2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案12.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案121operate vi.(机器)运转,(药等)起作用;vt. 操作,实施,管理operate a business 经营一家企业operate on/upon sb./sp.给某人(或某部位)动手术operate sb.on/upon sp.给某人某个部位动手术Have you ever been operated on?你动过手术吗?How does the machine operate?这台机器运转怎样?The medicine began to operate at once.药立刻开始见效。Its not difficult to operate a lift.开电梯不难。The project is operated by the women of the area.这个项目由该地区的妇女负责实施。All the Disney Parks are operated(run,managed)by the same pany.所有的迪斯尼公园都是由同一家公司管理的。The doctor will operate on her leg tomorrow.The doctor will operate her on the leg tomorrow.医生明天给她的腿动手术。The patient needs to be operated on the head.The patient needs an operation on the head.那病人头部需要动手术。(注:on the head 不能说成 on his head.)反馈1.1The pany _ three factories and a coal mine.Which of the following answers can NOT be filled in the blank?Aruns BoperatesCmanages Dorganizes反馈1.2The college _ a summer course for foreign students.Aworks BfunctionsCoperates Ddoes反馈1.3When do you think the patient can be operated _ the tumor?Aon for BforCupon with Don2quantity n.量,数量a great,large,good,small quantity of 大量/少量的in quantity/in(large)quantities 大量地,大批地There is a small quantity of water left in the bottle.瓶子里还剩下少量的水。She has quantities of good clothes.她有许多好衣服。用法归纳1)“a large/small quantity of不可数名词或可数名词复数”表示“大量的/少量的”,也可以用“large/small quantities of不可数名词或可数名词复数”来表达。2)a quantity of后接不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;后接可数名词复数形式时,谓语动词用单数或复数都可以;而quantities of后同样可接不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式,谓语则用复数。A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir.水库贮存了大量的水。Great quantities of sand were washed down the hillside by the rain.雨水把大量的泥沙冲下山坡。反馈2.1As a result of destroying the forests,a large _ of desert _ covered the farmland.Anumber;hasBquantity;hasCnumber;haveDquantity;have反馈2.2With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth _ each year.Ais washing awayBis being washed awayCare washing awayDare being washed away3clean up vt.& vi.打扫,清扫,把弄干净(后接宾语时,既可接“脏东西”也可接“弄脏了的地方”);(警方或政府当局)整肃/整顿(某地或某领域或某部门或不当行为或犯罪行为)Cleaners are busy cleaning up the litter left by holidaymakers on the beach.清洁工正在忙着清扫度假者扔在海滩上的垃圾。Clean up the table after eating,please.吃完东西后请把餐桌弄干净。Since the report of the scandal,the authorities have tried to clean up football.自从这个丑闻被报道后,政府当局就一直尽力整肃足球界。With the public plaining more about robberies and gang crimes,the police are considering cleaning up the streets.由于公众对抢劫和黑帮暴力犯罪的怨言愈来愈多,警方在考虑对街头秩序进行整顿。反馈3.1Lets _ the broken glass before someone walks on it.Aclear up Bclean upCput up Dtidy up反馈3.2We dont want to see any more online rumor or porn.Its just time to _ the Internet.Aclear up Bclear awayCclean up Dclean away4measure vt.& vi. 测量,给量尺寸,有长(宽、高、重)n.C尺寸,措施,量具take measures 采取措施by measure 按尺寸make sth.to sb.s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物Did you measure the distance between those two development areas?你们测量了那两个开发区之间的距离了吗?A clock measures time.钟是用来计量时间的。Mrs Smith picked up a ruler and measured carefully.史密斯夫人拿起尺子仔细量了量。This room measures 5 metres across.这间屋子宽五米。The apartment building measures 80m by 20m by 60m.这个公寓楼长80米,宽20米,高60米。反馈4.1 I dont trust them in that shop;they give you short _.Alengthen BmetreCmeasure Dwide反馈4.2What measures were _ to reduce the air pollution in that area then?Aacted BtakenCgiven Ddone反馈4.3The suitcase,_ 55 centimeters in length,is now allowed in the luggage partment.Ameasured BmeasuresCto measure Dmeasuring5appreciate vt.