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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3TheworldofcoloursandlightSectionProject教学案牛津译林版选修8原文呈现Unusual picturesSomeone once said that anything and everything could be used to make art. A few years ago, a picture of MonaLisa was made out of slices of bread toasted to different colours. It probably smelled good, but it took a long time to do. This web page gives you some ideas that you could use to make unusual pictures.Pizza facesPut your apron on and get ready to make a pizza face. Now you can be a chef and an artist. You can use a variety of different foods to help you make a face. Here are a few ideas.Use small slices of carrot or pieces of seaweed as hair, and arrange it in the stylethat you want. Cut up some tomatoes for eyes, pieces of cheese for ears, and a mushroom for a nose. Next, you need to think about the mouthyou could make a smile from a slice of bacon. Other foods you could use to create pizza faces include onion, pineapple, eggplant and ham. Most of these foods are availble at your local grocery.When you have made the face, you can take a photo of it, so that you can keep your unusual picture forever. Once you have taken the photo, you can then cook and eat the pizza face.An artist in the USA once made pizza faces from fruit and vegetables. He took photos of each one and then used these photographs to make birthday cards. Since then he has sold over two million cards.读文清障slice/slaIs/n.薄片,切片a slice of一片过去分词短语toasted to different colours作后置定语,修饰bread。that you could use to make unusual pictures是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词some ideas。apron/eIprn/n.围裙chef/ef/n.厨师,(尤指)主厨,厨师长Here are a few ideas.是倒装句,主语是a few ideas,要注意主谓一致。seaweed/siwid/n.海藻,海草in the style以风格that you want是定语从句,修饰style。cut up切碎you could use to create pizza faces为省略了关系代词which或that的定语从句,修饰other foods。onion/njn/n.洋葱pineapple/paInpl/n.菠萝eggplant/egplnt/n.茄子available adj.可获得的;可购得的;可找到的once引导时间状语从句,表示“一旦”。别具一格的图画曾经有人说过,任何东西都可以用来制作艺术品。几年前,一幅蒙娜丽莎的画是用烘焙成不同颜色的面包片做成的。它闻起来可能会很香,但却花了很长时间去制作。本网页为你提供一些点子,你可以用来制作别具一格的图画。比萨脸谱系上你的围裙,做好准备来制作一个比萨脸谱。现在,你既可以是一位大厨,也可以是一名艺术家。你可以用多种不同的食物来帮你制作一张脸谱。这里有一些主意。用一些薄胡萝卜片或者海藻碎片当作头发,将它布置成你想要的风格。切一些西红柿做眼睛,一些奶酪片做耳朵和一个蘑菇做鼻子。接下来,你需要想一想嘴巴你可以用一片咸猪肉做出笑容。其他你可以用来做比萨脸谱的食品包括洋葱、菠萝、茄子和火腿。这些食材大多都可以在你当地的食品杂货店里找到。当你做完这张脸谱时,你可以给它拍张照,这样你就可以永远保存你这张别具一格的图画。拍完照片之后,你可以烤熟并享用这张比萨脸谱。美国的一名艺术家曾经用水果和蔬菜做了比萨脸谱。他为每张比萨脸谱拍了照,然后把这些照片做成生日卡片。从那时起,他已卖了超过两百万张的卡片了。String picturesTo make string pictures, you need some card, thin string and glue. Think about what picture you want to make. Will it be an abstract pattern, or will it be a picture of things, a scene or people? First, use a crayon or pencil to draw the outline of the picture on the card. Next, spread the glue where you want to attach the string. You can make solid shapes by using circles of string. Once the string has dried on the card, you could paint different parts of the string.Featherand seashellpicturesThis idea is about creating pictures with feathers and seashells. You will also need glue and some card. Choose small seashells so they will not be very heavy when they are stuck onto the card. Think about the pattern or picture that you want to make. You can lay all the pieces out on the card before you stick them down. You can collect seashells at the beach. Feathers can be found in pillows, pet shops or parks.abstract adj.