ronny的学生却让作者认识到了阅读的真正意义。1From the first two paragraphs, we know Ronny _.Awas popular among his classmatesBwas the dirtiest in his classChad trouble with his studyDdisliked the Reading Mom解析:选C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“. because of his difficulty with the alphabet (字母)”可知,Ronny在学习方面有问题。2Why did the author give Ronny a book?AShe liked Ronny very much.BShe wanted to encourage Ronny.CRonny had no money to buy books.DRonny was the most improved reader.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“I believed the gift could cheer him up”可知,作者是想通过颁奖来鼓励Ronny。3After listening to Ronnys reading, the author felt _.Aupset and disappointedBworried and happyCcurious and satisfied Dmoved and surprised解析:选D推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Fighting back tears .”可知作者是带着感动的心情去听Ronny给她读书的,再根据倒数第二段“he read to me more fluently than Id ever thought possible for him”可知,作者因为Ronny进步非常大而感到很惊讶。4Which of the following can best describe the passage?ATrue happiness es from helping others.BA small action makes a big difference.CA teacher is better than two books.DOne is never too old to learn.解析:选B推理判断题。作者为了鼓励Ronny送了一本书给他,而这一小小的举动却对Ronny产生了很大的影响。BThis years Miss Chinatown Fashion Show was more than just a showcase for clothing and shoe designers. It was also a fundraiser (募捐活动) and volunteer signup event for the grassroots organization Reading to Kids. “We are looking for donations as well as volunteers to e and read,” said Reading to Kids volunteer Andrea Ramcke. “Its a volunteer organization. There are only two paid workers.”According to Reading to Kids, the organization tries to encourage underserved children with a love of reading so as to enrich their lives and chances of success in the future. “Its primarily for children who dont have a lot of reading in the home, whose parents are good at a second language or theyre good at a second language,” Ramcke said. “So we have a lot of immigrants from everywhere and lots of first generation kids who dont have a lot of books in the home.”At present, Reading to Kids gathers 901 children and 388 volunteers at reading clubs on the second Saturday of every month at eight Los Angeles elementary schools.At the reading clubs, pairs of volunteers read aloud to groups of children divided up by age groups, while the parents receive training on how to encourage their children to read at home. Ramcke also added that the kids are asked to join in by asking questions and reviewing the material along with doing a “craft (工艺) project in relation to the book”. Every child also gets a book to take home and books are donated to school libraries through the program.“The kids develop a love of reading,” Ramcke said. “Studying doesnt bee as hard to them when they learn how to explain it a little bit better. They learn how to think about their words. Their team munication skills and their grades go up.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。Reading to Kids在唐人街时装秀上募捐并招募志愿者。5What was special about this years Miss Chinatown Fashion Show?AIt encouraged people to read.BIt donated books to Reading to Kids.CIt offered support to Reading to Kids.DIt asked show designers to volunteer.解析:选C推理判断题。由第一段中的“It was also a fundraiser (募捐活动) and volunteer signup event for the grassroots organization Reading to Kids.”可知,该时装秀帮助Reading to Kids募捐和招募志愿者,故选C。6How often are the reading clubs held?AEvery day. BOnce a month.CTwice a month. DEvery Saturday.解析:选B细节理解题。由第三段中的“reading clubs on the second Saturday of every month”可知,阅读俱乐部每月组织一次活动,故选B。7While kids are read to at the reading clubs, their parents _.Aare reading the materialBare learning arts and craftsCare asked questions about readingDare trained to encourage their kids to read解析:选D细节理解题。