2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit5 The silver screen(第三课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit5 The silver screen(第三课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册Teaching Aims:1. Review the words learned in the last two periods.2. Learn the Attributive Clause with prepositions.3.Learn the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs “where, when and why”.Teaching Important Points:1.The usages of “prep.+the relative pronoun”.2. The usages and functions of the relative adverbs.Teaching Difficult Points:1. The choice of the prepositions in the Attributive Clause.2. The choice of the relative adverbs.Teaching Methods:1. Consolidate the words learnt using the review method.2. Learn some usages of Attributive Clause using explanation and inductive methods.3. Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2. some slidesTeaching Procedures:FStep .GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.FStep .RevisionT: In the last two periods we learnt some words about films. Now look at Language Study on Page 32.Please fill in the missing words. The first letter of each word has been given to help you. Please prepare them by yourselves. Ill ask you to give the answers later.Suggested answers:1.award 2.role 3.director 4.script,role 5.studio 6.scene 7.follow-upsT: Before weve learned the usages of the relative pronouns “who, whom, whose, that, which”.Now lets do an exercise to review them. Look at the screen, please.Choose the proper relative pronouns to fill in the blanks.1. October 1, 1949 is the day _well never forget.A. whenB. whoseC. thatD. it2. Is this the shop _sells children are clothing?A. whichB. whereC. in which D. what3. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _family was poor.A. of whomB. whomC. of whoseD. whose4. Do you know the boy _is standing at the gate of our school?A. whoB. whichC. whomD. whose5. All _glitters is not gold.A. that B. whichC. /D. what6. The woman_ you saw just now is my aunt.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. whose(Teacher asks the students to give the answers. If they make any mistakes, teacher points them out and corrects them.)Suggested answers:1. C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.BFStep .Grammar StudyT: The relative pronouns are used as objects either after verbs or after prepositions. When they are used as the objects of prepositions, the position of the prepositions must be paid attention to. The preposition usually follows the verb in spoken English. “who” “whom”“that” or “which” can be used and they are usually omitted in spoken English. If the preposition is used before the relative pronoun,“which”or “whom” can only be used while “who” or “that” mustnt be used. Besides,“which” or “whom”cannot be omitted. That is “preposition +whom/ which ”. (Bb: prep.+ whom/which)Please look at the examples on the screen.1. A. The person (who/that/whom) you should write to is Mr. Ball.B. The person to whom you should write is Mr. Ball.2. A. The games (which/that) he peted in were swimming and shooting.B. The games in which he peted were swimming and shooting.S1: How can we choose the proper prepositions, Miss Liu?T: Your question is very important. We can choose the proper prepositions in three ways. First, we can find out which verb the preposition is used with in the clause. Second, we can find out which noun or pronoun the clause modifies. Third, we can find out the meaning of the clause. Ill give you some examples. Look at the screen, please.1. A. Have you met the person about whom he was speaking?B. He is the man to whom you can turn for help.2. A. The farm on which we worked ten years ago isnt what it used to be.B. This is the tree under which we used to play games.3. A. The pen with which he is writing now was bought yesterday.B. The gas without which we can not live is called oxygen.T: Are you clear about that?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Now please do Exercise 3 at Page 33. A few minutes later, Ill check your work. (Teacher gives students some time to prepare, then asks some of them to give the answers)Suggested answers:1. of/ about which 2. to/ with whom3. during which 4. with which5. in which 6. with whichT: Were mastered the usages of relative pronouns. Next well learn the usages of the relative adverbs: where, when, why, “when” is used for time, “where” for place and “why” for reason. (Bb: whentime, whereplace, why-reason). Relative adverbs not only introduce the Attributives Clause, but also are used as adverbials in the clause. Please look at the sentences on the screen.1. The house where (=in which) we live is not big.2. Thats the hotel where (=at which) we stayed last year.3. Do you remember the day when (=on which) your sister graduated as a Master of Arts?4.1988 is the year when (=in which) I was born.5. Do you know the reason why (=for which) he didnt e?T: The relative adverbs“when”“where”and “why” can be replaced by“preposition +which”.(Bb: when=in/on/at/during whichwhere =in/at/on whichwhy =for which)S2: How can we choose the preposition in this case?T: It depends on the noun or pronoun that the Attributive Clause modifies. Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T: OK. Lets do two exercises to see if youve known the usages of the relative adverbs.(Teacher gives students some time to prepare, then asks some of them to give the answers.) Suggested answers:1. which/that 2.which/that 3.why/for which 4.when/on which 5.why/for which 6.where/in(at)whichT: You did very well. Now lets e to the second exercise. Rewrite the following Sentences using “where, which, when and why”. Look at the first one (Teacher uses the first sentence to give students an example, then tells students to rewrite the rest of the sentences. Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers:1. The first of September is the day when/on which the school year starts.2. The reason why/for which my brother stopped smoking is that its bad for his health.3. The city (which/that)we went to on our school trip is Shanghai./ The city where we went on our school trip is Shanghai.4The TV programme which I like most is the late night show.5. The factory where/in which my father works makes telephones.6. This is the room where/in which she did her homework.FStep Consolidation T:Now, please turn co Page 111。Look at Exercise 1I give you three minutes to prepareThen Ill ask some of you to give the answersAre you clear? Ss:Yes Suggested answers: 1where 2when 3why 4. when 5where 6why 7where 8where 9when lOwhy Translation: 1昨天我们参观了那位伟大作家曾经住过的房子。 2我父亲出生在第二次世界大战爆发的那一年。 3有几个原因使我们不能那样做。 4我永远也忘不了我初次去机场接你的那一天。 5当他回到家乡时,他总想看看他成长的那个地方。 6陆明不能给老师一个很好的理由说明他为什么上学迟到了。 7昆明是一个一年四季都盛开着鲜花的美丽的城市。 8这类节目将在许多华人居住的国家受到欢迎。 9这位年迈的黑人永远也不会忘记他被卖掉而离开母亲的那一天。 lO我不明白为什么许多小朋友如此喜爱“小燕子”。 Step Summary and Homework T:In this class weve reviewed some words about filmsWeve also learned the usages of some relative pronouns used together with prepositionsWeve learnt the usages of the relative adverbs,tooAfter classfind out all the sentences which contain the Attributive Clauses in this unitAnd finish oft the workbook exercises for Vocabulary and Grammar Suggested answers t0 Vocabulary exercises: Ex1:1B 2A 3D 4D 5A 6C Ex2:1at 2in;to 3on;at 4by 5of 6by;of 7from;from;of 8at Ex3: The plane is taking off in half an hourJack is still on the way Sitting in the taxi,he doesnt think it is possible for him to catch the flight Jack is a young actorAlthough he has only made appearances in a few small films,many directors think highly of his acting skillsIn one of his interviews,when he was asked why he wanted to bee an actor,he said he owed all his silver-screen success to his mother,who encouraged him to take a career that he really liked and who always believed in him even when everything seemed to go wrong against him The interview is on the air nowJack smiles and says to the taxi driver“Go to Paramount Street,please”“What about your flight? ”the driver asked in surprise“Forget itIm going to see the most important person in my life”Suggested answers to Grammer exercisesEx2:1about0f which 2in which 3in whom 4with whom 5in whichEx3:1whichthat 2who 3whowhom 4whom 5when 6where 7who 8on whom 9who lOwhen 11when Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 5 The silver screenThe Third PeriodThe Attributive Clauseprep.+whom/whichwhen (time)=at/in/on/during whichwhere (place)=at/in/on whichwhy (reason)=for whichIll never forget the days that/which I spent with him.Ill never forget the days when I worked with him.FStep .Record after Teaching_


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