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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习单元检测四十七TheConquestoftheUniverse外研版选修.阅读理解AStephen Hawking Warns HumansMust Leave Earth SoonProfessor Stephen Hawking recently came out with a serious warning for people. While at the Starmus Festival, a festival in Trondheim, Norway, celebrating science and the arts, Hawking warned people that the human race is in serious danger.Hawking criticized President Donald Trump for denying climate change. Then the physicist warned the audience, “I am not denying the importance of fighting climate change and global warming, unlike Donald Trump, who may just have taken the most serious and wrong decision on climate change this world has seen.”Hawking proposed that the leading countries should send astronauts to the Moon before 2020 to restart a movement of more exploration in space. The BBC reported that Hawking suggested that we “build a lunar base in 30 years time and send people to Mars by 2025”According to the BBC, Professor Hawking said, “Spreading out into space will pletely change the future of humanity.” He continued, “I hope it would unite petitive nations in a single goal to face the mon challenge for us all.” The physicist shared more ideas to motivate the younger generation to continue exploring space. Hawking stated, “A new and ambitious space program would excite (young people), and stimulate interest in other areas, such as astrophysics (天体物理学) and cosmology (宇宙学)”Hawking also revealed his vision of other forms of energy that could move us to a new planet. He warned the audience, “The Earth is under threat from so many areas that it is difficult for me to be positive.” He continued, “Our natural resources are being drained at an alarming rate. We have given our planet the disastrous gifts of climate change, rising temperatures, reduction of the polar ice caps, deforestation (滥伐森林), and decimation (大批杀死) of animal species. We can be an ignorant and unthinking (考虑不周的) lot.”The professor warned the audience that doing nothing would lead nowhere. He said, “If we succeed we will send a probe (航天探测器) to Alpha Centauri within the lifetime of some of you alive today. It is clear that we are entering a new space age. We are standing at the threshold (开端) of a new era. Human colonization and moving to other planets is no longer science fiction, and it can be science fact.” Hawking advised the audience to move to other worlds because we are running out of space.语篇解读:文章引用了世界知名物理学及天文学家霍金的观点,阐明了人类必须离开地球在太空中找一处新家的原因。1According to Hawking, what is the first step for humans to spread out into space?ATo send people to Mars.BTo build a lunar base.CTo send astronauts to the Moon.DTo change the future of humanity.解析:选C细节理解题。由文章第三段的第一句可知,人类要向太空扩展应在2020年之前把宇航员送到月球以重启太空探索,故选C项。2The underlined word “drained” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “_”Aspeeded upBstoredCused upDexplored解析:选C词义猜测题。由该词前面的“natural resources”和后面的“at an alarming rate”可以推断出,drain在这里是“用完,耗尽”的意思,故选C项。3What is Hawkings attitude towards the Earths future?APessimistic.BConfused.CPositive.DIndifferent.解析:选A观点态度题。由文章中反复出现的“warned”以及第五段的内容可以推断出,霍金对地球的未来持悲观的态度,这也是他提出人类要离开地球的原因,故选A项。4The reason why humans must leave the Earth soon is that _.Athe Earth is under threat and the human race is in serious dangerBhumans have found other forms of energy to move to a new planetCa new and ambitious space program would excite young peopleDastronauts have found a better world in space than the Earth解析:选A细节理解题。由第一段的第二句和第五段的第二句可知,人类必须离开地球的原因是:人类处于危险之中,地球受到威胁,故选A项。B“When I was a child, space was all I dreamt and talked about. My parents thought it was just a phase (阶段), but as I grew up I became greatly interested in science. I never doubted that one day Id be an astronaut.” As an adult, Anousheh Ansari left her home country Iran, settled in the USA and started a pany. The pany was so successful that she was finally able to sell it for $750 million. “The first thing that crossed my mind was that my lifes goal might now be within reach and I signed up to bee the first female private space explorer at a cost of around $20 million.”Anousheh set off on September 18th along with two astronauts. On the space station, each member of a space crew (全体机组人员), tourist or not, is expected to carry out important experiments on board. For Anousheh, this meant working on lower back pains in astronauts and studying tiny life forms that can carry diseases on board the station. Many people might have considered this “working holiday” bad, but Anousheh loved it.Anousheh faced many difficulties on board. To wash her hair, for example, she had to put water over her head; however, little bits of water would float away. “The guys liked to make fun of me. Theyd ask me to pass the bread and when I handed it to them, rather than floating it, theyd say Id taken all the fun out of it. After a while, I got used to all this, though, and I felt so at home that in the end it was hard to go back to normality.”Anousheh is proud to be the first female space tourist and wants to encourage women all over the world. However, she doesnt like the title “space tourist”. “I think if my experience is to be pared to an experiment or an experience on Earth, it is probably closer to an adventure to Antarctica or climbing Mount Everest,” she explains.