2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 高考专项突破1(2) 外研版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 高考专项突破1(2) 外研版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 高考专项突破1(2) 外研版选修8.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 高考专项突破1(2) 外研版选修8.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年(天津 山东专用)高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 高考专项突破1(2) 外研版选修8When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an unmon connection between him and the small black cat. He _1_ her Inky.“I grew up on a hundredacre farm and had only cats _2_ playmates,” Kruger, the seventyyearold man, says. “My hearing was damaged by the _3_ of farm equipment, so I learned to connect with _4_. They react to what they see and what you do.”Inky was a gentle cat, _5_ the house with five other cats. But on a January night in xx, Inky did _6_ that would set her apart from _7_ cats forever.Kruger had gone down to the basement to _8_ the wood stove for the night. When he was finished, he _9_ to the top of the stairs and reached to turn off the lights. In doing so, he slipped and _10_ his back against an old shelf. The heavy shelf came crashing down and sent Kruger down the stairs._11_ in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt _12_ going into shock (休克). He shouted for help, _13_ his wife, Brenda, was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house. _14_ Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs.“Go get Brenda,” Kruger said to Inky.Inky _15_ to the bedroom door and scratched _16_ until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the _17_. Brenda found her husband _18_ the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital. “I spent six months _19_ there,” says Kruger. “Although I became lame, I was blessed.” Since the accident, Inky has _20_ left Krugers side.1A.gave BchoseCnamed Dremembered答案:C根据上下文可知,这只猫的名字叫Inky。故此处选择name“命名”。2A.like BasCexcept Damong答案:B此处表示克鲁格小时候只有猫是他的玩伴。介词as表示“作为”。like“像”;except“除之外”;among“在当中”。3A.sound BalarmCnoise Dvoice答案:C“我”的听力被农用设备的噪音损伤了。既然是听力受损,自然为不令人舒服的声音,故此处noise最合适。sound泛指一切声音;alarm指警报声;voice指人的嗓音或鸟的歌唱。4A.animals BfriendsCfarmers Dneighbors答案:A根据上下文可以看出,他听力受损之后就学着与动物“animals”进行交流,家里养着许多猫。5A.sharing BvisitingCdividing Ddiscovering答案:AInky是一只温顺的猫,还有另外五只猫与它一起住在这个家。share“分享,享用”;visit“访问,参观,游览”;divide“分割,划分”;discover“发现”。根据句意,A项符合语境。6A.anything BnothingCsomething Deverything答案:Cxx年一月的一个晚上,Inky的确做了一件能令她与其他普通的同类区别开来的一件重要事。something在此句中可以表示“重要的事”。7A.familiar BlovelyCordinary Doutstanding答案:C根据上下文可以看出,此处表示Inky的不平凡,故此处用ordinary。8A.shut out Bshut offCshut down Dshut up答案:B根据常识可知,克鲁格到地下室去关了火炉然后睡觉。shut out“使不进入”;shut off“切断(水源,火源,电源)”shut down“关闭,停业”;shut up“闭嘴”。根据句意,B项正确。9A.marched BflewCstruggled Dclimbed答案:D从地下室上楼去自然要爬(climb)楼梯。10A.bent BhitCshook Dpulled答案:B他不小心脚下一滑,背部撞到了架子上。bend“弯曲”;hit“撞击”;shake“摇晃”;pull“拉,拔”。根据句意,B项正确。11A.Falling BLyingCAppearing DThinking答案:B克鲁格摔倒在地上,躺在血泊中。根据句意,B项正确。12A.it BitselfChim Dhimself答案:D这里表示克鲁格的自然感觉,故要用反身代词himself。13A.and BbutCor Dso答案:B他大声呼救,但他的妻子却在屋子的另一头,根本听不见。but“但是”表示转折,符合语境。14A.Thus BOtherwiseCThen DRather答案:C这时克鲁格注意到了Inky。根据上下文可知此处用then。15A.walked BranCreturned Dwithdrew答案:B根据常识Inky看到此景,自然是跑到布伦达的卧室。故ran符合语境。16A.rapidly BsuddenlyCmadly Durgently答案:C要想将已经熟睡的布伦达弄醒,动作自然应该比较用力,madly“疯狂地,猛烈地”符合语境。17A.bedroom BbasementCyard Dhouse答案:B根据上文第8空前的basement可知,此处要用basement“地下室”。18A.at the bottom of Bin the middle ofCat the top of Din the front of答案:A根据上文第11空后的内容可知,克鲁格已经从楼梯上跌落到底部。故此处要用at the bottom of“在的底部”。19A.regretting BrestingCrelaxing Drecovering答案:D根据上文克鲁格及时获救,在医院住了六个月才康复。regret“后悔”;rest“休息”;relax“放松”;recover“康复,重新获得”。根据句意,D项正确。20A.never BeverCstill Dalready答案:AInky机智地救了克鲁格,自那以后,两个形影不离。故用never(从来没有)符合语境。