2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit11 The sounds of the world(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit11 The sounds of the world(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit11 The sounds of the world(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册一、异域风情1. John DenverJohn Denver, the son of a U.S.A. Air Force officer, was born in 1943 and died in 1997 in a plane crash.John Denver began his career in the 1960s as an aspiring folk musician in the clubs of Los Angels. In a career that has spanned more than two decades, John Denver has earned international acclaim as a song writer, performer, actor and humanitarian.Denvers first major break came when he was chosen from 250 other hopefuls as lead singer for the popular Mitchell Trio.His songwriting skills were noted when his leaving. On A Jet Plane was recorded. The song became the first Number One hit.Less than tow years later. Denver became one of the top stars of the decade. With Take Me Home; Country Road; Annies Song; Back Home Again; Thank God Im A Country Boy; Calypso and more. Many of his songs showed great concern for the environment, which hads continued as a matter of major importance for Denver and for us all.Denvers popularity since the early 1970s maybe measured in record sales that few other artists have achieved. He has had 14 gold album and 8 platinum albums in the U. S. and many gold and platinum sales overseas as well, in countries including Australia, Germany and the United Kingdoms, John Denver is one of the top five recording artists in the sales history of the music industry.Denvers concert tours have reached millions globally from the U.S. and Canada throughout Europe. Australia and New Zealand, the Orient and the United Kingdom.Denver was the first artist from the west to visit mainland China in October 1992. He was pleased and somewhat astonished to discover how popular and well known his songs were with the Chinese. He hopes to return China and Southeast Asia as often as his schedule permits.Not just a fine performer, Denver is also a mean working or the improvement of the quality of life for all peopleenvironmentally, socially and politically. He was asked to serve as a member of the Presidential mission on World and Domestic Hunger. He was one of the five founders of “The Hunger Project”. Denver was awarded the presidential “World Without Hunger” Award.Denver is a supporter of the National Wildlife Federation. He created a plan “Plant-It-2000” that urges people all over the would to plant as many trees as possible by the year xx. This is a reforestation project which helps people everywhere to see the importance of projecting and restoring our environment.John Denver is not only one of the worlds best-known and best-loved performers, but a true international figure dedicated to world peace and the elimination of hunger.2. The King of Rockn RollOne of the most popular American singers of the twentieth century was Elvis Presley. He made the rockn roll music popular around the would. He sold millions of records and made many successful films, and he helped change the direction of popular music in the 1960sElvis Presley was born in a poor family in 1935. His parents were simple country people who often took him to church, where he learned to sing, and he never forgot the kind of sons that he used to sing, and he never forgot the kind of songs that he used to sing in church as a child.When he was young, Elvis moved from Toledo do to Memplis in