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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第一部分模块九Units34课下作业牛津译林版.单项填空1Some patients experience a slow decline in their health as the effectiveness of the drugs increases _Aby and by Blittle by littleCafter all Dall in all答案Bby and by不久;little by little逐渐地,缓慢地;after all毕竟;all in all总之。只有B符合句意。2_ by the mudslide,the city was cut off from the outside.AHaving struck BTo be struckCStruck DBeing struck答案C由此可知句子主语the city与strike之间是逻辑上的被动关系,所以要用过去分词作原因。3The travelling plan,_ most of people objected,was in no way practicable.Awhich Bto whichCwith which Din which答案Bobject to“反对”,因此空格处需用“介词towhich”来引导非限制性定语从句。4The teacher explained the question slowly and carefully so that the student could _Arely on Bget onCput on Dcatch on答案Dcatch on “理解,明白”,符合句意。5She got off the bus,_ with two heavy suitcases.Aburdening BburdenedCburden Dto burden答案B(be)burdened with “负重”,符合句意。此处为其过去分词形式作伴随状语。6You must _ your graduation paper to your guide by Friday.Asubmit Bconsist Cadmit Daddict答案Asubmit.to.“向上交”,符合句意。7Drunk driving used to occur _ in our city,but now such cases are rare.Apractically BgenerallyCfrequently Dgradually答案C句意:酒后驾车过去在我们城市经常发生,但是现在这种情况很少见了。practically“实际地”;generally“普遍地”;frequently“频繁地”;gradually“逐步地”。根据句意选C。8Children are _ to meet with setbacks (挫折)as they grow up,so their parents dont have to worry about it.Apossible Bdue Cnecessary Dbound答案Dpossible “可能的”;due “应得的”;necessary “必要的”;bound “肯定的”。句意:孩子们在成长过程中必然要遭遇挫折,对此家长们不必担心。be bound to意为“必定,肯定会”,符合语境。9It was with the help of the local guide _ the mountain climber was rescued.Awho Bthat Cwhen Dhow答案BIt was.that.为强调句型,被强调部分是with介词短语。10I am terribly sorry,sir.I thought it was the parking place._Here is your ticket.AIt doesnt matter BYou are rightCI cant agree with you DSorry,thats no excuse答案D“很对不起,先生。我原以为这是停车场地。”“对不起,这不是借口。这是罚单。”根据语境判断这是警察和司机的对话,根据“Here is your ticket.”判断D项符合语境。A项意为“没关系”;B项意为“你是对的”;C项意为“我不同意你的观点”。.阅读理解ARenaissance is a French word.It means rebirthIts a strange name for a period of history.What was it that was reborn during the Renaissance?To answer this question, we need to look back at the time of the Roman Empire.At this time Roman artists, scientists and writers influenced by Greek ideas were the worlds most advanced.They had bee skilled observers of the natural world around them, and had bee experts in studying animals, plants, the human body or the stars and planets.They wrote down their ideas about what they saw, and based their theories about the world on their observations.During the fourth and fifth centuries the Roman Empire slowly broke down.Many of the Romans art and sculptures were destroyed and some manuscripts (原稿) were lost as well.But most importantly, some of the ancient attitudes were lost.A questioning approach to the world was replaced by an unquestioning one.Why did this happen? One reason was to do with the influence of the Christian Church.Through the thousand years follow the fall of the Roman Empire, the Church controlled many aspects of life including education and learning.The Church ran all the universities and thought that the aim of a university should be to teach old ideas more clearly, not to introduce new ones.The scholars in the universities were expected to study God and heaven from the Bible and ancient books, rather than the world around them.Take medicine, for example.The main textbook for doctors had been written by a Greek doctor called Galen more than a thousand years earlier.But when Roger Bacon, a thirteenthcentury priest (牧师), said that a new approach to medicine was neededdoctors should do their own original research instead of reading writers from the past such as Galenthe Church put him in prison.By the time of the fourteenth century, however, some parts of the Christian Church were being less strict about their ideas and there was a new state of mind among artists, doctors and scientists.People wanted to find out more about the world by studying it.This attitude of investigation had been mon in classical scholars, and it was reborn during the Renaissance.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。“文艺复兴”一词来源于法语,意为“重生”,那么在文艺复兴时期重生的是什么呢?本文给出了答案。1We know from the text that scientists at the time of the Roman Empire believed in_Atheir panions observationsBwhat they saw with their own eyesCwhat they learned from the GreeksDthe most advanced theories at that time答案B细节理解题。根据第二段中的skilled observers及They wrote down their ideas about what they saw, and based their theories about the world on their observations可知,罗马帝国时期的科学家们善于观察,他们相信自己看到的,并基于自己的观察建立理论。2We can infer that students in the Churchcontrolled universities might_Ahave good memoriesBchange their beliefsCbe lacking in creativityDbe interested in astronomy答案C推理判断题。根据第四段中的the aim of a university should be to teach old ideas more clearly, not to introduce new ones.study God and heaven from the Bible and ancient books, rather than the world around them可知,在教会控制下的大学里,学生们只是机械地学习已有的知识,不去探究周围的世界,这样教育出来的学生必然缺乏创造力。3Roger Bacon was put in prison because he_Agave up being a priestBchallenged the ChurchCdid some research secretlyDshowed no respect for Galen答案B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,在教会的影响下,当时主要使用的医学教科书是一千多年前盖伦写的。