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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit1Friendship练含解析新人教版必修.词义辨析1.She refused to offer any help,which quite _ all the people present. Aignored Bsettled Cupset Dsuffered2“If you _ your diet,trouble will follow,” my doctor warned me. Apack Bignore Crecover Dconcern3He devoted himself _ to his research work,having no time for play. Aexactly Bgratefully Cloosely DentirelyCBDD4Im afraid its not within my _ to get the work done in such a short time. Aenergy Bstrength Cpower Dforce5She drew back the _ at nine in the morning to let some sunlight in. Acurtains Bsuitcases Cpartners Dteenagers6I cant express how _ I am for all youve done for me. Agrateful Bloose Ccalm Dentire7In order to build the dam,they moved the local people and_ them in another place. Arecovered Bignored Cconcerned Dsettled8The doctors are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to_ from heart trouble. Auncover Bdiscover Crecover DcoverCAADC9The train arrived at _ 8 oclock,neither earlier nor later. Aclearly Bexactly Cwidely Dnearly10Steve gave me some useful _ on how to take good pictures. Apowers Btips Citems DthundersBB.名词性从句专练1. 【xx届北京市东城区高三5月综合练习(二模)】Agatha didnt tell me _ she would pick up her son from school.A.whichB.whenC.whereD.what【答案】B2. 【xx届北京市东城区高三5月综合练习(二模)】 It is well known _Confucius was born in the city of Qufu in Shandong province, China.A.whetherB.whereC.thatD.what【答案】C【解析】考查连接词。句意:众所周知,孔子出生在中国山东省的曲阜市。本题中it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句,故选C。3. 【xx届北京市海淀区高三5月期末练习(二模)】is willing to volunteer in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is wele to join us.A.WhateverB.WhoeverC.WheneverD.Wherever【答案】B【解析】考查主语从句。句意:无论是谁愿意在2022年北京冬季奥运会做志愿者,都欢迎来加入我们。whoever引导主语从句时,意义相当于anyone who,即表示“任何人都”“谁谁就(都)”“不管是谁那都”。故选B。4. 【xx届江苏省南京市高三第三次模拟】The problem _he will have his college education at home or abroad remains untouched.A.howB.whetherC.thatD.when【答案】B5. 【xx届江苏省南通、扬州、泰州、淮安四市高三下学期第三次模拟】 The rent of our flat will see a 20% rise this year? Yes. Thats _ I have promised with the flat owner.A.whatB.whereC.howD.when【答案】B【解析】考查表语从句。句意:我们房子的租金今年将上涨20%。是的,这就是我向房主妥协的地方。此处where引导表语从句,相当于the place (point)where,故选B.6. 【xx届天津市十二重点中学高三毕业班联考(二)】 What surprised us most is that be doesnt knowthe differences between the two books lie.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.where【答案】D【解析】考察宾语从句。句意最让我们惊讶的是他不知道两本书有什么区别。这里接的是宾语从句,而后面的从句缺少的是地点状语。所以应该用where。故选D。7.【北京市大兴区xx届高三一模】worries the public that air pollution is being more and more serious these days.A.ItB.ThatC.WhatD.This【答案】A【解析】考查it的用法。句意:这些天空气污染正变得越来越严重,这让公众担忧。本句用it作形式主语,真正的主语是that air pollution is being more and more serious these days,故选A。8. 【江苏省连云港市、徐州市、宿迁市xx届高三年级第三次模拟】We sell a lot of products offshore and the opportunity to open up markets in regions_ we dont currently sell a lot to is a great one.A.whereB.thatC.whatD.when【答案】B【解析】考查定语从句。分析句子成分,主句the opportunity is a great one,先行词是regions,定语从句we dont currently sell a lot to中缺少to的宾语,所以只能用that或者which,故选B。9. 【江苏省苏锡常镇xx届高三英语教学情况调查(二)】The infrastructure of a country is _ makes everything run well, including things like transport, irrigation, electricity and schools.A.whichB. thatC.whereD.what【答案】D10.【江苏省淮阴中学xx届高三下学期期初考】 Its true that beauty does not always meet with a single, uniform standard. A persons cultural background, for example, may influence _ he or she find attractive in others.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.when【答案】C【解析】考查宾语从句连接词。句意:的确,美并不总是符合单一的、统一的标准,例如,一个人的文化背景可能会影响到他或她在别人眼中的吸引力。influence缺少宾语,因此后面是一个宾语从句;宾语从句中的find也缺少宾语,因此连接词既作influence的宾语,也作从句中find的宾语,根据句意,用what正确。故选C。III.短语填空add up;calm down;be concerned about; go through;set down;on purpose;get/be tired of;pack up;get along with;look through1How does she keep smiling after all she has _?2Ive always found him a bit difficult to . 