2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案4Directions:For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best pletes the sentence.21You wouldnt believe _ when they saw the little pebbles(鹅卵石)on the riverbed.Ahow interested the children were Bhow were the children interestedChow the children were interested Dhow the children interested were22On October 24,1945,the United Nations _ formed by 24 nations,four of which,the US,the USSR,the UK and China,_ known as the permanent members of the UN Security Council today.Aare;isBare;areCwere;isDwas;are23One of the most important topics that _ to be discussed _ food safety.Ais;is Bis;are Care;is Dare;are24_ confuses me is _ he will bee mad at me whenever he sees me.AThat;that BWhether;that CWhat;why DSomething;why25We wont ignore the high possibility _ we might get lost in the forest in the dark.Awhat Bwhether Cthat Dwhen26After the examination,we have to rearrange the classroom _ it was before.Aas if Blike Clikewise Das27China _ a sharp increase in the number of aged people over the past decade.Asees Bsaw Cwill see Dhas seen28Its no use _ that you didnt know the rules.Ayou pretend Byou to pretend Cof you to pretend Dyour pretending29We made _ a rule _ the last one to show up at the party should pay for the drinks.Ahimself;whether Bthat;that Cthis;why Dit;that30I wonder _ treatment(疗法)the doctor has worked out for me.Athat Bwhether Chow Dwhat31The heavy snow _ him from ing to the assembly.Abanned Bprevented Cforbade Dhelped32Do you see the quiet countryside?Thats _ Newton,the great English scientist,grew up and thought about _ an apple would fall onto the ground rather than fly higher into the air.Awhat;why Bwhen;where Cwhere;why Dhow;which33Liu Yang,the first Chinese female astronaut,is represented _ being energetic and calm in this report.Afor Bas Cto Dwith34The risk of getting struck by lightning is 30 times _ that of being attacked by a shark.Agreat as Bas great Cas great as Dgreater35What shall we do in the May Day holiday?Dont ask me._AIts your own decision. BIts your fault.CIt depends on you. DIts all up to you.Section B(18 marks)Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The Man was very sad.He knew that the Cats days were _36_.The doctor had said there wasnt anything more that could be done.The Man touched the Cat on his lap gently and sighed.The Cat opened his eyes and looked up at the Man.A tear _37_ the Mans cheek and landed on the Cats forehead.The Cat gave him a slightly annoyed look.“Why do you cry,Man?” the Cat asked.“Because you cant bear the_38_ of losing me?” The Man nodded “Yes”.“And where do you think Ill be when I leave you?” the Cat asked. The Man shrugged helplessly. “Close your eyes,Man,”the Cat said.The Man gave him a _39_ look,but did as he was told.“What color are my eyes and fur?” the Cat asked.“Your eyes are gold and your fur is a rich,warm brown,” the Man replied.“And where is it that you _40_ see me?” asked the Cat.“I see you.on the kitchen windowsill(窗台)watching the birds.on my favorite chair.on my desk lying on the papers I need.on the pillow next to my head at night.” “Then,whenever you wish to see me,all you must do is close your eyes,” said the Cat.“ _41_ that piece of string from the floorthere,my toy.” The string was about two feet long and the Cat had been able to entertain himself for hours with it.“Now take each end of the string in one hand,” the Cat ordered.The Man did so.“The end in your left hand is my birth and the end in your right hand is my _42_.Now bring the two ends together,” the Cat said.The Man obeyed.“You have made a continuous _43_,” said the Cat.“Does any point along the string appear to be different,worse or better than any other part of the string?” The Man _44_ the string and then shook his head “no”.“Close your eyes again,” the Cat said. “Now lick(舔)your hand.” The Man widened his eyes in surprise.“Just do it,” the Cat said.“Lick your hand,think of me in all my familiar places,think about all the pieces of string.”The Man felt _45_,licking his hand,but he did as he was told.He discovered what a cat must know,that licking a paw is very calming and allows one to think more clearly.He continued licking and the corners of his _46_ turned upward into the first smile he had shown in days.He waited for the Cat to tell him to stop,and when he didnt,he opened his eyes.The Cats eyes were closed and the Cat _47_.One day,not long after,there was a new Cat on his lap.She was a lovely calico(花斑猫)and white.very different from his earlier beloved CAT and very much the same.36Adeclined Bexposed Cnumbered Daccelerated37Afell down Brolled down Cbrought down Ddropped out38Aact Bintention Cconcern Dthought39Aquestioning Bsatisfying Cfrustrating Ddisappointing40Apersonally Bfrequently Cdeliberately Dapproximately41APick up BCut up CWind up DTie up42Aclose Bstart Cdeath Dconclusion43Apoint Bpart Cpiece Dcircle44Alooked Bnoticed Cinspected Dobserved45Aunfortunate Bfoolish Cwilling Dpositive46Aeye Bhand Chead Dmouth47Apassed down Bpassed away Cbroke away Dturned awaySection C(12 marks)Directions:plete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Grace,like many renters,is tired of renting.48_ reason is that her annual rent keeps going up.Every year her landlord raises the rent by five percent.Another reason is her neighbors.She finds it hard to get 49_ well with them.“New neighbors always seem to care less about other peoples feelings than the ones 50_moved out,” she said.