2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1—Unit2知识要点聚焦1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1Unit2知识要点聚焦11重点词汇单词:honest,brave, loyal, wise, handsome, argue,fond, move,cast, hunt,share, feeling, lie, speech,adventure, notebook,bathroom,pronounce, broad, repeat,majority, native, total, tongue, equal,situation,international, organization, trade, municate, exchange, service, movement, tidy, stand,independent, fall,expression,publish, southern, pare, replace短语:fond of, hunt for, in order to, care about,such as, drop sb. A line, make oneself at home, in total, except for, stay up, a end up with, bring in, a great many2.重点句型 nor/neither/so + be/动词/情态动词十主语 There you are./Here are the keys. 主语mustha 3.交际用语 I dont enjoy singing/reading too, much. Hi there. Im. Could you help the with my homework? Dontt smoke in the room. I beg your pardon? 重点考点精释1 argue v.辩论争论 argue about/over/againstargue + that 从句argue sb. To be 证明某人是argue sb. Into (out of)doing劝说某人(不)做某事They argued the matter for hours. He argued against the plan. They are always arguing about money.He argued that she should not go.Her speech argues her to be an able person.They argued her into marrying him. argument n“辩论;争论;论点;论据”,既可用作可数名词,也 可用作不可数名词: Two men weep deep in argument. There was a hot argument. They spent hours in argument about where to go.2.“喜欢”表示法 I love reading and singing. I like reading and singing. I enjoy reading and singing. I am fond of reading and singing. I am into reading and singing. I am quite interested in reading and singing. 3辨析especially/specially 表示“格外;特别;尤其”时二者都可以用,但表示某种特定的 目的“专门地”时只能用specially(多与for/to do连用): We are especially/specially busy today. I made a chocolate cake Specially for you He has e specially to see you. 4.survive 活下来;经历之后还幸存;比多活了 年 Only ten people survived in that bus accident. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island. She survived her husband by ten years 5.gather 短语Gather from 从推测,从获悉Gather in 收获;口拾得Gather oneself up 鼓起勇气,打起精神,集中全力Gather oneself together 鼓起勇气,打起精神,集中全力Gather out 选出Gather together 集合,集聚,收集Gather up 收集,辨析:gather, collect,assemble gather是常用词,指“收集”,“聚集”,“集合在一起”。 The clouds are gathering.云在聚集。Collect 指“有计划、有选择地收集“。 He collects stamps.他集邮。assemble指“为某一特定目的而收集”。 The dean assembled the students in the auditorium6辨析in order to/in order that in order to和in order that 意思相同, 都表示目的,可译为“为了;以便”。in order to后跟不定式、in order that后跟从句,从句中常用情态动词may, might, can, could,如:We started early in order to arrive before dark In order to follow the tier they often had to mover their camps The Emperor gave the two cheats some gold in order that they could begin their work at once. In order that everybody may understand it,write it in simple language. 以in order that引导的目的状语从句的主语如果与主向的主 语相同,则这个状语从句可以转换为以in order to引导的不 定式短语。I went to the reading-room early in order that I might get a good seat I went to the reading room early in order to get a good seat. 注意in order to可转换成 so as to, in order that 可转成so that,不同的是 so as to和so that均不能位于句首。7Share 共用,共有;分享;分担n份儿;股份Share (in)nwith n. share in n. He shares (in) my troubles as well as(in) my joys We will share (in) the cost with you. We all take an equal share I did my share of the work I had no share in the decision The shares have gone up three points since yesterday.8. 辨析 for example/such as for example是介词短语, 在句中作插人语,意为“例如;譬如”, 一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例,可位于句首、句中或句 尾,逗号与句子隔开。 For example,air is invisible. Noise,for example,is a kind of pollution His spelling is terrible. Look at this word, for example puters can be put to various limes. For example, they can provide information in the best way to prevent traffic accidents such as:“这样的;诸如之类的”,一个或多个为例;木用逗号,也不修饰句子: A man such as he will surely succeed. We all study foreign languages such as English, French or Japanese. Things such as chairs,curtains,cooking pots,drinking cups,bird- cages and so on can all be made of bamboo. 注意such 也表示“像 这样的,诸如之类”。可换成such as或like介词短词: Such languages as Chinese,Russian,Japanese and German are difficult to lean well. =Languages such as Chinese,Russian,Japanese and German are difficult to learn well. =Languages like Chinese,Russian,Japanese and German are, difficult to learn well.9辨析although/thoughalthough 和though用作从属连词时,都可以引导让步状语从 句,表示“虽然, 尽管”,可以互换使用,只是though没有al- though语气正式: Although/Though father and I often argue with each other,we are good friends.Although/Though? the farm is large,my Dad has only two men working for him 在让步状语从句中,though可用于倒装句,可由as代替,而 although则不能。词组even though中的though不能用although代替。 