理解;欣赏;感激,感谢appreciation n.欣赏;感激appreciative adj.有欣赏力的;表示赏识的;感激的I appreciate your ability in dealing with it.我欣赏你处理这件事的能力。Our headmaster appreciates Mr Wang very much.我们的校长非常欣赏王先生。We greatly appreciate your timely help.我们非常感谢你及时的帮忙。用法提示1)appreciate作“感激”讲,是及物动词,后面需接宾语,但需借助it才能加从句。2)表示程度,可以用deeply,highly,really等副词修饰。I would appreciate it if you would help me with it.如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。I deeply/highly/really appreciate your kindness.我深深感谢你的好意。She is a girl with appreciation of art.她是一个对艺术有鉴赏力的女孩。反馈5.1Id appreciate _ if you would turn the radio down.Athat BitCthis Dyou反馈5.2The young deputies appreciated _ with the chance of choosing their new leaders.Ahonoring Bto honorChonored Dbeing honored反馈5.3He rarely _ others kindness to him,which is why he has few friends.Athanks BappreciatesCis thankful to Dis grateful6absorb vt.吸收(光、热、水等),吸引(注意力);接受(知识、学问);使全神贯注于be absorbed by 被吞并,为所吸收be absorbed in 全神贯注于,一心从事,热衷于absorb sb.s attention 吸引某人注意absorbing adj.非常吸引人的,引人入胜的absorption n.吸收Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.植物可以吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气。The movement and noise of the machines absorbed him pletely.机器的运动和噪音完全吸引了他的注意力。The threeyearold boy seems to be very clever and able to absorb whatever he is taught.这个三岁的男孩看起来很聪明,似乎能掌握教给他的任何东西。He absorbed the point of view of his teacher.他接受了老师的观点。He was pletely absorbed in his book and did not hear me call.他在全神贯注地读书,没有听见我叫他。反馈6.1_ the work in hand,he hardly had any time to write his family back.AAbsorbed byBAbsorbed toCConcentrating onDConcentrated in反馈6.2During the day,plants use sunlight,water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen,while at night,they _ oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.Atake into BabsorbCare absorbed in Dcall in反馈6.3_ the water on the table easily is the substance called“sponge”AAbsorbed BAbsorbingCAbsorbs DTo absorb7run out(of)用光,耗尽1)表示“某物用完”,以物作主语时,不用被动语态。Our gas will soon run out.我们的汽油快用光了。2)run out和run out of的区别在于run out不可接宾语,而run out of后可接宾语。He is always running out of money before pay day.他总是在发薪日前就把钱花光了。The supply of our food almost ran out and we felt helpless.我们的食物给养几乎用光了,我们感觉无望。We can see that his patience was running out little by little.我们能看到他正逐渐失去耐心。She felt that she had run out of inspiration.她觉得自己没有灵感了。反馈7.1All the water has _.Arun out of Brun outCuse up Dused up反馈7.2What will the world use for power when it _ oil?Aruns out of Bis running outCwill run out of Dran out反馈7.3Its fuel _,the plane has only ten minutes to go before it crashes into the sea.Arunning out Busing upChaving run out Dhaving used up8under way在进行中,开始,在前进途中Formal negotiations are under way.正式谈判正在进行。Preparations for the celebration of National Day are under way.庆祝国庆的准备工作正在进行之中。Our plan is well under way.我们的计划正在顺利地实施之中。The young female reporter was on time,and the interview got under way immediately.那位年轻的女记者准时赴约,于是采访立即开始进行。The ship is under way for London.这艘船正在前往伦敦的途中。短语拓展under control 被控制住under discussion 正在讨论中under pressure 在压力下under the sun 在世界上,究竟,到底under the weather 身体不舒服under fire 遭到炮火射击,受到攻击under the circumstances 在这种情况下under consideration 在考虑中反馈8.1 Dont be worried.The repairman is _.He will fix it up.Ain the way Bon the wayCunder way Dby the way反馈8.2The urban reform has been _ for nearly three years,but much remains to be done.Aunder weather Bunder fireCunder control Dunder way反馈8.3The plans have been _ for a year now,but no decision has been reached.Aunder pressureBunder wayCunder discussionDunder the sun9I like it when you told that joke.