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2019-2020年高中英语单元质量评估二新人教版必修第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AOne afternoon Peter and Jim went out for a bicycle ride.When they passed a place they saw a large area of grass and bushes on fire and a strong wind was blowing the flames towards a village.The firemen had already arrived and were trying to put out the fire.The boys left their bicycles and ran towards the village to see if they could help to fight the fire.On the way they met two firemen.“Quick,you boys,” said one of the firemen.“e and help us to pull a pump (泵) to the stream.We cant beat out the fire.The wind is too strong.The pump is our only hope.”The two boys ran farther until they came to a heavy pump.They helped to pull it to a stream not far from the village.Soon the pump was working well so the boys went to watch the fire.It had already reached the edge of the village.The boys saw that two houses were on fire,and the flames were attacking a third building.Suddenly there was a shout from one of the villagers.“Keep away!” a voice shouted.“Theres paint stored in that building.” The boys and villagers moved away quickly.With a loud explosion (爆炸),the whole building burst into flames,sending clouds of thick black smoke into the sky.At this time Peter and Jim began to think that the whole village would be burnt to the ground.The firemen had left the burning buildings and were pouring (浇) water onto the neighbouring houses,trying to stop the fire from spreading.Then the wind died down.A second pump was brought up to help,and the fire was gradually put out.“Its soon finished,” Peter said to his friend.“We must go or we shall get home late.” “Yes,e on,” agreed Jim,and with a last look at the ruins,they walked back to their bicycles.【语篇解读】本文讲述了两个孩子帮助消防员灭火的故事。1Seeing the fire,the boys ran to the village to _Awatch itBask for helpChelp the firemen Dwarn the villagers解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“The boys left their bicycles and ran towards the village to see if they could help to fight the fire.”可知,这两个孩子发现着火后向村子跑去是去看他们是否能帮助消防员灭火。答案:C2The villagers were told to keep away from the fire mainly because _Atheir help was unnecessaryBit was spreading very rapidlyCtwo burning buildings were falling downDone of the buildings stored a lot of paint解析:推理判断题。根据第五段的“Theres paint stored in that building.”可知,村民们被告知远离大火的原因是一栋建筑里存有大量油漆。答案:D3The firemen tried to stop the fire from spreading by _Ausing an airplaneBusing more fire enginesCpulling down the burning housesDpouring water onto the neighbouring houses解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“The firemen had left the burning buildings and were pouring water onto the neighbouring houses.”可知,消防员通过浇湿相邻的房子来阻止大火的蔓延。答案:DBThe first settlers to e over to America needed to bee good farmers in order to survive.The agricultural industry was grown greatly and now the agricultural job market can be very rewarding (值得的)Many of the new agricultural jobs these days deal with the new types of technology that are needed to produce the crops that America needs.The days of a family working their land by hand and producing a small amount of crops are over.Now many large plantations (种植场) are to harvest a larger amount of crops in a shorter period of time.If you would like to get one of these new types of jobs in the agricultural industry,then you will need to make sure that you stay on top of the new technologies.Many of these new jobs in the agricultural field have included these new technologies.Two of the new technologies that have brought many new jobs in the agricultural industry are Global Positioning System (GPS) and biotechnology.The GPS really has the ability for farmers to seed and get in their crops in the best possible way.The biotechnology field has really allowed better and safer fertilizers (肥料) to be used on crops.Biotechnology has also helped farmers to better understand what helps to make their crops better.Both of these new technologies are very interesting and offer many new opportunities.The agricultural industry still needs quite a bit of hard work to bring in a good crop,but now many people can take advantage of these improvements to make the industry a much better experience.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了新科技对农业发展的重要性及其在农业上的应用。4Whats the main idea of the passage?ANew technologies have brought many new jobs to Americans.BFarmers should try to stay on top of the new technologies.CThe agricultural industry in America could support more people.DNew technologies are widely used in new agricultural jobs.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,可知应选D项。