2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案(1) 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案(1) 新人教版必修2Listen to a song and guess what purpose it is used for. Have you ever heard of this song? What is it used for?(1) Pass the Flame. (2) xxthe Athens Olympic Games. Show some pictures about “The Olympic Games”.(Emblem (会徽) Motto (口号) Torch (火炬) Mascot(吉祥物) Stadium (体育馆)Green Olympics The Olympic flag)Step 2 Group work for petition1.When did the ancient Olympic Games started? A.1896 B. 1906 C. 776 BC2. What was rewarded the winners in ancient Olympic Games? A. Medals B. Money C. Olive wreath3. How many gold medals did China get in the xx Athens Olympics? A. 28 B. 32 C. 28 4. Which sport is in the Winter Olympic Games? A. Badminton B. Basketball C. Speed skating5. How many kinds of Olympic Games are there in the world? (Two kinds)6. Whats the motto of the Olympic Games? (Higher, swifter and stronger)7. Whats the motto of the Athens Olympics? (Wele home)8. Whats the host city of the first Olympics? (Athens, Greece)9. Whats the host city of the xx Olympic Games? (Sydney, Australia)The Events in the Olympics Read all the words and choose the sports in the Winter Olympic Games. (P49)badminton (羽毛球) judo (柔道) discus throw(掷铁饼) shot-put (推铅球) hang-gliding (滑翔) javelin (标枪) fencing (击剑) ice hockey (冰球) weight-lifting (举重) pole jump (撑杆跳) Step 3 ReadingLook at the title and read the background information:Guess: What are they going to talk about?Task 1: skimming1. What are they mainly talking about? The similarities and differences about the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics.2. When he hears that women are allowed to join in, what does he say? How about his feeling, sad, surprised or happy? (surprised)3.When he hears the Olympics are also about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further, how does he feel, sad, surprised of happy? (happy) Task 2: scanningItemsThe ancient Olympic GamesThe modern Olympic GamesFrequency1.Every _years2. Every _ yearsTypesOnly Summer Olympic GamesSummer and 3. _ Olympic GamesEventsFewer4._ItemsThe ancient Olympic GamesThe modern Olympic GamesAthletesOnly men from 5. _ cityFrom 6._ _ including 7. _PlacesGreece8._Prize9. _10. _ Step 4 DiscussionWork in pairs. What do you prepare for the xx Olympic Games if you are : a teacher / university students / worker in Beijing / driver / Tianliang / Guo Jingjing / Liu Xiang / a coach (教练) / Zhang Yimou / the mayor of Beijing Step 5 Summary of the interviewThe Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include two kinds, the _and the _ Olympics. Both of them are _ every _ _. All countries can take part if their athletes reached the _ to the games. Women are not only _ to join in but playing a very _ role. A _ _ village is built for the petitors to live in, a _ for petitions, a large swimming pool, a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games. Its a great _ to host the Olympic Games. The Olive wreath has been _ by medals. But its still about being able to run _, jump _ and throw _. Step 6 Homework1. Review the reading text and finish Ex. 1 & 2 (P11)2. Prepare for next period Period Two Learning about language Step 1 Revision Can you tell me the similarities and differences between the ancient and the modern Olympics? (each student says one point) Step 2 Guessing words1 .telling the truth 2. take the place of3. take part in 4. a group of5. ask someone questions to find out information6. something given to the winner of a petition-7. a round piece of gold, silver or bronze given as a prize8. allow sb to enter- Step 3 Language points1. ancient: adj. old-modernHe used to drive his ancient car. 他过去常常开他的老式车.To my surprise, the ancient custom is popular today.让我惊奇的是, 这种古代习俗今天还流行.in ancient timesin modern times2pete (v)petition (n) petitor (n)petitive (adj)I hope all of us can pete _ race / running.I know my English cannot pete _his. game / match /contest / petition(1) Do you like watching boxing _.(2) I prefer to play a _ of chess.(3) She took the first place in the speech _.(4) They are both in _ with each other for the gold medal.区别: game 游戏,比赛,运动,球赛为美式英语,指棋类、桥牌类;复数为运动会;match 球赛为英式英语, 指预先安排好的正式比赛,如摔跤, 拳击等;contest 指智力和知识竞赛(=petition)petition 通过个人体力, 智力,技能 等获取名词.3. prize / medal / reward / award(1) Its certain that he will win a silver _ for racing.