2019-2020年高考英语 全套课时作业单元练习(必修1-选修8)新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 全套课时作业单元练习(必修1-选修8)新人教版. 单项填空1. (贵阳模拟)Today, rapid development of transportation and munication, the whole world seems to be smaller. A. regardless ofB. in spite ofC. instead ofD. because of2. (南宁模拟)As soon as the projectat the meeting, it attracted many peoples attention. A. es upB. was e upC. came upD. had been e up3. (太原模拟)With our knowledgepractice, we can make great contributions to our country. A. based onB. basing onC. base onD. to base on4. (兰州模拟)Every minute has been made fullof by the girls _ knowledge about etiquette(礼仪). A. using; learningB. use; to learnC. to use; to learnD. use; learning5. My English teacher advised mekeep my mouth shut to improve my spoken English. A. toB. not toC. notD. mustnt6. (唐山模拟)Imhappy to take you there in my car. You are so nice. Thank you. A. rather thanB. other thanC. more thanD. less than7. (郑州模拟)Hethat the meeting room should be cleaned thoroughly. A. declaredB. announcedC. expressedD. manded8. (南阳模拟)More high-speed trains areto slow down to improve safety. A. requestedB. recognizedC. suggestedD. forbidden9. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one wouldhim. A. knowB. reachC. recognizeD. realize10. Seeing the roadwith snow, we had to spend the holiday at home, watching TV. A. blockingB. to blockC. blockedD. to be blocked11. (衡阳模拟)Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, they knew it to be valuable. A. as ifB. now thatC. even thoughD. so that12. Have you seen a red pen on the desk? Sorry. There ispen here. A. not suchB. such noC. no such aD. no such13. (宁波模拟)According to the present economical, it is important to safeguard the regional growth and stability. A. expressionB. situationC. conditionD. translation14. She will tell us why she feels so strong that each of us has a rolein making the earth a better place to live on. A. to have playedB. to playC. to be playedD. to be playing15. As is known to all language learners, the newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unlessused in everyday munication. A. graduallyB. accuratelyC. familiarlyD. frequently. 阅读理解It started out as a noble intention to help travelers who lose their way in the mountains. Wang Gaoming never expected it to turn into a fulfilling career. “Initially, some travelers did not believe that I had better forest travel knowledge than them, ” says Wang from Hetaoping village in the Qinling Mountains in Taibai county, Shaanxi Province. While most of his fellow villagers had left for greener pastures(牧场), the 37-year-old stayed on. Living with his 80-year-old mother, Wang remains single because he “has been too poor to get married” . “Many villagers of my age have left for bigger cities but I like to stay to help develop the mountain tourism in our county, ” Wang says. He knows the mountains inside out because he used to follow his father to pick wild herbs(药草). Those trips also enhanced his knowledge of the various species of plants available and their characteristics. “It was hard work to pick herbs deep in the mountains and we often stayed for more than 20 days in the forest, ” Wang says. “Put me anywhere in the mountains, and I can easily tell the direction and find the way out. ” Taibai Mountain, a part of the Qinling Mountain range, is popular among hikers from across the country because of its unique and beautiful natural scenery. But there have been incidents of travelers losing their way. Some had died. “In June xx, I learned that a college student died because he couldnt find his way out of the mountains. I felt really sad that a young life ended that way and decided to do my part to help other tourists, ” he says. Very quickly, Wang earned a reputation as a forest guide, earning some 50 yuan ($8) a day. (288W)1. How does he get better forest travel knowledge? A. By picking wild herbs. B. By living in the village. C. By helping other tourists. D. By enjoying natural scenery. 