答案:D5From Paragraph 1,we know that _Apeople came to live in America a long time agoBpeople have to be farmers in order to surviveCtechnology is important for the agricultural industryDAmerican people are in great need of crops解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,科学技术对农业发展很重要。答案:C6If you want to get an agricultural job,you should _Alearn about the newest technologiesBgo to the agricultural job marketCstay in the industry all the timeDhave a lot of experience解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,如果想要找一个农业方面的工作,你需要掌握先进的技术。答案:A7According to the last two paragraphs,new technologies _Ahave encouraged farmers to make more moneyBhave created a number of new jobsChave forced farmers to spend a lotDhave developed quickly in the past years解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句及最后一段第三句可知,新技术带来了很多新工作。答案:BCWhen Paul was a boy growing up in Utah,he happened to live near a copper smelter (炼铜厂),and the chemicals that poured out had made a wasteland out of what used to be a beautiful forest.One day a young visitor looked at this wasteland and called it an awful area.Paul knocked him down.From then on,something happened inside him.Years later Paul was back in the area,and he went to the smelter office.He asked if they had any plans or if they would let him try to bring the trees back.The answer from that big industry was“No”Paul then went to college to study the science of plants.Unfortunately,his teachers said there werent any birds or squirrels to spread the seeds.It would be a waste of his life to try to do it.Everyone knew that,he was told.Even if he was knowledgeable as he had expected,he wouldnt get his idea accepted.Paul later got married but his dream would not die.And then one night he did what he could with what he had.As Samuel Johnson wrote,“It is mon to overlook what is near by keeping the eye fixed on something remote.”Under the cover of darkness,he went secretly into the wasteland and started planting.And every week,he made his secret journey into the wasteland and planted trees and grass.For fifteen years he did this against the_plain_mon_senseSlowly rabbits appeared.Later,as there was legal pressure to clean up the environment,the pany actually hired Paul to do what he was already doing.Now the place is fourteen thousand acres of trees and grass and bushes,and Paul has received almost every environmental award Utah has.It took him until his hair turned white,but he managed to keep that impossible vow(誓言)he made to himself as a child.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述美国一个青年,独自一人通过不懈的努力,把自己家乡的一家冶炼厂留下的垃圾堆变成了一片绿洲。8When Paul was a boy,_Ahe had decided never to leave his hometownBthe economy of Utah depended wholly on the copper smelterChe hit a young visitor because of his ments on the wastelandDhe stopped the copper smelter polluting the area解析:细节理解题。第一段说,有个游客看着炼铜厂导致的废地,说这是个可怕的地方,于是保尔就把对方打倒在地。由此可知选C。答案:C9Paul went to college to study the science of plants,because_.Ahe wanted to find out the best way to save the area himselfBhe was interested in planting trees since he was youngChe wanted to get more knowledgeable people to help himDhe thought his knowledge would make his advice more convincing解析:推理判断题。第三段说他被拒绝之后就去读大学研究植物,而他的老师说那个地方没有鸟儿或松鼠播撒种子,他这样做是在浪费生命。从这些信息看,他去读大学是因为他的请求被那家炼铜厂拒绝了,于是就去读大学,希望学到更多的专业知识来改变这个地方的环境。答案:D10What does the underlined phrase“the plain mon sense”probably mean?AIt was impossible for trees to grow on the wasteland.BHis normal work and life would be greatly affected.CNo one would like to join him in the efforts.DHe had to keep everything he did secret.解析:词义猜测题。语境说在连续15年的时间里,他在这里种树,用自己的行为去改变常人的观点,那就是,树木在荒地上是长不起来的。故选A项。答案:A11The pany hired Paul to plant trees and grass because_Athey realized the importance of environmental protectionBwhat Paul was doing moved themCPaul persuaded them to help himDthey had legal pressure解析:细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句中的“Later,as there was legal pressure to clean up the environment,the pany actually hired Paul to.”因此选D。