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2019-2020年高二英语新人教版选修六周周练一一 单选(75分)1.Mr. Smith, manager of the pany ,who would takeplace of Mr. Johnson, liked to have everything inplace.A. the, theB. /, /C. the, /D. /, the 2. _traffic jam,Tom was late for the class again.A. As a result B. As a result of C. As the result D. As result3. Dont put so much near the children. Its dangerous.OK, I wont.A. drugB. poisonC. braveryD. attention4. In general, the electric-bike is not dangerous at all as , if you following the instructions.A. reported, riddenB. reported, rideC. report, to rideD. reporting, to be ridden5. We should never forget thosethe success of the revolution.A. bled forB. bleeded forC.bleeding forD. bled to6. I heard from my old friends just now and I was eager the letter to read it.A. unfoldingB. to foldC. foldingD. to unfold7. It was not you but Tom and his wife that the car accident.A. was to blame forB. were to blame forC. was to be blamed forD. were to be blamed for8. I have had my radio, and do you have any radios _in the same shop?A. repair, to repairB. repaired, to be repairedC. repaired, repairD. to repair, repairing9. When help, one often receives“Thank you!” or “Its kind of you!”from others.A. offeringB. to offerC. to be offeredD. offered10. No sooner than it began to rain heavily.A. the game beganB. had the game beganC. did the game beginD. had the game begun11. Tom was injured, or he would have won the race.A. I dont thinkB. I think not soC. I think soD. So I think12. The number of people wholeft the island reached 10,000.A. has, hasB. have, haveC. has, haveD. have, has13. I sight of my old bagat the back of the bus and went directly home. A. lost B caught C. looked D. took 14. The judging mitteethree women and four men.A. is consisted ofB. makes up of C. consists ofD. is make up15. How can I repair it?Well, look at the. A. explanations B. expressionsC. instructions D. introductions16.It is the teacher _taught me when I was a child _ Im going to visit.A. that, which B. who, that C. who, which D. whom, that17. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to _rich and famous. A. bee B. have bee C. having bee D. being18. It was _ that a hundred people looked lost in it. A. such large a room B. so a large room C. so large a room D. a such large room19. _ difficult the problem was, he tried his best to solve it. A. No matter B. Although C. Whatever D. However20. I had not listened to my mothers advice on taking an umbrella. Later that afternoon, I was nearly _ the rain. A. taken by B. trapped in C. caught in D. beaten by21. The puter _in the shop yesterday. A. was bought B. was buying C. bought D. is bought22. We need money to be happy, _ we need many other things to get real happiness. A. as a result B. in addition C. even if D. therefore23. Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? -He rushed out of the room_ I could say a word. A. after B. until C. when D. before24. Henry longs for knowledge_ his wealth, he worked to round off his career in science _leading a fortable life. A. Despite, instead of B. Thanks to, instead of C. In spite of, as well as D. Besides; together with 25.-Have a nice weekend. - Thank you. _. A. See you later B. What about you C. The same to you D. Its my pleasure.26The doctor did a lot to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of the disease.A. that B. which C. of which D. of it27It was not _ she took off her glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star.A. when, that B. until, that C. until, then D. when, then 28I was tired when you saw me yesterday afternoon because I Ahad been running Bran Cwould run Dhas run29Tony was very unhappy for to the party A. have not been invited Bnot having invited C. having not invited Dnot having been invited30Only when possible to settle the problem Adoes the editor e will it be Bthe editor es will it be Chas the editor e it will be Dthe editor es it will be31-Ill be waiting for you at home - I were busy and couldnt e? A. What if BWhat about CHow if DHow e32 in the leg,the soldier was sent to hospital A. Seriously injured BTo be injured CInjuring badlyDHaving injured33Your letter the days when we worked together on the farm 20 years ago A. called back Bcalled up Ccalled in Dcalled for 34The bank is reported _in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday. A. to be robbed Bto have robbed C. to have been robbed Dhaving been robbed35The wallet several days ago was found in the rubbish A. stealing;lie Bstolen;lying Cstealing;lain Dstolen:to lie36He always did well at school having to do part time jobs every now and then Ainstead of Bin case of C. in spite of Din favour of37All these changes will lead to stronger and more powerful China, country that can surprise and enrich our planet A. a;a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe; the38He used to teach in that university and I ride past it on my way to workA. would Bcould Cshould Dmight39. _ close parents are to their children has a strong influence on the character of the children.A. That B. What C. Where D. How 40.The plant is dead. I _ it more water.A. will give B. would have givenC. must give D. should have given41_ to the sun, the flowers will bee dry soonWhat you said does make _ AExposed ; sense BExposing ; sense CExposed ; senses DExposing ; a sense42He will take up _ ones if he has a lot of different tasks to choose fromAtough Btense Cbad Dinstant43All the things _ must be done wellAworth to do Bworthy of being done Cworthy doing Dworth of doing 44Im beginning to regret that I _ the job, for Im working overtime every eveningAtake on Btake in Chave taken in Dhave taken on45I like to_ alone about the town after supper.A. wonder B. wander C. move D. float46Now that she is out of work, Lucy going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet.Ahad considered Bconsidered Chas been considering Dis going to consider47She is an easy-going girl_ you meet her , she will smile to youAAs BEvery time CWhile DSince48_ , the car stopped all at onceASeeing a boy lying on the ground BThe minute the driver saw a boy seated on the roadCOn seeing a boy sitting on the ground DThe driver saw a boy standing on the road 49Although she doesnt like to live in the country, _ , she goes there for a picnicAonce in a while Bfor a while Cat the moment Dfrom now on 50He _ the agreement at the meeting in public and left angrilyAtore into Btore down Ctore up Dtore