抽象的n.摘要,概要draw the outline of 画出的轮廓attach vt.贴,固定attach .to .把固定到上where引导地点状语从句。feathern羽毛seashell/siel/n.海贝壳be stuck onto粘到(上面去)that引导定语从句,修饰the pattern or picture;并在定语从句中作make的宾语。lay out布置,设计;铺开,展开lay down放下;停止使用lay off停止;别再打扰stick . down粘住pillow/pIl/n.枕头绳画要制作绳画,你需要一些卡片纸、细绳和胶水。想想你要做什么样的画。它会是一幅抽象画,还是静物画、风景画或者人物画呢?首先,用蜡笔或者铅笔在卡片纸上画出图案的轮廓。然后,在你想粘细绳的地方涂上胶水。通过把细绳围成圈,你可以做出实心的形状。一旦绳子在卡片纸上晾干,你就可以在绳子不同的部位涂颜色了。羽毛海贝壳画这个想法是用羽毛和海贝壳来制作图画。你也需要胶水和一些卡片纸。选择小的海贝壳,这样,当它们粘在卡片纸上之后就不会太重。想想你要做什么样的图案或者图片。你可以把所有的贝壳都铺在卡片上再把它们粘好。你可以在沙滩上找到海贝壳。羽毛可以在枕头里、宠物店或者公园找到。Rubbish picturesThis may sound disgusting to some, but it is really quite clean and great fun. Every day, we produce lots of rubbish, including different materials like plastic, aluminium, cloth and paper. We can use this rubbish to create pictures. These pictures can be quite heavy, so you should use strong paper or card and very strong glue to stick the rubbish onto the card. Once it is stuck on, you can spray the different sections of the picture with paint.Rubbish printsAgain, this is using rubbish, but this time as paintbrushes. For example, one end of a tin can be dipped into paint and used to make circles on a piece of card. We can use old pieces of cloth as brushes, or wrinkle the cloth together to form an interesting pattern. The shapes and patterns could be repeated. Shapes can be cut out of other rubbish, dipped into the paint and pressed on the card.There are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures, so why not have ago at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own?Have fun!disgusting/dIsgstI/adj.令人不快的,令人厌恶的disgusted adj.厌恶的,憎恶的,反感的great fun很有趣have fun玩得高兴aluminium/ljmInIm/n.铝spray/spreI/vt.喷,喷洒,向喷洒n.喷剂;喷雾;浪花paintbrush/peIntbr/n.画笔tin/tIn/n.罐子,罐头,罐装物;锡dip/dIp/vt.&vi.浸,蘸dip sth. in/into sth.把某物浸入某物中wrinkle/rIkl/vt.&vi.(使)起皱纹n.皱纹,皱褶,皱痕cut something out of (something)剪出,剪下cut .from .从切下/割下that引导定语从句,修饰many other things。have a go at试一试have a try试一试try out试验try on试穿垃圾图画对一些人来说,这听起来可能有点儿恶心,但这其实相当干净,而且很有趣。每天我们都会制造许多垃圾,包括不同的材料,如塑料、铝箔、布和纸。我们可以利用这些垃圾制作图画。这些图画可能会很重,所以你要用结实的纸或者卡片纸,而且要用强力的胶水把这些垃圾粘贴到卡片纸上。一旦它们粘贴好,你就可以在图中的不同区域喷洒颜料了。垃圾印画又一次用到了垃圾,不过这次是作为画笔。例如,易拉罐的一端可以蘸上颜料,用来在一张卡片纸上画圆圈。我们可以用旧布做刷子,或者把布拧在一起弄皱,勾勒出很有意思的图案。这些形状和图案可以反复使用。也可以从其他的垃圾上切下各种形状,蘸取颜料,压在卡片纸上。还有许多其他东西可用来制作出与众不同的图画,那么,为什么不尝试上面的一些点子,再试试你自己独创的点子呢?玩得开心!Step 1Choose the best answers according to the text.1According to the text, unusual pictures refer to the pictures that _.Aare drawn by unusual personsBlook strange but smell goodCare made with other materialsDare drawn in an unusual way2When you make pizza faces, you need the following materials EXCEPT _.Asmall slices of carrot or pieces of seaweedBtomatoes and a mushroomCpieces of cheeseDsome newspapers3When you want to make string pictures, the best steps are _.Spread the glue where you want to attach the string.Use a crayon or pencil to draw the outline of the picture on the card.Get some card, thin string and glue ready.When the string has dried on the card, you can paint