由第四段中的“while the parents receive training on how to encourage their children to read at home”可知,孩子们参加阅读俱乐部的活动时,他们的父母会接受关于如何激励孩子们阅读的培训,故选D。8What is the last paragraph mainly about?AHow Reading to Kids works.BWhy reading is important to kids.CThe way to get kids to love reading.DThe influence of Reading to Kids on kids.解析:选D段落大意题。最后一段主要讲Reading to Kids给孩子们带来很大的积极影响:孩子们不仅爱上了阅读,而且沟通能力和学习成绩都有提高,故选D。.完形填空My mom cooked for my classmates in my elementary school. Although she loved me so much, I still hated her. I was _1_ to accept the fact that she was different and _2_ talking with her in my school.One day my mom accidentally met me and greeted me with _3_. To her surprise, I _4_ her on purpose, threw her a hateful look and ran away. Later, one of my classmates said, “Your mom is very _5_ with only one eye.” Just then, I did nothing but my face burned with _6_. On reaching home, I plained to her that she made me embarrassed.I barely noticed her _7_ because of anger, much _8_ stopped to think for a second about my rude _9_. I must have hurt her feelings.Being eager to escape from my home, I studied hard, hoping for a chance to live far away. Years later, my _10_ eventually paid off and was admitted to a university. After graduation, I settled in another city, devoted to my family and _11_ came home. One day, I received a call regarding a school reunion. _12_, I returned to attend our reunion where I chatted with my teacher. She told me a _13_, which shocked me and made a _14_. She said she _15_ to do this because she had promised my mother not to say it. Then she said she was _16_ of my mother, who couldnt _17_ watching me growing up with _18_. When I was very little, I was involved in an accident, and lost one eye. As a mother, she gave me hers.At that moment, I burst into tears and rushed out to my home with great _19_. I came to know that our mother loved us _20_ and never expected any reward.语篇解读:母亲因不忍看着失去眼睛的孩子伴着残疾长大,毅然献出了自己的眼睛。而不知情的孩子却因母亲的与众不同而嫌弃她。直到有一天真相大白,孩子才真正领悟到母爱的无私。1A.hopelessBdeterminedCpleased Dunwilling解析:选D前文提到了母亲虽然爱自己,但是自己却很讨厌她,所以作者不愿意接受母亲和别人不一样的事实,也尽量避免在学校和母亲交谈。2A.avoided Bstarted Crisked Denjoyed解析:选A参见上题解析。3A.anxiety BpleasureCappreciation Dcuriosity解析:选B由全文可看出母亲很爱作者,母亲很高兴地和作者打招呼。4A.resisted BrefusedCignored Dscared解析:选C由母亲的惊讶可知,作者有意忽略了母亲的问候,还以一个憎恶的表情然后跑开了。5A.special BtypicalCannoyed Ddisappointed解析:选A由下文作者的脸发烫及此空后提到的母亲只有一只眼睛可知,她的同学说她母亲很特别。6A.sorrow BshameCguilt Ddissatisfaction解析:选B由上文作者刻意回避母亲,到同学看到自己的母亲并说她很特别可推断出,作者此时感到的是一种耻辱。7A.attitude BwisdomCmisunderstanding Dresponse解析:选D回到家的作者抱怨母亲让自己尴尬,也因生气没注意母亲对自己抱怨的反应。8A.later BworseCless Dfurther解析:选C作者因生气连母亲的反应都没注意到,更不用说停下来思考自己的无理行为了。9A.thought BbehaviorCcourage Dreaction解析:选B参见上题解析。10A.enthusiasm Bconfidence Ceffort Ddetermination解析:选C作者努力学习并最终被大学录取,作者的努力得到了回报。11A.hardly BoccasionallyCfrequently Dimmediately解析:选A由上文作者渴望逃离家及下文老师告诉自己秘密后作者的反应可以推断作者在另外一个城市定居下来后很少回家看母亲。12A.Instead BHoweverCOtherwise DTherefore解析:选D作者接到学校举行聚会的电话后回去参加聚会,前后句之间为因果关系。13A.lie BstoryCsecret Djoke解析:选C由下文作者的震惊可知,这里是表示作者不知道的秘密。14A.fortune BdifferenceCdecision Dcontribution解析:选B由下文作者的改变可知,这个秘密不仅让作者震惊而且很重要。15A.hesitated BattemptedCfailed Dpretended解析:选A老师曾经答应过母亲不说出这个秘密,所以老师在犹豫是否要告诉作者这件事。16A.tired BfrightenedCashamed Dproud解析:选D母亲无私地把眼睛给了自己的孩子,老师为母亲感到骄傲。17A.insist BdenyCadmit Dstand解析:选D母亲不忍心看到自己的孩子伴随着残疾长大,母亲捐出了自己的眼睛。18A.disability BshortingCdoubt Dprotection解析:选A参见上题解析。19A.devotion BadmirationCregret Drelief解析:选C由上文作者对母亲的态度及哭着跑回家可知,作者很后悔自己的行为。20A.violently BunconditionallyCfaithfully Dautomatically解析:选B由全文作者母亲为作者捐献眼睛这件事可知,我们的母亲在无条件地爱着我们。

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