2019-2020年高二英语Unit1 Great Scientists教案.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit1 Great Scientists教案一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) Warming up in students book and listening in workbook1、能力目标(Ability aim) To activate the students knowledge about great scientists in the world and their achievements. To get the students understand the spirit of science.To enable students to municate with each other and improve students language expression ability.2、语言目标(Language aim)Words: engine, characteristic, radium, enthusiastic, cautious, spin, In addition, link to, instruct, attend, expose to cure, absorb into severe, to blame, handle from, lead to, make sense, reject.Important sentence: To prevent this from happening again, John Snow supposed that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.Expressions on making ments二、 教学方法(Teaching Method)municative approach, AudioVisual approach三、教具准备(Teaching Aids) Multi-media四、教学步骤 (Teaching Procedure)Step I PresentationTalk about famous scientists and the kind of roles they play in history. Present a word match exercise to arouse the students interest on the topic.Step II TalkingTry a quiz and see who knows the most about scientists. Discuss in pairs about the significance of some achievements. Step III Group WorkDiscuss in groups about the basic factors that make a scientist successful.Homework1. Oral homework: Prepare a story about a famous scientist and share the story with the whole class.2. Written homework: Write down the story and make ments on the key to success.The Second Period Extensive Reading 一、 教学目标(Teaching Aims) Reading part in students book 1、 能力目标(Ability Aims)To train the students ability in skimming & scanning.To adapt the scientific spirit in their pursuit of knowledge.2、 知识目标(Knowledge Aims)To lead the students to get some information on the steps of a scientific research through reading.二、 教学重难点(Teaching important points) a. Understand the spirit of science and scientists.b. Understand the details of each stage in examining a new scientific idea.c. Discuss what attitude the scientists should take towards a plete new finding that is against the present theory.三、 教学方法(Teaching method)municative Approach, Task-based Approach四、 教具准备 (Teaching Aids) Multi-media 五、 教学步骤 (Teaching Procedures)Step I Pre-readingAsk the students to get ready for reading by discussing about some infectious diseases and the ways of making a scientific research.Step II ReadingLet the students read through the whole passage and finish the required task.Help them to have a better understanding of the article by providing some background information and analysis.Step III Post-readingHold a discussion after reading in order to widen students views and further consolidate their knowledge on the topic.Homework: Finish the reading passage in the workbook. The Third Period Language Points一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)1. 能力目标(Ability aim) Students are required to learn how to guess the meaning of a new word according to the context and use the words and expressions in the first passage on Page 2.2. 语言目标(Language aim)Students are asked to learn about the words and expressions in the first passage on Page 2, including their meanings and the usage in our daily life.Key words expressions: a. attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, pump, pub, blame, handle, link, in addition, announce, instruct (in Students Book)b. exposeto, test, defeat, reject, examine, apart from, contribute to, make a conclusion, make sense, enthusiastic, lead to, be strict with (in Workbook)二、教学重难点(Teaching important points) attend, expose, absorb, handle, in addition三、教学方法(Teaching Method): Explaining and practicing四、教具准备(Teaching Aids): Multi-media 五、教学步骤(Teaching Procedure)Step I: Leading in Ask questions about the story of John Snow with the words and expressions presented. Step II Word StudyExplain the meanings of the words and phrases and learn how to use them.Step III Word ExercisesHomework:1. Go over the words and phrases students have learned and retell the story about John Snows defeating “King Cholera”.2. Choose the suitable words or expressions to plete the passage in the project: valuable, instruct, cure, expose, look into, examine, put forward, immediately, announceThe Fourth Period Listening一、 教学目标 (Teaching goals)1.Target language目标语言重点词汇和短语astronomer, astronaut, institute, lily, specialist, sort out, produce, parrot, species, revise, foundation, symbol, analyse, pure, sin, cosin, geometry, calculus, mechanics, practical, topology.2.Ability goals 能力目标 Get the students to know more about scientists and science by listening.3.Learning ability goals 学能目标Guide the students to get detailed ideas of listening materials Help the students to form good and correct listening habits.二、 教学重难点 ( Important and difficult teaching points)a. Listen to materials and grasp the information needed b. The details of the listening materials c. The new words of the listening materials. d. The unfamiliar subjects of the materials三、 教学方法 (Teaching methods) Audio-lingual method Audio-visual method Task- based learning approach四、 教具准备 (Teaching aide) Multi-media五、 教学过程与方式 (Teaching procedures & ways)Steplead-inTask 1: To develop the students predicative skill in listening. Ask students to describe the picture at page 5 and guess what details may be talked and mentioned in the listening.Listening (page 41)Task 1 Describe the picture and stimulate the students thinking.Task 2. Help the Ss to master the new words in the listening.species(种类),parrot(鹦鹉),blackbird(乌鸦),Task 3. Enable the students to get a general picture of the listening and then extract specific information.Listening Task (Page 44)Task1. Introduce the students to the life and work of Leonhard Euler. Help students to gain some knowledge of topology.Homework According to the listening materials above, access the internet:to get further information.The Fifth Period Grammar and Writing一、 目标语言(Target language) Using “make + n” and past participlesmake an appointment, make a gossip, make an apology, make a contest, make a choice, unexpected visitors, discouraged students, inspired contestant, crowded streets, struck speeches二、 能力目标 (Ability goals Ability goals)Get the students to know how Past Participle used as attributive and predictive is used三、 学能目标 (Learning ability goals)Guide the students to get detailed information for the writing四、 教学重点 (Teaching important points)Past participle used as attributive and predicative.五、 教学难点(Teaching difficult points)To teach students the right steps of writing a position六、 教学方法(Teaching methods) Discussing; task- based learning approach七、 教具准备(Teaching aid) Multi-media八、 教学过程与方式 (Teaching procedures & ways)Step I: assign the taskGregor Mendels AchievementsStep II: thinkingNecessary steps in writing a positionStep III: give an exampleHow to make a plan for your position?How to draw an outline?Homework Write a report about your scientist, his/her life, achievements and the key to his/her success.

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