Tennessee, where he attended high school, but he was not a good student. His only real interest was singing. He began to sing the style that is called “country and western”In 1955, he recorded some songs for his mothers birthday. The people at the recording studio like his singing and music. There was something different about it. It was country and western music, but it also sounded a little like the music which black people used to sing in the American South, Music Known as “blues”.Shortly after that, Elvis met Tom Parker, who became his manage and arranged concerts for hom across the United States, and new recordings as well. Soon, Elvis became famous all over the country. Later, Elvis went to Hollywood and began to appear in films like Love Me Tender and King Greole.But Elvis found it hard to live with success, like many other entertainment personalities. He began to take drugs and his health negan to suffer. When he died at an early age of 42 in 1977, his many millions of fans were shocked. “The King Is Dead!” the newspaper said. But today his memory and his music live on and will always be remembered as the kin of rocknroll.知识归纳(一)“不能转换被动结构的场合”归纳绝大多数带宾语的及物动词都可以从主动语态变成被动语态。但在下列情况下则不能转换。(1)受动词的限制表示状态的及物动词。这类动词有:hold(容纳),own(拥有),owe(归属),suit(适合),contain(包括),cost(花费),lack(缺少),love(爱),hate(恨),have(有),last(持续)等。不能转换成被动语态。e.g. We have a new house.我们有座新房子。The great hall holds 2 000 people.这个大厅能容纳2 000人。The paper will last me a whole term.这纸够我一学期用。have表示“吃(饭)”“患(病)”“明白”“知道”等意思时,没有被动语态。e.g. She had no English.她不懂英语。Have you had your lunch?你吃过午饭了吗?They all had a good time.他们都玩得很愉快。I had two letters from him.我收到了他两封信。谓语部分有表示主语“能力”的can,或有表示主语“意愿”的will, would, would rather, dare等时,不能转换成被动结构。e.g. I can speak English.我会说英语。John will marry Rose.约翰将与罗丝结婚。be, bee, turn, get, go, fall, look, sound等系动词后面的各词是表语,也不能转换成被动语态。e.g. His dream has bee a reality.他的梦想已经实现。He has turned scientist.他已成为科学家。一些由及物动词与各词构成的不可分割的短语动词,也不能变成被动语态。e.g. Great changes have taken place since liberation.解放以来发生了巨大的变化。We should not lose heart, but make another try.我们不应灰心,而应再试一次。He often makes faces in class.他常在课堂上扮鬼脸。(2)受宾语的限制含有下列情况的宾语时,主动语态不能转换成被动语态。表示地点、处所的名词作宾语时,常见的动词有:leave, enter, reach, join等。e.g. He reached Beijing at 6 oclock.他在六点钟到达北京。He entered the office.他走进了办公室。Her brother joined the army two years ago.她哥哥两年前参的军。She swam across the river.她游过了河。同源名词作宾语,常见的动词有die, sleep, smile, laugh, fight, live等。e.g. We are living a happy life.我们过着愉快的生活。I dreamed a wonderful dream.我做了一个美梦。She smiled a sweet smile.她甜蜜地笑了笑。有些抽象名词作宾语。e.g. He lost interest in English.他对英语失去了兴趣。She shows no interest in disco music.她对迪斯科音乐不感兴趣。反身代词、相互代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语时。e.g. She killed herself in xx.她xx年自杀的。The boy wept himself to sleep.这男孩哭着哭着睡着了。We should help each other.我们应该互相帮助。I want to watch TV every day.我想每天看电视。John enjoys singing.约翰喜欢唱歌。宾语前带有指代主语的物主代词。e.g. The doctor shook his head.大夫摇了摇头。宾语常是表示“度量”的名词。e.g. We walked two miles.我们走了两英里。This room measures 10 metres across.这个房间宽十米。The box weighs 20kg.这里箱子重二十公斤。cost, wish, promise等带双宾语时。e.g. It costs me much time.它花了我很多时间。He promised us to e.他答应我们要来。love, like, want, wish, get, cause等带复合宾语时。e.g. Do you really wish him to go?你真的希望他去?He has to get someone to help him.他必须让某个人来帮助他。(二)pick(v.)的用法(1)摘、捡、拾He picked her a rose.他为她摘了朵玫瑰花。The little birds were picking the grain.小鸟在啄食粮食。(2)挑选Please pick a good book for me.请为我选本好书。(3)pick out选好、选出、认出、看清楚Pick out those books that youd like to read.把你喜欢看的书选出来。We could pick out different places in the city from the plane.