答案:DDThe arts,especially music,should be part of every schools lessons at every grade level.Students would be much smarter if they had some musical experience.They could improve their classroom skills,like paying attention and following directions.People develop all these skills when they learn music.Making music also lets children use their imagination.It provides students with a chance to try out their own ideas.Music not only makes children better students,but also gives them something positive to do.In a music programme,children can be part of a hand instead of joining a gang(团伙)Parents can enjoy listening to their childrens music instead of seeing them glued_to a puter or TV screen.In a school band,students get to be part of a team.They can get along well with old friends and make new friends through music.Music builds selfconfidence,too.It gives children a sense of achievement and success.Making music is something for them to be proud of,and it lets kids practice performing in front of an audience.Music gives children an opportunity for selfexpression,and that helps develop their selfconfidence.Once again,music is important because it can make children better students,give them something positive to do,and build their character.That is why music should be offered in every single grade in every school.【语篇解读】本文是文化教育类的文章,主要阐释了艺术,尤其是音乐在孩子成长过程中的重要性。学校应该在各个年级开设音乐课程。12According to the passage,music could make students smarter by_Aimproving their classroom skills and paying attentionBimproving their classroom skills and imaginationCimproving their attention,direction and imaginationDlearning music,making music and trying out their own ideas解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Students would be much smarter if they had some musical experience.”和“They could improve their classroom skills.”以及“Making music also lets children use their imagination.”可知,音乐可以培养孩子们的课堂技能,使他们发挥想象力,从而变得更为聪明,选B。答案:B13What does the underlined phrase“glued to”in the second paragraph mean?AUnwilling to turn onBAlways lookingCUnwilling to leave DAlways playing解析:词义猜测题。从常识可知孩子们喜欢看电视、玩电脑,而且不愿意离开,由此判断该短语意为“unwilling to leave”,故选C。答案:C14The third paragraph mainly tells us that music could_Agive children selfexpression and selfconfidenceBbring children achievement and successCgive children something to be proud ofDdevelop childrens selfconfidence解析:主旨大意题。第三段首句提出“Music builds selfconfidence,too.”音乐也建立自信心,然后对此进行解释分析,由此判断此句为主题句,故答案选D。答案:D15Whats the best title for this passage?AMusic is a must as a course at schoolBMusic builds childrens selfconfidenceCMusic makes students much smarterDLearning music and making music解析:主旨大意题。文章开门见山,提出“The arts,especially music,should be part of every schools lessons at every grade level.”这一主题。然后在下文进行分析论证,由此判断具有较高的概括性,而且针对性强的A项符合,故选A。答案:A第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。You may ride on your bicycle in a rush to get to school every morning._16_ You may also watch taxis crawl their way through traffic jams.No matter where you are,all big cities around the world have traffic jams these days.Although they all have their problems,many cities also have a type of transportation that has bee a cultural icon (标志)In London,to avoid the traffic above ground,people use the “underground”,also called the “tube”_17_ It brings a lot of convenience to its own residents and visitors and it is the pride of many Londoners.With 12 lines and 275 stations across the city,the tube is normally the quickest and easiest way of getting around London.In London,you are never far from a tube station._18_ They serve as a quick and easy way of getting across Manhattan,where the subway doesnt take you everywhere.Stopping a cab is easy._19_ But,with over 12,000 yellow cabs in the Big Apple,they also cause traffic jams.Since 1873 when the first cable car started public service,the slow and noisy vehicle has been a symbol of San Francisco.Although once damaged by a serious earthquake and challenged by cars,it is never caught in traffic jams and provides better views than the subway._20_ANew York is famous for its yellow cabs.BAt this time every day,bike rides will be the most reliable means of transportation.CJust stick out your arm like you do in any city.DYou may fight to get a bit of space on a bus or on the subway.EThe city has the oldest and most plicated underground railway system in the world.FNo wonder its always the first choice for muters and tourists there.GThere will always be one for you to every corner,fast and no worry.答案:16.D17.E18.A19.C20.F第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I love the song The climb because of its message.This_21_is about going after your dreams and continuing on that_22_no matter how difficult it gets because_23_to your dreams is what you were_24_to do.When nothing else will_25_your hunger,what else are you going to do with your_26_? You can either give up and live a more_27_,less painful life ending with regret later on_28_decide that the life you_29_want is going to be yours and that you will not let anything_30_in your way.Difficulties are just tests designed to_31_your level of mitment(信仰)Anyone can move forward when the wind is blowing_32_their back but when they have to_33_what theyve got just to take a step forward,most_34_feel its not worth it and give up.Thats not mitment;thats a_35_Wishing is for those who believe in fairy tales; mitment is for those who believe in themselves without_36_I dont know what sort of_37_youre going through or what kind of difficulties lie_38_you.But I do know that if you can_39_yourself to achieving your dream life, and whether you succeed or fail,you_40_have one kind of a life story to tell at the end of it all.