2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit14 Zoology(第二课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit14 Zoology(第二课时).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit14 Zoology(第二课时)Teaching Aims:1.Train the students reading ability.2.Learn and master the following words:bee,transparent,dot,surrounding,troop,assumption,beyond,semicircle,apparent,sideways,maximum,precise,adequate,clarify,upward3.Learn and master the following phrases:tell.apart,over and over again,e to lightTeaching Important Points:1.Enable the students to understand the text better.2.Master the following sentence patterns:(1)It is/was.that-clause(2)Sub.+vt.+it +n./adj.+infinitiveTeaching Difficult Points:1.How to use the sentence patterns above correctly.2.How to improve the students reading ability.Teaching Methods:1,Fast-reading to get the general information in the text.2.Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text.3.Asking-and-answering activity to help the students understand the text better.Teaching Aids:1.a puter for multimedia use2.a coursewareTeaching Procedures:Step Greetings and RevisionT:Good morning,every one!Ss:Good morning,Miss Gao!T:In the last period I arranged a task for you to match the Chinese with some English idioms.Now Ill check your homework.(Teacher asks some students to give their answers.If they make any mistakes teacher corrects them.)Suggested answers:1.D2.C3.G4.E5.F6.A7.B8.HStep DiscussionT:Today we are going to read a passage about the language of honey-bees.Before reading the passage,you can have a discussion about the questions in Pre-reading in pairs.(Teacher gives students some minutes to discuss the questions and then asks them to answer the questions one by one.)T:Whod like to answer the first question?S1:I think animals municate by making sounds,touching each other,dancing and so on.S2:I think some of them can use their facial expressions,body gestures and so on to municate with each other.T:You are right.Now,the second question.Who is the volunteer?S3:Animals municate some information on how they feel when they are hungry,happy,sad or in danger and so on.For example,when bees find food in a certain place,it will tell others by dancing.When a dog feels happy,it will shake its tail.When a gorilla sees its enemy,it will warn others of danger.T:Your answer sounds very interesting.I hear you are very interested in animal life.Do you want to be a zoologist?S4:Yes.T:If you were a zoologist,what would you do to study animal munication?S4:If I were a zoologist,I would live together with some kinds of animals,give them much training and see how animals municate with each other and how animals municate with human beings.T:Do you think human beings can municate with animals?S4:Of course.Because some kinds of animals are very clever.Though they cannot speak,they can understand what people tell them to do.For example,when you call your pet dogs name,it will e to you quickly.If you e back home,your dog will shake its tail to greet you.Recently when I surfed the Internet,I saw a piece of information that the chimpanzee can use gestures to exchange ideas with human beings after being trained.A dog can type out some words using the keyboard after being trained.T:I can see you really know much about animals.Im sure your dream to bee a zoologist will e true one day.Step ReadingT:So much for discussion.As we know,there are different types of bees,but among them scientists are most interested in honey-bees,because they can use a kind of “language” to municate with each other.Today we are going to read a passage whose title is “The Language of Honey-bees”.You can read it quickly to get the general idea.After you read it,please answer the two questions on the screen.1.How do honey-bees municate with each other?2.What are they able to tell each other? (Teacher gives students some minutes to read through the passage,then teacher asks two students to answer the questions.)T:Who can give the answer to the first question?S5:They do different dances,a circle dance and a wagging dance.T:Quite right.Now,the second one.Zhang Hua,please.S6:They are able to tell each other that food has been discovered and how far away the feeding place is.T:Your prehension is right.Now read the passage carefully and get the detailed information.Then well do some exercises to see if you understand the text well.(Teacher gives students enough time to read the passage once again.)T:Have you finished reading?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Please look at the screen.These pictures show how bees perform the “circle dance” and the “wagging dance”.Please label the dances correctly.Write the letters for parts of the dances (a-f) next to the correct line of the text.