3_ your scores and we will see who wins.4I _ watching television;lets go for a walk.5Ive _ all my papers but I still cant find the contract.6How can you expect me not to _ my own son?7Jacks been really annoying me and I think hes doing it _.8We arrived just as the musicians were _ their instruments.9He took a few deep breaths to _.10I will _ in my notebook the story as it was told to me.IV.完成句子1She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months _ (后来被发现了)(discover)2I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary _ (像大多数人那样)(most)3I _ (有意不睡觉) until half past eleven one evening in order to have a look at the moon.(stay)before they were discovered as most people do stayed awake on purpose V.模仿造句1Your friend cant go until he finishes cleaning his bicycle.昨天晚上我做完全部作业后才去睡觉。_ I didnt go to bed yesterday evening until I finished doing all my homework. 2While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.在路边等公交车时,我发现地上有个钱包。_ While waiting for the bus by the roadside,I found a wallet on the ground.3You will tell him that he should have studied.他没有通过考试,他以前该更加努力地学习的。_ He didnt pass the exam.He should have studied a bit harder.4Its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.就是因为我迟到了,老师才不高兴的。_ It was because I was late for class that the teacher was upset. 5It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.那是我平生第一次来到长城参观。_ It was the first time in my life that I had e to the Great Wall for a visit.VI语法填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。“Please introduce yourself briefly.” said Jack, a teenager and captain of the school basketball club. I sat face to face with him, feeling a little 1._(concern)and upset. I tried to2._ myself down. My memory flashed back. Having packed books, overcoats and other items, I got on the bus, waving goodbye to my window with 3._(dust)curtains. As usual,I saw people walking dogs which are quite loose outdoors.I have got to admit that I felt 4._ (ignore)when I entered high school. Soon, I began to be 5._of the life. I disliked it when I set down teachers word and devoted myself to study just in 6._to achieve high grades. I preferred to play basketball. Firstly, it made me more 7._(power). Secondly, it was a guarantee of being healthy. I 8._(entire)fell in love with it. Too many times, at 9._, in spite of the thunder, I shouted on the playground on purpose. Need I join the club? I added up all the advantages and disadvantages and decided that it may 10._ my problems. VII【广西桂林市桂林中学xx届高三8月月考】完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was no wonder I was not looking forward to entering the ninth grade. High school is well known for being a battleground, where everyone seems to be_1_through physical changes and emotional mood swings(情绪波动). For me, _2_was my punishment.I had always_3_insecure and out of place as one of the_4_members of my class, standing a head above the other girls and standing at the_5_ of the line to avoid sticking _6_.I especially hate being around large groups of_7_, like during the social hour after services at my church. _8_the prayers were finished, I would_9_ as quickly as possible so I could _10_some well-meaning congratulations, “Ruthie! Look how tall youre getting!”My grandfather would watch me_11_increasingly unfortable, but he did not_12_at my self-consciousness(自我意识) or try to fort me. _13_, he would remind me. “Stand _14_and tall,” he would say, as I_15_tried to shrink(缩)myself. Even at age 15, I understood that his advice was about_16_than just feet and inches.My grandfather_17_ in war-torn Europe. When German soldiers _18_his hometown, he joined the army to_19_his countrys freedom. “ Stand straight, stand