2019-2020年高中英语 Module6Vocabulary and Reading学案 外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module6Vocabulary and Reading学案 外研版必修3做听课的主人。Preview:Read the words of module 6Aims: 1. Moral aims: Help the students realize the big change of China and know the achievement of our country2.Ability aims (1). Learn some useful expressions. (2). Find out the main idea by skimming(略读)(3). Get information by scanning(跳读)Step one leading-in Do you know the poem才饮长沙水,又食武昌鱼。万里长江横渡,极目楚天舒。不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步,今日得宽馀。子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!风樯动,龟蛇静,起宏图。一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途。更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。神女应无恙,当惊世界殊。Its a poem by Mao Zedong in 1956. 水调歌头【游泳】毛泽东 一九五六年六月Here is the translation of a sentence in the poem. Can you find it?Walls of stone will stand upstream to the west To hold back Wushans clouds and rain This class we will learn the passage the Three Gorges Dam. First lets enjoy some pictures of it.Step two1.Fast readingRead the text and then choose the best answers.1.Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River? A. Sun Yat-sen B. Mao Zedong C. Deng Xiaoping D. A great designer2.How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993? A. 1.2 billion B. 20 billion C. 40 billion D. About 800 billion 3. What problem does burning coal cause?A. Air pollution B.Increasing global warmingB. Destroying the balance of nature D.Both A and B.4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The Qu Yuan Temple. B. The Han Watchtower.C. The Grand Canal. D. The Moya Cliff carving.2.Careful readingI.Read the text, match the paragraphs with their general ideaspara. 1 advantagespara. 2 disadvantagespara. 3 brief introductionpara. 4para. 5II. Read the text.and answer the questions. 1.What are the three biggest construction projects in China until now?2.Why has the Three Gorges Dam been built?3.What about the inhabitants who lived in that area before?4.What happened to the historical relics?III. Find a sentence which has the same meaning with the following sentence. The Three Gorges can produce more electricity than any other station,and it also cost more money.Step three ListeningMao Zedong wrote a poem _ he dreamed of “walls of stone to _ clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”. Now his dream has _. The Three Gorges Dam, _ is the biggest construction project in China _ the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control the flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China. The dam is nearly 200 meters _ and 1.5 kilometers _.Sun Yat-sen, _ was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first _ the idea of a dam _ the Yangtze River in 1919. Three quarters of Chinas energy is produced by _ coal. In 1993, China used 1.2 billon tons of coal for heating and generating electricity._ burning coal causes serious air pollution and increases _ warming.Step IV Analyze and translate the sentences 1.The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provided hydro-electric power for the central regine of China. 2.Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution,first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919. Step V language pointsMao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”.1.dream of 向往,梦想She dreams of _one day.(成名)His dream of _ has e true.(作为一位医生)Eg. I never dreamed of _ such a beautiful place in such a wild area.A. there to beB. there being C. it to beD. it being2. hold back 阻挡,控制(情感),隐瞒(1).The police tried to hold the crowd back.(2).We tried to hold back our laughter.(3).Tell me the truth dont hold anything back.Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution,first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.3. suggest +n/V-ing/ that从句 + (should) do/疑问词 + to do我们都建议尽快送他去医院。_.他建议去北京旅游而不是呆在家里。_.这些美丽的花儿使人想到春天已经来了。_.Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museums.4. remove V1. Our office has removed from Qingdao to Shanghai.( )2. Remove your hand from my shoulder.( )3. He removed his hat and gloves.( )4. These reforms will not remove poverty and injustice.( )5. The manager was removed from his post yesterday.( )Step VI. Oral work假如你是泊里镇镇长,现在向大家介绍一下泊里的现在和未来。第一句已给出。现在将来中泽超市(super market)董家口码头(port)新医院滨海大道(Coastal Road)同三高速( freeway )黄日铁路人口不到十万人口30万的小城市As weall know,Poli used to be a small town.But it has changed a lot now.欣赏I have just drunk the waters of Changsha And e to eat the fish of Wuchang. Now I am swimming across the great Yangtze, Looking afar to the open sky of Chu. Let the wind blow and waves beat, Better far than idly strolling in a courtyard. Today I am at ease. It was by a stream that the Master said- Thus do things flow away! Sails move with the wind. Tortoise and Snake still. Great plans are afoot: A bridge will fly to span north and south, Turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare; Walls of stone will stand upstream to the west To hold back Wushans clouds and rain Till smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges. The mountain goddess if she is still there Will marvel at a world so changed.

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