2. Which of the following can best describe Wang Gaoming? A. Reliable and generous. B. Tough and devoted. C. Careful and caring. D. Proud and wise. 3. Why does he want to be a forest guide? A. Because he has lots of forest travel knowledge. B. Because he wants to help tourists. C. Because he wants to earn money. D. Because he used to pick herbs. 4. What is the passage mainly about? A. The way to pick herbs. B. Measures to earn money. C. A forest guide. D. An advertisement of forest travel. . 阅读第二节(敦煌模拟)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。“Look it up in the dictionary” is the usual ment when people are in doubt about the meaning or spelling of a word. Dictionaries are considered the final authority on these matters as well as on pronunciations and other facts about a word. Until a few hundred years ago, however, people could not “look it up” because there were no English dictionaries. The ancient Greeks and Romans and the scholars of the Middle Ages had made lists of Latin and Greek words. 1The first great English dictionary listing both mon and unmon words was written by Samuel Johnson in 1755. In America, the most famous name in dictionary writing is that of Noah Webster. He stressed American rather than British ways of speaking. His great dictionary, which first appeared in 1828, has been republished many times. 2The latest edition is still considered “the” dictionary. It defines over 450, 000 words, including radar, television and many others undreamed-of by Webster. 3The huge ones that rest on stands in libraries are called unabridged, meaning “not shortened” . They tell not only a words meaning and spelling but also its pronunciation, origin, history, part of speech, grammatical forms and ways of use. The smaller ones do not provide all the information. 4A bilingual(两种语言的)dictionary, such as a Spanish-English dictionary, translates words from one language into another. A thesaurus(分类词典)lists other words that mean the same as each listed word. A gazetteer lists place names, and a glossary is a small dictionary in a book defining technical words in that book. There are also dictionaries of scientific terms and ones on many other topics. There is even a dictionary of slang. 5The dictionary is one of our most valuable language tools. A. Each time, it has been updated. B. General dictionaries are not the only kind. C. Thus there are many kinds of special dictionaries. D. In a general dictionary, each word may have multiple meanings. E. Dictionaries that list all kinds of words are known as general dictionaries. F. Over the previous 150 years more than 20 dictionaries had been published. G. But it was not until 1604 that a book of unmon English words appeared. 答案解析. 1.【解析】选D。考查短语意义辨析。句意: 当今, 由于交通和通信的迅速发展, 整个世界看起来更小了。regardless of不论, 不管; in spite of尽管; instead of代替; because of因为, 由于。【知识拓展】表示原因的介词短语大荟萃owing to由于thanks to由于; 多亏了due to由于(作表语或状语, 一般不放于句首)on account of由于Thanks to your timely help, I finished my work ahead of time. 多亏了你的及时帮助, 我提前完成了工作。The teams success was largely due to her efforts. 这个队的成功在很大程度上是她努力的结果。2.【解析】选C。考查e up的用法。句意: 这个方案在会上一提出就引起了很多人的注意。as soon as表示主从句的动作同时发生, 由主句的时态可知应排除A、D两项; e up作 “提及, 提出” 解时; 是不及物动词短语, 没有被动语态。3.【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意: 由于我们的知识建立在实践的基础之上, 我们能够为国家作出巨大的贡献。knowledge和base on之间是被动关系, 故应使用过去分词作宾语补足语。4.【解析】选B。考查make full use of的被动形式。句意: 女孩们充分利用每一分钟来学习礼仪知识。