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2019-2020年高中英语必修7Unit2Fitforlife-Section2I. A vocabulary about diseasesanemia 贫血 iron deficiency anemia 缺铁性贫血 angina pectoris 心绞痛arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 apoplexy 中风 bronchitis 支气管炎cirrhosis 肝硬化 diabetes 糖尿病 dysentery 痢疾gastric ulcer 胃溃疡 hepatitis 肝炎 hypertension 高血压hypoglycemia 低血糖 influenza 流感 leukemia 白血病myocardial infarction 心肌梗死 nephritis 肾炎 pneumonia 肺炎rheumatic fever 风湿病 rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎 tumour 肿瘤cerebral infarction 脑梗死 cerebral thrombosis 脑血栓 concussion of brain 脑震荡 epilepsy 癫痫 meningitis 脑膜炎 migraine 偏头痛neurasthenia 神经衰弱 schizophrenia 精神分裂症 appendicitis 阑尾炎cancer of breast 乳腺癌 carcinoma of esophagus 食管癌 carcinoma of stomach 胃癌cervical spondylosis 颈椎病 fracture 骨折 protrusion of intervertebral disc 椎间盘突出rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎 abortion 流产 irregular menstruation 月经失调amygdalitis, tonsillitis 扁桃体炎 cataract 白内障 tinnitus 耳鸣colour blindness 色盲 deafness 聋 keratitis 角膜炎pharyngitis 咽炎 rhinitis 鼻炎 acne 痤疮eczema 湿疹 psoriasis 牛皮癣II. The Tibetan medicineIn light of the Central Governments decision to energetically(积极地) develop Tibetan medicine, astronomy and calendaring, the Lhasa Tibetan Medicine Hospital was renamed Tibetan Medicine Hospital of Tibet on September 1, 1980. The hospital has grown into Tibetan medical treatment, education, research, Tibetan medicine-making and calendaring center in the Tibet Autonomous Region. It has made impressive progress in the treatment of high blood pressure, acupuncture and childrens mental diseases.Since 1981, Tibetan medicine hospitals have been set up in five of the seven prefectures and five of the 75 counties. In September 1981, the Tibetan Medicine Society of the All-China Administration for Medical Sciences held its inauguration(开幕式) ceremony and its council meeting in Lhasa. Dozens of papers on the history of Tibetan medicine, theory, clinical practice, prescriptions and research results were read at the meeting. This played an important role in the inheritance and development of Tibetan medicine. Since the advent(到来)of the 1990s, Tibetan medicine scholars have gone abroad for exchange and cooperation. For example, Coru Cenam and Qamba Chilai went to Japan for a visit in March 1990, and Qamba Chilai and two others visited the United States in December 1992. The visits enhanced mutual understanding and promoted development of Tibetan medicine.To summarize, traditional Tibetan medicine, originally unique to Tibet and born out of centuries of battling nature, has bee an important part of Chinese medicine. As it integrates with advanced modern science, Tibetan medicine better serves Tibetans and people from all over the world. And the best of it has been inherited for further development.III. Food and Meals, How to Keep HealthyEating habits in Czech republic and Great BritainIn our country daily meals usually start with breakfast, which consists of something to drink such as tea with sugar and lemon, cold or warm milk or a cocoa. Most people breakfast on several slices of bread, rolls or buns and butter, processed or natural cheese, eggs, ham, salami, jam and so on. We can also have something sweet. Quite a lot of people eat cereal or cornflakes (脆玉米片) with ingredients like yoghurt, chocolate, stewed fruit, walnuts, hazelnuts (榛实) and so