2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 7th period优秀教案 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 7th period优秀教案 外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodIn Cultural Corner we will get to know why people use text messages and emotions by mobile phones. In Task you are asked to design a poster to introduce the use of the Internet. The Module File is the summary of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and Every-day English. And these are also the key points of this module.Teaching AimImprove the students abilities of reading and writing.Teaching Important Point Get to know some text messages and master the vocabulary, grammar and everyday English.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students ability of writing.Teaching Methods Revision, practising and sum-up methods.Teaching Aids1. a projector2. multimedia3. the blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision and Lead-inT: Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, teacher!T: In this class well first review the usage of the article. Now lets take up Workbook Activity 3.(Show the exercise to the student on the screen.)plete the passage with an indefinite article (a/an),the definite article (the)or no article (/).The Wonderful World of ICQ! ICQ is short for “I Seek You”, and is an easy-to-use Internet programme which makes (1)_munication online easy. With ICQ, you can chat, send(2) _messages and files, play (3) _games and surf(4) _Net with your friends, and much more. With just (5) _click of your mouse, you and your friends are instantly connected. Using ICQ is simple. When you install ICQ, (6) _programme asks you to register. At (7) _time of registration, you receive (8) _ special ICQ number. You can also enter (9) _information about yourself which allows other ICQ users to recognise you when you log on. Once youve registered, you can make (10) _list of your ICQ friends. ICQ will then use (11) _ list to identify your friends. As soon as you log onto (12) _ Internet, ICQ automatically lets(13) _people know you are online. Whether you are in(14) _Asia or (15) _Europe, in(16) _United States or (17) _China, in (18) _London or (19) _Beijing, you can access your friends from anywhere and at any time through ICQ.Keys:(1)/(2)/(3)/(4)the(5)a(6)the(7)/(8)a(9)/(10)a(11)the(12)the(13)/(14)/(15)/(16)the(17)/(18)/(19)/T: OK. So much for the revision. Now listen carefully, everyone. I have a very good friend who is an English teacher. Yesterday he sent me a text message in Engliish by mobile phone, but I cant understand what the message means.(The teacher shows the following information on the multimedia. )T: Do you understand the message. Could you explain it to me?S: Yes, let me guess. Why not give me a call? Ive been waiting for a long time. Im so sad. T: Now I am going to show you some text messages on three cellphones. Please read the messages and guess their meanings.(Pass on the cellphone messages to each other in the class. And then try to guess their meanings correctly.)T: Yes, very good, thank you. Lets move on.Step 3 PresentationT: Now, boys and girls, lets take up CULTURAL CORNER: Read the passage and answer the questions.(The teacher organises the following activity.)StepsThe students act on their own.1Read the text silently and underline the words, phrases and sentences which the students do not understand or are not sure, and try to guess their meanings. Then try to find the answer to this question “Why people use text messages and emotions?”2Work in pairs to discuss the question.3plete two tasks:(1)Each student write out the full form of the three text messages of the text by themselves.(2)Write several text messages which contain four of the signs supplied by the text.4Work in pairs, exchange and check the written content (with the help of the teacher).S: Deal with the questions of the passage.Answers:Where have you been?I have been waiting hours for a call.Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?I got a text message from my friend. She is having a party on Saturday.Do you want to e?Step 4 TaskT: Now, attention please, everyone!Try to finish the task according to this method. StepsContent/method1Three or five of the students form a group. Try to collect some information on the Internet from Module 6 or from other materials according to Activity 1.2Discuss with each other among your group and then add to and plete the materials collected by your group.3Group members cooperate to set up a hand-written paper, introducing the Internet to readers.4Hold a contest of hand-written paper in the class and choose the excellent works(作品).Step 5 Module FileT: Now please look through the content you have learned in this module and try to write down some points that you dont understand or anything you are not so sure of. Turn to me or your classmates/partners.S: Read through the columns by themselves and try to write down their questions.T: Now if you have no questions, lets do some exercises on article(冠词).OK?S: Yes, lets try.