还原成主动语态后应为: The girls have made full use of every minute to learn knowledge about etiquette. 。5.【解析】选B。句意: 为了提高我的英语口语, 英语老师建议我要多开口说英语。advise sb. not to do sth. 建议某人不要做某事。故B项正确。6.【解析】选C。考查短语意义辨析。由答句可知第一个人非常乐意开车送第二个人去那儿, 能接形容词表示 “非常” 之意的只有 “more than” 。【变式备选】In no city, Kunming, as has been said, will one experience very slight climate variation in the four seasons. A. other thanB. more thanC. better thanD. rather than【解析】选A。考查短语意义辨析。句意: 正如所述, 除了昆明, 没有任何一座城市能使人们在一年四季中经历如此细微的气候变化。7.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 他命令会议室应该被彻底打扫。mand后跟的宾语从句中谓语动词用 “should do/be done” , should可以省略。8.【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 更多的高铁被要求减速来提高安全性。request要求; recognize认可; suggest建议; forbid禁止。C项在意义上符合句意, 但结构不正确。9.【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 这位电影明星带着墨镜, 以便没有人会认出他。recognize辨认出; 认出, 与句意相符。10.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意: 因为大雪挡住了道路, 我们只好在家里看电视来度过假期。block与the road之间是动宾关系, 故排除A、B两项; D项to be blocked是将来挡住, 不合题意; C项为过去分词, 符合题意。11.【解析】选C。考查连词意义辨析。句意: 他们中的许多人对他的建议充耳不闻, 尽管他们知道它有价值。even though即使, 尽管, 引导让步状语从句。as if好像; now that既然; so that为了。12.【解析】选D。no在此相当于not a/any, 单独使用时应放于such之前; A项such后应加a; C项中a应去掉。13.【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 根据目前的经济形势, 确保地区增长和稳定是重要的。expression表情; 表达; situation形势; 情景; condition状态; 状况; translation翻译。14.【解析】选B。考查动词不定式的时态与语态。从句意看, 整个动作发生在将来, to play作a role的定语, 之间存在着逻辑上的动宾关系, 又与句中的each of us存在着逻辑上的主谓关系, 故动词不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。动词不定式to play指将来的动作; to have played指已经完成的动作; to be playing则强调动词不定式动作正在进行。15.【解析】选D。考查副词的用法。句意: 语言学习者都知道, 新学的单词如果不经常在日常交际中使用, 不久就会被忘记。gradually逐渐地; accurately精确地; familiarly熟悉地; frequently经常地。. 村民王高明留守在太白山下的小村庄, 为在山上迷路的游客指引方向, 并把它当作毕生的事业。1.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第五段第一句话, 可知王高明过去常常和他父亲去山上采药草, 所以对山上的情况非常熟悉。2.【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章描述, 在很多人离开的时候, 王高明坚持留了下来, 帮助迷路的游客, 同时为当地旅游作出贡献。所以他是个坚强的并乐于奉献的人。3.【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段和第九段可知王高明是为了帮助迷路的游客而当森林导游的。4.【解析】选C。主旨大意题。根据文章大意, 可知本文是对森林导游王高明的介绍, 赞扬了他帮助他人、乐于奉献的精神。. 答案: 15. GAEBC必修4 Unit 5. 单项填空1. Nowadays, people get news around them and about the world frommedia, such as on TV, by radio, in the newspaper or on the Internet. A. formalB. preciousC. variousD. normal2. When a disaster occurs, all people, they are old or young, rich or poor, try their best to help those in need. A. no matterB. whetherC. howeverD. even though3. (贵阳模拟)Can you give some explanation about the rumor on the Internet? . A. No mentB. No doubtC. No problemD. No wonder4. (遵义模拟)Such food doesnt keep long. You may as wellit in fridge. A. pensateB. processC. preserveD. reserve5. (丽江模拟)These days, he has stayed up late into night in order to get good marks in the following monthly test. Its nothat he seems tired and sleepy in class every day. A. wonderB. problemC. doubtD. question6. (黄石模拟)Vitamin C helps our bodies make a special chemical, which _affects our brains, making us feel happy. A. in allB. in turnC. in advanceD. in short7. In the near future, morein the space technology will be made by scientists. A. advantagesB. adventuresC. advancesD. advertisements8. (天水模拟)Im quiteto office work. Can you offer me some suggestions? A. familiarB. freshC. similarD. sensitive9. (南阳模拟)The old tower must be saved, the cost is. A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. wherever10. The Forbidden City is a great touristdrawing millions of visitors every year. A. arrangementB. attractionC. acmodationD. appearance11. (开封模拟)What should I wear for the party, darling? Were already late! A. e on! B. Cheer up! C. Its a long story. D. Dont mention it. 12. What about going to see The Red Sorghum tonight? To be honest, Im very interested in Mo Yans works. A. So what? B. Forget it! C. Not really. D. Thats great! 