Cold though it was,I went out. 10. drop掉下 ;下降;放弃 ;漏掉;解雇;(随便地)写下 drop a hint暗示 drop a word露口风 drop sb. a short note给某人写个便条 drop sb. a postcard给某人寄张明信片 drop sb. a line/a few lines给写封短信 The man dropped from the top of the building. The price of petroleum will drop soon. I want to drop history The printer has dropped a letter here The boss dropped six men last Saturday.Drop me a line/a few lines, please.11. majority前边多加the,表示“大部分人”,作主语时;谓语用单数或复数:But the majority was/were against the plan in the majority 占多数:boy students are in the majority in our school.12辨析broad/wide Broad强调事物本身的宽度,还可比喻心胸宽阔: The river is 25 metres broad. have abroad mind wide 强调两边的距离;还有“广泛”的意思: The highway is 15 metres wide have wide interest in art 形容眼、嘴用wide,形容肩,胸用broad: wide eyes/mouth broad shoulders/chest13辨析besides/but/except/except for besides用作介词时,表示“除以外还有”之意,即所除去的东西要包括在内。用作副词意为“此外,而且”,使用时用逗号和句子分开。but作介词,意为“除以外”,多用在no, all, nobody, any thing, anywhere等词之后,其后的宾语是排除在外的。 注意 but之后还可跟不定式,当but 之前有实意动词do时不定式不带to:He has no choice but to give in He has nothing to do but give in Except “除以外”,所除去的东西不包括在内,后接名词或代词宾格,也可接句子:Ten passengers were killed except Tom in the accident. He is used to walking after supper except when it rains.He said nothing except that his lips moved a littleexcept for其后宾语与前面所提事物不属于同一类,如:Your position is good except for some spelling mistakes14trade v经商;交换n:贸易,商业 Trade in/with/between. Trade n. for n. Trade n. with n. Do trade with n. He traded in furs and skins in the northeast China trades with many European countries.I traded my book for a ticket for the concert.Stamp collectors often trade stamps with each other.Great Britain does a lot of trade with some countries and not much with others.15. e 构成的常用短语 e up 走过来;长出来,发芽 e down 下来,流传下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,减价 e about 发生 e across 来(无意中)碰到 e along 一起来 e out 出现,出版,开花,发芽,结果(如何) Grass e up again in spring. The song es down to us from the last century. The stars came out as soon as it was dark. Zhang Guorong killed himselfDo you know how that came about? I came across several foreigners at the gate of our school. Heres your room. e along.When will your next book e out?16. e about/happen/take place/break out 它们表示“发生”意义时,不用人作主语,且都不能用于被动语态。 e about表示正面的或负面的事情的发生: How did the accident e about? The event came about as we had predicted it. Take place 强调必然性或按事先的安排或计划而发生: Asian Games take place every four years. Break out (战争,火灾,疾病等)突然发生,爆发: A fire broke out during the night. Happen 强调意外性: The car accident happened under my eyes.17. end up用法 End up with 以而告终 End up in 结局是在地方 End up as 最终成为 We ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee. If you go on doing that kind of thing youll end up in prison/hospital. Hell end up as president some day.18. bring 构成的常用短语: Bring in 引进,带来,赚取,提出 Bring up 抚养,培养 Bring down 使倒下,使降低 Bring about 引起,造成,实现 Bring to an end 使结束 Bring back 归还,带回来,使忆起 Bring out 拿出,出版 A new topic was brought in at the meeting. They brought in a famous teacher to give a talk. She has brought up three children He brought about a quarrel between his parents They could do nothing to bring down prices.The strong wind brought down a number of trees.His story brought back our happy childhood. You must bringback all the library books next week 19“许多”短语表达法分类: 后接可数名词: a great/good many, a large/great number of, many a, quite a few, scores of, hundreds ofA great many students show great interest in English now.A large number of foreigners are ing to China for a visit.Scores of passengers were killed in the crash.注意many a 表示“许多”时;接单数名词和单数动词:Many a student has seen the film.后接不可数和不可数名词: A great deal of, a large amount of, quite a littleA great deal of money is spent on the project.A large amount of praise has been given to those students. 后接可数和不可数名词: Plenty of, a lot, lots of, a large quantity of, large quantifies of a lot of, plenty of多用于肯定句中,否定句中多用many, much替换。 She doesnt have many books to read20. pare vt比较;比作 pare A with B把A和B作比较(同类相比) pare A to B把A 比作B(异类相比) Lets pare China with India in population. The heart is often pared to a pump.We always pare children to flowers. 注意 常用pared to/with 作状语,意为“和比起来,和相比”:pared to/with many women, she was indeed very fortunate.21辨析bright/clever/wisebright意为“聪明,伶俐”,其反义词为 dull, clever 意为 “聪明的,擅长的”,是较为厂泛的用词,表示快速运用心智的技能,着重于学习;wise意为“明智的,聪明的”,强调对于人、对于生活与行为的是非有所了解,在做决定与行动时有健全的判断力。例如: A bright pupil has no excuse for getting bad marks in school A clever and diligent student got the first prize. His wise father knows how to handle him. 22.语法点滴:否定转移:在某些句子中,按语意本应二放在that从句中的否定词not,被移至主句的谓语动词中;这种否定结构主要用于表示“相信”,“认为、猜想”等动词: believe,expect, imagine, suppose, think等,被称为否定转移: I dont think its going to rain, is it?