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2019-2020年高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit8Learingaforeignlanguage(II)Pre-reading 1.What are some of the difficulties we must face when we try to learn a foreign language ?2.How do we learn oue mother tongue ?3.How is learning a foreign language different from learning our mother tongue ?4.What are the characteristics of successful language learners ?5.How do these characteristics and skills help us learn ?6.How can we develop our confidence ?7.What can we do to learn better and faster ?Fast reading1 What is the most puzzling question in learning our mother tongue?2 If we develop our study skills and way of learning, is learning foreign language twice as hard or as easy?Careful readingTell the sentences true or false1 Although experts dont agree each other, they all share a mon opinion :Life is a very successful language school. T2 We study our mother tongue all day long for about 5 years before we master it. But we only spend a few hours a week and in a few years time we can speak a foreign language. T3.Successful language learners usually step away from the academic challenges. F4The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the worse their language acquisition.FChoose the best answers1.Most children have mastered their mother tongue . 答案:CA. at the age of five B. by the age of eight C. before they are five D. since they were five2.Successful language learners do share the following characteristics except . 答案:AA. the ability to memorize the words B. an interest in understanding their own thinkingC. willingness to take chances D. confidence in their ability3.The best option for the exchange students is . 答案:AA. living with local people B. living in the dormitoryC. choosing exchange programmes at various academic levels at a reasonable costD. making friends with the other students4.The disadvantage of studying abroad is . 答案:BA. language and culture B. cost and safety C. custom and culture D. exchange programme5.Visiting students do the following things except . 答案:CA. staying in the host familys house B. eating in the host familys houseC. being a member of the family D. keeping in touch with the host family afterwards6.Before going out to study in a foreign country,you should not . 答案:CA. care much about the money that may cost you B. collect as much information as possibleC. plan a long course to study D. discuss every detail with your family7.The sentence “Life is a very successful language school” means . 答案:BA. we are equipped with a special ability to learn languageB. the key to learn the language well is to municate with the people around usC. parents can give children language lessonsD. people can learn the language by themselves8.What makes it easier to study abroad nowadays? 答案:DA. The cost has bee reasonable. B. There are programmes for all levels.C. Students can find “home-stay” service and live with the host family.D. All the above.9.The greatest value of an exchange student studying abroad is . 答案:CA. to learn the language B. to widen ones views and understand the culture of other countryC. to get better idea of yourself and your own culture D. to learn to be independent of oneself10.Whats the purpose of writing this article? 答案:CA. Learning a foreign language is twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.B. Learning a foreign language is more important than learning our mother tongue.C. Learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills.D. In fact,the number of people learning a foreign language has increased with years.Decide which language ( mother tongue or foreign language) each of the sentences belowA We learn quite fast.B We are not taught but learn anyway. MC Some people think that we are born with an ability to learn this. MD We can learn faster if we develop study skills.E Most people have mastered this by the age of five. MF We learn this in a special place where we can get help.G It takes longer to learn this. MH We Learn this by municating with others. MMain idea of each paragraghPara.1. The environmental factor of learning mother tongue.Para.2. Different opinions of language experts.Para.3. The difference between learning mother and learning a foreign language.Para.4. The characteristics of successful language learners.Para.5.Different learning ways of successful language learnersPara.6. The importance of the purpose of learning.para.7 The purpose of writing the passage to tell us that learning a foreign language does not have to be twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.Integrating SkillsLead-in1.What is the best way to learn a language ? Why ?I think the best way to do this is to go to a country where the language is spoken.We can use the language at any places at any time . Its good for language learning.2. Is it possible for you to study abroad ? Yes, it is.3. What should you do before you go abroad?We should find out as much as possible about different programmes, including the cost and length of our stay.Summarize the main idea of each paragraphPara. 1 It is possible for a student of any level to study a foreign language in a country where the language is spoken.Para. 2 Advantages of studying abroad.Para. 3 disadvantages of studying abroad.Para.4 What should you do in order studying abroad ?List the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroadAdvantages of studying abroad 1). bee fluent in the new language 2). make friends with people from different background. 3). Understand another culture 4). broaden your horizons and improve your understanding of the world 5). learn about yourself and what your culture is really like 6). learn to depend on yourselfDisadvantages of studying abroad 1). Some of them may fall behind in their studies when studying abroad. 2).They may not be able to take classes at the same level as at home. 3). Parents worry about the safety of their children and may also be concerned about the cost.Phrasesmake progress 前进;进步 make sense of 弄懂的意思in other words 换句话说;换言之 take risks/a risk 冒险experiment with 进行试验;进行实验 piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大团knock down 击倒;撞倒 that is to say 也就是说fall behind 落后 be different from 与不同municate with 与联系;与交流 distinguishfrom 把与区别开来adjust to 调整;调节;使适合;使便于使用 in the process 在进行;经过;在过程中in mon (团体)共同的;公有的 make mistakes 犯错误make friends with 与交朋友 take (an active ) part in (积极)参加take patience to 有耐心去做.

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