(Teacher shows the pictures on the screen and asks a student to read the sentences in the text.)Suggested answers:Circle dance:First it made a circle to the right(f),then to the left(e).wagging dance:The dancer ran in a straight line,wagging from side to side(a). Then it turned in a semicircle(b),ran straight again(c),and turned in another semicircle to the opposite side(d).T:Now read Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 again and answer the three questions on the screen.1.What was Von Frish trying to find out in the experiment described in Paragraph 4?2.What was the purpose of the experiment described in Paragraph 5?3.What information did the two dancers convey? (Teacher gives students some minutes to prepare and then asks three students to answer the questions.)Suggested answers:1.In the experiment described in Paragraph 4,Von Frish found out that the bees which had been at the nearby feeding place were doing the circle dance while the bees which had been at the distant feeding place were doing a pletely different dance,a wagging dance.2.In the experiment described in paragraph 5,the professor tried to find out what information the wagging dance conveyed.3.The circle dance told the bees about the location of the feeding place and the number of wagging dance per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place.T:Now,look at the screen,please.The drawings show the experiments Von Frish used to find out if the bees could municate the position of the food.Look at the drawings and read the observations in your textbooks.Please explain how the experiment was done and try to explain how the bees municate directions.(Teacher shows the drawings on the screen.)(Teacher asks a student to describe the two experiments.) Suggested answers:In the first experiment,Von Frish set up a feeding place to the west of the beehive.In the morning he observed that the marked bee was doing a wagging dance,with its head straight upward during the straight part of the dance.In the afternoon he saw that the marked bee was also doing a wagging dance,but the straight part of the dance pointed downward.In the the second experiment,Von Frish set up a feeding place to the east of the beehive.In the morning he observed that the marked bee was also doing a wagging dance,with its head downward during the straight part of the dance.In the afternoon,he saw that the marked bee was doing a wagging dance,but the straight part of the dance pointed upward.From the two experiments,we can see that the bees municate directions by doing wagging dances,but the straight part of the dance points differently at different times.Step Language StudyT:Now lets study the language points in the passage.Please find out the words,phrases and sentence patterns that you dont understand in the text by yourselves.Then Ill explain them for you.(Teacher asks students to say the words,phrases and sentence patterns and writes them on the blackboard:It is/was+the emphasized part+that/who.;Sub+vt.+it+adj./n.+infinitive;troop(vi.);tell.apart;e to light;head(vi.),point (vi.);make a beeline)T:Please look at the screen.Ill explain the important points to you.1.It was Mr Zhang that called on her yesterday.Was it yesterday that Mr Zhang called on her?When was it that Mr Zhang called on her?2.I think it important for us to learn spoken English.I find it difficult to get along with him.She feels it her duty to support her family.3.The enemy troops(n.) have been driven out of the country.The children trooped(vi.=e or go together in a group) behind the teacher into the lab.4.New facts about the ancient Egypt have recently e to light(=to be discovered or exposed).5.Its difficult to tell the two girls apart.(=recognize the difference between two people or things).6.A group of young people were heading(vi.=move in a certain direction) toward the mountain.7.He pointed (vi.=show the position or direction of) to where the village lay.8.If you want to catch up with the team,youd better make a beeline for them.(A “beeline” means a straight line between two places;the shortest way)Step ConsolidationT:Weve learnt an important sentence pattern in the passage.We can use it to emphasize the subject,the object,the adverbial and so on in the sentence.Now look at the sentences on the screen.Please use the sentence patten “It is/was+the emphasized part+that/who.” to rewrite them and then give the Chinese for each of them.(Show the following on the screen.)1.The honeybee interests scientists most.2.They want to invite Professor Wu.3.New China was founded on October 1st.4.He didnt go to bed until it was deep into the night.5.Did he ask for leave because he was ill?6.Where did he tell you the news? (Teacher tells students to copy these sentences on their exercise books and finish them after class.)Step Summary and HomeworkT:In this class weve read a passage about honey bees.Now we have known how honeybees municate with each other.Weve also done some exercises to help us further understand the text.Besides,weve learned some useful words,expressions and sentence patterns.Now time is up.After class,learn all the new words and phrases by heart and finish the exercise shown on the screen.OK.So much for today.Class is over.Step The Design of the Writing onthe BlackboardUnit 14ZoologyThe Second PeriodWords:troop(vi.),head(vi.),point(vi.)Phrases:tell.apart,e to light,make a beelineSentence Patterns:It is/was+the emphasized part+that/who.;Sub+vt.+it+adj./n.+infinitiveStep Record after Teaching_


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