2019-2020年高一英语 units1-3语言点讲解 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 units1-3语言点讲解 北师大版1. Be supposed to do sth. “应该做某事 Suppose that-或者 Supposing that -“如果,假如”e.g.(1)Teachers are supposed to know a lot.(2)Suppose /Supposing it rains, whats to be done? (3)-Are you going to the meeting? -Yes, I suppose so. -No, I dont suppose so./ I suppose not. (4) I dont suppose hell e.2. series (单复数同行):a series of-一系列的-3plain to sb. about sth. 4. Relaxing 令人放松的- Relaxed感到放松的5.Go off (1).离开,走开 (2).爆炸,响 (3)变质= go bad6.Take up (1) 拿起 (2) 占据(时间、空间 (3)开始从事e.g.(1). Take up arms.(2).The desk takes up too much room.(3).When did you take up basketball?7.Be filled with-= Be full of-8.Boring 令人厌烦的- Bored 感到厌烦的e.g.(1)She is bored with her work (2).This is a very boring film.9.Stress n(压力); vt.(着重,强调)e.g.He stressed the necessity of being punctual.10.Reduce- Increase Be reduced/ increased to- Be reduced/increased by-e.g.Costs will be reduced by 90%.11. Go on a diet 开始节食(表示动作) Be on a diet “在节食(表示节食的状态)12.Bear doing sth.= Stand doing sth.e.g. I cant bear staying up so late.13.Prefer A to BPrefer doing A to doing B Prefer to do A rather than do B= Would rather do A than do Be.g.(1)I prefer horse-riding to shooting. (2)He preferred to die rather than steal.14.Be crowded with-e.g. The road is crowded with cars.15.Otherwise = ore.g.(1)You should go now, otherwise youll miss the bus. (2)He reminded me ofwhat I should otherwise have forgotten.16. In the distance 在远处at a distance 在稍远处e.g.(1)We saw a light in the distance.(2)This picture looks better at a distance.17.at the moment 目前,此刻 for the moment 目前,暂时 in a moment 立刻,马上 The moment + 从句 = The minute-=The instant -= immediadetely-= directly-=instantly-= as soon as-e.g. We hadnt met for 20 years but I recognized him the moment I saw him.18. Formal-informalText:1.(not)-until-e.g.(1)Dont get off the bus till/until it has stopped.(2)I didnt finish my homework till/until 11:oo.(3).Not until 11:00 did I finish my homework.(4)It was not until 11:00 that I finished my homework.2.So that-既可以引导目的状语从句:“为了,以便于”(目的状语从句中常常有情态动词:can/could,may/might, will/y would), 也可以引导结构状语从句:“结果,因此”(结果状语从 句中无情态动词)e.g.(1)He turned the radio up so that everyone could hear the news.(2)He turned the radio up, so that everyone heard the news.(3)Speak clearly so that we can understand you. (4)They took a taxi so that they could get there earlier.3.While-(1)在-期间 (2)而,却 (3)虽然=although-e.g.(1)Strike while the iron is hot.(2)You like sports while I like reading.(3)While I understand you, I dont agree with you.4.Get changed/hurt/ married/paid/ lost /dressed /separated5.Too much+ 不可数名词,或者单独使用,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、状语Much too +形容词或者副词Too many + 复数名词e.g.(1)Your words are too much for her. (2)He walked much too fast for me to follow . (3)She met too much trouble in her work.(4)Dont let your child play too many puter games.6.Sb. spend some time/money on sth.Sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth.Sb pay (sb.) some money for sth.Sth. cost sb. some money/ energy /time.It takes sb. some time to do sth. = Sth. takes sb. some time to do.e.g. (1)She spends too much money on clothes. (2)I paid her $20 for the dress. (3)His careless driving cost him his life. (4)It will take us 2 weeks to finish the work.7.(1)Does he know any other language besides English?(2)I have 3 other hats besides this one.(3)They all went to the cinema except Tom.(4)Your position is very good except for some spelling mistakes.