2019-2020年高二英语 Unit2 News Media教案 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 Unit2 News Media教案 新人教版.单词media (medium的复数) reliable face generous burn down rumor headline editor relate switch interview reflect effort spiritual AIDS addict be addicted to suffer from ignore view tolerate critical source retire bore disappoint citizen demonstrate polluter parison update fire difficulty elect injure informed talented interviewee present unique seldom social affair plete attitude guard arm .词组pare to 2. would rather do 3.relate to 4. rather than get sb to do 6.bring back to 7. even though 8.adapt to 9。be addicted to 10.draw attention to 11. on all sides 12ment on 13.current affairs 14.be concerned about 15. be crowded with 16.retire from 17. burn down 18.fall in love with 19. get noticed(被注意) 20. agree with 21.go up 22. for once 23.suffer from 24.look up to 25. change ones mind.句子Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens. Experienced editors and reporters make informed decision about what events to report, how to report them and why.The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read is made and written.The editors job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers.A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.My favorite article is one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.To write this story, I had to contact famous museums around the world and interview both Chinese and international experts in the field.Even though I have interviewed famous people, the story I like best is about an ordinary young woman who tries to adapt to her new life after studying abroad.If you could write any article you want, what would you write about and why?I want to write about people who you seldom read about, for example people who have AIDS or who are addicted to drugs.We shouldnt ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.The media can help solve problems and draw attention to situation where help is needed.The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides ,leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.More than ninety responsible and caring citizens made their voices heard today.The citizens,all of whom love nature and our planet,demonstrated outside the city,s worst polluter.Brave and strong ,the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.The peaceful meeting ended when the pany sent out a group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens.功能用语What do you think of? Whats your opinion?Why do you choose? I would rather chooseI think we should choose Maybe it would be better to choose.语法学习过去分词做定语的用法(1)Experienced editors make informed decision about(2)We ask two of China many talented journalists to tell us(3) The media can draw attention to situations where help is needed.(4) I want to write about people who are addicted to drugs.(5) people from all countries are respected and different views are tolerated.Period 1 Listening Teaching aims:To train the students ability of listening and speakingTo enable the students to talk about the media.Teaching procedure:Step1.lead-inAsk the students the following questions:1). What does news mean? 2) How does news affect our daily life?Ask the students to look at the pictures and tell what kind of news media it is.Present some pictures for the students to discuss:Questions:(TB on page 9)Step 2.DiscussionHave the Ss brainstorm some vocabulary about the news media.Repoter,journalist,editor,host,headline,highlights,interviewee,interviewerStep 3.listeningPre-listeningHave the Ss brainstorm some words used to describe persons.Careful,talkative,funny,noisy,generous,honest,nice,clever,silly,mean,friendly,hard-working,cold,dullHave the Ss talk about the pictures using their imagination.While-listeningAsk the Ss to listen to the tape for the first time and get the main idea.Ask the Ss to tick the information they hear in each part.Have the Ss to the tape again and answer the questions:What kind of person is Gary?Why is he no longer working for the pany?Post-listeningAsk the to discuss the following questions:(1).How and why are the two descriptions of happening different? (2).Which one do you like better?(3).How would you report the event? (4).Ask the Ss to describe Step 4.Language points: 1.The man was fired.1).fire:dismiss employ/take on The boss fired him for his mistakes.2).fire:light/burn It is difficult to fire wet twigs(小树枝)。