different parts of the string.ABC D4The reason why we should choose small seashells when we create pictures with feathers and seashells is that _.Asmall seashells can be carried easilyBbig seashells are too heavy when they are stuck onto the cardCbig seashells are too expensive for you to make picturesDsmall seashells are much more beautiful than big ones5All the following materials can be used to make rubbish prints EXCEPT _.Aold pieces of cloth Bsome cardCa tin Dsome old pictures答案:15CDABDStep 2Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text.Unusual picturesTypes1.StepsPizza facesUse slices of carrot or pieces of seaweed as hair.Cut up some tomatoes for eyes, pieces of cheese for ears, and a mushroom for a nose.A slice of bacon can be used to make a 2.smile.String picturesDraw the 3.outline of the picture on the card.4.Spread the glue where you want to attach the string.Paint different parts of the string.Feather and seashell picturesMake sure that the seashells 5.arent very heavy.Think about the pattern or picture first.Have the materials 6.laid out on the card and stick them down on the card.Rubbish picturesSelect some rubbish like plastic, 7.aluminium,_cloth and paper.Use strong glue to stick the materials onto the strong paper or card.8.Spray the different sections of the picture with paint.Rubbish printsDip one end of a tin into paint and make circles on a card.Old cloth can be used to form interesting 9.patterns.Cut different 10.shapes out of other rubbish, dip into the paint and press on the card.一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.slicen薄片,切片2.apronn. 围裙3.chefn. 厨师,(尤指)主厨,厨师长4.seaweedn. 海草,海藻5.onionn. 洋葱6.pineapplen. 菠萝7.eggplantn. 茄子8.seashelln. 海贝壳9.pillown. 枕头10.aluminiumn. 铝11.paintbrushn. 画笔12.tinn. 罐子,罐头,罐装物;锡13.dipv. 浸,蘸.拓展词汇1.disgustingadj.令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的disgust n反感,厌恶 v(使)反感,厌恶disgusted adj.厌恶的,反感的2.sprayvt.喷,喷洒,向喷洒n.喷剂;喷雾;浪花sprayer n喷雾者,喷雾器3.wrinklevt.&vi.(使)起皱纹 n皱纹;皱褶;皱痕wrinkled adj.有皱纹的,显出皱纹的1.slice n薄片,切片词块a slice of bread一片面包slice up a loaf 切面包片2.chef n厨师,(尤指)主厨,厨师长词块work as a chef 做厨师the master chef 主厨近义cook n厨师3.spray vt.喷,喷洒,向喷洒n.喷剂;喷雾;浪花词块spray from the waves浪花spray oneself with perfume 喷香水4.disgusting adj.令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的词块a disgusting smell难闻的气味find it disgusting 发现这很恶心反义pleasant adj.令人高兴的5.wrinkle vt.&vi.(使)起皱纹n.皱纹,皱褶,皱痕词块wrinkle up ones forehead皱起额头6.pineapple n菠萝联想watermelon n. 西瓜strawberry n. 草莓blueberry n. 蓝莓二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.carry out执行2be made out of 由制成3cut up 切碎4lay out 展开,铺开;布置,设计5cut something out (of something) 剪出,剪下6have a go (at) 试一试7try out 试验1.unusual pictures 别具一格的图画2anything and everything任何东西3arrange it in the style that you want 布置成你想要的风格4be available at your local grocery 在你当地的食品杂货店里找到5make birthday cards 制作生日卡片6draw the outline of the picture 画出图案的轮廓三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.When you have made the face, you can take a photo of it, so that you can keep your unusual picture forever.当你做完这张脸谱时,你可以给它拍张照,这样你就可以永远保存你这张别具一格的图画。so that“以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句,此时常与can, could等情态动词连用。Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so_that she could be sure of passing it on her first attempt.雪莉认真准备生物考试,为的是确保一次就通过。2.Next, spread the glue where you want to attach the string.然后,在你想粘细绳的地方涂上胶水。where“的地方”,引导地点状语从句。You should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again.你应当养成惯例,将东西放在你能再次找到的地方。1(教材P46)Use small slices of carrot or pieces of seaweed as hair, and arrange it in the style that you want.用一些薄胡萝卜片或者海藻碎片当作头发,将它布置成你想要的风格。arrange vt.&vi.安排;筹备;商定;排列;整理arrange sth. for .为安排某事arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事arrange to do sth. 安排做某事arrange (that) . 安排arrangement n. 安排;筹备They arranged everything for the meeting.他们为会议做好了一切准备。Dave arranged for_someone to drive him home.戴维安排人开车送他回家。Have you arranged to_meet_ (meet) Mark this weekend?你安排周末与马克见面了吗?We had arranged that I should go for the weekend.我们已经安排好了我周末去。2(教材P46)Cut up some tomatoes for eyes, pieces of cheese for ears, and a mushroom for a nose.切一些西红柿做眼睛,一些奶酪片做耳朵和一个蘑菇做鼻子。cut up 切碎,剁碎;使伤心Could you cut the onions and eggplants up, please?请你把洋葱和茄子切碎好吗?Jane was really cut_up when her husband left her.在丈夫抛弃她之后,简痛苦极了。cut across抄近道cut away 砍掉;切掉cut down 砍倒;削减cut off 切断cut out 剪下,剪除;删掉cut in 打断(谈话);插嘴He cut_across the fields so as not to be late. 为了不迟到,他抄近路穿过田地。 You must cut down on sugar to lose weight. 你必须少吃糖以减轻体重。When their children lived far away from them, those old people felt cut off from the world.(xx浙江高考改编)当这些老人的孩子们远离他们生活时,他们感觉到跟这个世界隔绝了。3(教材P47)You can lay all the pieces out on the card before you stick them down.你可以把所有的贝壳都铺在卡片上再把它们粘好。lay out 布置,设计;铺开,展开He showed us how to lay out a printed page.他向我们展示怎样设计版面。Lay_out the map on the table and lets have a book.把地图铺在桌子上,咱们来看看吧。lay aside搁置;储蓄lay off 解雇;停止使用lay up 收集,贮存lay down 放下;献出;阐述,声明The pany laid off 100 workers last week because of the financial crisis.由于经济危机,公司上周解雇了一百名工人。Shed managed to lay_aside a few pounds each week from her wages.她设法每周从薪水中存上几英镑。4(教材P47)This may sound disgusting to some, but it is really quite clean and great fun.对一些人来说,这听起来可能有点儿恶心,但这其实相当干净,而且很有趣。disgusting adj. 令人不快的,令人愤慨的,令人厌恶的(1)disgust n厌恶vt. 使厌恶to ones disgust 使某人厌恶的是with/in disgust 厌恶地,反感地(2)disgusted adj. 感到厌恶的be/feel disgusted at/by/with 对感到厌恶The house was in a disgusting state when they broke up.当他们分手时屋子里一片狼藉。People who harm others to benefit themselves are really disgusting (disgust)损人利己之流是可耻的。Sam threw his books down with/in_disgust and stormed out of the room.萨姆愤愤地把书扔下,气冲冲地跑出房间。I am disgusted with/at/by his way of speaking.我讨厌他说话的方式。5(教材P47)There are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures, so why not have a go at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own?还有许多其他东西可用来制作出与众不同的图画,那么,为什么不尝试上面的一些点子,再试试你自己独创的点子呢?have a go (at) 试一试,试图;袭击,指责My son asked me to let him have a go at fixing the puter.我儿子要我让他试一试把这个电脑安装起来。There were about 10 young people standing round him, all waiting to_have_a_go.大约有十个年轻人把他围起来,个个都等着试一下。The boss had a go at Jack for being late for work.老板因为杰克上班迟到而指责他。名师点津表示“尝试”意义的短语还有:want a go想试一试have another try 再试一次try out 试验,尝试try doing sth. 尝试做某事try to do sth. 试图做某事have a try 试一试1When you have made the face, you can take a photo of it, so that you can keep your unusual picture forever. 