(2) He did win the first _ in the 100 meters race.(3) The winner received a gold medal as an _.(4) A large _ will be offered to whoever finds the missing ring.medal 奖牌/章; prize 奖金, 奖励, 获奖名次;award 奖品, 奖金; reward 报酬, 回报4.特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的插入语+ 陈述句(常用此类插入语的动词为: think, believe, suppose, imagine, consider, suggest, say 等)(1) Where do you think _ (他们已经去哪里了)?(2) Who do you suppose _ (会获得第一名)?(3) When do you suggest _ (我们去度假)?方法: 还原法. Do youwhere /who+主谓Mum is ing; what present _(你希望她有) for your holiday? (05福建高考)5. find /find out / discover(1) Its so boring to wait here, John, go to _ when the plane will arrive, will you?(2) On the way home I _ a watch lying on the road.(3) Theyre trying to _ the secret.(4) Columbus _ America in 1492.(5) Can you _ Mr. Lius address for me?注意: find 指偶然发现; find out 指有意识地去发现, 打听或者询问; discover 强调新的发现或科学的发现.6. interview (n/v) 采访, 会见, 面试 interviewer(采访者) interviewee(被采访者)Tomorrow Ill have a interview for a new job.I interviewed 20 people for the job.a job / telephone / TV interview7. I live in what you call “Ancient Greece”.(1) They were not satisfied with what you have done.(What引导名词性从句,指事, 物, 时间, 地点, 言语,和情况等等).(2) We waited what seemed two hours.(3) We arrived at what they call “Xinhu” now.(4) Ill give the money to whoever helped me in the past.8. be to do sth(1)表命令, 义务, 职责 (应该, 必须 “长辈对晚辈”) You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.(2) 表计划, 安排, 打算They are to get married on National Day.(3) 不可避免要发生, 命中注定This chance is to e.9. admit sth / doing sth / that-clause 容许, 承认, 接纳(1) The thief admitted his crime.(2) I had to admit that I had done wrong.(3) She admitted having stolen the necklace.(4) At last he was admitted to Beijing University.(5) I admit it to be true.10. every four years= every fourth year every other day = every two days every few days (不用a few) (注意:every 不能换成each)11. replace (vt) 代替; 放回原处The old machine should be replaced by new ones.You have to replace the book where they were.12. (1) I didnt go there, _her. (她也是)(2) She was a teacher, _ I. (我也是这样)(3) Im a student and I like English, _ him. (他也是如此)(4) He says he will travel abroad. -So _ I if he travelled.(我也是) Step 4 Practice1. Find the similar words.(1) I have e to find out about the modern Olympics. A. recent B. present day C. earlier D. future(2) Every four years, athletes pete from all over the world. A. petitions B. petitors C. conductors D. cousins(3) Events with horses are part of the Summer Olympics. A. positions B. petitions C. Sports D. Races(4) Those who do well in the Olympic Games with medals. A. prizes B. money C. prices D. progress2. Fill in the suitable prepositions.(1)Some of the athletes have peted _two Olympic Games.(2) He will pete _ seven other athletes from foreign countries.(3) All the players pete _honors as well as medals.(4) He was admitted _ the skating club in xx. (5) Athletes from all over the world are admitted _ petitors.(6) These words are related _ each other in meaning.(7) What she has said does not relate_ the facts.Step 5 HomeworkGo over the useful words and expressions Period Three Extensive Language Step 1 RevisionTranslation1. They had to pete against several larger panies to get more buyers.2. The famous actor was interviewed by reporters about his marriage.3. Can you find out Mr. Lius address for me?4. Why do you suppose he changed his mind suddenly?5. I dont understand how the two ideas relate to each other.Step 2 Reading (P51) The first part1.What the main idea of the passage? It describes _of the ancient Olympics Games.2. Can you describe it in details? First the athletes _to the Zeus and prayed _;Then they_.The second part1. What the content(内容) of the interview? It tells us the _of a successful athlete and the _.2. What are the rewards? He received _ : _, _and _.The third part1.Whats the story about?A women _ in the Olympic Games and she caused someArgument. So _ was passed that_.Information on the ancient Olympic GamesOpening of the Olympic GamespetitorsTheir hometownsTraining plansRewardsA problemHow it was solvedStep 3 Reading (14)1.Talk about the two pictures.(1)Who is the man? What about the girl? (2) What can you see in the picture? (3) What is the girl giving to the man? (4) What are golden apples used for?Skimming(1) Who was Atlanta? (2) What was she good at?