2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1) (10)优秀教案 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1) (10)优秀教案 新人教版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1) (10)优秀教案 新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1Great scientists Period 1) (10)优秀教案 新人教版必修5This period mainly deals with the important language points that appear in the Reading passages.But first, the teacher should check how well the students understood the passage by asking some detailed questions based on the passage.While doing this, students should keep their textbooks closed.Then the teacher will check the students homework of filling some words in a short passage.Then the teacher will deal with the important points in the passage.The purpose of this step is to help students better understand some difficult sentences and master the usage of some important words and expressions.So the teacher should give the students several minutes to find out the difficult points at first.In this way, the teacher can help the students remove the obstacles in reading.After that the teacher will explain the words and expressions and then show the students some typical examples to help them understand.Sometimes the teacher will pare the words or expressions with some similar ones.After this step, as consolidation, the students are asked to finish a short passage using the words and expressions that they have just learned in the unit.Another more difficult task is set to meet the needs, that is, to translate some sentences from Chinese to English by using the words and expressions in the brackets.Teaching Important PointsLearn the usage of some difficult words and expressions.Train the students ability to remove the difficulties while reading.Teaching DifficultiesTrain the students ability to distinguish some similar words or expressions.Know that the invaders caused the native people to suffer a lot, but they also left some historical treasures.Teaching Aidsa tape recorder a projectorthe blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge Aimsdivide, puzzle, construct, influence, thrill, consist of, break away (from), break down, break in/into, break out, break through, break up, set the time, set an example, set sb.free, set about doing sth., set out to do sth., set sth.aside, set down, set off, set up, be linked to, to ones surprise, look round, keep ones eyes open, on special occasions, in memory of, have a photo taken, on show, be proud of, leave outThere is no need to do sth.It seemed that sb.should have done sth.Ability AimsLearn the usage of some difficult words and expressions.Train the students ability to distinguish some similar words or expressions.Train the students ability to remove the difficulties while reading.Emotional AimsTrain the students ability to cooperate with others.Get to know that history can greatly influence the geography of a place.Know that the invaders caused the native people to suffer a lot, but they also left some historical treasures.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingsTeacher greets the students as usual.Step 2 Homework CheckingT: In the last period we learned some famous attractions in London.Can you use some simple English to describe two of the places?S: The Tower of London was built long ago by the Norman invaders of AD 1066.This solid, stone, square tower had remained standing for one thousand years.If you went there, you would find the Queens jewels guarded by special royal soldiers who, on special occasions, still wear the four-hundred-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth .S: If you went to visit Greenwich, you would see its old ships and famous clock that sets the world time.There is the imaginary longitude line which divides the eastern and western halves of the world, and is very useful for navigation.T: Good.Now, please open your books and turn to Page 11.Lets first check the answers in Part 1.Id like to ask one of you to read the passage.S: “Why you debate this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a puzzle to me, ”the boss said on the phone.“This is the project for you.You will live in a town in England and have a house with all modern convenience. Our headquarters in Beijing will clarify any problems that may arise over the Internet.You will help us to examine any legal issues that may arise if we want to build a factory somewhere in the United Kingdom.We think you will find living in England will be a great attraction and so we would like to influence you to take this job.We hope you will accept it.”T: Yes, every word has found its proper place.Step 3 Language FocusingT: Look at the first reading passage in this unit.Do you have any trouble in understanding any word, phrase or sentence pattern?S: In this unit there is a sentence, “The UK consists of four countries.”Can we change it into“The UK is made up of four countries.”