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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第五周星期六阅读理解科普知识类完形填空夹叙夹议文+应用文写作.阅读理解(xx江西南昌二中联考)As free as they make us,mobile phones still need to stay close to a power source.Soon that may change with “green” power.Three Chilean students got the idea for a plantpowered device(装置) to charge their cellphones,while sitting in their schools outdoor courtyard during a break from exams,with dead mobile phones.Then,one of them had an “aha” moment.“It occurred to Camila to say about plants,” said inventor Evelyn Aravena.“Why dont you have a socket,if there are so many plants? After that,we thought,why dont they have a charging outlet?Because there are so many plants and living things that have the potential to produce energy,why not?”Their inventiona small biological circuit called EKaiauses the energy plants to produce during photosynthesis(光合作用).A plant uses only a small part of that energy and the rest goes into the soil,and thats where the EKaia collects it.The device plugs into the ground and then into your phone.“Its the most amazing project Ive ever seen in my life,plain and simple.They brought this original model,and it workedand thats when it all changed,at least from my personal point of view and I began to support them,” said Mauricio Cifuentes.The device solved two problems for the engineering studentsthey needed an idea for a class project,and an outlet to plug in their phones.“Looking for a place to charge the notebook,which had no power,and the mobile phones,we werent able to find anything because all the other students were in the same state of madness trying to find a place to charge their devices,” said Aravena.But plants are everywhere,and the biocircuit makes the best of their excess(过多的) power.The EKaia doesnt carry much charge but its powerful enough to pletely recharge a mobile phone in less than two hours.The student inventors have applied for patents on their technology,and expect the EKaia to go on sale in December xx.1.How could the students get the “green” power idea?A.By carrying out an experiment.B.Just from an occasional thought.C.With the support of their professors.D.Inspired by the information in a science book.2.The device collects power by using .A.photosynthesisB.a small biological circuitC.energy plantsD.the electricity stored in the device3.What can we learn from what Mauricio Cifuentes said?A.He intended to buy the patent.B.He invented the original device.C.He showed great interest in the device.D.He attempted to produce the device in large numbers.4.What might be the best title for the passage?A.A New Device to Change the WorldB.Green PowerA New and Potential SourceC.Chilean Students Find a Green Way to Charge PhonesD.A New Device Invented by Chilean Students Will Be on Sale.完形填空(xx河北衡水中学七调) The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile.A smile can open doors and tear down walls among 5 .I have organized and reorganized an 6 with the dentist for months.I also 7 it twice and called the day before to 8 all the paperwork would be ready for the xrays.Then I arrived.It wasnt 9 at all.The lady there even had no 10 what I was talking about.I 11 felt my blood boil.I was getting so 12 .I didnt yell at her but I may as well have because the 13 I was talking to her was not nice.I spoke down to her as if she were a child and incapable.It was not a good moment.The whole time she smiled and was 14 to me.Only when everything was finally 15 was I nice.I sat down in the waiting area and 16 it all.How can I make it better?How can I make up for my 17 behavior a moment ago?I couldnt.I could 18 her a chocolate bar I had on me,but this