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2019年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Module6TheInternetandTelemunications课时训练外研版.单句语法填空1The war has ended but the government spending on _ (defend) is still increasing.2The _ (invent) by them has helped us a lot in our work.3Be especially careful of information _ (contain) in advertisements.4Medicine should not be kept where it is _ (access) to children. 5. _ (pare) with developing countries,developed countries consume more energy.6We should speak English _ (frequent) in order to improve our spoken English.7When it es to _ (speak)in public,no one can match him. 8As a senior high student,I think you should concentrate your attention _ your skills of learning.9No matter where he is,he makes _ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.10To their great joy,their sons schoolwork is well _ average.答案1.defence2.invention3.contained4.accessible5pared6.frequently7.speaking 8.on/upon9.it 10.above.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1What a pleasant day! Why not to go out for a walk?2Several students came up some good suggestions on how to run a class well.3A medical team,consisted of five experienced doctors and ten skillful nurses,was sent to the earthquakestricken area.4The harder you study,the more better your study will be.5He picked up an envelope contained 500 dollars in it.6We think it no good read in bed.7paring with the book bought last week,this one is more interesting.8On the average,how much time do you spend on sports activities each week?答案1.去掉to2.up后加with3.consistedconsisting4.去掉more5.containedcontaining6.readreading7paringpared8.去掉the.课文缩写语法填空The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,which 1._ (consist) of millions of pages of data.It dates back 2._1969 when a US defence organisation 3._ (develop)a way for all their puters 4._“talk” to each other through the telephone.Thus,DARPANET,a network of puters came into 5._ (be)But it was only used by the US army.Then in 1984,the NSF started the NSFNET network.6._ (late) an English scientist came up with the idea of the World Wide Web while he 7._ (work) in Switzerland in 1989.He designed the first “web browser”,8._ allowed puters 9._ (access) documents from other puters.From that moment 10._,the Internet grew.Within five years,the number of Internet users rose from 600,000 to 40 million.答案1.consists2.to3.developed4.to5.being6.Later7.was working8.which9.to access10.on.阅读理解According to a recent investigation, 35% of unemployed Americans ages 25 to 54 believed that theyd been replaced by technology.That is to say, technology threatens traditional work.Is that a bad thing?Many economists associate the middle classs shrinking partly with the fact that technology is replacing people. Increasingly,there are jobs for people with higher degrees and handson laborers like home health care aides, but more and more of whats in between can be automated. Selfdriving cars are ing; mini planes will be operated by radio to deliver goods.It is even said that software developers themselves might someday be replaced by the very programs they create.Its true that software can do more work than human beings used to do.But historically, technological progress has brought more benefits than losses.If you look at the change from an agrarian (农业的) to an industrial society, thats certainly true.From 1900 to xx, the proportion (比例) of people working on farms fell from 41% to 2%, yet agricultural output increased and farmers eventually found jobs in factories.There is a strong argument that the jobs and value technology creates just arent being counted properly.People like Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky couldnt agree more.Founded in xx and based in San Francisco, California, Airbnb is a trusted munity marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique acmodations around the worldonline or from a mobile phone. His pany may have 30 million users and only 1,600 employees, but Chesky says it creates many more “21st century jobs” by helping make extra ine for hosts who rent their homes and for local businesses and such service providers as cleaners who benefit from the arrival of vacationers.For New York City alone, Chesky puts the value of that additional ine at $257 million annually, which the pany claims supports 6,600 jobs.Facing the new economy, people who are smart and well educated may do better.But what about those who arent as well positioned? The obvious answer is for government to provide more help through a reformed educational system, workforce training and a social safety net.Some panies are making big private contributions to educational reform, but more will be needed.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。有人认为科技的进步造成很多人失业,作者却认为科技带来的利大于弊,并呼吁政府和更多的公司参与到教育改革中,帮人们做好准备应对科技对传统工作的冲击。1According to Paragraph 2,who are most likely to find a job in the future?ADeliverers. BCaregivers.CProfessional drivers. DSoftware developers.答案B细节理解题。根据第二段中的Increasingly, there are jobs for.home health care aides.Selfdriving cars are ing; mini planes will be operated by radio to deliver goods.software developers themselves might someday be replaced by the very programs they create 可知,无人驾驶技术会使司机失业;遥控投递飞机会使投递员失业;软件开发员可能会被自己开发的程序替代,只有护工需要身体力行,有市场需求。