(5)Its too late to go out now. Besides, its starting to rain.8. an 800-word position a 7-storey building a 5-year plan a 3-day festival a 10-metre-long fence9.Take turns to do sth. =Lets do sth. in turn / by turns. in turn 依次,轮流, 反过来 miss ones turn 错过时机”e.g. Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.10.Prepare sthPrepare for sth.Prepare to do sth. = Make preparations to do sth. Be prepared to do sth.Be prepared for sth.e.g.(1) The teacher is preparing the terminal examination papers.(2)The students are preparing for the ing exam.11. Make a mark Be marked with-表明着- Get full marks12.What do you think of-? How do you like/ find-?13.In the east of-在-的东部( 在范围之内) On the east of-在-的东面(接壤) To the east of-在-的东方(在范围之外,不相邻)e.g.(1)Japan lies to the east of China in the east of Asia . It faces the Pacific on the east.(2)East of the city lie 2 steel works.(3)Nanjing lies on the Yangze River.14.Be tired of (doing) sth.对-感到厌烦 Be tired from (doing) sth. 因-而疲劳15.(1) These textbooks are specially written for English beginners.(2) I usually have a hot bath, especially /particularly in the morning.16. In style流行的” Out of style 不流行的17. In terms of-“在-方面”, “就-而言” a 18.As aresult of-= because of-= owing to-=due to-=thanks to- As a result, = Therefore, 因此,所以 Result from-因-而引起, 起因于- Result in-导致,造成 = lead to / causee.g. The traffic accident resulted from his careless driving. His careless driving resulted in the traffic accident.19.Make a difference”有所不同, 有影响,有关系 Make no difference 没有影响,没有关系,没有差别e.g.(1) It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. (2)Your help has made a big difference -I understand the work much better now.20.Ask sb. for advice Give /offer sb. advice. Take /follow ones adviceAdvise doing sth.Advise sb (not) to do sth.Advise that-(从句中用should型的虚拟语气)21e up with-想出,提出”e out 出来,出版 e up 上来,发芽,被提出e about 发生,产生e acorss-偶然遇到 e true 实现e to an end e to onesel苏醒过来e.g.(1)We shall try to e up with the solution to the problem. (2)Its already 10:00. I wonder how it came about that she was 2 hours late on such a short trip.22.As well as-(就前原则) As well 也”(肯定句,句末) May /might as well do sth 不妨,还是-的好e.g.(1) Peter as well as his friends likes to listen to music. (2)She gave me money as well as clothes. = She gave me clothes, and money as well.23.Look forward to (ones) doing sth.e.g. The day we looked forward to came at last.24.Offer sb sth. for some money以-钱把某物卖给某人 Offer sb. some money for sth.出价-买某物unit 21.In ones opinion = Personally: 在我看来, 就自己而言2.Be equal to-等于,能胜任e.g. John is quite equal to the job of running the office.3.Struggle with/against-同/向-作斗争/搏斗 Struggle for-为-而奋斗/斗争 Struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来e.g. She has been struggling with illness for years.4pete with/against sb 与某人竞争 pete for sth. 为争夺某物而竞争e.g. Many graduates are petingagainst each other for a job.5.Be keen on (doing) sth.热衷于/喜欢做某事6.It;s none of your business = Mind your own business 这不管你的事,少管闲事7.On ones own 单独地,独自地=alone/by oneselfOf ones own 属于某人自己的e.g.I made this wardrobe all on my own.8.Give up doing sth 放弃做某事Give in 屈服,让步 Give away 赠送,泄露 Give off “散发出” Give out(1)发出(vt)(2)分发(vt) (3)公布,发表(vt) (4)用完,耗尽(vi) (5)筋疲力尽(vi)9.Be/get involved in-涉及到,卷入,参与-e.g.If I were you, I wouldnt get involved in their problems.10.Have confidence in sb/sth 对-有信心e.g.Dont lose confidence in yourself.11e to know/realize/understand-(经过一段时间)终于/逐渐-The bill came to ¥500 .When it es to politics, I know nothing.12.Injure -事故中受伤 Wound-战争中受到的枪/刀伤 Hurt-精神上/肉体上伤害 Damage-损坏/害(物体) Harm-伤害(生物/抽象事物)e.g.(1) Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had hurt his leg.