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2019-2020年高中英语必修4Unit1Advertising第9-10课时Period 9&10 ProjectAnalysis of the teaching material:This is the 9&1oth periods of Unit One. In this period well introduce some basic knowledge about ad campaign and ask Ss to do the project.Objectives:1. Train the students writing, reading and speaking abilities.2. Get the students to talk about developing an ad campaign.3. Get the students to cooperate with others.Teaching important point:How to help the students finish the tasks of writing and speaking.Teaching approaches:Teaching approaches is the key step for class teaching. Visual-scene teaching method, tasked-based method as well as the approaches of discussion and so on will be adopted in the teaching process of this lesson . Emphasis will be put on Ss ability of speaking, expressing and brainstorming. Language is best learned through activities. Ill introduce a rich variety of activities and approaches to meet different needs of the Ss and make full use of the advantages of multimedia which is visual, operable to make my lesson vivid, interesting and effective.Interaction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsSs ability to work both independently and together is very important to their success in the future. It is therefore important for Ss to have opportunities to develop their English skills and knowledge independently, in pairs, in groups and as a class.Teaching Aids: multimedia and a blackboard Procedures for teaching:Step 1 prehension1.Ask Ss to skim the passage and answer:(1) What is an ad campaign?(2)What media can you use in an ad campaign?(3) What questions should we first consider?2.Have Ss to get some detailed information and fill in the table.3.Help Ss find the main idea of each paragraph.(1) the definition of an ad campaign what an ad campaign means(2) the target audience and how to determine the target audience(3) what the ad campaign says(4) how to reach the target audienceStep 2 Language Focus1 reach a particular audience (line 2)2 In order to determine(line 11)3 appeal to the way(line 19)4 be concerned with(line 23)5 what approach you want to (line 28)Step 3 Developing an ad campaign 1. Planning(1)Work in small groups.(2) Decide the subject of your ad campaign from the listed.(3) If you have your own idea, please get your teachers approval.Animal protection Anti-smokingAnti-drugs Anti-litteringThe subject of your ad campaign will be_.2. Preparing(1)Discussion :who/what/how(2) Team work:3. ProducingWhat should each member do?researcher-find inf. from various sourceslogo/slogan designer- made it attractiveproposal writer- write a brief outline and plan some questionsthe whole team-work as a whole and everyone should contribute to the project4. Presenting(1) Make your presentation clearly.(2) Answer questions concerning your ad campaign.(3) Post your logo and slogan. 5. Lets enjoy the presentation.Step 4 Homework1 Finish Ex. B2on Page 91.2 Preview the listening material on Page 96.

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