13. Imy former teacher in the supermarket near the customs, which was out of my expectation. A. came aboutB. came alongC. came acrossD. came to14. Supermarkets now offer a greatof goods to satisfy different needs and. A. variety; tastesB. type; hopesC. number; smellD. kind; market15. The government is doing its best tothe cultures of the tribal people for fear that they may soon die out. A. preserveB. frustrateC. hesitateD. defend. 完形填空(南昌模拟)It was at a concert that I happened to find David. He was holding his head at a strange1as if he were staring down at something. Then the truth struck me. He was blind. The last thing he remembers2was his daughter being born. Then the world went3. Bad luck is no stranger to this 44-year-old man. His mother died of cancer, and his weak father had to411-year-old David to the care of the state. Things seemed always to go from bad to5. Two years ago, his beloved guide dog pulled him out of the6of a truck. David was not hurt. The dog7. But David does not feel sorry for himself. “These are just little obstacles(障碍)you have to8in your life, ” he said. He has to make a daily two-hour trip to his working placethe X-ray department of an9room. It was a hard job to10. Before he got it, David was determined to escape the workshop run by the Lighthouse, an organization11to help blind people. He wanted a job of developing X-ray film, something12, not just he, must do in the dark, including people with13eyesight. The Lighthouse called many hospitals, with no result, 14they offered to pay his first three months salary. David works alone in a dark room that15of chemicals. He cannot wear gloves. 16, he could not feel. Since this is an emergency room, lives can be put17or out of danger. His directress says she trusts him 100 percent. He makes $20, 000 a year. But his motivation(动机)goes18money. “By working, I can realize my own19. Thats the most important! ” he said. What a shining example for us to20! (288W)1. A. ankleB. directionC. angleD. altitude2. A. doingB. feelingC. seeingD. hearing3. A. blankB. colorfulC. emptyD. silent4. A. bring upB. bring inC. give upD. give in5. A. worseB. goodC. betterD. mad6. A. bottomB. pathC. wheelD. back7. A. killedB. sacrificedC. diedD. injured8. A. seekB. overeC. surroundD. search9. A. upstairsB. emergencyC. informationD. underground10. A. deal withB. get throughC. take upD. e by11. A. intendedB. affordedC. offeredD. devoted12. A. everyoneB. nobodyC. someoneD. none13. A. monB. poorC. normalD. actual14. A. now thatB. as ifC. in caseD. even though15. A. consistsB. smellsC. allowsD. fills16. A. HoweverB. UnfortunatelyC. OtherwiseD. Besides17. A. at riskB. in briefC. up withD. in charge18. A. intoB. beyondC. ontoD. below19. A. blindnessB. ineC. valueD. experiences20. A. setB. takeC. holdD. follow. 短文改错(长春模拟)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Tom, It was greatly to receive your email. Now, I would like to tell you something that takes place in my school yesterday. We held “growing-up” ceremony for our up-ing eighteenth birthdays. First, we both made promises that we would have a sense of duty. Then, we shows our thanks to our parents who have gone through hardships to bring you up and teachers who have educated us patiently. Finally, we put on wonderful performance, singing and dance happily. I think the activity is important too us, which I will remember it for the rest of my life.Yours, Li Ming. 书面表达假如你是新华中学的学生李华, 上周在英语课上使用手机被英语老师王老师发现, 手机被收走。请用英语给王老师写一封道歉信, 内容应包括以下要点: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释上课使用手机的原因; 3. 提出自己的请求并适当表态。