?T: Absolutely right.“A consists of B”means“A is made up of B”.Or we can change the sentence into Active Voice by using“make up”.Can you?S: Four countries make up the UK.T: You are right.“Consist”can be used with“in”, which means“lie in”.Translate the following sentence: 这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要。S: The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.S: Whats the difference between“divide”and“separate”?T: “Divide”means to separate something such as an area, group, or object into two or more parts.For example: Take the orange and divide it into quarters.We can say“divide sth.in/into sth.”or“divide sth.between/among sb.”.Translate the following sentences: “1.我们分成几个小组吧。2.这笔钱要在六个孙儿中平均的分配。”S: Lets divide ourselves into several groups.S: The money is to be divided equally among the six grandchildren.T: “Divide”can also mean to find out how many times one number is contained in another larger number.e.g.15 divided by 3 is 5.T: If something“separates”two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other or connected with each other.For example: A fence separated the cows from the pigs.“Separate”can also mean apart.Can you translate the sentence into English: “两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。”S: The two children separated at the end of the road.S: How can we use the word“puzzle”in the title“Puzzles in Geography”?T: “Puzzle”can be used as a noun or verb.In the title“Puzzles in Geography”“puzzle”is used as a noun, which means something that is difficult to understand or explain.For example: Its a puzzle where all my money goes each week.It can also mean a game in which you have to think hard to solve a difficult question or problem, as in a crossword puzzle.As a verb, “puzzle”has two meanings.One is to confuse someone or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand something.The other is to think for a long time about something because you cannot understand or solve it.It is often used with over or about.Translate the following sentences: 1.那个妇女的病症把医生难住了, 他无法找出病因。2.老将军对着那张旧地图苦苦思索着。S: The womans illness puzzled the doctor; he couldnt find the cause.S: The old general was puzzling over the old map.S: There are two“break”phrases in this unit: “break away”and“break down”.Can you tell us some other“break”phrases that are often used?T: OK.You are very careful.“Break away”means to leave a group or political party to form another group, usually because of a disagreement.It is often followed by“from”.“Break down”has many meanings.If a large machine, especially a car, breaks down, it stops working.If a discussion, system, etc.breaks down, it fails because there are problems.If a substance breaks down or something breaks it down, it changes as a result of a chemical process.“Break in”means to enter a building by using force, in order to steal something or to join a conversation by interrupting someone or saying something suddenly.But we cant add an object directly to“break in”.If you want to do so, you can use“break into”.“Break into tears, laughter, cheers, etc.”means to suddenly start crying, laughing, etc.When something unpleasant such as a fire, war, or disease starts to happen, we can use“break out”.“Break through”means to force a way through something.The similar phrase to“break into pieces”is“break up”.If a marriage, group of people, or organization breaks up, the people in it separate and do not live or work together any more.Now, please use the“break”phrases to finish the following sentences.1.It was almost midnight when a fire _in the neighborhood.2.At dawn 300 tanks prepared to _the enemy lines.3.The car _halfway to the destination.4.The police _the fighting crowd.5.Children shouldnt_on adults conversation.6.The robbery suspect _the lockup.7.The thieves _the office and stole some money.8.The crowd _ cheers and the drunk bowed.Suggested answers: 1 broke out2 break through3 broke down4 broke up5 break in6 broke away from7 broke into8 broke intoT: So now you must have mastered these“break”phrases.S: In the sixth paragraph, there is a word“constructed”.Can we replace it with“built”?T: Yes.But“construct”refers to building a large building, bridge, road, etc.And can mean to form something such as a sentence, argument or system by joining words, ideas, etc, together.So, “to construct a sentence”means“to make a sentence”.Do you know its noun form?S: Construction.T: Yes.So what does this sentence mean?When we got to the hotel, it was still under construction.S: It means the hotel is still being built.T: You are very clever.S: Can you tell us the differences between“influence”, “affect”, “touch”, “impress”and“move”?T: “To influence”means“to have an effect on the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks, etc.without directly forcing or manding them”.“To affect”means“to do something that produces an effect or change in someone or something”.