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2019-2020年高中英语必修2U6Design-Lesson4DreamHousesObjectives To practise using the vocabulary of houses and rooms. To practise intensive reading and understanding the inferences in a text. To assess the difficulty of reading texts and prehension exercises. To practise the differences between American and English vocabulary. To plan and talk about a design for a study or bedroom. To listen to a description of a room and take notes. Resources used Cassette, pictures of different rooms from the luxurious to the poor, if possible. Possible problems Students may lack ideas or relevant vocabulary when designing a study or bedroom. Background Sandra Cisneros is one of the most interesting “Latina” writers in the USA. Her father was Mexican and her mother was “Chicana” (Spanish American). She is both a poet and short story writer. Fallingwater House is one of the most outstanding examples of the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. The quote is by Le Corbusier (1887?C1965), a Swiss-born French architect. He believed that a house should be designed according to its function and is considered to be one of the most influential twentieth century architects. Routes through the material If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework and shorten Exercises 8 and 9. If you have time, do the Options activities. If you have two periods for the lesson, a suitable break is after Exercise 4. Language Power: pages 82?C83. Reading Before you start Exercise 1 Key Words houses: cottage, flat, house, palace, castle rooms: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, sitting room, hall, games room, kitchen Students look up any unknown Key Words in the dictionary. In pairs, students discuss what their dream house would be like. Some of the pairs can then tell the class about their ideas. Read to learn Exercise 2 Useful vocabulary: rent, yard, landlord. Students should be able to understand the text well enough to answer the questions without knowing all the vocabulary. After doing Exercise 3, you may like to go over new words with the class, seeing if they can guess their general meaning or letting them look them up in a dictionary. Read through the vocabulary with the class, explaining that the words in brackets are the American equivalent of the British English words. Tell the students to focus on the fourth paragraph as they read the text. Answers A big garden (yard) with trees running water three bathrooms (washrooms) “real” stairs a basement Exercise 3 Students read through the questions then, working in pairs, read the text again to find the answers. Students work in pairs, reading the text again and writing three or four prehension questions to ask the rest of the class. Students then ask and answer the questions. Answers 1 A lot/She cant remember. 2 A third floor flat on Loomis. They had to leave because the water pipes broke and the landlord wouldnt fix them. 3 So that, when she took a bath, she wouldnt have to tell everybody. 4 To the children. 5 Students give their own answers, with reasons. Exercise 4 Read the Reading Strategies with the class and advise students to separate the difficulty of the text from the difficulty of the exercises. Elicit the Strategies students use when reading a difficult text. Students individually assess the difficulty of the text The House on Mango Street. Have a show of hands if you wish to see how students assessed the text. Students then assess the difficulty of Exercises 2 and 3. Find out which exercise they found less difficult and encourage them to say how they managed the exercises.Vocabulary: American and British words Exercise 5 Students look through the text to find the American English words. Answers 1 yard 2 to fix 3 washroom Exercise 6 Students do the exercise in pairs. Advise them to fill in the words they are sure of first. Then they will probably be able to guess the remainder. Check students answers by having them read the text aloud with the American words in it. (If any of the students are fans of American films, they might be able to pronounce the words with an American accent!) Answers 1 vacation 2 apartment 3 downtown area 4 (a) subway 5 first floor 6 truck 7 garbage Ask students if they know any other pairs of British/ American words, e.g. petrol/gas, biscuit/cookie, film/movie. Write the pairs on the board. Encourage students to record the words in a separate section of their vocabulary books for British/American words. Exercise 7 Key Words ceiling, walls, floor, door, window, French windows, curtains, chair, table, sofa, desk, bookshelves, bed, plants, lamp Check students understanding of the Key Words by asking them to point to some of the objects in the classroom and translate others or look them up in the dictionary. Students work in pairs looking at the picture and noting the objects they can see. When checking answers, encourage students to describe where the objects are, using prepositions of place. Answers ceiling walls floor window French windows chair table sofa plants Writing and Speaking Exercise 8 Tell students they all have the same plan to work with. Encourage them to think about the colour scheme, the materials they want to use, the furniture they need in the room ?C as well as sleeping in the room, are they going to study there? use a puter? play CDs? make coffee for their friends? telephone friends? and the colour scheme. Each student makes notes on the plan for his/her ideal study or bedroom. Go round and help students if necessary. Exercise 9 Students work in pairs asking about each others plan. Students should also ask why their partner has planned the study in a certain way. Students then give their opinions about each others plans. paring CulturesSuggested Answers Small house. Little gardens at front and back. Garage. Downstairs ?C living room kitchen toilet First floor ?C 3 bedrooms bathroom Attic in the roof. Tapescript Female: I live in quite an average house for Britain. Its a small house ?C with a little garden at the front and a little garden at the back and a garage for the car. Downstairs there is a living room, with a sofa, TV, etc. ?C thats where we relax. We also have a kitchen ?C where we usually have our meals. Ah and downstairs there is also a toilet. You go up the stairs and on the first floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. My rooms at the back of the house. Its not very big, but I really like it. And thats about it. Students listen to the cassette and make notes about the main facts about the girls home. QUOTE UNQUOTE Read the quote with the class. Ask students what they think Le Corbusier meant by “a machine for living in”. Ask them what feelings they have about their home. Have any of them moved house a lot? ?C if so, did they mind? Options Practice Students look back at Exercise 6. In groups, they write a text using as many American words as possible. The groups then exchange papers and rewrite the text using British words. Extension Bring in some pictures of various rooms in a house ?C if possible showing a range of houses, from luxurious rooms to rooms in poor houses. Students choose one of the pictures and work in pairs, writing a description of it. Then display the pictures in a random order and have students match the texts to their pictures. If possible, duplicate the texts so that all the pairs have all the texts. If this is not possible, have students read out their texts while the class looks at all the pictures.


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