3).fire: shoot The hunter fired his gun at the tiger.4).The story fired his imagination.2.The man faced difficulties.Face:1)The building faces the park. “How does this house face?” It faces (to )the east.2). We must face our trouble and bear it. Such was the situation we were facing .3) have some /little/no difficulty in doing without difficulty3.The man was generous.(generously/generosity.)He is generous with his money. He gave me a generous lunch. It is generous of you to forgive her.Part 2 Speaking Below is a list of ten things that happened today.本句为倒装句。Below可以看作副词,表示方位,当表示方位的状语或表语位于句首时,句子采用全部倒装的结构。这类做状语或表语的词常见的有:Away/down/in/off/out/over/up /above/below/here/there/ There goes the bell.The door opened and in came Mr.Smith. Away ran the prisoner.In front of the lecture hall sits a professor.Written on the blackboard are the names of those who were late yesterday.Sitting in the front are the leaders of our school.注意:In he came and the lesson began. Here he es.Food prices are going up .1).go up :rise/increaseThe temperature has gone up. The goods have gone up in quality, but havent gone up in price.2).The lift went up to the fourth floor.There is a path going up to thr mountaintop. The boat is going up the river.Someone robbed a bank in Shanghai.rob sb./a place (of sth.) The thief robbed her of all her money.She was robbed of her necklace. Thieves robbed the bank of thousands of dollars.注意:在变为被动语态时,只能说:Sb./A place is robbed of sth. 不能说:Sth is robbed.She told me that her camera was _.A. missed B. robbed C. lost D. lainA house in your town burned down .Nobody was injured.烧毁/使烧毁The wood-shed burnt down in half an hour.These castles were burnt down (to the ground) by the enemy.Burn down:也可以表示由于燃烧尽而火力渐弱The fire is burning down, get some more coal please.Burn up:烧尽,烧光 (火,炉等)烧起来,旺起来He threw the the letter into the stove and it burnt up in a few seconds.Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up.(烧旺)Burn down强调破坏性,burn up强调动作的结果。injure, wound, hurt, harm, destroy, damageinjure:意外伤害或事故造成的伤害Several children were injured in the car accident.wound:刀、枪、剑伤或战场上受伤。The soldier got wounded in the battle.Hurt:精神或肉体上的创伤,伤害,做不及物动词时,意为“疼”,其过去分词不能做定语。His words hurt me/my feeling. He fell and hurt his legs. My shoes are so tight that my feet hurt.Harm:伤害有生命的东西,常指伤及一个人的健康、权利、事业等Smoking serouly harmed his health. They had their hearing harmed by the loud noise of machines.Destroy:通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般不能或很难修复,有时也可以用于比喻意义。The earthquake destroyed the whole city. All his hopes were destroyed by her latter of refusal.Damage:主要指对价值或者功能的破坏,多用于无生命的东西,一般还可以修复。Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of the disease.They managed to repair the house that had been damaged.可构成如下形式:the wounded 伤员 twenty wounded二十个伤员 the injured (因事故造成的)受伤者Assignment:Summary:Period 2 Behind The Headlines(一).Aims:The get Ss to something about reporters and newspapers .To enable the Ss to use what have learned to express their opinions .(二).procedures:Step 1 Revision Ask one or two students to report what they wrote.Ask the Ss to revise some patterns about expressing opinions. Step 2 Lead-in Present some pictures to the students and ask the Ss the following questions.(1).In what ways do we know whats going on in the world ?(2).What part do newspapers play in our daily life ?(3).What is needed to make a newspaper ? Ask the Ss to look at the title and the pictures and try to guess which of the following the text will answer .(You can choose some of the following below to ask the Ss.)(1).How does a reporter decide what to write ?.First he/she discusses the article with the editor, then the editor will give his/her suggestions.Or: First he /she contacts the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions. Then he presents the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.(2). Why do people read newspapers ?.To get the information about what happens around the world , to know something about the advertisements ,to study English , to make friends and so on. (3).Where do people read newspapers ?.In the library/in the bookstand/in the telephone booth/in the newspaper railing报栏./(4).How much does a newspaper cost ?(5).How do newspapers report what happens ?(6).How do newspapers help us understand the world ?3.Ask the Ss to discuss in pairs and then report their ideas .(三).Reading:Step 3 Fast reading Have the Ss read through the passage quickly and tick out the questions which are answered in the text.Ask the Ss to makes notes about the answers. Step 4 Detailed readingLanguage points:Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.more than:不仅仅,不只Peace is much more than the absence of war。 