2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit9 Saving the earth(第四课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit9 Saving the earth(第四课时)Teaching Aims:1. Learn and master the following words: defend, incorrect, affect, advise2. Train the students listening and speaking abilities.3. Learn to write an evaluation paragraph.Teaching Important Points:1. Master the useful words and phrases appearing in this period.2. Learn to support an opinion both in speaking and writing.Teaching Difficult Point: How to help the students finish each task and improve their skills to use language.Teaching Methods :1. Oral practice to train the students speaking ability.2. Written work to train the students writing ability.3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1. a tape recorder2. a projector4. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step II Revision and Lead-inT: Yesterday, we learnt the use of Inversion and did some exercises. Can you tell me the difference between inverted sentences and usual sentences? Wu Li, would you like to have a try?Sl: Yes. In an inverted sentence, part of the predicate or the whole predicate es before the subject. In a usual sentence, the predicate es after the subject.T: Quite right. Sit down, please. Then for what reasons do you think Inversion is used? Any volunteer?S2: I think Inversion is used for two reasons. One for the need of the grammatical structure of a certain type of sentence the other for emphasis of a certain part of a sentence.T: Quite right. Now, lets do an exercise, Look at the screen and write your answers on a piece of paper. Then I11 check the answers with the whole class. (Teacher shows the following on the screen. )Rewrite the following sentences using Inversion.1. We can finish the work on time only by seizing every minute. _ _ _ _ _ _ _finish the work on time.2. I have never heard such nonsense in all my life._ _ _ heard such nonsense in all my life.3. A piece of paper was folded in the pocket. _ _ _ _ _ a piece of paper.4. He little realizes how important this heart operation is. _ _ _ _ how important this heart operation is.5. Churchill was not only a statesman but also a poet. _ _ _ Churchill a statesman but also a poet.Suggested answers: 1. Only by seizing every minute can we2. Never have I3. Folded in the pocket was4. Little does he realize5. Not only wasT: Well done. Besides, weve read a passage in this unit about the Earth Summit and environmental problems and solutions. What words weve learnt in this unit can help us describe environment problems and solutions?Ss: Sustainable development, contaminated drinking water, poor sanitation, air pollution, killer, poverty, war, violence, equality, fairness, take action, make changes, education, in harmony with nature.T: Oh. So many. I hope you can remember and use them. We know the Earth Summit mainly talks about environment problems and solutions. Experts from all over the world are wele to the Earth Summit, speaking about different topics and discussing new ways to solve old problems. Today we are going to listen to the voices of the Earth Summit. And well talk about the environment problem again. First, lets learn the new words in this period. (Teacher shows the new words on the screen and gives brief explanations.) ( Bb: alternativealternate; defend against/from; incorrect-correct; affect/effect; advise sb. (not) to do sth. ,advise doing sth. )Step III Listening and SpeakingT: Well, now please open your books at Page 71. Look at the first part in Listening and Speaking: Listen to the speeches from the Earth Summit and plete the outlines below, Ill play the tape twice continuously. Listen carefully and finish your task. At the end ,Ill check your answers. (After listening, teacher introduces the next task.)T: Well done. Youve understood the speeches exactly. Do you agree with what they are saying? Work in pairs to talk about this question. Write down your thoughts, ments, opinions and questions about what they said. Prepare for a few minutes. Then well go on with the next task. (A few minutes later.)T: OK. Now you have a chance to make your own speech. Use your notes and think about what you would like to say. First, write an outline, and then give the speech in class. Make sure that you are ready to answer questions and defend your argument. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: You can begin to prepare tot it now. (Another few minutes later.)T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Now lets begin our speech. Each student should listen to your classmates speeches carefully and get ready to ask them questions. Whod like to be the first to give your speech? Any volunteer7S: (One of the students stands up and gives his speech. The others go on. After the speeches, teacher shows the following on the screen. )Tips for preparing a speech:Knowing how to give a good speech is a useful skill. If you want to give a goodspeech, there are a few things you need to consider. I. Think about your audience a. Who will listen to your speech? b. What are they interested in? c. What do they want to know? d. What do they already know? Outlines like these will help you decide what you are going to say. II. Prepare and practise a. Research your topic carefully and organise the material, b. Before you give the speech, practise in front of a mirror or together with a friend.T: Your speeches were all made successfully, but in order you can make a better speech, I give you some advice on preparing a speech. Look at the screen. Lets study together.Step IV WritingT: As we all know, environment problems are being more and more serious with the development of modern agriculture and industry. Among all the problems, which do you think is the most serious one? Why do you think so? What do you think should be done to solve it? Now write a paragraph to tell your reader about these questions. (Teacher writes the questions on the Bb. )T: You can prepare your paragraph as follows: First, write a sentence that states your opinion, for example,“I think that air pollution is the most serious problem because it does great harm to our health. ”Then list as many reasons as possible. Finally, use the sentences to organise your paragraph. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Well. Ill show you some words and phrases on the screen. You can refer to them. After finishing your paragraph, use the check list in Unit 2 to check it for errors and mistakes. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.(Teacher shows the following on the screen and the students begin to work.)Many products are bad for the environment.It is wrong to buy products that are harmful to the environment.To think that there is nothing we can do is incorrect.What we do is important because it affects the environmentI suggest that we do something about these problems.I would advise people not to buy products that harm the environment.I remend that all of us should think about what we do and what we buy.Step V Summary and HomeworkT: You all did very well in class. Now lets see what weve done in this period. First. weve revised the previous contents, including the text and the grammar. Second, weve done some listening and speaking. Then weve learnt to write an evaluation paragraph. All these activities center on the subject “environment problems and absolution ”. Everyone should make an effort to take care of our planet. Do you think so?Ss: Yes.T: Besides, weve learnt some useful words and phrases, such as After class, please practise more to improve your ability to use language. So much for today. See you tomorrow!Ss: See you tomorrow!Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 9 Saving the earth The Fourth PeriodI. Words and Phrases: alternative-alternate incorrect-correct defend against/from affect/effect advise sb. (not) to do sth. advise doing sth.II. an evaluation paragraph What do you think is the most serious one? Why do you think so? What do you think should be done to solve it?Step VII Record after Teaching


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