“To touch”means“to make someone feel upset, sympathetic, interested, etc.”.If someone or something impresses you, you admire them because you notice how good, clever, successful, etc.they are.“To move”means“to make someone feel strong feelings, especially of sadness or sympathy”.Now, try to use these words to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.1.His harsh words had obviously _her although she tried not to show it.2.How will the tax _people on low ines?3.The childs suffering_us to tears.4.What _me most about the book was its vivid language.5.My teacher _my decision to study science.S: No.1 touched; No.2 affect; No.3 moved; No.4 impressed; No.5 influenced.T: Now lets e to the second reading passage in this unit.Do you have any questions?S: In the third paragraph, there is a sentence, “ .and famous clock that sets the world time.”What does“set”mean here?T: “Set”here means“decide or establish”.In English there are many“set”phrases, which are very useful.Here are the explanations to some“set”phrases.Please write down the“set”phrases in the bracket before each of them.1.()to behave in a way that shows others how to behave 2.()to allow someone to be free 3.()to start doing something especially something that needs a lot of time and effort4.()to keep something especially money and time, for a special purpose and only use it for that purpose 5.()to write about something so that you have a record of it 6.()to start to go somewhere 7.()to place or build something such as a sign or statue somewhereS: No.1 set an example; No.2 set sb.free; No.3 set about doing sth./set out to do sth.; No.4 set sth.aside; No.5 set down; No.6 set off; No.7 set up.T: Excellent.S: In the fourth paragraph, there is a word“thrill”.How can we use this word?T: The word“thrill”can be a noun and a verb.As a noun, it means a sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure, or the thing that makes you feel this.As a verb, it means to make someone feel excited and happy.Hence, we have“thrilling”(exciting) and“thrilled”(excited).Look at the following sentence: I always take a thriller to read on the train.What does“thriller”mean?Please pay special attention to the context.S: It means a person who feels thrilled.T: Does anyone have a better explanation?S: It must refer to something instead of someone.T: You are right.“Thriller”refers to a book or film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime.T: If you have some other questions, please e to ask me after class.Step 4 ConsolidationT: Turn to Page 50 and try to finish Part 2.Read these phrasal verbs and use them correctly in the passage.(Teacher gives the students several minutes to finish the task.)(Teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)S: No.1 consists of; No.2 break away from; No.3 take the place of; No.4 divided into; No.5 break down; No.6 left out.Step 5 Homework1.Revise all the difficult words and phrases in this unit.2.Find out the phrases from the text to fill in the blanks: 1) 与连结_ 2) 令某人惊讶的是_3) 到处寻找, 观光_ 4) 睁大眼睛_5) 在特殊的场合_ 6) 为了纪念_7) 拍一张照片_ 8) 展出_9) 为感到骄傲 _10) 遗留, 漏掉_3.Translate the sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets.1) 大卫贝克汉姆到达日本时, 兴奋的球迷们都赶去迎接。(thrilled)2)为了庆祝我表姐的婚礼, 我的姨妈和姨父安排了一场晚会。(wedding; arrange)3)这可能有点难以理解, 但是举个例子能有助于解释清楚这个难题。(clarify)4)不要受她的话的影响, 你必须自己决定。(influence)5)由于父亲无法来款待晚会上的客人, 波拉代替父亲接待了他们。(available; take the place of)The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 2The United KingdomPeriod 4Language FocusingImportant words & phrases: 1.A consists of Bbreak outset about doing sth.A is made up of Bbreak throughset out to do sth.B make up Abreak upset sth.aside 2.divide /separate5.construct/buildset down 3.puzzle6.influence/affect/touch/set off 4.“break”phrases: impress/moveset up break away (from) 7.set the time8.thrill (thrilling, thrilled)break downset an examplethriller break in/intoset sb.freeResearch and ActivitiesAs is well known, Hong Kong was once a colony of the UK.Find out how the UK systems influenced the economy and culture of Hong Kong.And find out as many changes as possible before and after Hong Kong returned to the mainland.The following websites and the passages may be helpful.1.http: /answers/topic/history-of-hong-kong2.http: /globaledge.msu.edu/IBRD/CountryHistory.asp?CountryID=19&RegionID=33.http: /reference/browse/wiki/History_of_Hong_KongHong KongAfter the end of World War and the munist takeover of Mainland China in 1949, hundreds of thousands of people emigrated from China to Hong Kong.Some of the new immigrants brought with them skills and capital, while others became a vast pool of cheap labour.At the same time, many foreign firms moved their offices from Shanghai to Hong Kong. This helped Hong Kong achieve its first economic success and bee a major manufacturing centre.However, despite the economic success, many employers did not treat their employees well.The ideal of munism impressed many young Hongkongers in the 1960s.In May, 1967, a labour movement under the influence of the Cultural Revolution in China became violent.Riots followed in the next six months.A famous radio host, Lam Bun (林彬), who openly criticised the movement, was murdered.Leftists agitators in Hong Kong resorted to terrorist attacks by planting real and fake bombs around the city.After the Hong Kong government brought down the labour movement, the munists web in Hong Kong was broken and the Hongkongers view of the munists became negative.