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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点Module2HighlightsofMySeniorYear词汇训练外研版选修一、分层单词写作词汇1.adv.永远2.n.口号;标语3.v.背诵;朗诵 4.n.(旅行用)手提箱5.n.窗帘;帘子;门帘6.n.概念7.adj.立方的8.v.使(某人)心烦意乱;使心情不好9.n.纽扣;扣子10.n.两星期;14天11.n.(公共表演的)一套固定舞步;一套舞蹈动作12.n.课程阅读词汇1.highlight n.2.peer n.3.enormous adj.4.keen adj.5.issue n. 6.alphabet n.7.institution n.8.polish v.9.certificate n.拓展词汇1.v.竞争;竞赛n.竞争;竞赛n.竞争者;对手adj.爱竞争的;竞争的2.v.选举;推选n.选举;推选3.v.考虑;认为n.考虑adj.考虑周到的;体贴的prep.考虑到;鉴于4.v.合适;适合adj.合适的;适合的5.v.吸引;诱惑n.吸引力;魅力adj.有吸引力/魅力的;引人注意的6.adj.天真无邪的;清白无辜的n.天真无邪;清白7.v.装修;装饰n.装修;装饰(物)8.v.管理;控制n.规章;规则9.adj.准时的;守时的adv.准时地10.n.传统adj.传统的adv.传统地11.n.学者n.奖学金二、高频短语1.回忆;回顾2.就我而言3.被看做;被认为是4.在我看来5.get on with sb.6.be likely to do sth.7.look forward to三、经典句型1.Meanwhile,I(发现我自己回顾)my senior year,and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened.2.(非常遗憾的是)its probably the last time this will happen.3.the 1920s(直到才)pompoms began to play an important part in cheerleading.基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写(注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.Whatever sports we are going to enjoy,“Friendship es first”is one of our(口号).2.Firstly, you can learn to drive in order to get a driving lisence, which will enable you to drive in your daily r.3.As many as ten(课程) are provided,and you are free to choose whichever suits you best.4.I was in preparation for the examination and only slept four hours a day for a (两周).5.If you let pressure benefit rather than u you, much more can be acplished than you thought possible.6.I have been(背诵)the English words all the morning,but I still cant remember them.7.“Genius” is a plicated (概念), involving many different factors.8.Having invented several puter games, the deaf student went to university for his graduation c.9.He had a (热切的) interest in solving problems met in everyday life.10.After three hours discussion, the meeting finally broke down without any agreements on the i.(二)词形变化填空 (注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.he is alwaysto his classmates,the head teacherappointing him as monitor.However,after taking everything into,he refused the appointment.(consider)2.The scenery in Hangzhou is sothat itthousands of visitors every year and also draws theof the foreigners.(attract)3.(tradition),Chinese people cut out the Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings.4.I always arrive(punctual)at internal meetings and am angry to have to wait five or 10 minutes for colleagues.5.He was charged with murder,but the court found him(innocence) and he was released.6.The young couple will have to rent a house,for their new house(decoration).7.With the of education, more and more parents in countries realize the importance of helping the children good habits.(develop)8.With time going by, we have e to realize that creativity is what it takes to keep a nation highly (pete).9. (就我而言) Im concerned, he is sure not to make a bargain with his boss;thats not his style.10.Each of us (有可能)develop a personal preference for certain types of entertainment.11.He by all the fans in the world (被看做) one of the best football players in history.12.Mary said she was (盼望) his return and seeing him. 二、经典句型仿写1.真正喜欢汽车的人发现这些小的改进令人兴奋。(find+sth./sb.+adj.)People who really care about cars.2.遗憾的是她妈妈不能参加她在法国的婚礼。(Its a pity that.)her mother cant attend her wedding ceremony in France.3.直到得了重病他才意识到健康的重要性。(It is/was not until.that.直到才)he got seriously illhe realized the importance of health.答案精解精析基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1.forever2.slogan3.recite4.suitcase5.curtain6.concept7.cubic 8.upset9.button10.fortnight11.routine12.course阅读词汇1.最重要的部分;最精彩的部分2.同龄人3.巨大的;庞大的4.渴望的;热切的;热心的5.问题6.字母表7.机构;团体8.擦光;擦亮 9.(毕业)文凭;成绩合格证书拓展词汇1pete;petition;petitor;petitive2.elect;election 3.consider;consideration;considerate;considering4.suit;suitable 5.attract;attraction;attractive6.innocent;innocence7.decorate;decoration8.regulate;regulation9.punctual;punctually10.tradition;traditional;traditionally11.scholar;scholarship二、高频短语1.look back at2.as far as Im concerned3.be considered as4.in my view/opinion5.与某人相处6.有可能做某事7.盼望;期待三、经典句型1.find myself looking back at2.Its a great pity that3.It was not until;that基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写1.slogans2.routine3.courses4.fortnight5.upset6.reciting 7.concept8.certificate9.keen10.issue(二)词形变化填空 1.Considering;considerate;considered;consideration2.attractive;attracts;attraction3.Traditionally4.punctually5.innocent6.is being decorated 7.development;developing;develop8petitive9.As far as10.is likely to11.is considered; as12.looking forward to二、经典句型仿写1.find these small improvements exciting2.Its a pity that 3.It was not until;that

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