apart51. She has been practising _ the same tune on the piano for nearly an hour.A. play B. playing C. to play D. be playing 52. With the development of economy, China can pete _ other countries _ trade.A. against ; in B. with ; for C. against ; for D. in ; for 53. Mary was not afraid of _.A. laughing B. laughing at C. being laughed D. being laughed at54. Your son spends too much time watching TV. You should _ him _ something more active.A. be interested; in B. be interesting; for C. interest; in D. get interest; for 55. In ancient _, women stayed at home while men went out to labour for the family.A. time B. times C. day D. days56. The boys bad behavior _ his mother many sleepless nights.A. cost B. made C. cause D. bring57. The news that he has won the first prize makes his parents _ him.A. proud of B. proud in C. be proud of D. be proud in58. One of my close friends made great progress in her studies so her teachers _ her, and I _ her.A. were happy with; was happy with B. were happy for; was happy forC. were happy with; was happy for D. were happy for; was happy with59. Why is Tom silent? Why doesnt he _ us _ the conversation?A. join in; for B. join; for C. join; in D. attend; in60. The terrible accident _ his careless driving.A. due to B. result in C. was due to D. result from61. If you are _ about Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson.A. interested B. anxious C. upset D. curious62. The lecture they attended yesterday was _, but the film after it was _.A. boring; great fun B. bored; great fun C. boring; great funny D. bored; great funny 63. He managed to make himself _ with his _ English.A. understood; breaking B. understand; broken C. understood; breaking D. understood; broken64. The students _ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _ in the office.A. had written; left B. were writing; has left C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left65. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _.A. will arrive B. arrives C. is going to arrive D. is arriving 66. She was busy, or she _ him more help.A. had given B. would give C. could have given D. give 67. I will pete _ Mary _ the first prize in the petition.A. with; for B. against; in C. against; to D. with; in 68. Many people have problems _ others.A. in municating to B. to municate with C. in municating with D. municate 69. Thousands of athletes _ in many countries peted _ medals in the xx Olympic Games in Beijing.A. will involve ; in B. involving; by C. involved; against D. involved; for 70. Its impossible to avoid _ in such stormy weather.A. to be affected B. being affected C. having affected D. to have been affected71. His father got serious injuries _ his left leg in the accident.A. onB. atC. inD. to72. The twin girls killed their parents_ cold blood.A. withB. toC. inD. on73. Nowadays _ mails are used more and more frequently.A. electricityB. electricC. electricalD. electronic74. The book cost me 12 yuan in all, postage_.A. includedB. includingC. includesD. included75. It doesnt _ to me whether he will attend the meeting.A. tell the difference B. make no differenceC. make any differenceD. different from二阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)You might have some characters that you dont like. For example, you may be a shy person and you dont like it; you wish you are an outgoing person. You might then think that you are not smart enough. All these give reasons to you not to like yourself. Fortunately, there are always things you can do to make you like yourself. Here are some tips:1. Write your success storiesOne reason we may not like ourselves is that we are too focused on what we dont have that we forget about what we(already) have. So make a list of your achievements; write your success stories. They do not have to be big things; there are a lot of small but important achievements in our life. 2. Accept things you cant changeThere are some things you cannot change, such as your background and your past. So learn to accept them. You will feel much relieved if you treat things you cant change the way they deserve: just accept them, smile, and move on.3. Focus on your strengthsInstead of focusing on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths. You always have some strengths which give you a unique person. Recognize your strengths and build your life around them.4. Stop paring yourself with othersYou are unique. You can never be like _, and neither can other people be like you. The way you measure your success is not determined by other people. Instead, it is determined by your own life purpose. You have everything you need to achieve your life purpose, so its useless to pare yourself with others.1. What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)_2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?Rather than be concerned about your disadvantages, you should be concerned about your advantage._3. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to plete the sentence.(Please answer within 5 words.)_4. Which of these tips do you like best? Why? (Please answer within 30words.) _5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._二翻译下列句子(1*10)1.第一次尝试我就通过了驾驶证考试。2我很渴望你来参加我的生日聚会。3.我们一方面想提高能力,另一方面我们又得应付各种考试4.孩子们很喜欢滑冰。(appeal to)5.他一贯如此总是让别人等他。6.那个卓越的预言家预言大灾难马上就要来了。7.请你详细说明这台机器的特定的用法。8.我终于见到你你本人了。9.我们应该对自己有信心。10.请你描述一下你父亲在农田劳动的身影。东方中学高二英语第二次周六练习答题纸 姓名_班级_分数_二阅读表达(3*5)1._.2._.3._.4._.5._三.翻译(1*10)1._2._3._4.5._6_7_8_9_10._1-5cbabc 6-10dbbad 11-15cdacc 16-20 BDCDC 21-25ABDAC 26-30 ABADB 31-35 AABCB 36-40 CAADD4145 AABDB 46-50CBBAC 51-55 BADCB 56-60AACCC 61-65 DADDB 66-70 CACDA 71-75 DCDAC1Things you can do to make you like yourself / Tips on Liking Yourself How to make you like yourself2. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths.3. other people4.(略)5.你衡量你成功的方法不是由别人来决定的。(译文与句子意思相符,即可得分。)1.I passed the driving license test at my first attempt 2.I am eager to have you attend my birthday party.3.On the one hand, we want to improve our capacity. On the other hand , we have to deal with many tests.4.The skating appeals to the children5.It is mon for him to have others waiting for him6.The superb predictor predicts that there will be a big disaster soon.7.Please introduce the specific usage of the machine in detail8.I finally see you in the flesh.9.We should have faith in ourselves10.Please state the figure of your father working in the field.


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