“My first neighbor liked closing his door loudly;I always knew when he came home or left home.51_he moved out,a saxophonist moved in.He practiced two hours every day.On Saturday his friends 52_e over and Id get to listen to a whole band.I once called the police,53_they said saxophone playing was permitted in apartments for up to four hours 54_day.They told me I was lucky that the guy was 55_playing two hours!”Part Reading prehension(30 marks)Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.ACan you believe your eyes?A recent experiment suggests that the answer to that question may depend on your age.Martin Doherty,a psychologist at the University of Stirling in Scotland,led the team of scientists.In this experiment,Doherty and his team tested the perception of some people,using pictures of some orange circles.The researchers showed the same pictures to two groups of people.The first group included 151 children aged 4 to 10,and the second group included 24 adults aged 18 to 25.The first group of pictures showed two circles alone on a white background.One of the circles was larger than the other,and these people were asked to identify the larger one.Fouryearolds identified the correct circle 79 percent of the time.Adults identified the correct circle 95 percent of the time.Next,both groups were shown a picture where the orange circles,again of different sizes,were surrounded by gray circles.Heres where the trick lies in.In some of the pictures,the smaller orange circle was surrounded by even smaller gray circles making the orange circle appear larger than the other orange circle,which was the real larger one.And the larger orange circle was surrounded by even bigger gray circlesso it appeared to be smaller than the real smaller orange circle.When young children aged 4 to 6 looked at these tricky pictures,they werent fooledthey were still able to find the bigger circle with roughly the same accuracy as before.Older children and adults,on the other hand,did not do as well.Older children often identified the smaller circle as the larger one,and adults got it wrong most of the time.As children get older,Doherty said,their brains may develop the ability to identify visual context.In other words,they will begin to process the whole picture at once:the tricky gray circles,as well as the orange circle in the middle.As a result,theyre more likely to fall for this kind of visual trick.56Doherty and his team of scientists did an experiment to evaluate_.Achildrens and adults eyesight Bpeoples ability to see accuratelyCchildrens and adults brains Dthe influence of peoples age57When asked to find the larger circle,_.Achildren at 6 got it wrong 79% of the time with no gray ones aroundBonly adults over 18 got it right 95% of the time with gray ones aroundCchildren at 4 got it right about 79% of the time with gray ones aroundDadults got it right most of the time with gray ones around58According to the passage,we can know that _.Aa smaller orange circle appears bigger on a white backgroundBan orange circle appears bigger than a gray one of the same sizeCa circle surrounded by other circles looks bigger than its real sizeDa circle surrounded by bigger ones looks smaller than its real size59Visual context may work when children get older than_.A4 B6 C10 D1860Why are younger children not fooled?ABecause they are smarter than older children and adults.BBecause older people are influenced by their experience.CBecause peoples eyes bee weaker as they grow older.DBecause their brain can hardly notice related things together.BCamp memories last forever!We make sure they are unforgettable!Shadow Ridge Summer Camps offer so many exciting things for campers to do.Unlike other camp programs that include horses as a small part of their program,at Shadow Ridge horses are the program!We are 100% horse from stable(马厩)management,nature walks,and track rides to bedroom furnishings.Horses help us achieve many of our aims.Girls can learn to develop responsibility,selfconfidence and personal connections in their lives while having fun.Using horses as a wonderful tool for education,our camps offer an interesting place for growth and learning.Imagine each girl having her very own horse to spend time with and a best friend to love and take care of.Each camper is responsible for a horse for the week.Our riding program provides a lot of riding and lesson time.Campers will learn how to take care of the horse and the tack(马具),as well as how to ride.Days are filled with horserelated activities to strengthen the connection between each girl and horse,as the girls learn to work safely around the horses.At Shadow Ridge we try to create a loving,caring family atmosphere for our campers.We have “The Bunkhouse”(4 girls),“the Wranglers Roost”(4 girls),and “The Hideout”(2 girls)in our fortable 177yearold farm house.All meals are home cooked,offering delicious and healthy food for the hungry rider.Our excellent activities create personalized memories of your childs vacation.Each child will receive a camp Tshirt and a photo album(usually 300500 pictures)of their stay at camp.Our camps are offered during June,July and August xx,for small groups of girls aged 1316 years,not only from Canada but also other parts of the world.We will send you full program descriptions at your request.61What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo attract people to the camps.BTo talk about camping experiences.CTo describe the programs of the camps.DTo explain the aims of the camps.62What do we know about the camp programs at Shadow Ridge?ACampers are required to wear camp Tshirts.BHorses play a central role in the activities.CCampers learn to cook food for themselves.DHorse lessons are offered all the year round.63The programs at Shadow Ridge mainly aim to help people _.Aunderstand horses betterBenjoy a family atmosphereChave fun above other thingsDachieve an educational purpose64Which one of the following isnt mentioned in the passage?AThe time of the camping.BThe cost of the camping.CThe advantages of the camping.DThe effect of the camping.65The passage is mainly written for _.Ahorse riders Bteenage girlsCCanadian parents Dinternational travelersCDo American children still learn handwriting in school?In the age of the keyboard,some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out.90% of teachers say they are required to teach handwriting.But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it.One study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.Some teachers are teaching handwriting by providing instruction for 10 to 15 minutes a day,and then other teachers who basically teach it for 60 to 70 minutes a daywhich really for handwriting is pretty much.Many adults remember learning that wayby copying letters over and over again.Todays thinking is that short periods of practice are better.Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself.Instead,they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas.After all,that is why we write.Handwriting involves two skills.One is legibility,which means forming the letters so they can be read.The other is fluencywriting without having to think about it.Fluency continues to develop up until high school.But not everyone masters these skills.Teachers monly report that about onefourth of their kids have poor handwriting.Some people might think handwriting is not important any more because of puters and voice recognition programs.But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt says word processing is rarely done in elementary school,especially in the early years.American children traditionally first learn to print,and then to write in cursive,which connects the letters.But guess what we learned from a spokeswoman for the College Board,which administers the SAT college admission test.More than 75 percent of students choose to print their essay on the test rather than write in cursive.66We can learn _ from Paragraph 1.Ateaching handwriting is a basic requirement in teaching jobBmost teachers prefer to teach handwritingCteachers spend little time in teaching handwritingDa keyboard has taken the place of the handwriting entirely67Which of the following is WRONG for traditional handwriting in the USA?AThe students are taught by practicing a long period.BThe letters are repeated many times.CHandwriting includes two skills.DTo write in cursive is taught first.68The underlined word “legibility” in Paragraph 3 means _.Aeasy to read Bplex Cunexpected Dunreadable69The best title for the passage is _.AHow to improve handwriting in school BRight or wrong:the death of handwritingCHandwriting involves two skills DHandwriting lessons are on the way out70The authors attitude towards whether still to learn handwriting in school is _.Anegative Bobjective Ccritical DoptimisticPart Writing(45 marks)Section A(10 marks)Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Many animal lovers would like to do more to help animals,but arent sure where to start or feel like they just dont have the time.The good news is that there are many simple things you can do to help protect animals.Think twice before you decideThe decisions you make when it es to eating meat or other animal products can go a long way toward stopping the killing of animals.Consider eating a vegetarian diet.If you arent ready to make this change,there are still things you can do.Do not buy animal products from panies known to use practices that go against the law such as using drugs to increase milk production in cows.Help get the word outGetting the word out about the problems faced by animals can be as easy as putting up a notice on your car.Also,talk to your friends and family members about important issues that are related to animals.Give some simple advice to a friend with a new pet about the serious pet overpopulation problem were facing.Turn to some books on the subject if you are not so clear about the advice you give your friend.Write a letterWeve all heard the saying,“The pen is more powerful than the sword”.Put this idea to the protection of animals.If a pany has practices or rules that are harmful to animals,write them a letter to let them know you are angry about them,and that you wont buy their products until they make some changes.Write letters to state and local legislators(立法者)to let them know how important it is that they support legislation that protects animals.Make them know that their actions will have a great effect on your vote.Be more lovingIf youre considering adding a dog or a cat to your family,think about getting one from a homelessanimal house rather than buying a pet.There are many wonderful animals just waiting for a home.By taking back an animal from there,you will be helping in the fight against pet overpopulation,as well as giving your money to those who are responsible for taking care of pitiful animals.Let your actions be an example to othersIt may sound simple,but one of the best ways to help animals is to let your actions speak to the world.You should do the following things first by yourself:Treat all living creatures with respect.Care about your pets and look after them well.Avoid entertainment places that use animals to perform.Support legislation that protects animals.All of these things set an example for others to follow.Ways 71_Many simple things can be done to help protect animals.Think about your 72_ carefully.Dont eat meat or animal products.73_ animal products from panies that have illegal practices.Get the word outPut up a notice on the car.Talk to your friends and family members about 74_.Give your friends advice/tips on the pet overpopulation problem.75_from books if necessary.Write lettersLet those panies that 76_ to animals know about you anger.Let legislators know the 77_ of their support for legislation that protects animals.Be more lovingGet a pet from a homelessanimal house.78_to othersTreat all living creatures with respect.79_ of your pets.Do not go to places where animals are used to perform.Support legislation which 80_ for animals.Section B(10 marks)Directions:Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy.Low levels of vitamin D can lead to problems like rickets(佝偻病)and osteoporosis(骨质疏松).Rickets is a deformity mainly found in children.Osteoporosis is the thinning of bone,a mon problem as people,especially women,get older.Studies have suggested that vitamin D may also have other u


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