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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module4SandstormsinAsia演练综合提升外研版必修.单句语法填空1He plained _ me about the food.【答案】to2If you dont cut down on your smoking,I will cut _ your supply.【答案】off3Usually what the teacher says will have a deep effect _ a child.【答案】on4After the rich man heard the touching story,he gave _ most of his money to charity.【答案】away5Would you please look _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?【答案】through6However carefully you are watching,you will find yourself easily _(take) in when Liu Qian performs his magic tricks.【答案】taken7It is a great honour for me _(ask)to make a speech here.【答案】to be asked8Care of the soul is a gradual process in _ even the small details of life should be considered.【答案】which9If he takes on this work,he will have no choice but _(meet) an even greater challenge.【答案】to meet10Weve had a good start,but next,more work needs _(do) to achieve the final success.【答案】to be done.用所给短语的适当形式填空cut down,take in,in a nutshell,be caught in,look through,give out1Who will_ a dirty pet like that?【答案】take in2We should_ chemical plants to protect our environment.【答案】cut down3To put it_ ,the show was a total disaster.【答案】in a nutshell4The teacher is _ the paper to the students waiting in the classroom.【答案】giving out5_the article and give me the general idea.【答案】Look through6He_the heavy snow last night.【答案】was caught in.完成句子1这是一本如此有趣的书,以至于全班同学都想看。It is _ that everybodyin our class wants to read it.【答案】so interesting a book2她好像已经感冒了。She appeared _.【答案】to have caught a cold3他简直从不缺课。He is seldom,_,absent from school.【答案】if ever4作为教练,他知道自己的队员与对手相比有什么优势和劣势。As a coach,he knows what _ his athletes have against their rivals.【答案】strengths and weaknesses5地震灾民迫切需要医疗品。The earthquake victims are _ medical supplies.【答案】in urgent need of6就女人而言,她们对别的女人的衣着打扮比对其他事情更感兴趣。_,they are more interested in how other women dress than other things.【答案】As far as women are concerned.单句改错1The garbage is then taken away and,if possible,recycle._【答案】recyclerecycled2Do tell me the way you think of solve the problem as soon as possible._【答案】of后加上to3What do you think happen to traffic in this situation?_【答案】happenhappens4They are often such thick that you cannot see the sun._【答案】suchso5“To have caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,”he said._【答案】have后加上been6Concerned the proposal,there were pros and cons at the meeting._【答案】ConcernedConcerning.微写作【写作素材】1现在雾霾天气(haze weather)正变得越来越严重。2它对我们的生活有不好的影响。3越来越多的人抱怨大气污染。4因此保护环境已成为社会的一个主要关注点。5污染对环保来说是一个巨大的挑战。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用more and more结构,动名词短语作主语。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_【答案】Nowadays the haze weather is being more and more serious.It has_a_bad_effect_on our life.More and more people are plaining_about_the_atmosphere_pollution.So protecting the environment has bee a major_concern of the society.Pollution is a big challenge of environmental_protection.

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