needed more than that.It needed an honest 19 and that is exactly what I gave.I apologized for the way I had spoken to her and told her it was wrong of me.She 20 .Again with a 21 .God,help me be that woman who smiles and forgives so 22 .I dont get it right every time.I can be rude and when I am,I almost 23 myself for it.I am not that person,not anymore.Yet I continue to grow and continue to 24 .Its true that smile vanished my anger and opened a door to understanding.5.A.friends B.strangersC.patients D.relatives6.A.interview B.operationC.experiment D.appointment7.A.confirmed B.arrangedC.discussed D.admitted8.A.conclude B.approveC.ensure D.apply9.A.crowded B.readyC.open D.busy10.A.plan B.thoughtC.idea D.mind11.A.mildly B.roughlyC.privately D.immediately12.A.mad B.sadC.humorous D.curious13.A.habit B.wayC.accent D.tune14.A.rude B.attachedC.friendly D.devoted15.A.figured B.addedC.made D.sorted16.A.reflected on B.worked atC.called at D.went through17.A.unnecessary B.impoliteC.impossible D.unfair18.A.post B.assistC.press D.gift19.Ament B.promiseC.apology D.suggestion20.A.refused B.agreedC.ignored D.accepted21.A.smile B.hopeC.doubt D.belief22.A.slowly B.easilyC.frequently D.tightly23.A.teach B.forgiveC.hate D.see24.A.expand B.reactC.overe D.learn.应用文写作假如你是李华,乘飞机从北京到伦敦旅行。到达目的地取行李时你发现行李箱破损,部分物品遗失。你与相关人员交涉无果,于是向航空公司写了一封投诉信。内容主要包括:1.说明个人相关信息(航线:航班MMYZ 577;时间:9月28日);2.反映情况;3.希望尽快得到解决。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Sir/Madam, Looking forward to your early reply!Yours faithfully,Li Hua答案精析.1.B推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,智利学生们得到这个主意只是来自一个偶尔的想法。故选B。2.B细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Their inventiona small biological circuit called EKaiauses the energy plants to produce during photosynthesis(光合作用).”可知该装置通过使用小型生物电路来收集电力。故选B。3.C推理判断题。根据第五段Mauricio Cifuentes所说的话可知,他对这个装置表现出极大的兴趣。故选C。4.C标题归纳题。文章讲述了智利学生们发明了一种装置EKaia,该装置通过收集植物产生的能量来充电。故选C。.语篇解读普遍理解的关于身体语言的最佳例子或许就是微笑。作者通过自己看牙医的经历说明了这点。5.Bfriend 朋友;stranger 陌生人;patient 病人;relative 亲戚。句意为:微笑可以打开门并且能够拆除陌生人之间的墙。故选B。6.Dinterview 采访;operation 手术;experiment 实验;appointment约会。这里指我和牙医之间有个预约。故选D。7.Aconfirm 证实,确认;arrange 安排;discuss 讨论;admit 承认。句意为:我也两次确认了并且在前一天打电话来确保所有的照射X光的材料都准备好了。根据句意可知答案为A。8.Cconclude 总结;approve 赞成;ensure 确保;apply申请,应用。根据上题解析可知答案为C。9.B根据后一句的提示可知一切都没有准备好。故选B。10.Chave no idea不知道,为固定搭配。11.D句意为:我立刻感到血液沸腾。此处表示作者很生气。故选D。12.A句意为:因为生气,所以我变得很疯狂。故选A。13.B根据后一句可知我跟她说话的方式并不好。下文最后一段首句“I apologized for the way I had spoken to her.”也是提示。故选B。14.C虽然我一直都很不客气,但是她一直都在微笑,并且对我友好。故选C。15.Dfigure 计算,认为;add 增加;make 做;sort 妥善处理,安排妥当。句意为:只有当一切都安排妥当了我才变得友好起来。故选D。16.Areflect on仔细想,回想;work at 致力于;call at拜访;go through经历(苦难)。句意为:我在等候区坐下来,回想刚才的那件事。故选A。17.Bunnecessary 不必要的;impolite 不礼貌的;impossible 不可能的;unfair不公平的。句意为:我怎样才能弥补之前无礼的行为?故选B。18.Dpost 张贴,邮寄;assist 帮助,协助;press 按;gift送(礼物)。句意为:我能送给她一根我带的巧克力棒。故选D。19.Cment 评论;promise 承诺;apology 道歉;suggestion建议。由下一段首句中的“I apologized for the way.”可知,需要的是一个真诚的道歉。故选C。20.D句意为:我向她道歉,她接受了。故选D。21.A根据上文的提示可知,此处是她再一次微笑了。22.B由语境可知,她能很容易地微笑并原谅我。故选B。23.C句意为:每当我很粗鲁的时候,我就很讨厌自己。hate 讨厌,恨,故选C。24.D句意为:我不断成长,不断学习。故选D。. 参考范文Dear Sir/Madam,Im a Chinese passenger who took your Flight MMYZ 577 from Beijing to London on August 28.Im writing to plain for the following reasons.My luggage bag was broken when I got it at the airport.And some of the articles were lost.Whats worse,I reported it to some of the staff on duty but got no satisfying results,with which Ive been so unhappy.I just cant imagine how a pany with a good reputation can do such a thing!I do hope youll take it seriously and get it settled as soon as possible.Looking forward to your early reply!Yours faithfully,Li Hua

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