A library is more than just a place where books are stored。注意: more than后常用simply 或just以加强语气。Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report, how to report them and why.Informed:明智的,有知识的,了解情况的He is a well-informed man. You should keep us informed whenever you are in trouble.Inform sb. of sth. Inform sb.that /wh Inform sb. +疑问词+不定式I informed her mother of her safe arrival.His letter informed us how and when he was expected to arrive in Beijing.He will inform us where to go.They also make sure that readers can relate to the stories.Relate: vi/vt 和。相关 涉及, 把。 与。联系起来How on earth do his remarks relate to what we are discussing now?I think we may relate these two accidents to his carelessness.The two men just cant relate to each other.Related 有关系的,相关的, 亲戚的relation 关系,亲戚 relative 相关的,关于。的; 名词 亲戚 4The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than interviewers in order tofor once=just for once=for this once =this onceFor once you are right. Do let me stay up later tonight, Momjust for this once.once 曾经/一度/一次all at once 突然;同时 once and for all 永远的;一劳永逸的 once in a while 偶尔once more/ once again再一次 once upon a time从前I will help you once but then you must do it by yourself. We once lived in San Francisco.Rather than:=not “而不是” 连接并列结构。了解两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数与前一个保持一致。He rather than you is to blame The colour seems green rather than blue.They were screaming rather than singing. She telephoned rather than wrote.与其说,倒不如说He is an artist rather than a philosopher.宁可。也不。I would die with my head high rather than live with knees bent.Rather than go there Id prefer to stay here on my own.5.A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.Dont use words, expressions or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge.being known B. having been known C. to be known D. knownI like the story because it was the first time that I wrote with real passion and everyones life is unique.It/This /That was the first /second/third/time (that)该句式的that 从句中通常用完成时态,在描述过去的事情时,有时用一般过去时.句中的it也可以换成 this 或者 that This is the fourth time she has rung you in a week. It was the second time that he had been out with her alone.当主句为将来时时,从句的谓语动词要用现在完成时。It will be the first time that I havent been abroad. This will be the first time that I have visited China.The first time可做从属连词,引起时间状语从句。 The first time (that ) I saw her ,my heart stopped. The first time I went to Beijing ,I visited the Summer Palace.I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first timeunique:独特的;唯一的 表示唯一时,不可以跟more /most /very/rather等表示程度的副词连用。The writer has a unique style.A diamond of this size is unique .6.I want to write about people who you seldom read about, for example, people who have AIDS or who are addicted to drugs.Addict:使沉迷,使入迷,使心醉 (常用于被动结构be addicted to)Dont addict yourself to such foolish things.Many students are addicted to puter games.Their stories must be told if we want to solve difficult social problems and help those who suffer from them.Suffer:I受痛苦, 受苦难The injured man was still suffering.受折磨His health suffered terribly from heavy drinking.受损Suffer from:苦于。,患。病This area used to suffer from floods. She often suffers from headaches.Suffer :vt 遭受,蒙受 The city suffered serous damage from the earthquake.The economy of that country has suffered a great loss.7.We shouldnt ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.ignore: vt ignorance /ignorantHe ignored my advice. The driver ignored the traffic light.even if :=even though 不同于though.Even if I have to sell my house, I will keep my business going.Even if he is poor, she loves him. (as if=as though)He treats me as if I were a stranger.The media can help solve problems and draw attention to situations where help is needed.draw attention to :对。加以注意,把注意离吸引到。上来。Her cry drew our attention to the running car. He drew attention to the rising unemployment.draw ones attention 中,draw =catch/attractHer sweet voice attracted /caught/drew our attention.pay attention to 注意 devote attention to专心于 call attention to唤起对。的注意turn attention to 将注意力转向。 fix ones attention on 将注意力集中于。以上短语中to 都是介词,后面不用动词原形situations后面由 where引导起了定语从句,表示处于某种局面或形势下。 where 引导的定语从句除修饰地点外,也可以修饰situation,case,point等。I can think of many cases_ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay.why B. which C.as D.whereThe result is a better understanding of the world on all sides,leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.Understanding:u.n了解/理解力/共识He has a clear understanding of the situation. The problem is beyond my understanding.We have reached an understanding with them.on all sides=on every side在各方面/到处On all sides there was great enthusiasm over his speech. On every side we have heard approval of his plan. From all sides 从四面八方 On ones side 在某人一边 Take sides( with)偏向。