tall,” _20_something else back then. 1. A. gettingB. puttingC. lookingD. going2. A. age B. weightC. heightD. face3. A beeB goneC. placedD. felt4. A. fatterB. tallerC. thinnerD. shorter5. A. headB. endC. frontD. side6. A. toB. offC. upD. out7. A. peopleB. girlsC. teachersD. students8A. Until B. UnlessC. OnceD. While9. A. leaveB. eC. stopD. walk10. A. acceptB. receiveC. avoidD. refuse11. A. make B. moveC. turnD. bee12. A. lookB. stareC. smileD. laugh13. A. InsteadB. BesidesC. HoweverD. Therefore14. A. backB. straightC. upD. by15. A. satisfactorilyB. happilyC. unsuccessfullyD. unwillingly16. A. otherB. moreC. lessD. rather17. A. grew upB. workedC. diedD. travelled18. A. helpedB. developedC. occupiedD. visited19. A. look afterB. fight forC. work withD. stay with20. A. meantB. advisedC. carriedD. included3. D考查动词辨析A bee成为;B gone去;C. placed放;D. felt感到;句意:我一直没有安全感,因为是班里最比较高的人,比其它的女孩高一头,站在队伍的最后边避免很突兀,故选D项。4. B考查形容词辨析A. fatter胖的;B. taller高的;C. thinner瘦的;D. shorter短的;句意:我一直没有安全感,因为是班里最比较高的人,比其它的女孩高一头,站在队伍的最后边避免很突兀,根据standing a head above the other girls可知选B项。5. B考查名词辨析A. head头;B. end结束;C. front前面;D. side边;句意:我一直没有安全感,因为是班里最比较高的人,比其它的女孩高一头,站在队伍的最后边避免很突兀,根据语境可知选B项。6. D考查介词辨析A. to到;B. off离开;C. up在。上;D. out出去;句意:我一直没有安全感,因为是班里最比较高的人,比其它的女孩高一头,站在队伍的最后边避免很突兀,故选D项。7. A考查名词辨析A. people人;B. girls女孩;C. teachers老师;D. students学生;句意:我十分讨厌处在人群中,比如人们在教堂做完祷告后的寒暄和交谈,故选A项。8. C考查连词辨析A. Until直到;B. Unless除非;C. Once一旦;D. While虽然;句意:祷告一做完,我总是尽快离开教堂,这样就能避开其他人善意的尖叫,“鲁丝!看你又长个儿了!”故选C项。9. A考查动词辨析A. leave离开;B. e来;C. stop停止;D. walk走;祷告一做完,我总是尽快离开教堂,这样就能避开其他人善意的尖叫,“鲁丝!看你又长个儿了!”故选A项。10. C考查动词辨析A. accept接受;B. receive收到;C. avoid避免;D. refuse拒绝;句意:祷告一做完,我总是尽快离开教堂,这样就能避开其他人善意的尖叫,“鲁丝!看你又长个儿了!”,故选C项。11. D考查动词辨析A. make使;B. move移动;C. turn转向;D.bee成为;句意:我的看到我的别扭,但并不会嘲笑我或安慰我,故选D项。12. D考查动词辨析A. look看B. stare盯着;C. smile微笑;D. laugh笑;句意:我的看到我的别扭,但并不会嘲笑我或安慰我。Laugh at sb嘲笑某人,故选D项。13. A考查副词辨析A. Instead反而;B. Besides况且;C. However然而;D. Therefore因此;句意;反而会提醒我,挺起腰板站直了,当我想缩起身子,故选A项。14. B考查副词辨析A. back向后;B. straight直接;C. up向上;D. by通过;句意;反而会提醒我,挺起腰板站直了,当我想缩起身子。根据语境可知选B项。15. C考查副词辨析A. satisfactorily满意地; B. happily高兴地; C. unsuccessfully不成功地;D. unwillingly不乐意地;句意;反而会提醒我,挺起腰板站直了,当我想缩起身子,故选C项。16. B考查形容词辨析A. other其它的;B. more更多;C. less更少;D. rather相当;暗渠;在我十五岁时我明白他的建议不仅仅指的是身高,more than不仅仅,故选B项。17. A考查动词短语辨析A. grew up长大;B. worked工作;C. died死;D. travelled旅行;句意;外公是在战火纷争的欧洲长大的,故选A项。18. C考查动词辨析A. helped帮助;B. developed发展;C. occupied占用;D. visited参观;句意;当时德国军队占领了他的家乡,他参军为了国家的自由战斗,故选C项。考点 :人生百味类阅读。VIII【湖北省部分重点中学xx届高三上学期起点考试】假定你是高三学生李华,从网上获悉一家国际青少年志愿者组织正在全球招募暑期志愿者。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。主要内容如下: 1写信目的; 2自我介绍; 3希望获准。注意: 1词数100左右; 2文章的结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir or Madam, _ With all my best regards.Yours sincerely, Li Hua【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing this letter to apply for the job as a volunteer that you have advertised on the Internet. In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help those in need live better and bee more confident.I will graduate from senior high school in June. In the past, I took part in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience. My interest and skill in English, munication and teamwork contribute to my application for the job.I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. Im looking forward to hearing from you in the future. With all my best regards. Yours sincerely,Li Hua【解析】【亮点说明】范文中运用一些常见的短语apply for申请;in ones opinion在某人看来;contribute to有助于;look forward to 盼望着;In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help those in need live better and bee more confident.这个句子运用到部分倒装;In the past, I took part in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience.这个句子运用到in which引导的定语从句;考点: 提纲类作文

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