(3) Who did she want to marry?(4) How could Hippomenes win Atlanta?(5) Main idea: Its about Atlanta who races to marry the man who can run faster than her. In order to win the race, Hippomenes asked for help from the Goddness of Love.True or False questions. (P14)1.Atlanta could run faster than any man. ( )2. At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. ( )3. Atlanta was not confident she could win. ( )4. She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics. ( )5. She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( )6. Her father did not understand her wish to pete. ( )7. He didnt refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. ( ) Step 4 Homework1. Finish the exercises. (P49-50 Ex.1&3)2. Written work. (Ex.2) Period Four Listening Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework. Step 2 Listening The Story of Atlanta (P15)Task 1: lead-in (revision).Task 2: Read the statements quickly and guess which can be the possible general idea of the story. (Ex 2)(1) listen for the first time. (Answer: 4.)Work in pairs and discuss the answers.(2) Listen for the second time and finish Ex. 1 & Ex. 3.The correct Order: 4-11-7-5-1-3-9-6-10-8-2(3).Listen for information:Hippomenes was standing waiting and when Atlanta came out she thought, “ _. His death _!” So she said to her father, “_. The race _ .” But Hippomenes said, “ She has said it:_.”Step 3 Listening (P48)Task 1: Leading-in(1) Do you know there is an event called “Marathon”? (2) Do you think there was such an event in ancient Olympics? The Marathon was a modern event that was first introduced in the 1896 Olympic Games. The distance is 26 miles 385 yards or 42,195 kilometres. Its a race in honor of Phidippides, an ancient runner. In the 5th century B.C, the Persians attacked Greece at Marathon near Athens. The Greeks were very worried and didnt know what to do. They sent Phidippides to Sparta to ask for help for the battleTask 2: Listen to get the main idea.Task 3:Listen again and fill in the blanks.(1) In ancient Athens, the only way to send messages was by _.(2) In all it took Phidippides _ to run to Sparta for help, but his journey was _.(3) The battle against the Persians was hard but at last the Athens won, because the Persians were too _.(4) When Phidippides arrived, he could hardly_ and then fell down _.(5) Every four years there is a race called the Marathon from _ to _.Task 4: Answer the questions (P48).1.How many journeys did Phidippides make? Two. One to Sparta and back; one to Athens.2. Why did he have to run to Sparta so fast? This was the only way to get help quickly as there were no telephones, faxes or e-mails.3. What did he do as well as run? He also fought in the Battle of Marathon against the Persians.4. Why did they ask him to run fast from Marathon to Athens after the battle? They knew the people of Athens could be worried and they wanted them to know the good news.5. How is he remembered? He is remembered with a race in the Olympic Games which is as long as his run form Marathon to Athens.Step 4 Listening (P51)Task 1: Leading-in What can you see in the picture?Task 2: Read the statements and listen to the tape for information.Task 3: Number the events and discuss them in pairs.Answers: 5-7-2-1-6-3-4-8Step 5 HomeworkFinish the exercises on the workbook. Period Five Speaking and writing Step 1 Dictation1. In ancient Olympics, women were not allowed to pete in the games.2. As a matter of fact, he has been admitted to Zhongshan university, which is as great an honor as a gold medal.3. He felt upset because his house would be taken apart and replaced by a new one.4. I had to promise to slow down so as not to lead to accidents.Step 2 An interviewWork in pairs or groups, and interview at least 5 students about their hobbies and why they like it.1. Whats your favorite hobby?2. Why do you like it ( love / enjoy / prefer /be interested in / be crazy about)?3. What is enjoyable about the hobby?4. What good does it do to you?Step 3 SpeakingWork in groups and discuss with your partners who have the same hobby with youQuestions:1. Why do you like this sport / music / collecting stamps?2. What is enjoyable about your hobby?3. What do you need for this hobby?4. What have you learned from