(2)The storm did great harm/damage to the crops.13.Be on the point of doing sth. = Be about to do sth.To the pointOff the pointText1.Calm 镇静的,风平浪静的 Quiet 安静的Still 静止的,一动不动的 Silent 沉默的e.g. Stand still while Im taking a photo of you.2.(1)When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(2)As time went on, his theory proved to be correct.(3)Child as he is ,he knows a lot.(4)She is as beautiful a girl as her sister.3.separate- from-分开Divide-into-把-划分成-e.g. The world is divided into 7 continents and 4 oceans.4.With + 宾语 + 宾补(adj,/adv./介词短语/doing sth/to do sth/ done by sb)e.g.(1)With a lot of homework to do, he couldnt go to the cinema with them.(2)With the homework done, he went out to play.(3)_ production up by 60%, the pany has had another excellent year A. For B. With C. Through5.Dozens of-= Scores of-许多但当score/dozen与具体数词或many,several等词连用时,score/dozen用单数。Score后面加不加of均可。而dozen后面通常不加of.e.g.(1)He bought 3 dozen bottles of wine.(2)There are 3 score (of) apples in the basket.(3)Shortly after class, 3 dozen of the students of Class 4 were sent to give a good cleaning.6.Fight for-为争取-而战(自由,解放,权利) fight against-为反对-而战Fight with-与某人并肩战斗,与某人战斗/打架e.g.(1)Do you always fight with/against your brother? (2)Britain fought with France against Germany in World War 2.7.Agree with sb/what one said/ones idea/ones view/ones opinion/ones decision Agree to a plan/ a proposal/a program/ an arrangementAgree on sth. 就-取得一致意见,达成共识注意:agree with -还可以表示:(1)与-一致(2)(气候,食物)适合/应e.g.(1)The climate here doesnt agree with him.(2)His words doesnt agree with his action.(3)He pletely agreed with my view on politics.(4)We agreed on the date for the meeting.8.Have an effect on -“对-有影响/起作用” Side effect9.Get over-“克服Get out of-从-中出来,摆脱Get in 收割Get rid of-去除,摆脱10.Get through-通过(考试),完成,接通(电话)Get sth across to sb 向某人讲清楚11.Happen to sb 偶然发生 Happen to do sth.碰巧做某事 Take place 发生,举行(经过安排的事情) It occurred to sb that-突然想起= It struck sb that - How did it e about that -?如何发生的?怎么回事?12.Expect to do sth. Expect sb to do sth Expect that-e.g.(1)You did far better than expected.(2).Dont expect too much of your child.13.Try to do sth manage to do sth.unit 31.Celebrate +节日/生日/典礼/成功:“庆祝”Congratulate sb on sth:“祝贺,恭喜”Congratulations to you on sth2.Include sb/sth:“包括-在内”(整体的一部分)Including sb/sth = Sb/sth included Contain sth:“包含,含有”e.g.(1)Five students went there, including me. Five students went there, me included. (2)The book contains 40 maps, including that of Great Britain.3.Power:“权力,政权,(身体,心智)能力,电力,强国”Power failure Power station e into power:“上台执政”4.Serve the people heart and soulServe in the army Serve as-:“充当,担任”At your service:“听你吩咐”5.Take part in- = Join in- = Participate in-:“参加某项活动”Join +”组织(成为其中一员)Join sb in (doing) sth:“和某人一道做某事”Attend +”会议/婚礼/葬礼/上课/听报告/仪式e.g.(1)Mary took part in/joined in the game.(2)Will you join us in playing basketball. (3)Join the Party/ the League/the army/the club (4)There was no one to attend on him but his brother. (5)I have an urgent matter to attend to.6.Salary ”薪水,月薪(脑力劳动者,管理工作者 Wages 周薪,按小时(体力劳动者,地位较低人的工资)Pay ”薪金(一般工作人员的工资或军饷)7.Apply for-:“申请-”Apply to sb “向某人申请Apply-to-:“把-运用到-”8.Seize/grasp/miss/lose the opportunity Take the opportunity to do sth :“借此机会做某事”e.g.Id like to take this opportunity to thank my collegues for their suppurt.9.Depend on sb for sthThat/It (all) depends.e.g.All living things depends on the sun for their growth.10.The opening/closing ceremony.11.At the entrance to- The invitation to the party The key to success/the door The attitude to sthThe answer to the question12.Contribute to-:“做贡献,捐款,投稿,有助于” Make contributions to-e.g.Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and high blood pressure13.Be linked with-:“与-有联系”14.Put up :“举起,建造,张贴,投宿” Put up with- Put away :“把-收起来” Put down :“放下,记下,写下,镇压” Put off Put out Put forward :“提出”Put -aside :“把-放到一边”e.g.(1)He put up a map of China on the wall.(2)Shes got some money put away for her retirement.15.Carry on-:“继续进行,坚持” Carry out-:“开展,贯彻,执行”e.g.Ill try to carry on the work in spite of difficulties.16.In a mess:“乱七八糟” Make a mess of-:“把-搞得一塌糊涂”e.g.The husband plained that his wife had made a mess of their money.17.Ought to do sth Oughtnt to do sth Ought to have done sth Oughtnt to have done sthText:1.It is said/believed/reported/thought/well-known that-e.g.(1)Its said that Tom got the 1st place.(2)It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off.2.Light (vt):“点燃,照亮”Lighted-Lighted -作谓语或前置定语Lit-Lit-作谓语e.g.(1)He lit/lighted a candle and the candle lit/lighted the room.(2)A lighted candle/cigarette3.Try to do sth:“努力/尽力去做(但未必会成功)”Try doing sth:“(用另一种方法)做某事试试看”Manage to do sthe.g.If you cant work it out, try doing it in another way.4.Go through-:“穿过,经历,仔细检查”Go by :“经过,(时间)过去”5.Go to prison Send sb to prisonPut sb in prison Throw sb into prison6.While-=Although-e.g.(1)While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them. (2)While she is a likeable girl, she can be extremely difficult to work with.7.Even if=Even though-e.g.(1)Even if he can understand you, he wont follow your advice. (2)Even if we could afford it, we wouldnt go abroad for our vacation.8.Marry sb:(瞬间动词-不能与时段连用)Be married to sb (状态-可与时间段连用)Get married to sb (动作-不能与时间段连用)Marry sb to sbe.g.(1)She has been married to a Mr. Wang for 10 years.(2)They got married during the war.9.Be made of-(成品中能够看出原料)Be made from- (成品中看不出原料)Be made out of-(成品中看出/看不出原料)Be made into- Be made up of-“由-组成/构成”=Be posed of-=Consist of-e.g.(1)These wine bottles are made of glass.(2)Paper is made from wood.(3)Wood can be made into furniture. (4)The crew of the plane are made up of 15 people.10.At the end of-:“在-末端/尽头(时间或空间) By the end of-:到-为止(与过去完成时或将来完成时连用) In the end :“最后,终于” =At laste.g.(1)We had finished Book 2 by the end of last term.(2)Well have finished the work by the end of next week. (3)They won the game in the end.11.Put on (1)“穿上,戴上”(动作) (2)”上演 Wear (1)“穿着,戴着”(状态) (2)“佩戴(手表,首饰,花)” (3)留(发型,胡须)(3)“面带(表情)” Have on ”穿着,戴着(状态,无进行时) Dress sb/oneself(动作) Be dressed in-(状态)e.g.(1)She wore an angry expression.(2)The boy is old enough to dress himself.12.A bit + adj./adv.= A little +adj./adv. A bit of +(u)n.= A little + (u)n.Not a bit :“根本不,一点儿也不”Not a little13.Be particular about-“对-挑剔(讲究)” In particular “尤其,特别”14.Make sb do sth-Be made to do sth Have sb do sth Let sb do sth Get sb to do sth.e.g.(1)They were made to work day and night.(2)Speak loudly to make yourself heard.15.Adapt 改编/写” “适应(环境)”: Adapt to-=adjust to- Adopt “采纳,收养”16.Have some/no difficulty (In) doing sth Have some/no difficulty with sthe.g.You cant imagine what difficuly we had _home in the snowstorm. A. walked B.walk C.to walk Walking17.Its time for sth Its time (for sb) to do sth Its time (that) sb did sth Its time (that) sb should do sth18.In case +从句 In case of +短语 In that case= If that happense.g.(1)Please take an umbrella in case it rains.(2)In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.19.Hit sb in the face Pat sb on the shoulder Lead sb by the hand20.Rob sb/s.p. of sth-sb/s.p. Be robbed of sth. Steal sth. from sb/s.p. Pick ones pockete.g.(1)They robbed her of all her money.(2)She told me that her camera was_ missed robbed lost (3)She had her pocket picked


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