我喜欢你讲那个笑话。I like it when sb.does sth.我喜欢某人干某事在这个句型中,it是代词,无所指,when引导的是状语从句,而不是宾语从句,其中的动词除like以外,还可用enjoy,dislike,love,hate,prefer,appreciate等。I like it when all of the Christmas lights light up.我喜欢所有圣诞灯都点燃。He dislikes it when you whistle.他不爱听你吹口哨。I hate it when it rains.Cheer up.It will be sunny tomorrow.我讨厌下雨天。高兴一点,明天天气就会放晴了。反馈9.1I dislike _ when others laugh at me in public or think poorly of me behind.Athat BthoseCit Dthem反馈9.2Id prefer _ if I didnt have to get up early on Sundays.Athat BsuchCit Dwhich考点归纳拓展【思路点拨】1.1 D句意:这个公司经营三个工厂和一个煤矿。run,operate和manage都有“经营”之意,而organize意为“组织”。1.2 C句意:这所大学运作了一项针对留学生的暑期课程。work作及物动词是“操作(机器)”之意,function为不及物动词;does a course为错误搭配。1.3 A句意:你认为这个病人什么时候可以做肿瘤手术?“对某人的某种疾病施行手术”用operate on sb.for some disease。此处用的是被动语态。2.1 B句意:由于森林遭到破坏,结果大量的沙漠覆盖了田地。因为desert是不可数名词,用quantity而不能用number;a large quantity of不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。2.2 Dquantities of后接不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式,谓语动词都用复数形式。3.1 B句意:让我们把碎玻璃清扫掉,防止有人踩到它们。clear up作不及物动词短语时是“(天空)变晴朗”的意思,作及物动词短语时是“消除(误会或疑惑等)或解决(问题)”之意;put up为及物动词短语,意思是“张贴,搭建”等;tidy up既可以作及物又可以作不及物动词短语,意思是“把某地或某物弄干净”,用作及物动词短语时后面不能接表示“脏东西”的词作宾语,而要接表示“被弄脏的地方或东西”之类的词。3.2 C句意:我们不想再看到一些网络上的谣言和色情内容。该整肃互联网了。clean up sth.意思是“整顿或肃清某物”,后面可接表示“不纯洁的或乌烟瘴气的领域或地方或部门”的词,也可以接表示“导致这些不纯洁或污秽状态的不当或犯罪行为”的词;clear away sth.意思是“将不想看到的东西清理走,使得某地变得比较整洁爽气”;而clean away sth.意思是“将脏东西清理走,使得某地变得洁净”;clear up作不及物动词短语时为“天空变晴朗”,作及物动词短语时为“消除(误会或疑惑等)或解决(问题)”。4.1 C据题意,此处应该用名词,故可排除A、D两项;又因本题表达的语义为抽象含义,故可排除B项。4.2 B句意:那个地区在那时候采取什么措施来减少空气污染的?take measures“采取措施”,本题用的是被动语态。4.3 D此句谓语动词为is allowed,故measure应该为非谓语动词,作定语修饰the suitcase,而measure表示物体的长宽高时的搭配为sth.measure.,故measure与the suitcase应该为主动关系,故应该为measuring。5.1 Blike,love,appreciate,hate,see to,depend on等词或短语接从句时,要用it作形式宾语。5.2 D句意:这些年轻的代表们非常感激能光荣地获得选择他们的新领导人的机会。appreciate表示感激某事时,应该接动词ing作宾语;另honor作动词意思是“给人以荣誉”,所以和主语the young deputies是被动关系,故应用being honored。5.3 B句意:他几乎从没有感激过别人的好意,这也就是他没有什么朋友的原因。appreciate(doing)sth.表示“对某事物表示感激”,而thank的搭配为thank sb.for(doing)sth.,thankful/grateful的搭配为be thankful/grateful to sb.for(doing)sth.,后面三者的含义均为“感谢某人做某事”。6.1 C句意:他全神贯注地干手头的活,几乎没什么时间给家人回信。这里需要填动词的非谓语动词形式作状语表示“专注于”。如用absorb,应该为sb.be absorbed in sth.,be absorbed by意思是“被所吸收或吞并”;而concentrate的搭配为sb.concentrate on sth.,所以concentrate与he之间为主动关系,故答案为C项。6.2 B句意:植物白天用阳光、水和二氧化碳生产氧气,在夜晚吸收氧气,释放二氧化碳。absorb为及物动词,正合句意;A项如果是take in则正确;D项call in是“召集”“邀请”等意,C、D两项均不合句意。6.3 B句意:能将桌上的水轻松吸干的就是这种叫“海绵”的物质。这是一种倒装句型,不倒装的形式为The substance called“sponge”absorbs the water on the table easily.类似句子:Standing in the corner is a fridge.A fridge stands in the corner。7.1 B句意:所有的水都用光了。由于没有宾语,故不需要of;如果要用use up,必须用其被动形式,说“has been used up”。7.2 A句意:当世界的石油用完以后,会用什么作动力呢?因为有宾语it,故用run out of;又因为是时间状语从句,不用将来时。7.3 A句意:其燃料快要耗尽,这架飞机只有十分钟就要撞向大海。因为还有十分钟可以飞行,所以其燃料应该是快要耗尽,即正在耗尽,故只能用ing分词作状语,而不能选择表示已经耗尽的having done;另外use up和its fuel应该是被动关系,故应该用being used up才对;而its fuel和run out为主动关系,所以应该为running out。8.1 B句意:别着急。修理人员正在路上赶过来。他会修好它的。on the way表示正在路上。8.2 D句意:现在城市改革已经进行了近三年,要做的事情还很多。under the weather “身体不舒服”;under fire “遭到炮火射击”;under control “被控制住”;under way“正在进行中”。8.3 C句意:那些计划已经讨论了一年了,但还是没有结果。under pressure “在压力下”;under way“在进行中”;under discussion “正在讨论中”;under the sun “在世界上,任何地方,到底”。根据句意,应选C项。9.1 C在通常情况下,dislike是及物动词,其后应有宾语it,在这个句型中,只能用it,不可以用其他代词。9.2 CId prefer it if.中只能用it。故选C项。

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