不能否定转移:I think是插人句:I wish you were here,I should not feel like this,I think.由于not just but, just not.enough, not much, not quite等以not为核心副词短语的影响,也不便把否定拿到动词的前面去: I think Im just, not smart enough to make any sense out of for you.“You think shes not much like you?” Brevard asked. But I think that Elizabeth was not quite so certain of it as I句中含有no, never, nothing, nobody 等否定词时: I should think you never have seen many.I thought it explained nothing.高考样题例释1(xx 全国)Roses need special care they can live through winter. Abecause B. so that Ceven if D. as 【解析】答案为B。本题考查状语从句的引导词。根据句意 “玫瑰需要特别的护理以便能够度过寒冬”可知,空白处应用 so that 引导目的的状语从句。目的状语从句中常常含有can, could,may,might等关键词。2.(xx上海)As a result of destroying the forest,a large of the desert covered the land. A. number; has B. quantity; has Cnumber;have D. quantity; have 【解析】答案为B。 a large(great) quantity of后接可数或不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词的数与quantity 保持一致。句中的desert 作为不可数名词。3. (xx全国) It s always difficult being in a foreign country, if you dont speak the language. Aextremely Bnaturally C.basically Despecially 【解析】答案为D。本题主要考查了副词词义辨析。extremely意为“极端地”, naturally意为“自然地”, basically意为 “基本上地”,especially意为“尤其”,从题意可知;本题强调不会说那个国家的语言是困难重重的,especially 符合语境。单选高考模拟1The phrase “to each his own” means every person has something they especially like may be different from anyone elsesA. who B. which C. whether D. an ending2Ships must have more than one radio operator someone is always awake to receive messages 24 hours. A. if B. while C. so D. since 3To be on the safe side,we should fill up the tank; because we run outof the gas on the way. A. could B. might C. would D. should. 4. Oh,no! its a quarter to five and Ill miss my 8 oclock train 一 !That clock is a quarter fastYou have enough time to catch it A. Hurry up BDont worry C. Take care D. Don t make a joke5. Its said that British are funny people. A. the ;a B. 不填;the C. the; the D. the; 不填6With online course Lynn has over 300 students all over China her class through the Internet. A. attend Battending Battended Dto be attending7It was at the beginning Mr White made the decision we should send more fire fighters there. Awhen;which Bwhere;what Cthen;so D. that;that8 ,he had an accident and was badly hur. A. Making things worse BTo make things worse C. Making the things worst DTo make the things worst9In the bus I usually the headline of the newspaper.A. look at B. glance at C. get through D. get along10They decide to put the plan into operation because its Most practical one. Athe;a Ban; a C不填;the,D. the;the、全真模拟训练一、单项填空1Blacks described their student. Ted very smart and honest. : A. being B. is C. as D. like2Many strange customs have survived earlier times A. in Bover C. from D. to3Good friends should everything, A. share with Bshare in C. share among Dbe shared in4Your dress will be ready by 4:30 p.m 一I11 drop in to it on my way home from my pany. A. get B. take C. collect D. fetch5. This ticket two people to the ball match. A. agrees Ballows C. admits D. lets6He plays football for ,because he thinks it great pleasure to have sports after work Afun; Ba fun; a Cfun; a Da fun;不填7. They are arguing the best method one another.Aabout;with B. for; between Cabout;I D. for; among 8I listened to Dr. Johnsons lecture about chemistry,but I failed to get its key . A. words B. notes C. message Dpoints 9Women are of men. A. equal Bequals Cequal to D. equally10. The library stayed till 7 pm. A. opened B. opening C. openly D. open11. People often pare children flowers because they are full of life. A. as Bfor C. to D. with12. With prices up,it is difficult for him to make both endsA. gone; to meet B. go; meetCgoing;meet D. to go;meeting 13English can help you people and make your stay in America easy and fortable.A. agree with Bmunicate withC. municate to D. write to14Id like to take my picture stands the clock tower A. that Bwhich C. where Din which 15Mike is very good at all the subjects at school EnglishHe can hardly write or speak in English. Abesides Bexcept that C. except for. Dincluding二、完形填空 During World War II,Roger Johnson was 18 years old. He was an American bombardier(空军投弹手)and navigator(领航员)One day he was 1 from his two day holiday in London. It was midnight, 2 he was still 18 miles from the base in Pole brookand there 3 be a morning bomb runAs he was 4 along the country road, he 5 that he would never be able to get to the base. So he was in great trouble. Just then he saw a rusty (生锈的)bicycle 6 against a fence 7 to himself that he was just borrowing it,climbed on and 8 off. He got to the base 9 timefor a bombing mission(轰炸任务) After the war Roger Johnson became a successful doctor, a licensed pilot and 10 a law degreeBut he would never forget the old and broken down bicycle.