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了首位女太空游客阿努什安萨里的相关故事。5As Anousheh was growing up, _.Ashe didnt think she would ever bee an astronautBher interest in space wasnt expected to lastCshe disagreed with her parents plansDothers tried to discourage her dreams解析:选B推理判断题。根据第一段中的“When I was a child . greatly interested in science.”可推测,阿努什安萨里对于太空的热爱在父母看来只是一时头脑发热,不会持续太长时间。6The space crew members _.Aoften carry diseases onto the space stationBcan suffer aches and painsCmust have a strong background in scienceDhave little time to relax解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“working on lower back pains in astronauts”可知,太空机组成员可能遭受疼痛之苦。7On the space station, _.AAnousheh did a lot of practice on breadBit seemed impossible for Anousheh to wash with waterCAnousheh liked playing games with the other astronautsDit took Anousheh some time to get familiar with the conditions解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段中的“After a while, I got used to all this, though, and I felt so at home that in the end it was hard to go back to normality.”可知,阿努什安萨里在太空站慢慢适应了那里的环境。8In Anoushehs opinion, her experience as a space tourist _.Awill give other women the courage to explore spaceBcannot be pared to any experience on EarthCturned out to be a dangerous experimentDwas not as good as she hoped解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Anousheh is proud to be the first female space tourist and wants to encourage women all over the world.”可知,阿努什安萨里想借自己的太空旅行鼓励更多的女性去太空探索。.完形填空The wellknown warning, “Dont talk to strangers,” has its value when youre young. However, an experiment shows how surprising going against such a _1_ can result in a lovely life lesson.The team at Kovert Designs, a technology pany, recently set out to ask the question:“When was the last time you _2_ looked into a strangers eyes?” They wanted to reveal the beautiful _3_ that can be created when you _4_ to do so.As part of the _5_, they asked eight strangers to pair off into _6_ couples and stand across from one another at first with their eyes _7_.“I was feeling a little bit _8_ about what I would see when I opened my eyes, because I wasnt _9_ what was going to happen,” one participant says.When asked to open their eyes, the pairs stared at each other _10_, although thoughts and feelings arose in their minds. Each participant later _11_ their first impressions, hesitations and thoughtful questions about their partners in oneonone interviews. Some of their _12_ expose how this new connection can actually teach us quite a lot about _13_.“I think _14_ you let down all the pretenses and your ego (自我) drops away, you _15_ your own vulnerability (脆弱性), your own higher self and other good qualities,” says one participant. “And then you see _16_ in other people as well. Youre not _17_ anymore and youre not running from strangers anymore.”Sometimes the _18_ of these interactions (互动) are well worth the initial anxiety and _19_ they create. And, at least in these circumstances, they arent nearly as _20_ as our parents once made them out to be.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。一项实验表明,陌生人之间对视会产生意想不到的结果,不仅会让我们更加了解自己,还能发现对方的善。1A.rumorBruleCdecisionDdescription解析:选B“不要跟陌生人说话”是父母教给我们的“准则(rule)”。2A.onlyBperfectlyCfirstDreally解析:选DKovert Designs的一个团队问人们:你们最后一次“真正地(really)”看一个陌生人的眼睛是在什么时候?3A.devotionBappearanceCconnectionDmoment解析:选C根据第五段中的“expose how this new connection”可知C项符合题意。4A.tryBhopeCchooseDagree解析:选C这个实验想揭示当人们“选择(choose)”看陌生人的眼睛时会产生的变化。5A.experimentBplanCdesignDcreation解析:选A根据第一段中的“an experiment”可知A项符合题意。6A.twoBfourCsixDeight解析:选B八个陌生人两两配对,自然会产生“四(four)”组。7A.closedBopenClooking aheadDlooking down解析:选A根据后面两段中的“opened my eyes”和“to open their eyes”可知,一开始这些人的眼睛都是“闭着的(closed)”。8A.excitedBanxiousCinspiredDpuzzled解析:选B根据最后一段中的“the initial anxiety”可知B项符合题意。9A.prepared forBangry aboutCdisappointed atDcurious about解析:选A人们因为还没“准备好(prepared for)”面对接下来发生的事情而感到有些焦虑。10A.by accidentBin silenceCby mistakeDin secret解析:选B根据本空后的“although thoughts and feelings arose in their minds”可知,尽管人们脑中思绪万千,但是他们都“静悄悄地(in silence)”看着对方,谁也没有出声。11A.discoveredBrememberedCrevealedDunderstood解析:选C根据本句中的“oneonone interviews”可知,在一对一的采访环境中,人们比较容易“吐露(revealed)”刚刚心中的想法。12A.suggestionsBwarningsCpredictionsDments解析:选D上句中的“their first impressions, hesitations and thoughtful questions”都是一些“评论解释(ments)”。13A.ourselvesBthemselvesCyourselfDitself解析:选A下段中的“your own vulnerability (脆弱性), your own higher self and other good qualities”都是我们对“我们自己(ourselves)”的了解。14A.whenBbeforeCuntilDthough解析:选A“当(when)”我们去除伪装、放下自我时,我们会“认识到(recognize)”自己的脆弱、更高层次的自己和其他好的品质。15A.expressBpreserveCexpectDrecognize解析:选D参见上题解析。16A.encouragementBgoodnessCimprovementDhappiness解析:选B根据“as well”可知,我们也会发现别人的“善(goodness)”,所以我们不再“害怕(frightened)”陌生人。17A.lonelyBfrightenedCsorryDashamed解析:选B参见上题解析。18A.reasonsBpurposesCoutesDexamples解析:选C上段中的“不再害怕陌生人”就是这些互动的“结果(outes)”。19A.bitternessBsorrowCdisadvantageDdisfort解析:选D根据本空前的anxiety可知,跟陌生人对视时,刚开始会感到焦虑和“不舒服(disfort)”。20A.dangerousBnecessaryCboringDconvenient解析:选A在本文所说的情况下,跟陌生人对视不像我们父母说的那样“危险(dangerous)”。make sb. out to be是习惯搭配,意思是“声称”。

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