2019-2020年高考英语书面表达讲义及训练(36)参考范文 书面表达精选.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语书面表达讲义及训练(36)参考范文 书面表达精选(2011扬州三模)请你根据下图,结合实际,以Responsibilities为题写一篇英语短文,分析考试后家长、学生、老师对考试结果的反应,并结合当前实际发表你的见解。注意:1. 仔细品味画面内容,要适当发挥想象,不要作简单描述。2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。4. 相关词汇:配合 cooperate;和谐的 harmonious;效率 efficiencyResponsibilitiesRecently, parents, students and teachers sometimes care much about test results, especially when kids fail. Some parents, when their kids fail in an exam, choose to._参考范文Recently,_parents,_students_and_teachers_sometimes_care_much_about_test_results,_especially_when_kids_fail.Some_parents,_when_their_kids_fail_in_an_exam,_choose_to yell at their kids and plain much about present education system while their kids would blame the bad results on teachers. Teachers, who always work hardest, have more plaints like lack of cooperation from parents and less hard work of students. What should be the appropriate attitude towards test results is always under hot discussion. Gladly, most parents nowadays are quite aware of their own responsibilities. They would cooperate more with teachers afterwards and give enough guidance to their kids. Teachers will undoubtedly reconsider and thus improve their teaching methods aiming to increase classroom efficiency. Students will certainly study harder.In my opinion, it is always the best for family, students and schools to cooperate closely. When kids fail, everybody should be brave enough to bear responsibilities and find practical solutions to avoid similar mistakes. It surely benefits a lot in the construction of a harmonious society as well as forming a friendly relationship between families and schools.*结束 (2011淮安第四次调考)某大学教授称,高学历者的贫穷意味着耻辱和失败,并对大学生提出要求,“当你40岁时,没有4000万身价不要来见我,也别说是我的学生。”对此,凤凰网进行了调查。多数人持反对态度,认为教师不应用金钱来衡量学生。有少数人则认为这是一种激励。还有极少数人说不清楚。请你根据漫画并结合饼状图(pie chart)用英语写一篇短文。注意:1适当地发挥想象,增添细节使行文连贯;2字数150左右;3文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;4作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。A survey has been conducted by ifeng about whether a teacher should judge his students success by the money they have earned._参考范文A_survey_has_been_conducted_by_ifeng_about_whether_a_teacher_should_judge_his_students_success_by_the_money_they_have_earned._It is true that some teachers judge their students success by money. As can be seen from the picture, a teacher says that a student without 40 million yuan at the age of 40 means shame and that wealth means success. But opinions are divided among the surveyed people. Just as the pie chart shows, 70% of them oppose the teachers view. They think that teachers shouldnt judge their students success by money. However, 25% of them think this is a good way to encourage students to make more money. There are also a few people who are not clear about how to measure students success. In my opinion, we should understand success in a reasonable way. Money is certainly one way to measure success, but it is not the only way. People with higher education provided by our country should be devoted to the construction of our motherland, rather than only think about making more money.*结束 11, 根据短文内容,从下框的A-F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。 A. A short history of naming hurricanesB. Make use of the hurricane energyC. Difficulty in forecasting the course of a hurricaneD. Huge energy stored in a hurricaneE. Forecasting a hurricane through satellite watchingF. Different names for the same thingsHurricanes 61. Did you know that before 1950, hurricanes had no names? They were simply given numbers. The first names were simply Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. But in 1953, females names were given because of the unpredictability factor of the storms. In 1979, realizing the sexist (性别歧视的) nature of such names, the lists were expanded to include both men and women.62. Hurricanes and typhoons are the same things. If they form in the Atlantic, we call these strong storms hurricanes, from the West Indian word hurricane, meaning big wind. And if they are Pacific storms, they are called typhoons from the Chinese “taifeng”, meaning great wind. To be classified as a hurricane, the storm must have maximum winds of at least 75 mph. 63. Hurricanes get their power from water vapor as it gives out its stored-up energy. All water vapor gives out heat as it condenses (凝结) from a gaseous state to a liquid state over fixed points on the equator (赤道). To make a hurricane, you must have extremely wet, warm air, the kind of air that can only be found in tropical region.64. Scientists have determined that the heat given out in the process of water condensation can be as high as 95 billion kilowatts per hour. In just one day alone, the storm can produce more energy than many industrialized nations need in an entire year! The problem is that we dont know how to make sure such great energy work for us. Predicting the path of a hurricane is one of the most difficult tasks for forecasters.65. A hurricane moves at a typical speed of 15 mph. But not always. Some storms may race at twice this speed, then suddenly stop and remain in the same location for several days. It can be maddening if you live in a coastal area that may be hit. The biggest advance in early prediction is continuous watch from weather satellites. With these, we can see the storms form and track them fully, from birth to death. While they can still kill people and destroy property, hurricanes will never surprise any nation again.第三部分:书面表达(25分) 假设你是李华,准备参加学校举办的主题班会为健康成长的英语作文比赛。请按要求写一篇短文,主要内容包括:1,乐观的人生态度;2,努力学习;3,参加体育锻炼。注意:1,词数100个左右;2,可适当增加细节,以使文章连贯,开头已写好。 We all want to grow up happily and healthily ,for this goal we must do several things. 短文改错答案写作We all want to grow up happily and healthily , for this goal we must do several things.Firstly , we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. we should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly,we must study hard .because knowledge is power .if we have the power ,we can help to build our county and enjoy life better .In order to study well ,we need to do sports so that we can keep fit .we can go running ,play ball games or simply take a walk after a day study .if we do those things well .we will be able to grow up happily and healthily. 12,

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