(Refer to Hong Kong 1967 riots)In 1974, Murray Mclehose founded ICAC, the Independent mission Against Corruption. The situation was so bad that there was a mass petition by policemen against prosecutions. Despite early police opposition to the ICAC, Hong Kong was quite successful in its anti-corruption efforts, eventually being one of the least corrupt societies in the world.The opening of the mainland Chinese market and rising salaries drove many manufacturers north.Hong Kong transformed into a mercial and tourism centre.High life expectancy, literacy, per capita ine and other socioeconomic measures attest to Hong Kongs achievements over the last four decades of the 20th Century.Some of the changes were purely symbolic: All public offices now flew the flags of the PRC and the Hong Kong SAR.The Union jack now flies only outside the British Consulate.More schools would now teach in Cantonese with Chinese textbooks, and in parallel to English.English is still an official language (see Hong Kong Basic Law) and is still being taught in all schools.Queen Elizabeth s portrait disappeared from banknotes, postage stamps and public offices.As of xx, many pre-1997 coins and some banknotes are still in circulation.The Royal title was dropped from almost all organisations that had been granted it, with the exception of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club.Legal references to the Crown were replaced by references to the State, and barristers who had been appointed Queens Counsel would now be known as Senior Counsel.Public holidays changed, with the Queens Official Birthday and other British-inspired occasions being replaced by Chinese National Day and Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day.In other respects, many things remained unchanged: The new SAR remained a separate jurisdiction, continuing to use English mon law.The border with the mainland continued to be patrolled as before, with Hong Kong, unlike the mainland, continuing to drive on the left.It remained a separate customs territory, with freer trade with the rest of the world than with the mainland.It retained most of immigration controls to foreign countries, except politically related visa applications.Similarly, Hong Kong SAR passport holders had easier access to countries in Europe and North America, while mainland citizens did not.Note that the citizens in Mainland China can only apply the visa to Hong Kong from the China Government.The practice executed before and after 1997.It continued to have more political freedoms than the mainland, including freedom of the press (although this became vulnerable to self-censorship) and freedom of expression.BS1363 plugs are still utilised in Hong Kong.Hong Kong since 1997The Hang Seng Index fell by 22.8 percent in a week of 28 October xx after the real estate bubble economy collapsed, severely damaging the economy.In xx, another election was held.The real estate market, a key ponent of the Hong Kong economy, went into free-fall due to increasing governmental interventions on private ownership as well as housing supplies and partially as a consequence of the Asian financial crisis.In xx, concerns about the proposed anti-subversion bill that would have eroded freedom of the press, of religion and of association arising from Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23 and the unpopularity of Tung Chee Hwa and his officials, plus dissatisfaction about the poor state of the economy, prompted 2.5 million people to march on July 1, making it the largest protest aimed at mainland China ever in the history of Hong Kong.The legislation was overturned as a result of the public outcry.In March 10, xx, chief executive Tung Chee-hwa resigned as the chief executive.Tungs position has been filled, after a by-election with only one qualifed candidate, by the No.2 ranking official, the Chief Secretary Donald Tsang, a popular bow tie-wearing career civil servant who was educated at Harvard and received a knighthood for his service during British colonial rule.Reference for Teaching“break”phrases: 1)break away逃走; 逃脱 The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup.抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules.(喻)现代音乐如爵士乐摆脱了旧的传统规则。断裂; 开裂A large piece of ice broke away f

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