the hobby?5. What difficulty might you have about it? Step 4 WritingWrite a passage about your hobby. A sample Swimming is my favorite sport. I like it because it can bring me much fun. The process of learning how to swim is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, you will feel cool and fortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. Its a healthy sport and it can build up our body. If you are a beginner, you must be careful. Youd better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. If you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination. Step 5 Writing task (P53)Situation: Suppose you are a coach, and you are coaching a student to prepare for a ing petition. He has practised for some days. You need to write a report to tell him what he needs to practise to improve further. Now talk about the form and discuss them with your partners.InformationReport on training for the three-event petitionNameZhao LiyuanAge15Sports chosenRunning, long jump, table tennisFirst sportGood pointsBad pointsRunningThe speed is OK at first.His fast speed cant last long.InformationReport on training for the three-event petitionSecond sportGood pointsBad pointsLong jumpHe has mastered the basic skills and can jump long.He cant stand steadily.Third sportGood pointsBad pointsTable tennisHe is skilled in dealing with unexpected situation.Sometimes he is too nervous.General opinionHe is good at table tennis, but for running and long jump, theres some to be improved.SampleZhao Liyuan, 15 years old this year, will pete in running, long jump and table tennis in the ing petition. For each sport, he has both some advantages and disadvantages. In running his speed is OK at first, but his fast speed cant last long. In long jump, he has mastered the basic skills and can jump long but he cant stand steadily when landing. In table tennis, he is skilled in dealing with unexpected situation, but sometimes he is too nervous. In all, he is good at table tennis, but for running and long jump, there is much to be improved.Step 6 HomeworkFinish the position after class. Period Six Assessment Step 1 Revision测试性评价I. 语法填空.1.He had to admit _(break) the school rules.2. It is certain that she will win the _ (pete).3. Finally he _ (动词短语) the problem with no difficulty.4. It was getting too late. Thats _ we were getting anxious about you.5. They came here every two days. That is to say, they came here every _ day.6. Nobody will _ (allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket.7. In fact it is _(relate) to the case.8. Can you understand the various _ (advertise) all over the city?9. They think that Father Christmas has a _ (magic) fascination for many children.II. 单词拼写.1. A_ from all over the world will e to attend the Olympics.2. I will r_ Mr. Wu as headteacher of the class.3. They will have an i_ with the boss of the pany.4. It is an _(荣誉) for me to speak here.5. Printing was invented by the _(古代的) Chinese Bisheng.III. 句型转换.1. A: Are you going to take part in our discussion? B: Are you going to _ us _ the discussion?2. A: The accident happened in Taiwan. B: The accident _ _ in Taiwan.3. A: The singer will hold a concert soon.B: A concert _ _ _ soon4. A: We havent decided when and where to build the new factory.B: When and where to build the new factory _ _ _ yet.5. A: Tom earns 1000 yuan a month while Mary earns 10,000 a month.B: Mary earns _ _ _ _ _ that Tom earns.IV. 介词, 副词, 连词填空.1. Greek city used to pete _ each other _ the honor of winning.2. A special village is built _ the petitors to live _.3. Every four years athletes _ all over the world are admitted _petitors.4. He threw the golden apples one _ another.5. These words are related _ each other _ meaning.V. 用所给动词的适当形式填空.last, host, take, hold, start, succeed, join, grow, pete, chooseThe Olympic Games were first _ in Ancient Greece as early as 776 B. C. They were held every four years in Olympia. This place was _ because it was more or less in the centre of the Greek world. Only Greek free-born citizens could _ part. Slaves were also prevented from _. The petition _for more than 1000 years but died out under the rulers of Rome and stopped with the decline of ancient Greek civilization. Then in 1896 the games were held

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