当你做完这张脸谱时,你可以给它拍张照,这样你就可以永远保存你这张别具一格的图画。(1)so that“以便,为了”,在句中引导目的状语从句,相当于in order to do .或in order that .。His parents call him every day so that/in order that he wont miss them too much. 他父母每天打电话给他,为的是让他不那么想家。He got up very early so that he could catch the train.He got up very early in_order_to_catch the train. 他起得很早以便能赶上火车。(2)so that既可以引导结果状语从句,也可以引导目的状语从句,其区别是:so that引导目的状语从句时,从句常常有can/could 等情态动词,而引导结果状语从句时(相当于as a result)则没有。He raised his voice, so_that everyone heard him. 他提高了声音,结果大家都听见了。2Next, spread the glue where you want to attach the string.然后,在你想粘细绳的地方涂上胶水。(1)句中 where引导的是地点状语从句。where用作从属连词,引导地点状语从句时,修饰主句中的谓语动词。它可以放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,表示“的地方;在/到的地方”,相当于in/at/to the place where。You can sit where you like.你可以坐在你喜欢的地方。The cat hid where_we_couldnt_find_it.猫藏在我们找不到它的地方了。(2)where还可以引导名词性从句和定语从句:where用作连接副词,引导名词性从句,这时从句须用陈述语序。Where we shall hold the party has not been decided yet.我们在哪儿开派对还没有确定。where用作关系副词,引导定语从句,此时where在定语从句中用作地点状语,对表示地点的先行词起修饰和限制作用,相当于“介词which”结构引导的定语从句。This is the last place where I expected to meet you.我绝没想到会在这里遇见你。.单句语法填空1Ill arrange for one of my friends to_meet (meet) you at the airport when you pay a visit.2They arrived there earlier, so that they took more photos of the animals.3These students think that the football game is an interesting activity, where they can develop not only their health but also their team spirit.4Tony, mind your manners! Dont cut in while others are talking.5Seeing a dead fly in my dish, I felt disgusted (disgust) and turned away to call the waiter.6The stone is so big. Im afraid I cant lift it.Take it easy, Jack. You should have a go.完成句子1詹姆斯安排他的秘书去机场接海伦。James arranged_for_his_secretary_to_pick_up_Helen at the airport.2待在你现在待的地方别动。Just stay where_you_are and dont move.3我匆忙做完作业以便能及时看到精彩的电视节目。I hurried through my homework so_that/in_order_that_I_could be in time for the wonderful TV programmes.4加油,尝试一下!你将很快学会做它。e on, have_a_go! Youll soon learn how to do it.5建筑师完成了这幢建筑的内部设计。The architect finished laying_out the interior of the building.6把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。Cut_up_the_carrots before you put them into the pot.一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1She dipped (浸,蘸) her finger into the water to see if it was hot.2Cut the pork into thin slices (薄片), and then put them into the soup.3Her husband is a chef (厨师长) in a big restaurant.4Every weekend children go there to pick up seashells (海贝壳)5I bought some eggplants (茄子) for supper.6He was found asleep on a pillow (枕头) of leaves and moss (苔藓)7Im not easily shocked, but his deed was too disgusting (令人厌恶的)8My eyes are filled with tears when Im cutting up onions (洋葱)9She stitched (缝制) a pocket on the new apron (围裙)10The wrinkles (皱纹) on his face suggest that he is no longer young.单句语法填空1The children were cutting out squares from the scraps of material.2It seems difficult, but I still want to have a go.3My boss arranged for me to_discuss (discuss) business details with someone from another pany.4More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great variety of goods.5Thank you for the book. Ill dip into it this evening.6The method seems good but it needs to be tried out.7It is disgusting (disgust) that he saw a dead mouse in his garden.8The minute we started to lay out the picnic, it rained cats and dogs.9He was badly cut up by the death of his father.10I asked Lucy where she was going.