on. We must always remember that breakfast must be healthy, light and easily digestible.Around noon it is lunchtime. Most people take their meals at the school canteen, or local canteen, but some people prefer going to a restaurant or having fast food in a McDonalds. But I assume that these meals are neither healthy nor substantial. Soups may be either vegetable (potato, tomato, pea, bean, carrot, parsley, celery, mushrooms) or meat teas (beef tea, tripe (内脏), chicken, hen). The main dish can be either sweet such as fruit dumplings or pancakes with jam and cream. Or we can have some meat (beef, pork, veal, mutton, lamb) with some vegetables such as potatoes, chips, rice, Czech dumpling, pasta or bread. More healthy fish and poultry are slowly replacing beef and pork. Its healthy to drink at least one glass of mineral water, juice, tea or beer, after each meal. Scientists remend drinking at least two litres of water per a day. At six or seven in the evening es time for dinner. At this time the entire family is usually together. We often prepare warm dishes. On some occasions we even go out to restaurants. There we can choose from a menu of various dishes. Roast pork with sauerkraut and dumplings, chicken with rice, fried pork chops with mashed potatoes, filet (鱼片) of fish with potato salad, roasted sirloin (牛的上部腰肉) beef in sour cream sauce and Czech (捷克斯洛伐克) dumplings. For variety we can order a vegetable salad prepared from tomatoes or cucumbers, stewed fruits or a dessert. While cooking we may add various spices such as garlic, marjoram, pepper, ketchup, vinegar, mustard, onions, and so on. Inappropriate food is the cause of quite a few diseases. More frequent now are disorders of the digestive track, stomach and small and large intestine (肠). It is noteworthy but not surprising, that young people are now suffering from these diseases. It is because of fast food. So we should always keep in mind also our health and not just listen to our stomach and the fact that we are hungry. When you want to be slimmer you can try to go on a diet, but I dont believe in them, because when you eat something with more calories, then all the weight you lost will be back again. It is better to eat more vegetables and fruits, cereal, and other low caloric (热量) and healthy food. And it is also better to eat your last meal before seven PM. Finally, when you sit and do nothing, then all the calories are turned into fat, so I can remend that you should be more active. IV. A Health ReportChronic (慢性的) diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. Yet health experts say these conditions are often the most preventable. Chronic diseases include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and lung disorders.The World Health Organization says chronic diseases lead to about seventeen million early deaths each year. The United Nations agency expects more than three hundred eighty million people to die of chronic diseases by two thousand fifteen. It says about eighty percent of the deaths will happen in developing nations. The W.H.O. says chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in the Asia-Pacific area. In ten years it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their most economically productive years. In fact, experts say chronic diseases are killing more middle-aged people in poorer countries than in wealthier