2Whats the authors opinion on technological progress?AIt creates new jobs while replacing people.BIt forces farmers to work in factories.CIt encourages educational reform.DIt leads to huge unemployment.答案A细节理解题。根据第三段中的technological progress has brought more benefits than losses及随后举的例子可以看出,科技的进步虽然会造成一部分人失业,但最终会带来更大的利,创造更多的工作岗位。3The author develops Paragraph 4 mainly by_Aproviding explanationsBmaking parisonsCusing examplesDtelling stories答案C写作手法题。作者以Airbnb为例说明科技创造的工作和价值往往被低估。故选C项。4Which of the following shows the structure of the text?CP:Central PointP:PointSp:Subpoint(次要点) C:Conclusion答案A篇章结构题。作者首先在第一段提出了本文的论点:科技威胁传统工作。第二段支持该论点,认为科技会取代一部分人的工作;第三、四段则反对该论点,认为科技创造的利大于弊并且科技创造的工作和价值往往被低估。面对科技威胁传统工作的形势,作者在最后一段给出了建议:教育改革。故选A项。BFor more than 10 years, the “SAS Survival Guide,” a book about outdoor tips by John “Lofty” Wiseman, has been a necessity in my camping backpack.The 400page handbook usually es with me on camping trips and has helped me search for food or use the sun and stars to find my way.But whenever I fly, I leave the book behind.However, what would happen if my plane crashed on a deserted island? Could I possibly create shelter from whale bones without this guide?But no fear: the “SAS Survival Guide” es in an app (应用程度) and its every bit as terrific as the book.The userfriendly app includes guidelines from the book, and then some.There are tips for building a fire, treating a snake bite and searching for mushrooms.The first aid guide includes instructions for saving yourself if you are choking.And there are warnings:If you happen to kill a polar bear, Wiseman warns, do not eat the liver (内脏), because it contains deadly amounts of vitamin A.Sixteen videos show Wiseman teaching survival techniques, including one in which he kills a chicken.“Save the feathers.They can be useful for insulating (绝缘) clothing,” he advises.But dont worry, no chickens were harmed in the testing of this app.In other videos, Wiseman shows how to build shelter from plants with feathery green leaves, how to obtain drinkable water with a bag and how to construct a house from blocks of hard snow or ice.There is room for improvement.Stepbystep videos would be more helpful than a series of pictures showing various knot (结) types.And the search function is plicated.On a recent camping trip, I ran across a black bear.Backing away, I searched the app for “bear,” which gave me more than 50 hits, including “bearings.” Worried the bear would attack me as I looked through the results, I instead made a wide arc (弧)around her along the bank of a river.Fortunately, this was the right course, I later learned.Still, its a helpful app.If only Wiseman had tips on keeping a cellphones battery life in the wilderness.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了一个关于户外生存的应用程序。5The author feels the book “SAS Survival Guide” is_Aoutofdate Bvery helpfulCeasy to carry Dtoo thick to read答案B细节理解题。根据第一段中的has been a necessity in my camping backpack.has helped me search for food or use the sun and stars to find my way可知,这本书在作者露营时用处很大,所以作者露营时总是带着这本书。6According to John “Lofty” Wiseman, if you are eating a polar bear, you_Ashould avoid eating its liverBcan take in enough vitamin ACshould be careful not to chokeDcan save its fur to make clothes答案A细节理解题。根据第三段中的If you happen to kill a polar bear, Wiseman warns, do not eat the liver可知答案。7The videos on the “SAS Survival Guide” app_Aare all about outdoor tips from the bookBshow how to make various knots clearlyCteach people how to live in the wildDare shot by John “Lofty” Wiseman答案C细节理解题。根据第四、五段内容,尤其是第四段中的Sixteen videos show Wiseman teaching survival techniques可知,这些视频都是关于野外生存的技巧。8The author shows one of the apps weaknesses_Aby example Bby processCby parison Dby classification答案A写作手法题。倒数第二段介绍了这个应用程序的两个缺点,其中作者用大量笔墨以自己的亲身经历为例说明了其搜索功能的缺点。.书面表达假如你叫李华。你的网友Susan五年前曾经在你的家乡担任外教,最近发来邮件询问你的家乡这些年的变化。请你给Susan回复一封邮件,要点如下:1介绍家乡巨变(住、行等方面);2存在的问题(污染等)。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3邮件的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Susan,Glad to hear from you and Im more than willing to tell you what you are concerned about.I hope that youll be back to have a look at the new town soon.Yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear Susan,Glad to hear from you and Im more than willing to tell you what you are concerned about.The last few years have witnessed great changes taking place in my hometown.Our living conditions have improved greatly and many people have moved into large and fortable houses, which are equipped with modern facilities.Believe it or not, many families now have cars of their own.Wide roads have been built and tall buildings can be seen everywhere.Hand in hand with the rapid development of the economy,however,have arisen many problems, especially the serious air and water pollution.Hopefully the government will take measures to solve the problems so that our hometown can enjoy healthy and steady development in the years to e.I hope that youll be back to have a look at the new town soon.Yours,Li Hua

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