【语篇解读】总会有一座山峦在等我们去将它翻越,有时候不在于我们要用多久才能抵达顶峰;不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景,唯有坚持,我们才能到达山顶这就是攀登。21A.song BstoryCtale Dfilm解析:由the song可知The climb是首歌。答案:A22A.direction BtaskCpath Dmountain解析:句意:这首歌是关于追逐梦想并且无论前进的道路变得多么艰难都要一路前行。表示追梦的道路,故选path。答案:C23A.turning BgoingCsticking Dgetting解析:stick to表示“坚持”。答案:C24A.likely BreadyCwilling Dborn解析:一生下来就注定要追逐梦想,be born to do sth“命中注定要做某事”,为固定搭配。答案:D25A.feed BsatisfyCrid Dencounter解析:句意:当没有任何其他东西能够满足你内心饥渴的时候,你的人生还会有什么其他追求吗?satisfy表示“使满足”,符合句意。答案:B26A.purpose BbudgetClife Ddesire解析:根据下文“less painful life”“the life”可知此处选C。答案:C27A.miserable BdifficultCsuper Dsecure解析:结合后面的“less painful”可知,这里选D,用secure表示“安全的”。答案:D28A.but BorCand Dso解析:分析本句的句子结构可知,这是一个either.or.的句型。答案:B29A.really BveryCabsolutely Dentirely解析:句意:你真正想要的是做你自己。此处应选really。答案:A30A.support BloseCbreak Dstand解析:根据句意,这里用stand in ones way表示“挡了某人的路”。出现了困难和挫折,要克服它们,不要让它们阻挡了你前行的道路。答案:D31A.test BforceCbalance Ddevelop解析:句意:前行道路上的障碍物只不过是用来检验你对信仰执着的程度。根据句意选A表示“考验,检验”。答案:A32A.across BawayCagainst Dout解析:这里用介词against表示“逆”,根据语境可知也就是我们所说的“逆风”。答案:C33A.take BgiveCspend Dbring解析:这里表示当人们为了前行一小步,却不得不要放弃一切的时候,用动词give表示“放弃”。答案:B34A.regularly BsimplyCparticularly Deventually解析:语境表示“只觉得不值得”,用副词simply表示“只不过”。答案:B35A.wish BchanceCsurprise Dment解析:由下文“Wishing is for those who believe in fairy tales.”可知,此处应选wish。答案:A36A.failure BsuccessCfort Dhesitation解析:without hesitation表示“毫不犹豫”,信仰属于那些毫不犹豫地相信自己的人。答案:D37A.adventures BexperiencesCchallenges Dplaces解析:由下文可知,应选择一个与difficulties意思相近的词,故选challenge“挑战”。答案:C38A.around BbesidesCbehind Dahead of解析:语境表示“在你面前的困难”,因此选ahead of表示“在前面”。答案:D39A.get BallowCdevote Dforbid解析:这里用devote oneself to doing sth表示“致力于做某事”。答案:C40A.need BcanCwill Dmust解析:if引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,而主句应用一般将来时。故选will。答案:C第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Last week,our class was 41._ duty in the school cafeteria for student selfmanagement.On the first day,I 42._ (shock) to see so much leftover food thrown away by students.What a waste! Being concerned about it,my classmates and I had a 43._ (heat) discussion on how 44._ (solve) the problem.Lots of good ideas came up,such as holding class meetings,putting up wall newspapers and charging a fine for wasting food.Finally,we all agreed that wall newspapers would be 45._ (good) choice.The next day,we put our idea into reality.Towards lunch time,we put up a wall newspaper outside the school cafeteria,46._ (call) on students not to waste food.Many students gathered around to read and 47._ (express) their support.To my great delight,there were changes soon.In the cafeteria,I found the trays returned after lunch all empty 48._ any leftover.Food 49._ (save) and the cafeteria was cleaner.Seeing this,I felt relieved and proud of 50._ we had done.答案:41.on42.was shocked43.heated44.to solve45.the best46.calling47.expressed48.without49was saved50.what第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()画掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。This summer holiday,when Im looking forward to,is ing.What great fun that is to go fishing! Play football is one of my hobby.I can ride my bike,climb high mountains,or go swimming.Sometimes I can play the chess with my grandfather.How interested my holiday will be! But my father was always afraid I would be hurt:drop from water,fall off a tree,hurt by a truck or something.He is afraid I would fight against others or be taken away by bad men.But unless Im careful and polite enough,how will these things happen?I must try best to persuade my father.答案:This summer holiday, Im looking forward to,is ing.What great fun is to go fishing! football is one of my .I can ride my bike,climb high mountains,or go swimming.Sometimes I can play chess with my grandfather.How my holiday will be! But my father always afraid I would be hurt:drop water,fall off a tree,hurt by a truck or something.He is afraid I would fight against others or be taken away by bad men.But Im careful and polite enough,how will these things happen?I must try best to persuade my father.第二节书面表达(满分25分)百度百科打算创建英文版的百度人物词条,请你结合以下信息,为袁隆平编写词条。姓名:袁隆平爱好:听音乐,游泳职业:科学家生活态度:生活简朴,淡泊名利出生:1930年,北京毕业院校:西南农学院成就:1.提高水稻产量,消除世界饥饿2杂交水稻之父注意:1.词数100左右。2适当表达个人看法。参考词汇:西南农学院:Southwest Agricultural College;杂交水稻之父:Father of Hybrid Rice_

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