Whenever we hear about “the homeless,” most of us think of the Developing World. But the _1_ is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a _2_ country like Germany?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making _3_ for the homeless of Berlin, Germanys capital. They first _4_ one long hot summer when most Germans were _5_ on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches, _6_ a table in the street and gave food to the homeless.The Mullers soon realised that food and clothing werent _7_.“What these people also need is warmth and _8_,” says Rita. The Mullers didnt _9_ to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime. Rita _10_ there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always _11_ to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street.The couple were soon _12_ all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing panies to _13_ donations. Today, over thirty panies _14_ donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to _15_ them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer _16_ new shoes.Kurt and Rita receive no _17_ for their hard work. “We feel like parents,” says Rita,“and parents shouldnt _18_ money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets _19_ , she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a _20_ in the world.1A.result BtruthCreason Didea答案:B当我们谈起无家可归者时,我们大多数人会想到发展中国家。truth“事实,真理”;result“结果”。句意:但是事实却是到处都有无家可归者。故选B项。2A.traditional BdevelopingCtypical Dwealthy答案:D通过实例来说明上一句的观点,谁会想到像德国这样一个富裕的国家里竟会看到有人住在大街上。traditional“传统的”;developing“发展的”;typical“典型的,有代表性的”;wealthy“富裕的”。故D项符合句意。3A.preparations BhousesCmeals Dsuggestions答案:C根据第二段最后一句话中的“.made sandwiches.”和“.gave food to the homeless.”可知,缪勒夫妇为无家可归的人提供膳食。C项符合句意。4A.began BmetCcalled Dleft答案:A上一句提到缪勒夫妇11年以来一直提供食物,而这开始于一个炎热的夏季。句中的first是一个提示信息。故选A项。5A.asleep BaloneCacross Daway答案:D当别人外出度假时他们却待在家中忙于膳食。根据下一句的“.stayed at home.”可知应选择D项。6A.brought up Bset upCput aside Dgive away答案:B他们在街上摆放了一张桌子。bring up“提出;教育”;set up“建立;装配”;put aside“把放在一边;储存备用”;give away“放弃;泄露;分发”。故选B项。7A.enough BnecessaryChelpful Dexpensive答案:Aenough“足够的,充分的”,结合下一句中的also可知选A项。本句的意思是缪勒夫妇很快意识到仅仅提供衣物是不够的。8A.fame BfreedomCcourage Dcaring答案:Dfame“名誉,名声”;freedom“自由”;courage“勇气”;caring“关怀,关心”。他们也需要温暖和关心。下文中缪勒夫妇把电话号码留给他们,说明夫妇两人从精神上也给予他们帮助。故caring符合文意。9A.hesitate BagreeCpretend Dintend答案:Anot hesitate to do“毫不犹豫做某事”。承接上文,说明了缪勒夫妇关心流浪者的一种方式以及他们慷慨的付出。10A.made sense Bfound outCmade sure Dworked out答案:C缪勒夫妇要确保一人在家接电话。make sense“有意义,讲得通”;find out“查明,弄清楚”;make sure“确信,确保”;work out“算出;解决”。故选C项。11A.open BcrowdedCnoisy Dnear答案:Aopen“开着”,符合文意。句意:他们的家总是为那些在街上不能面对夜晚的人敞开着。其他选项均不符合文意。12A.costing BwastingCtaking Dspending答案:D夫妇两人在那段时间里很快花光了所有的积蓄。此题的干扰项是cost,而cost的主语不能是人。故选D项。13A.pay for Bask forClook into Dcarry out答案:Bpay for“付钱”;ask for“请求,要求”;look into“向里看;调查”;carry out“执行,贯彻”。他们只有请求得到食品和服装公司的捐助。故选B项。14Apletely BcalmlyCregularly Droughly答案:Cregularly“定期地,有规律地”。句意:现在有30多家公司会定期地为慈善事业捐赠食物和其他物品。pletely“彻底地,完全地”;calmly“平静地,冷静地”,roughly“粗糙地;概略地”,均不符合文意。15A.advertise BsellCdeliver Dlend答案:C志愿者帮助把物品送给无家可归者。故选C项。deliever“传达,运送”。16A.donates BproducesCdesigns Dcollects答案:Adonate“捐赠,捐献”。根据上一句有30多公司的捐助可知一家制鞋厂也捐赠了新鞋子。produce“生产”;design“设计”;collect“收集,聚集”,均不符合文意。17A.permission BpaymentCdirection Dsupport答案:B这里指的是缪勒夫妇无私地奉献。payment“付款,报酬”。句意为:他们的努力工作没有任何的报酬。permission“允许,许可”;direction“方向;指导”;support“支持,支撑”。18A.borrow BraiseCsave Dexpect答案:D丽塔说:“我们就像父母一样,不会因为帮助自己的孩子而期望拿到报酬。”expect“期望,预料”,符合文意。19A.surprised BexcitedCtired Damused答案:C句意:我们在街上得到的爱就是薪水,虽然丽塔感到劳累。tired说明他们从事这项工作的劳累,故选C项。20A.profit BdifferenceCdecision Drule答案:Bmake a difference“有影响,有关系”。 句意;她会继续工作下去,因为她喜欢能够在世界上发挥一定作用的感觉。make a profit“盈利”;make decisions“作出决定”;make rules“制定规则”。

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