ones. Health officials say as many as eighty percent of deaths from chronic diseases could be prevented. They say an important tool for governments is to restrict the marketing of alcohol and tobacco to young people. Also, more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity. V. More information about AcupunctureAcupuncture is one part of a plete medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture involves the stimulation of certain points on the human body with very thin needles. Just as you connect a keyboard to a puter, acupuncture needles act as signals to the body. These signals produce the healing effects by regulating natural body function. This is why acupuncture can effectively treat such a wide variety of symptoms with no side effects!How does Acupuncture Work?Western Medical Understanding of Acupuncture:It has been said that Western Science simply cannot explain how and why acupuncture works. I think that we can do better then that. The human body has 2 primary methods of controlling and regulating itself. These are the nervous system and the endocrine(内分泌) system. The brain, spine (脊骨), and other nerves make up the nervous system, an electrical system similar to the wiring in a home or puter. The endocrine system is a system of chemical signals that uses hormones (荷尔蒙,激素)and neurotransmitters(神经传递素) to send signals instead of electrical impulses. Both of these systems give the brain information about how the body is functioning. They also allow the brain to then control the rest of the body and do things like digest food, breathe, and move. Various studies and tests (blood tests, MRI, etc.) indicate that acupuncture stimulates these chemical and electrical controls of the body. This is how acupuncture is able to alleviate (减轻) pain, balance the emotions (neurotransmitter levels), relax muscles, stimulate the immune system, etc. Because acupuncture works with these control systems by stimulating them rather then directly altering their function or adding a pharmaceutical agent, the body is actually retrained or balanced, and the healing is done by and in concert with the natural flow of human function.Traditional Understanding of AcupunctureRather then identify the millions of individual chemicals and thousands of nerve connections and pathways,Traditional Chinese Medicine considers the body as one unit. The body functions are carried out by Qi (energy, nerve signals, etc.), and Blood (including all body fluids). The Qi and Blood nourish and fill the organs, bones, and muscles. All of the bodies functions are understood in terms of 12 organ systems or meridians. Each of these 12 includes not only a specific organ but also particular body functions, emotions, and physical regions of the body as well. For example the Lung system includes the Lung organ, the sense of smell, the emotion of grief, the skin in general, and its physical region is a portion of the inner arm beginning near the nipple and extending along the arm to the thumb. These 12 systems or meridians (经络)have numerous specific interconnections and relationships that define all phenomena of the human body. It is the understanding of these 12 systems and their interrelationships that forms the theoretical basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. By treating the meridians with acupuncture, pain and other dysfunctions (官能障碍)are