(Show the exercises to the students on the screen.).Put the following phrases into English:(1)一件有用的工具(2)一家钢厂(3)过一两天(4)匆忙 (5)从前(6)帮某人一个忙(7)因特网(8)万维网(9)在上大学时(10)当讲师(11)马萨诸塞工学院(12)一台旧电视(13)美国军队(14)短信(15)网络通信业务(16)工人阶级(17)入党(18)联合国(19)国庆节(20)踢足球(21)在中午(22)在1949 年春天(23)学英语(24)到学校去(25)在右边.Put the following into Chinese, paying attention to the use of articles:(1)He has just e back from a Beijing factory.(2)We are of an age.(3)The moon travels round the earth.(4)The young should respect the old. (5)She can play the piano.(6)The Peoples Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949.(7)The Smith have moved to New York.(8)I enjoy swimming in summer.(9)A meeting will be held next Monday.(10)Bicycles are still very useful nowadays.(11)Physics is hard to learn.(12)He goes to school on foot.(13)He is in hospital.(14)The Greens are sitting at the table, reading newspapers.(15)The pany is in the charge of Miss Wang.(16)He used to be a teacher till he turned writer.(17)Young girl as she is, she knows a lot.(18)Can you access the Internet at school?(19)Does the headmaster know how to use a puter?(20)God is believed to have made the universe.Key to the exercises:.(1)a useful tool(2)a steel plant(3)in a day or two(4)in a hurry(5)once upon a time(6)do sb. a favor(7)the Internet(8)the World Wide Web(9)at university(10)work as a lecturer(11)Massachusetts Institute of Technology(12)an old television(13)the American Army(14)text messages(15)web traffic(16)the working class(17)join the Party(18)the United Nations(19)National Day(20)play football(21)at noon(22)in the spring of 1949(23)learn English(24)go to the school(25)on the right. (1)他刚刚从北京一家工厂回来。(2)我们同龄。(3)月球绕地球转。(4)青年人要尊敬老年人。(5)她会弹钢琴。(6)中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。(7)史密斯一家已搬家到纽约。(8)我喜欢夏季游泳。(9)会议将于下周一召开。(10)如今自行车仍然很有用。(11)物理很难学。(12)他步行去上学。(13)他在住院。(14)格林一家人正在餐桌旁看报。(15)该公司在王小姐的掌管之下。(16)他成为作家前曾当过教师。(17)尽管她是个年轻姑娘,但懂得很多。(18)你们能在学校上互联网吗?(19)校长知道如何使用电脑吗?(20)据说上帝创造了万物。Step 6 Homework1. Finish off the translation exercises.2. Review this module and prepare for a test on this module.Step 7 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 6The Internet andTelemuicationsThe Seventh PeriodWhy not give me a call?Ive been waiting for a long time.Im so sad. Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?I got a message from my friend. She is having a party on Saturday.Do you want to e?Step 8 Activity and InquiryPrepare a poster showing the uses of the InternetstepsStudentsActing1Try to find the following:illustrations of puters and the Internet statistics about Internet usequotations from people about using the Internet2Find out what other students think of your list of uses, advantages and disadvantages.3Write down what they say and add them to the poster.Detailed Explanations to the Exercises:Grammar1.1 keyboard2 website3 credit card4 online5 download6 software7 text message8 hard disk2.1 keyboard websiteonlinedownloadsoftware2 /3 credit card, text message, hard disk 3. (omitted)Vocabulary4.1 modem 2 mouse3 online4 log on5 text message6 download7 software8 credit card9 CD-ROM10 email5. 1 f2 c3 a4 e5 g6 h7 d8 b6. 1 munication2 accessible3 independent4 organisation5 creation 6 information7 (omitted)8.1 E2 C3 A4 F5 B6 D9.1 a2 a3 b4 a5 a6 b10.1 F More amd more people buy goods online.2 F You shouldnt trust a pany just because it has an attractive website.3 T4 T5 F When customers pay by credit card they have extra protection.6 TListening and speaking 11 & 12Studentsown answers.13 &14 1 T2 T3 T4 T5 FDu Juan visits lots of websites and spends time chatting.6 F Mr Han thinks that some websites are offensive.7 T 8 F Mrs Wu is afraid that Du Juan may make friends with strange people.9 F Mr Han thinks its easy and efficient to get new information from the Internet.10 T15 & 16 (omitted)Speaking and writing 17 & 18 (omitted)19.1 They need more printers. 2 They cant access the Internet. 3 There are no English CDROM. 4 Students can only use the IT room during classes with their teachers. 5 There arent enough puters, so they have to wait a long time to use the Internet.20. Studentsown answers.


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