罗杰培根对此提出了反对意见,他认为医生应该自己做研究,而不是阅读过去某个人写的著作。正是因为罗杰培根提出了与教会倡导相悖的意见,所以他被关进了监狱。4The text probably es from a book about_Amedicine BhistoryCreligion Deducation答案B文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文回答了“在文艺复兴时期重生的是什么”的问题。有关文艺复兴的话题属于历史的范畴,故选B项。BEfforts to stop illegal trade of endangered animals are gaining strength in some areas in Asia,including Southeast Asia.But now,researchers must decide what to do with the thousands of animals rescued every year,because there is little space for them.They found that these rescued animals need more space in Asia according to their research.This problem is obvious at the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center,not far from Phnom Penh,the capital of Cambodia.Gibbonsa kind of apecall across the protected forest.Their voices sometimes can be heard joining with those of rare birds and other endangered animals.Many of the animals arrived at the rescue center after being seized by Cambodias Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team.The team includes Cambodian government officials and researchers.Every year the team rescues hundreds of endangered animals and puts them into the center.But there has been little space for them already.The Phnom Tamao Rescue Center is home to about 100 sun bears.That is the largest population of sun bears in captivity.A number of moon bears also live there.One researcher says the whole protected area would support only a single bear in the wild.But researchers say they have to put two kinds of bears together because there is no other places for them to be protected.Two bears were released after they regained their health in the center.They did well for about three months.But then:“They both got seized again by poachers(偷猎者)So whats the main problem in Cambodia is the hunting.Its just the forests arent safe at the moment for releasing bears.And in the forests which probably we might be able to release animals are full of mines.”A huge amount of money is exchanged in the illegal trade of animals.It is the worlds third largest black market,after sales of arms and drugs.Well organized criminal groups remove species from the wild faster than they can reproduce.More than 2,000 rare turtles were returned to their native wild home in Indonesia last month.These creatures were taken from wildlife smugglers(走私犯)They had been seized a month earlier in Hong Kong.Pangolins(穿山甲) are often called scaly anteaters.They are sometimes hunted for food and medicine.Those abilities have led them to bee the most often seized mammal in Asias wildlife trade.The Worldwatch Institute says that has caused a great loss of their populations in Cambodia,Vietnam and Laos.Thailand forms a major point of transport for smugglers.Officials there reported seizing more than 10,000 live animals and 1,300 animal dead bodies last year.Researchers drew a conclusion that rescued animals really need more space in Asia and they are trying their best to solve the problem.But there is a long way for them to go.5Which of the following is the best title for the text?AMore and more animals are endangered in AsiaBThe illegal trade of wild animals in AsiaCRescued animals need more space in AsiaDThe best way to rescue endangered animals答案C主旨大意题。短文通过研究者对获救的野生动物的研究发现,在亚洲获救的野生动物没有足够的空间来生存,它们需要更多的空间。短文第一段为主体段,最后一段总结并再次强调了这一问题。第一段最后一句They found that these rescued animals need more space in Asia according to their research.为主题句。故选项C可作文章的标题。6The underlined word “released” in Paragraph 3 probably means _Aset free Bsold offClooked after Dgiven away答案A词义猜测题。根据画线单词后面的They both got seized again by poachers可知,偷猎者再次抓住了它们。由此可知,这两只熊是在恢复健康以后被释放到野外的。故画线单词的意思是“释放;使获得自由”。7What is the purpose of the passage?ATo tell an interesting story.BTo give practical advice.CTo solve a difficult problem.DTo present a research result.答案D推理判断题。短文通过研究者对获救的野生动物的研究发现,在亚洲获救的野生动物没有足够的空间来生存,它们需要更多的空间。由此可知,这篇短文是向读者介绍一项研究成果。8How does the passage make its topic stand out?ABy telling some classical stories.BBy paring opinions from different fields.CBy giving various examples.DBy asking questions at the beginning of the passage.答案C推理判断题。为了说明亚洲获救的野生动物需要更多的生存空间这一主题,作者列举了一系列的例子来说明亚洲获救的野生动物生存空间狭小。由此可知,作者是用举例的方式来使主题突出的。9We can infer from the passage that _Aeffective ways will be found to protect endangered animals soonBthe illegal trade of animals is still widespread in some areas in AsiaCmore and more wildlife rescue centers have been set up in AsiaDdifferent kinds of animals can grow better in the wildlife rescue centers 答案B推理判断题。根据短文第5段A huge amount of money is exchanged in the illegal trade of animals.It is the worlds third largest black market,after sales of arms and drugs.可知,在亚洲的一些地区野生动物的非法贸易依旧很普遍。故选项B正确。10It can be known from the passage that _Apangolins are often hunted because they can be made into medicineBThailand has the largest wildlife rescue center in the worldCCambodia is a country where there are so many smugglers and poachersDthe rare turtles in Indonesia will die out in the near future答案A细节理解题。根据第5段中的Pangolins(穿山甲) are often called scaly anteaters.They are sometimes hunted for food and medicine.可知答案。


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