“There was very little chance of my getting back it to the 11 .” “Johnson admits today,” So lets face itI 12 the bike. I was 13 in a strange country, and the people were so nice 14 me, then I took that bike without 15 it. It wasnt right 16 me to do so. So almost 50 years later, the thief Johnson decided to 17 100 new bicycles to the children of the Pole brook areas. He 18 $19,000 to the Raleigh Bicycle pany in England by post before his arrival in May 1992. He was 19 by the reception he got. The children honoured him with songs, dances and gifts, and the story 20 worldwide media (新闻界)attention.1. A. going B. leaving C. returning D. ing 2. A. and B. so C. then D. but 3. A. may B. might C. should D. can 4Adashing Bflying C. hurrying Dwalking5Asupposed Bwondered C. thought Drealized 6. A. standing Blying C. leaning Dputting 7. Aspeaking Btelling Ctalking Dsaying8A. drove Brode Cstarted D. sat9A. at B. on Cin D. before10. A. received B. got C. accepted D. gained 11Amaster Bfellow Cmayor Downer12Aborrowed Brobbed Cstole Dfetched13. A. lonely B. alone C. myself D. one 14A. to B. for C. at D. of15A. paying Bgiving C. asking Dreturning16A. for Bwith C. to D. of17. A. give back B. give out C. give away D. give up18. A. sent B. brought C. took D. carried19. A. astonished B. satisfied C. frightened D. interested20. A. accepted B. received C. brought D. got三、阅读理解 AMoods, say the experts, are feelings that are likely to be fixed, having effects on ones outlook (way of linking at things) for hours, days or even weeks. Thats great if your mood is a pleasant one, but a problem if you are sad, anxious, angry or simply lonely.Perhaps the best way to deal with such moods is to talk them out; sometimes, though, there is no one to listen. Modern pharmacology (药理学) offers a lot of tranquilizers (镇静剂)and anti anxiety drugs. What many people dont realize, however, is that scientists have discovered the effectiveness of several non drug methods to make you free from an unwanted mood. These can be just as useful as drugs, and have the added benefit of being non poisonous. So next time you feel out of sorts, dont head for the drug store try the following method Of all the mood-changing self-help techniques,aerobic exercise seems to be the best cure for a bad moodIf you could keep the exercise,youd be in high spiritssays Kathryn Lance, author of Running for Health and Beauty. Researchers have explained, biochemical and various other changes that make exercise seem favorably to drugs as a mood raiser. Physical work such as housework, however,does little. The key is aerobic exercise-running,cycling,walking, swimming,of other repetitive and sustained activities that increase the heart rate and circulation(循环),and improve the bodys use of oxygenDo them for at least 20 minutes a time,three to five times a week1. What is the main subject of the passage? AHow to beat a bad mood B. How to talk bad moods out. CHow to do physical exercises. DHow to do aerobic exercise.2It can be inferred from the passage that A. when one is in a bad mood,he or she may not work very well Bthe best way to overe a bad mood is to talk to oneself Csome drugs are more effective than physical exercises Dtaking drugs is at the risk of being poisonous3Feel out of sorts,as it is used in the second paragraph, could best be replaced by . Aput things in order Bare in a bad mood Csearch for tranquilizers Dwant a mood raiser 4. Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage? AAn exercise and its importance are explained. B. A problem is examined and solutions are given. CTwo different views of a problem are presented D. Recent developments in medicine are described. B5If a gentleman wants to have a suit made to his measure,he may .Adial 9922 Bgo to any tailors Ccall a tailor at 2813671 D. go to 11 King Street 6. If your typewriter is out of order, Ayou must take it to 11 King Street for repairsB. A repairer will e to your house to take it back for repairs CYou may dial 4664 DA repairer from 161 Park Drive will e to your house and take it back for repairs7. Which is true according to the advertisements above? Afort Furniture Ltd can make old furniture look new again. BA VIP tailor can make clothes for men,women and children Cputers can be repaired at 11 King Street: DAny household machines can be made look new a

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