高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Writing课件 新人教版必修2.ppt

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Write a description of your android and what it can do. You may draw a picture of it if you wish.,You need to imagine what problems and delights this android might have to deal with. Putting yourself in someone elses shoes is a very important way of understanding how other people feel,写作分析 本文是一篇说明文。题目要求学生描述理想中的机器人,属于开放性作文。学生需要发挥想象描述自己心目中的机器人的名字、外表、大小、性格、功能等。这是学生们发挥自己想象力的好机会。,1. 确定文体:这是一篇说明文。 2. 主体时态:一般现在时。 3. 主体人称:第一人称为主。,写作时应注意以下几点:,4. 内容要点:填写上面的表格,并说明自己的机器人有什么特征和作用。 5. 注意恰当使用连接词,使各个要点之间逻辑连贯、行文通顺。,首先,根据表格用简单句描述机器人的基本特征。 其次,把简单句中的逻辑关系理顺,然后试着变换成高级句式。 最后,用适当的连接词把句子组合,形成一篇短文,并检查、改正文中的语法和拼写错误。,My robot is called . It is the same size as . / It is as large as . It looks like a . Its job is to do . / It can do .,It is designed for / to do . It does all the work around the house. It is very patient and never complains. It is humorous and good-tempered. It can be with me whenever I feel lonely. My ideal robot in the future will be like . and ., or perhaps it will help me .,My ideal robot in the future can provide companionship. My ideal robot in the future can work as / serve as / be used as . A robot is a very human-like servant and it cares for us.,Robots are supposed to do boring and difficult jobs that humans can not do or dont want to do. We can imagine a future in which robots will care for our children and develop friendships with us.,My Android My android is called Jack. It is as tall as a real man. Strong as it is, Jack is tender and caring. More importantly, it is humorous and good-tempered.,Jack can use its artificial intelligence to attend to my grandparents. Not only can it do some housework, such as mopping the floors and cooking, but also it can read newspapers and magazines for my grandparents. In addition, some funny stories are stored in its “brain”, so whenever it is,necessary, it can amuse my grandparents. Although it cannot do shopping for my grandparents, it is really helpful in keeping my grandparents company. In the future, I hope it can be better programmed and do more things.,on Page 60,The sample writing has three parts: 1. The main heading, which is written larger than the rest of the article. It also gives the gist (梗概, 要旨) of the article in a few words,Analysis of the sample writing:,2. The smaller heading has smaller writing and gives a bit more information about the article so that the reader will want to carry on and read all of it 3. The article itself is in the smallest sized writing, but contains all the information about the story,The students can use the information they have gained from their interview with Hua Fei to write the article. It should be in the third person.,A new type of PC the PEP is now on the market and attracts the attention of all PC lovers. The new type has improved disc storage and works much faster than most PCs on the market nowadays. It also has a smaller monitor with a flat,New type PC on the market PEP catches attention.,screen and is made with used recycled materials which come to terms with environment protection at present. The PEP is especially popular with young people and the past 10 days have seen a rapid increase in sales.,通过学习这篇写作指导,你掌握了用英文描写理想中的机器人的写作方法了吗? 请写一篇你的理想中的机器人的文章,然后与范文对照,找出其中的不足并加以改进。,

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