一边Side by side 肩并肩 Leading to :为状语,表示结果(现在分词做结果状语时表示必然的结果,而不定式作状语表示出乎意料的结果。)10。Famous people are often interviewed and asked about their opinions on current affairs.Affair :事/事情; (常用复数)事务I know how to take care of my own affairs. Running a household is a plex affair.He is often busy dealing with the affairs of state.When he asked how much money I earned, I told him to mind his own affairs.p.s.(1).relate toreact in response, especially favorablyhave connection, relation or reference with In relation to (2).for oncefor this one time only For once he was telling the truth.(3).rather than but not They agreed to be the interviewees rather than the interviewers.(4).get sb. to do sth A reporter must know how to get people to talk about the topic.(5).P. P. + noun Present the material in an organized way (6).bring sth back to (7).adapt to -be used to (8).with real passion (9).be addicted to bee pulsively and physiologically dependent on a habit-forming substance .(10).draw attention to pay attention to (11).lead to (四) Step 5 SummaryAsk the Ss to talk about the notes they make in groups.Ask the Ss to have a role-play in groups of three. One is the reporter, one is Chen Ying ,the other is Zhulin.(1).How do you decide what to write ?(2).Is it difficult for you to contact the people to be interviewed ?(3).What do you think of the social problems ?(4).If the government do something wrong, will you give a report about it ? (5).What do you want to write about to write about in future ?(6). What do you think of a reporters life ?Step 6 Post-readingHave the Ss imagine what they would like to write about if they are reporters.Ask the Ss whether they will believe in newspapers and then tell them that it is important to be a critical reader. Have the Ss discuss how they would value the following media messages.TV advertisements2).TV programmes3).News on the Internet4).Newspaper articlesStep 7. Discussion1).Famous people are often interviewed and asked about their opinions on current affairs. Why do people draw attention to their opinions? Do their opinions really matter?2).Ask the Ss to discuss in groups and then report their opinions.Step 8.AssignmentsWrite a passage about what part newspapers play in our life.Step 9.SummaryPeriod 3 GrammarAims:1.To revise the words and phrases of the previous period2.To learn the grammar item: The past participle as Attributive and PredictiveProcedures:Step 1.RevisionAsk one or two SS to say sth about newspapers.Have the Ss make sentences using the following phrases.relate to /for once/rather than/adapt to /be addicted to/ draw attention to/Step 2.Word study1.Have the Ss plete the sentences with the verbs in the box.Key:1.was elected 2.were injured 3. was fired 4.switching 5.reflected 6.is related 7. torlerate 8.present2.Ask the Ss to match the words and the explanations1).Injure a. to select by vote for an office or for membership2).Elect b. to cause physical harm; to hurt3).Fire c. to make a shift or an exchange4).Switch d. to discharge from a position; dismiss5).Present e. to offer for observation, or consideration; show or display6).Tolerate f. to establish or demonstrate a connection between7).Reflect h. to give back a likeness8).Relate g. to allow without prohibiting or opposing; permitkey: 1b 2a 3d 4c 5e 6h 7g 8f2.Ask the Ss to classify the words into three groups.Positive: reliable informed experienced talented Neutral: current printed balanced Negative: critical nosy addicted careless socialStep 3 GrammarPresent the following sentences to the Ss.1).The cup is broken . 2).So its a _ cup.Then explain:The P.P in the first sentence is used as predicative The P.P. in the second sentence is used as Attributive.Present more sentences for the Ss to analyze:1).This river is polluted./This is a polluted river.2).The expert became experienced./He is an experienced expert.Ask the Ss to read the sentences above and judge which P.P. are used as attributive and which are used as predictive.Attributive: experienced editors/informed decisions/ talented journalists/organized way/stolen relics/printed articles Predicative: is needed/are respected/are toleratedHave the Ss rewrite each P.P. that is used attributive with the attributive clause.experienced editors=editors who are experiencedpeople addicted to dr

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