2019年高中英语 Unit 5 Canada-“The True North” Section Ⅳ Grammar-同位语从句课时作业 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 5 Canada-“The True North” Section Ⅳ Grammar-同位语从句课时作业 新人教版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 Unit 5 Canada-“The True North” Section Grammar-同位语从句课时作业 新人教版必修3.单句语法填空1He got the news from Mary that the meeting had been called off.2I have no idea why Tom got so much money overnight.3My best friend asked me the question whether that novel was worth reading.4I have no idea where the journalist could have got his information from.5A warm thought suddenly came to me that I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.6The fact that our city can bee better in every field is clear.7Do you still remember your promise that you will buy me a bike on my birthday?8The professor showed evidence that his paper was based on original research.9The manager didnt answer the question who would take his place.10The fact has worried many scientists that the earth is being warmer and warmer these years.阅读理解It might be easy to imagine that the more crowded a bird flock (群) bees, the slower the birds fly. But it has been proven that the bigger a bird flock bees, the faster the birds will fly. The discovery was made by scientists from Swedens Lund University. They took a look at the flying speed of birds in an effort to find what influenced how fast they would fly.Most of the findings didnt surprise the researchers. A birds weight and its wing shape, wind speed and direction, and the purpose of the flight all indeed influenced its flying speed. But the scientists found that the size of the flock had a strong effect on the flying speed, which had not been expected. The scientist Anders Hedenstrm expressed surprise at the discovery as it has usually been ignored in studies on birds.Anders Hedenstrm and his partner Susanne Akesson collected their data on Swedens land Island. There they studied birds physical characteristics (特征), counted flock populations, and recorded their speeds during flying. To know the birds speed while flying, they used a tool that can also gauge important characteristics of wind, including speed and direction. They were able to measure the speed of different kinds of large flocks. The researchers results showed that bigger flocks fly faster no matter what kind of bird species they belong to. Why thats the case is the next question they hope to answer.The researchers also said that large flocks are made up of largersized birds, which move at faster speeds than smaller birds. In a large flock, it is easier to take advantage of the turbulence (湍流) that occurs behind other birds, especially when flying in formation (队形), like geese and other birds do. Using the turbulence makes it easier to maintain higher speed.【文章大意】原本人们认为鸟群的数目越大,就会飞的越慢,而最新的研究却得出了完全相反的结果。这是为什么呢?1What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us?AThe bigger the bird flock is, the faster the birds fly.BThe bigger the bird flock is, the slower the birds fly.CWhat affects birds flying speed didnt interest people.DThere was no further progress in studying birds flying speed.解析:A段落大意题。根据第一段的内容可知,最新的研究表明:并非鸟群的数目越大,飞行速度越慢,而是恰好相反。2What does the underlined word “gauge” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?AMeasure. BAffect.CChange. DControl.解析:A词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的They were able to measure the speed of different kinds of large flocks.可知,gauge意为“测量”。3What can be learned from the last paragraph?ABirds are naturalborn flyers.BBigger birds fly slower than smaller ones.CTurbulence helps birds maintain higher speed.DThe goose is the slowest flying bird in the world.解析:C推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,鸟类可以利用大气湍流维持飞行速度。.