我们能从飞机上把城里的各个地方认出来。(4)pick up拾起,拿起(非正规地)学会,学到,取(某物),接(某人)上车;听到,收听Please pick up all the pieces of paper.请把所有的纸片都捡起来。He picked up French while he was staying in Paris.他在巴黎逗留期间学会了法语。The bus stopped and picked up three people.公共汽车停住,上来了三个人。My radio can pick up VOA very clearly.我的收音机听美国之音很清楚。三、词语辨析1part of; a part of (1)part of指某人或某物是一个整体的不可分割的一部分,即强调整体性。e.g. There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.只有一个中国,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。Here we are all part of one big family.在这里我们都是大家庭中的一员。(2)a part of 不强调整体性,只说明是构成总体的一部分或一小部分。但a有时可以省略。e.g. A leg is a part of the body.腿是身体的一部分。This looks like (a)part of the broken glass.这看起来像破杯子的碎片。(二)include, contain二者都表示“包含”,但含义不同。1include指一整体包含着各自独立的部分,但没有封闭的意思,用时可详细罗列内容,也可只列举其中一、二。e.g. The price includes postage charges.价格包含邮资。Your duties will include putting the child to bed.你的职责包括将孩子安顿到床上。2contain指不同的事物包含在一个较大的容器内,封闭容纳的意思很强烈、形象,但不必将所含内容一一罗列。e.g. The basket contains a variety of fruits.篮子里有许多种水果。The book contains all information you need.书中有你所需的全部信息。3 broad, wide这两个词均意为“宽,宽的”,用作形容词。在描写河流、田野、峡谷、街道等与地形有关的事物时,两个词均可用。e.g. We live in a very wide street.我们住在一条非常宽阔的大街上。Across the broad valley of Danube, the mountains rise blue and mysterious in the distance.从远处看去,宽阔的多瑙河河谷的那一面,山峦起伏,一片蔚蓝,神秘莫测。表示一种丈量结果,指某物有多宽时,两者均可用。e.g. Its 12 feet broad.它有12英尺宽。The road is 12 feet wide.这条道路宽12英尺。但在谈及人体的某些部位时,其搭配较为固定。但一般只能说:The man has broad shoulders.那人有宽阔的双肩。The man is broad-shouldered.那人肩膀很宽。She stared at him with wide eyes.她睁大眼睛注视着他。Open your mouth wide.张大你的嘴。与某些名词搭配时也较为固定。例如:wide interests(广泛的兴趣),the wide world(广阔的世界),broad daylight(大白天),broad agreement(概括性协议),broad humor(粗俗的幽默)wide可作为副词修饰某些形容词或副词,或是构成新的形容词。wide apart离得很远wide awake清醒,机警wide open大开着的wide-awake 清醒的、机警的wide-eyed 大眼睛的wide-angle 广角镜的wide-spread普及的,流行(传)广远的4choose, select, elect这三个词都有“挑选,选择”之意。其区别为:choose指在两个或多个选择之中选择其一,可与from或between连用;而select通常是指在同类事物中选择最好或最合适的;elect则是指通过选举选出。e.g. Will you help me choose myself a new coat?请你帮我选一件新外套好吗?If you had to choose (between) staying here alone or going with me, what would you do?是一个人呆在这里,还是同我一起去,假如你必须对此作出选择,你会怎样做?He selected a pair of socks to match his suit.他挑选了一双与他衣服相配的短袜。They elected Nixon(as) President.他们选举尼克松为总统。choose和elect都有“决定”的意思,只是elect比choose正式,并常指有关将来的较重大的决定。在结构上,这两个词后均可用不定式作宾语,choose之后还可有that引导的宾语从句。e.g. He chose not to go home until later.他决定晚些时再回家。He chose that we should stay.他决定说,我们得留下来。He elected to be a doctor.他决定将来当一名医生。、能力训练rubof, to ones satisfaction, dance to, bine with, on the other hand, along with, a variety of, have in mon, praise for, make up ones mind.(1) Tom is a determined boy, Once he has ,nobody can change hhis decision.(2) Jason has interests, which makes him very popular with his friends.(3) We asked various technical questions, which our teacher answered .(4) Barbara loves to fast music, especially rock and roll.(5) In order to cure the seriously injured person, the doctor Chinese traditional medicine Western medicine.(6) Although they cant get well, Lucy and Lily much .(7) Food here is cheaper than in Britain; clothing is dearer.(8) Thieves the bank thousand of dollars.(9) The major the brave firefighter what he had done to rescue those trapped in the fire.(10) hundreds of others, Anne lost her job as a secretary when the factory closed.答案:(1) made up his mind(2) a variety of(3) to our satisfaction(4) dance to(5) bined; with(6) have; in mon(7) on the other hand(8) robbed; of(9) praised; for(10) Along with


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