balanced and eliminated. Because the meridians are electrical channels, the acupuncture needles act as conductors of Qi (energy) and redirect the bodies energy. Does acupuncture hurt?No, acupuncture is generally pain-free. However, it is not sensation-free. As stated above the feeling of an acupuncture needle is unique. Patents describe the sensations they feel very differently. Descriptions range from feeling nothing at all, to a very heavy sensation, or tingling. Some people describe feeling like a mosquito bite, sometimes there are sensations throughout the body or in other parts of the body, or a deep feeling of heat. If any sensation is unfortable, please let us know and we can adjust the intensity of the sensations and treatment to match your body. Are there any side effects to Acupuncture?Basically the answer is no. Some people feel really energized after a treatment; others feel so relaxed they are ready for a nap. The most mon side effect from Acupuncture is an occasional hematoma (血肿) (bruise). The needles are so thin that even if they were placed right at an artery (动脉) or vein, they often go around them without injury.VITranslation of reading两种挽救生命的药物这篇文章将着重讲述两种改变人类生活的药物。倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜, 都很可能找到阿司匹林和青霉素。自这两种药物被发明以来,它们已挽救了数百万人的生命。阿司匹林医学史家认为阿司匹林发明时间是1897年,但事实上,早在3500年前就有一些药方建议人们饮用一种由特殊植物的干叶制成的茶来减轻身体的病痛。大约2500年前,医生之父、古希腊医师希波克拉底就用一种由树皮制成的汤药来退烧和减轻疼痛。汤药中起作用的化学物质(水杨酸)能止痛。1897年,一位名叫费利克斯霍夫曼的欧洲药剂师从其他化学物质中提取乙酰水杨酸(ASA)制成药物,为自己的父亲治病。1899年,该药品第一次进行试验,当时,霍夫曼供职的公司开始将该药以粉末形式提供给医师,让他们用于病人。一年以后,阿司匹林被制成片剂在药店出售,每片含有500毫克的乙酰水杨酸。这是世界上首批以标准片剂出售的药品之一。1950年,阿司匹林成为吉尼斯记录中最畅销的止痛药。 阿司匹林不仅因退烧止痛而挽救了很多人的生命,它还有其他用途。美国的一位医生劳伦斯克雷文发表了好几篇报告,其中1953年的一篇报告提出了阿司匹林可以稀释血液、从而减少心脏病发作的观点。该报告并没有引起人们注意。但是,1971年,英国医生史密斯和威利斯证实阿司匹林是一种能够稀释血液的药物。1977年,美国的一项研究证明,阿司匹林中的化学物质乙酰水杨酸能预防中风。中风是由于大脑血管爆裂或梗塞而产生的一种突发疾病。11年后,美国医生图恩指出,乙酰水杨酸可以降低40的结肠癌发病率。到xx年,阿司匹林已有一百年的历史,然而关于它如何帮助延长人类寿命方面还有更多的发现。xx年,中国医生袁敏生发现,乙酰水杨酸可以降低血糖,因而能帮助糖尿病患者。青霉素另外一种帮助人类提高健康水平的药物是青霉素。许多人认为这种杀菌药是当代社会中最重要的药物之一。它是由苏格兰科学家亚历山大弗莱明于1928年发现的。他注意到,带有细菌的一种特殊的、透明的果子冻上长起了霉。他观察到细菌的细胞透亮,这意味着这些细胞死了,是那些霉杀死了它们。弗莱明将这种霉放在另外一种细菌上做试验,结果发现霉同样杀死了那种细菌。他立刻想到把它应用到由细菌引起的伤口和疾病的治疗。他把霉里的化学物质命名为青霉素并尽力提纯该物质以便制药,但没能做成。弗莱明没有放弃。然而,一直到第二次世界大战时,另外两位科学家澳大利亚人霍华德弗洛里和出生于德国的英国人恩斯特钱恩才得以运用新的化学技术提纯该物质,而且能够大量生产它。由于战争,这种新药成了急需,因此很快开始批量生产。正因为青霉素的广泛应用,二战期间很多生命得以挽救。于是,当年的梦想变成了现实。如果没有青霉素,很多人会死于由细菌引起的疾病,甚至是死于小小的伤口。青霉素也用于治疗其他的疾病,其中包括肺炎,这是一种侵袭肺部的疾病。因此,尽管弗莱明发现了青霉素,却是十多年后由别人将它制成了二十世纪的了不起的药物。 由于弗莱明、弗洛里和钱恩的贡献,1945年他们共同获得诺贝尔奖的生理学或医药学奖而青霉素因挽救了数百万人的生命,很快成为一种强大的“神奇药品”。VII. Translation of project神针:中医针灸“神针”艺术,或称针灸,是最有名的中医疗法之一。针灸始于xx多年前。有些人认为它在中国已被使用了近4000年之久。人们认为针灸的使用始于石器时代,那时有一种叫“砭”的石刀或边缘锋利的工具,被用来在身体肿胀部位扎孔。 随着针灸的发展,简易的“砭石”被石针或瓷针所代替。后来,金属针的出现取代了石针和瓷针。这时的针有九种,其中包括用于切割皮肤表面的镜针、用于摩擦的圆针、用于敲打或按压的提针、让液体从脓肿部位流出的镀针。这些针由金或银等不同金属制成。一些针灸师仍然使用金针或银针,但大部分医师使用不锈钢制成的针。如今,用于针灸的主针很细很锋利。而其他大多数的针已被更为复杂的外科手术器械所代替。例如,镀针已被医生在手术时所使用的锋利的手术刀所取代。 针灸是在身体一定穴位插入不锈钢针来治疗疾病或解决健康问题。这些穴位称为针灸穴位。针灸疗法最初使用时有365个这样的穴位,其数量和一年的天数相同。然而,在过去的xx年中,针灸的穴位逐渐增长到大约xx个。一些针灸医师在患病处或患病附近扎针,而另外一些则根据病人的病症选择扎针的位置。 假如你去看针灸医生,他们会使用望、闻、问、切的方法,即询问你的病史和生活方式,察看你的肤色和舌头,听你的呼吸,并为你切脉。有十二种不同的脉搏,每个手腕上分布六个。每个脉搏都和身体的一个主要器官或器官功能有联系。每个手腕上可检查六种脉搏。这有助于针灸师了解哪条经络乏力。而西医只检查一种显示心跳的脉搏。 可通过针灸来处理的一些医学问题包括剧痛,如颈部和背部的疼痛、头痛、伤痛以及胃和血压方面的疾病。有些人也用针灸来治疗烟瘾、毒瘾、酗酒以及暴食等。在西方,针灸已和中草药一样非常受人们欢迎,许多国家都有针灸师。 针灸如何减轻或缓解病痛的原理目前尚不清楚。一种理论认为,针灸阻止了疼痛信号到达脊髓或大脑。另外一种理论认为,针灸促进体内能减轻病痛的化学物质的产生。

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