完形填空It was raining outside and I was preparing my breakfast at home. _1_, a bottle of orange juice slid (滑) from my hand and fell to the floor. Glass and juice _2_ everywhere. I looked at the _3_. Then my eyes were filled with tears. They came from a(n) _4_ acceptance that “Today is just not my day”It was a bad day for me _5_ things had to be done. I drove into town. In the few minutes it took to the bank, I made a _6_. Though I had a bad day, I would be _7_ not to pass it to anyone else. I would be happy and _8_.Standing in line, I was silently talking to myself. For the _9_ time that day my eyes were filled with tears as I _10_ how disconnected (隔离的) I felt from others. Then a _11_ drew my attention. “Young lady,” she was saying.I _12_ and saw the bank teller, an old lady with a gentle smile. Her eyes showed _13_ as she softly said, “I dont _14_ what is happening inside of you, but please believe me when I tell you that everything will be okay.”And then she did something quite _15_. My hands were resting on the counter and she placed her hands _16_ on top of mine. The _17_ was quick but electric. And in that moment my world changed.In the moment of her touch my selfdoubt _18_. I found understanding and acceptance. I knew that _19_ was being passed through the heart of this old lady directly into my heart. Then I _20_.【文章大意】本文为记叙文,话题是日常生活类。早晨起来作者心情烦躁,但是银行出纳员的一个动作让作者的心情发生了变化。1A.GraduallyBFortunatelyCSuddenly DFinally解析:C作者在准备早餐,突然装橘子汁的瓶子掉在了地上。2A.spread BflewCtraveled Dappeared解析:B瓶子掉到地板上,摔碎了,所以碎玻璃和橘子汁飞溅得到处都是。3A.mess BplaceCpicture Drain解析:A根据上文作者的描述可知,作者看着这一片混乱,眼泪流了下来。4A.public BwideCsocial Dangry解析:D根据上文Then my eyes were filled with tears可知,作者生气地哭了。5A.so BbutCunless Donce解析:B分析句子的逻辑关系可知,这一天对作者来说不愉快,但是事情还是要去做的。6A.list BmistakeCdeal Ddecision解析:D在去银行路上的几分钟时间里,作者做出了一个决定。7A.free BsatisfiedCcareful Dready解析:C作者知道自己的心情不好,所以很小心,不愿把自己不好的心情传递给其他人。8A.polite BstrongCbrave Dbusy解析:A为了不让坏心情影响了别人,作者想要高兴起来,并做到礼貌待人。9A.next BotherCsecond Dlast解析:C根据第一段的Then my eyes were filled with tears可知,作者今天第二次流泪。10A.forgot BrealizedCbegged Dregretted解析:B联系上一句可知,作者沉默,自己想心事,这时她意识到自己和别人格格不入。11A.phone BnoticeCsign Dvoice解析:D根据下文Young lady.可知,有个声音吸引了作者。12A.came up Blooked upCgave in Djoined in解析:B根据句中连词and后面的动作可知,作者抬头,看到了银行出纳员。13A.concern BfunCdoubt Dcuriosity解析:A下文中的softly和她所说的关心的话语说明,她的眼睛流露出对作者的关心。14A.expect BrememberCguess Dknow解析:D很明显,女士看到作者不高兴,认为作者有心事,所以会说:我不知道你心里想什么。15A.impossible BstrangeCunusual Dimportant解析:C根据下文可知,当时作者的手放在柜台上,女士把自己的手轻轻放在作者的手上,这个动作有些不同寻常。16A.respectfully BgentlyCnervously Deasily解析:B银行出纳员是为了安慰作者,所以轻轻地把手放到了作者的手上。17A.touch BbeatChit Dfight解析:A根据上文内容可知,此处指她们的接触。18A.came BstartedCdisappeared Darrived解析:C根据上文And in that moment my world changed可知,在银行职员的安慰下,作者的自我怀疑心理消失了。19A.love BluckCsuccess Dinterest解析:A在作者看来,这位女士把爱传递到了作者的心里。20A.agreed BstoppedCshouted Dsmiled解析:D根据上文And in that moment my world changed可知,作者觉得自己的世界变了,作者不再烦恼然后笑了。.语法填空Id like to talk about colourblindness. If your clothes dont match, someone might laugh at your _1_ (be) “colourblind”. But some people are really colourblind. It doesnt mean they cant see any colour _2_ all, like a black and white movie. It means that they have trouble seeing the difference between certain _3_ (colour)Being colourblind can make it hard _4_ (match) your coat and trousers, but its not a serious problem. People who are colourblind can do normal things, even driving. Most colourblind people cant tell the difference between red and green, _5_ they can learn to respond to the way the traffic signal changes. The red light is _6_ (general) on the top of the signal and the green one at the bottom.People _7_ (test) for colourblindness through pictures made up of different coloured dots (小圆点). If a person cant recognize the numbers in the pictures, he or she may be colourblind. Boys are far _8_ (much) likely to be colourblind. In fact, among 12 boys, one of _9_ (they) is probably at least a little colourblind. So girls, next time a boy asks you if two colours match, youd better lend him _10_ hand!【文章大意】本文为说明文,题材为日常生活类。本文介绍了关于色盲的一些情况。另外,作者还建议下次有男孩问颜色是否搭配时,我们应该帮助他。1解析:being该空所填单词与your一起作介词at的宾语,故填be的动名词形式being。2解析:atnot.at all意为:一点也不,根本不。3解析:colours由该空前的between可知,填colour的复数形式colours。 certain colours某些颜色。4解析:to match“make it hard to do sth.”结构中,it为形式宾语,后面的动词不定式是真正的宾语。5解析:but根据前后两句间的逻辑关系可知,填连词but,表示转折。6解析:generallygenerally一般来说。7解析:are tested主语people是动词test所表示动作逻辑上的宾语,故用被动语态;这里表述的是经常发生的动作,故用一般现在时。8解析:more根据far修饰比较级可知,填much的比较级more。句意:男孩更可能是色盲。9解析:them该空所填单词作介词of的宾语,故填they的宾格形式them。10解析:alend sb. a hand为固定短语,意为:帮助某人。

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