串点成篇微表达早饭时,汤姆铺开(lay out)报纸,发现有篇文章批评了他公司的新产品。浏览(dip)着这篇文章,他对文中所说感到很厌烦(disgust)。接着,他想出了一个计划,并想马上执行(carry out),来证明他们产品的合理性。妻子认为那是没用的,但汤姆想试一试(have a go)。他在大街上召集了50个行人来试用(try out)他们的新产品,让他们说出感觉如何,并把这些人的电话号码记了下来。最后,他把这些公布于众,事实证明,这个计划非常成功。While_having_breakfast,_Tom_laid_out_the_newspaper_and_found_an_article_criticizing_the_new_product_of_his_pany._Dipping_into_it,_he_felt_disgusted_at_what_it_said.Then_he_thought_of_a_plan_and_wanted_to_carry_it_out_at_once_to_prove_their_product_reasonable._His_wife_thought_it_was_useless.However,Tom_wanted_to_have_a_go.He_called_in_50_passersby_in_the_streets_to_try_out_their_new_product,_asked_them_to_speak_out_how_they_felt,_and_recorded_their_telephone_numbers._In_the_end,_he_released_the_result_to_the_public,_and_it_turned_out_to_be_a_success.本单元语言点温故练习.单句改错1Everyone who reached the top of Mount Tai was rewarded for a magnificent view.forwith2Once the project is pleted, they are away to the next opportunity.awayoff3I have mitted myself to sit on two mittees.sitsitting4Hardly had he finished his talk than he was surrounded by the excited workers.thanwhen5We wouldnt have got into trouble if had we followed his advice.去掉if6It is important that our plan should be well laid off before we begin to work.offout7It was disgusted that he said so.disgusteddisgusting8He cut off the electricity quickly, prevented an accident.preventedpreventing.完成句子1他找回了我们丢失的狗,我们因此报答了他。We rewarded_him_for_finding our lost dog.2由于越来越多的树木被砍伐,一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。With_more_and_more_trees_cut_down,_some animals are facing the danger of dying out.3我的钱快用完了,因此我要到银行取些来以防万一。Im running out of money, so Ill go to the bank to withdraw some in_case.4由于地板又湿又脏,我们只好待在外面。With the_floor_wet_and_dirty,_we had to stay outside.5父母为孩子们安排所有的事情,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺平道路。Parents arrange_everything_for_their_children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.6一些村民报告说,一条长达两米多的巨蛇被发现死在附近的一个山洞里。Some villagers reported a huge snake, measuring_over_two_metres_long,_was found dead in a nearby cave.7到了我们该成立一个体育俱乐部的时候了。Its time that we (should)_set_up/set_up_a_sports_club.8这是我们多年前一起工作的地方。This is the place where/in_which_we_worked_together years ago.9花瓶放在了橱柜顶上,以免被打破。The vase had been put on top of the cupboard so_that_it_wouldnt_get_broken.10我们估算这个地区的农场平均面积为65英亩。We calculate_(that)_the_average_size_of_farms in this region is 65 acres.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解One afternoon in November 1918, Moina Michael hurried through the streets of New York. She wore a bright red silk poppy (罂粟) on her coat collar and carried a bouquet of 24 smaller poppies. World War was going on overseas, and Moina was determined to do_her_part.Moina was a teacher at the University of Georgia when the war broke out. She planned to do more than making socks or sweaters for the Red Cross. She w


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