2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Women of achievement早读与晚练 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Women of achievement早读与晚练 新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Women of achievement早读与晚练 新人教版必修4主题:应聘英文秘书经典范文:June 8Dear Sir/Madam,I learned_from the newspaper that your pany needs an English secretary.Im really interested_in this position and hope I can work for you.Im 18 years old and will be graduating from Xinxing Foreign Language School this July.Im an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students.Im_good_at English, especially spoken English.I often use the puter and I type very fast.In my spare time, I read a lot.Poems are my favorite.I enjoy music very much too.Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities.Besides, Im easy to get_along_with and I like to make_friends.Im looking_forward_to your reply.Sincerely yours, Li Hua词汇拓展1achievement /tivmnt/n.成就;功绩_ /tiv/vt.完成;达到;实现2connection /knekn/n.连接;关系_ /knekt/v.连接;联系3behave /bIheIv/vt.& vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现_ /bIheIvj/n.行为;举止;习性4observe /bzv/vt.观察;观测;遵守_ /bzveIn/n.观察;观测5argue /ju/vt.& vi.讨论;辩论;争论_ /jmnt/n.争论;争辩;争吵6sickness /sIknIs/n.疾病;恶心_ /sIk/adj.有病的;恶心的7kindness/kaIndns/n.仁慈;好意_ /kaInd/adj.仁慈的;好意的n种类8considerate /knsIdrt/adj.考虑周到的_ /knsIdreIn/n.考虑;体谅_ /knsId/vt.思考;考虑趁热打铁在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的适当形式填空1The railway _ London and Edinburgh.2Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great _.(achieve)3Thank you for your _.(kind)4The boys _ is just like an adult, making all people at present laugh.5She is always polite and _ towards her employees.(consider)6_ often results from eating too much.7I _ him entering the bank with a gun.(observation)8We _ with her about the decision.词组回忆1_ off 离开;起程;出发2_ a. life 过着的生活3_ in (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海4_ upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起5_ to 查阅;参考;谈到;指的是6by _ 碰巧;凑巧7e _ (偶然)遇见;碰见8carry _ 继续;坚持9_.to. 献身于;投入;用于10_ respect for sb.尊敬某人11be worth _ sth.值得做某事12argue _ 为辩护13intend sb._ sth.打算让某人做某事14human _ 人类词组联想 1look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起look _ 寻找look _ 旁观look _ 当心look _ 调查look _ 查阅look _ 浏览look _ 照顾2e across (偶然)遇见;碰见e _ 发生e _ 来自e _ 出现;开花;出版或发表;透露;显出e _ 升起;发生;出现e _ sth.找到或提出(答案、办法等)趁热打铁根据本单元所学知识,选择适当的词组完成下列句子1We _ him _ study abroad in the year xx.2He never _ his sister in his past letters.3In the old society, women were often _.4A good teacherstudent relationship requires _ proper _ each other.5They managed to _ their experiments in spite of the difficulties.6I _ an old classmate yesterday.7After retirement, my grandparents now _ very quiet _.8I heard their talking _ when passing.佳句背诵 Until then everyone _ chimps ate only fruit and nuts.直到那时,人人都以为猩猩只吃水果和坚果。趁热打铁根据中文提示,完成下列句子我本以为他至少二十年前就去世了。 I _ that he had passed away at least twenty years ago.必修四Unit 1Women of achievement词汇拓展1achieve2.connect3.behavio(u)r4.observation5argument6.sick7.kind8.consideration; consider趁热打铁1connects2.achievements3.kindness4.behavio(u)r5.considerate6Sickness7.observed8.argued词组回忆1move2.lead3.crowd4.look down5.refer6.chance7.across8on9.devote10.show11.doing12.for13.to do14.being词组联想1for; on; out; into; up; through; after2about; from; out; up; up with趁热打铁1intend; to2.referred to3.looked down upon/on4.showing; respect for5carry on6.came across7.lead a; life8.by chance佳句背诵had thought趁热打铁had thought

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