2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(第三课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(第三课时).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(第三课时).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit3 Art and architecture(第三课时)Teaching Aims:1. Review the useful words learned in the last two periods.2. Learn and master the sentence pattern: A is to B what C is to D3. Master the Past Participle used as Object plement.Teaching Important Points:1. The sentence pattern: A is to B what C is to D2. The Past Participle used as Object plement.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to help Ss to master the important sentence pattern.2. Help the students master the Past Participle as Object plement better.Teaching Methods.1. Review method to consolidate the useful words learned in the last two periods.2. Explanation and inductive methods to help the students master the Past Participle used as Object plement.3. Practice to master the sentence pattern: A is to B what C is to D4. Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures.Step I Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step H Word StudyT: In the last two periods, we have learned much about architecture. And wevealso learned some useful words in the text. Now, lets do an exercise to review them. Look at the screen, please.(Show the following on the screen.)Try to match the words with their meanings. Word1. nest2. roof3. balcony4. concrete5. ugly6. architect MeaningA. a person who designs buildingsB. an area with a wall or bars around it, joined to the outside wall of a buildingC. a strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, sand and waterD. not beautiful E. a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young F. the structure on the top of a building to keep the rain out(A few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.) Suggested answers: 1E 2F 3B 4C 5D 6A T: Well done! Now, I give you four minutes for you to learn the meanings of the words by heart. Ill check to see who can recite them correctly and quickly. (Ss prepare for four minutes and then the teacher may ask some students to recite and check if they can say the meanings of the words correctly. T: OK. Time is up. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. T: Good. Xiao Li, whats the meaning of“nest”? S: It means “a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young”.T: Very good. (Teacher may ask some students to say the Chinese meanings of the words if necessary. )T: Youve done very well. (Bb: A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man. ) Now, look at the sentence on the blackboard. Who can tell us the Chinese meaning of it? S: Let me try. It means 鸟巢和鸟的关系就像房子和人的关系一样”.T: Good. (Bb: Were to them what fish is to water. )Now, look at this sentence. Who knows the meaning? S: It means “我们和他们的关系就好像鱼儿和水一样”.T: Good. Now, look at these two sentences carefully, and try to write out the sentence pattern. Wang Xiang, please write your answer on the blackboard. (The student writes his/her answer on the blackboard. A is to B what C isto D.) T: Do you agree with him?Ss: Yes.T: OK. This is the important sentence pattern we should master in this period. It means“A对B而言正如C对D一样”. Now, lets do some practice to master it better. Look at the screen, please.(Show the following on the screen.)Fill in the blank with the correct form of the words in the box. branch, skin, architecture, sail, brick, net1. Fur is to a fox what the is to a banana.2._ are to a house what words are to a text.3. An architect is to _ what a painter is to art. 4. A is to a boat what an engine is to a car.5. A_ is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter 6. Arms are to the body what are to a tree. T: First do it by yourself and then check the answers in pairs. (A few minutes later, ask some students to say their answers and check the answers with the whole class.) Suggested answers: 1. skin 2. Bricks 3. architecture 4. sail5. net 6. branchesStep III Presentation T: Well done, everybody. Now, I want to ask you for help. There is something wrong with my bike. What should I do? S: You should ask someone to repair it for you. T: Thank you. Ill have my bike repaired tomorrow. (Bb: Ill have my bike repaired tomorrow.) And I think my hair is a bit too long. What should I do? S: You should go to a hairdressers and ask the hairdresser to cut it short for you. T: Thank you. Ill have my hair cut short tomorrow. (Write it on the blackboard and underline “cut”. ) Now, please look at the two sentences on the blackboard. What are the two underlined words used as?Who can tell us? S: Id like to have a try. I think both of the two words are used as the Object plement in each sentence. T: Very good. The grammar well study today is the Past Participle used as Object plement. (Bb: The Past Participle used as Object plement.)Step IV GrammarT: OK. Now, turn to Page 22. Look at the sentences in Grammar. Study them carefully and point out the Object plement in each sentence. (A moment later. ) Have you found them out?Ss: Yes. T: OK. Who can point out the Object plement in the first sentence? S: Ill try. It is “expressed”. T: Good. Please sit down. Now, the second sentence. Who knows? S: I know. It is “constructed”. (Teacher deals with the other sentences in the same way. )Suggested answers:3. used 4. inspiredT: Now, weve found out the Object plement in each sentence. Study them carefully. What do you find?S: All the four words are Past Participles. Step V PracticeT: Right. Now, please look at the screen. Finish the practice quickly by yourselves. (Show the following on the screen.) Match the two parts to make sentences 1. Did you find the city A. done7 2. When will he ever get the work B. greatly changed? 3. She cant make herself C. called. 4. Next week Ill have my bedroom D. understood, 5. Youve got to keep the door E. locked. 6. I got the watch F. repaired. 7.She heard her name G. decorated (Several minutes later, ask some students to say their answers.)T: Very good. Now, look at the Predicate in each sentence. From them we know that “find, get, make, have, keep, hear” and so on can be followed by Past Participle as Object plement.Step VII ConsolidationT: In order to master the Past Participle as Object plement better, lets do some other exercises. Look at the screen, please. Finish the exercises first by yourselves, and then you can check your answers in pairs.(Show the following on the screen.)1. plete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Change their forms if necessary. (1)I dont want any bad words_(say) about him behind his back. (2)Please get the work_ (do) as soon as possible. (3)I11 have the materials (send) to you next Monday morning. (4)She wont have her long and beautiful hair (cut) short. (5)You should make your voice_ (hear). (6)I want you to keep me_ (inform) of how things are going with you. (7)The rent sounds reasonable. How would you like it_ (pay) ? (8)At last, I succeeded in making myself_(understand).2. Rewrite the sentences after the model. Example: paint the walls yellow I think Ill have the walls painted yellow.(1) lay a wooden floor in the bedroom(2) make a door(3) put up two pictures on the wall(4)place a tea table in the corner (Allow the students enough time to finish the exercises and then ask some students to check the answers.) Suggested answers 1. (1)said (2)done (3)sent (4)cut (5) heard ( 6 ) informed ( 7 ) paid(8) understood2. (1) I think Ill have a wooden floor laid in the bedroom.(2)I think Ill have a door made.(3) I think Ill have two pictures put up on the wall.(4)I think Ill have a tea table placed in the corner.Step VII Summary and Homework T: Today weve reviewed some useful words learned in the last two periods. Also weve learned a very important sentence pattern. After class you should try to use them more to master them better. The grammar weve learned today is the Past Participle used as Object plement. This is an important grammar point. You need more practice to consolidate it. Thats all for today. See you tomorrow.Step VIII The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 Art and architectureThe Third Period Sentence Pattern: A is to B what C is to D l A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man. 2. We are to them what fish is to water. Grammar: The Past Participle used as Object plement find/get/make/have/keep/hear/ +sb./sth. +done. l. Ill have my bike repaired tomorrow. 2. 111 have my hair cut short tomorrow, Step IX Record after Teaching

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