注意: 1. 可适当添加细节使文章连贯; 词数: 100个词左右。2. 信的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Wang, I am really sorry about my using the mobile phone in your class last week. _ _Will you be so kind to give it back to me? Thanks a lot! Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua【语篇随练】请运用上下文暗示法, 按照以下提示题号找出完形填空中的对应词题号原文选项2_8_9_17_答案解析. 1. 【解析】选C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 现在人们从各种媒体得到他们周围和有关世界的信息, 如从电视、收音机、报纸或者网络上。various各种各样的, 符合题意。formal正式的; precious珍贵的; normal正常的。2. 【解析】选B。whether. . . or. . . 意思是 “无论是还是” 。句意: 当灾难发生时, 所有的人, 无论老少、贫富, 都尽力帮助那些需要帮助的人。3. 【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意: 你能解释一下网上的谣言吗? 无可奉告。no ment无可奉告; no doubt毫无疑问; no problem没有问题; no wonder不足为奇。4. 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意: 这种食物不能长久保存。你最好把它保存在冰箱里。preserve保存; pensate补偿, 赔偿; process加工, 处理; reserve储备, 保留。【变式备选】(徐州模拟)Id like toa room with bath for a week. Im sorry, Sir. We are all booked up. You know it is the tourist season these days. A. keepB. reserveC. appointD. fix【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 我想预订带有浴室的一个房间一周。对不起, 先生。我们这里都订满了。你知道这些日子是旅游季节。keep保持; reserve预订; appoint任命, 委派; fix使固定。根据句意, 选B项。5. 【解析】选A。(it is)no wonder that为固定句型, 意为 “难怪” 。there is no doubt that毫无疑问。【变式备选】Brad was Janes brother! he reminded me so much of Jane! A. No doubtB. Above allC. No wonderD. Of course【解析】选C。前句句意: 布拉德是简的哥哥! 所以下一句应为 “难怪他总是使我想起简呢! ” 。no wonder意为 “难怪” , 故答案为C。6. 【解析】选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 维生素C帮助我们的身体产生一种特殊的化学物质, 这又反过来影响我们的大脑, 使我们感到高兴。in turn反过来; in all总共; in advance提前; in short简言之。7. 【解析】选C。句意: 在不久的将来, 科学家将在太空技术方面取得更多的进步。make advances取得进步, 符合题意。advantage优势, 利益; adventure冒险; advertisement广告。8. 【解析】选B。句意: 我对办公室工作比较陌生, 你能给我一些建议吗? be fresh to对没经验; be familiar后常跟with/to表示熟悉; similar类似的; sensitive敏感的。9. 【解析】选B。考查状语从句的连接词。句意: 这座年代久远的塔必须被保存下来, 不管花费多少钱。whatever无论什么, 在此处引导让步状语从句, 相当于no matter what, 符合题意。however无论怎样; whichever无论哪一个; wherever无论在什么地方。【变式备选】The new rule is that any incident should be reported, minor it is. A. whateverB. wheneverC. howeverD. wherever【解析】选C。考查连词。句意: 新规定规定不论多么小的事故都要上报。however后面跟形容词或副词, minor是形容词; whatever无论什么; whenever无论何时; wherever无论何地。10. 【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 紫禁城是著名的旅游景点, 每年吸引数百万的参观者。attraction向往的地方, 吸引人的事物, 符合句意。arrangement安排; acmodation房间, 住宿; appearance出现, 露面; 均不符合句意。11. 【解析】选A。考查交际用语。句意: 亲爱的, 晚会上我该穿什么样的衣服? 快点吧! 我们已经晚了! e on! “快一点” ; Cheer up! “振奋起来” ; Its a long story. “一言难尽, 说来话长” ; Dont mention it. “别客气” 。12. 【解析】选D。由Im very interested in Mo Yans works. 可知, 答话人同意对方的建议。故选D。Thats great那太好了, 表示同意他人的建议。forget it算了吧, 表示不同意或拒绝对方的提议。13. 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。由out of my expectation(出乎我的预料)可推知, “我在海关附近的超市偶遇从前的老师” , 故选择C项。e across偶遇。e about发生; e along进步; 进展; e to共计; 苏醒。14. 【解析】选A。句意: 超市现在提供各种各样的商品来满足(人们)不同的需求和爱好。B项和D项根据第一个空可排除, 超市不可能只提供一种商品; C项中第二个空smell是 “气味” 的意思, 不符合句意, 排除。故答案为A。15. 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。根据句意, 应为保存部落文化, 故答案为A。preserve保护, 保存; frustrate挫败, 使灰心; hesitate犹豫; defend防卫。. 1. 【解析】选C。at a(n). . . angle表示 “以角度” 。干扰项是B, 若选B, 其前面的介词应是in。2. 【解析】选C。上文的blind已暗示, 表明他记得最后看见的是他女儿的出生。3. 【解析】选A。blank表示 “空白的” ; empty的意思是 “空的” 。4. 【解析】选C。give up. . . to. . . 表示 “把交给” ; bring up养大, 抚养; bring in带进来, 引进; give in屈服。5. 【解析】选A。from bad to worse越来越糟, 每况愈下。6. 【解析】选B。path表示 “道路” 。7. 【解析】选C。此处需要的是不及物动词, 故选C。A、B、D三项皆为及物动词。8. 【解析】选B。根据上下文可知, 空格处应表示 “克服” , 故选overe。9. 【解析】选B。从文章第七段第四句可知。emergency room急救室。10. 【解析】选D。deal with处理; get through处理, 完成; take up从事; e by设法得到。根据下一句中的Before he got it可知, 此处指 “这是一份很难得到的工作” 。11. 【解析】选A。be intended to do sth. 表示 “意欲做某事” 。12. 【解析】选A。根据常识可知, 空格处应表示 “每个人” 。因为冲洗X光片是每个人都必须在黑暗中做的事情。13. 【解析】选C。此处指 “包括有正常视力的人们” 。normal正常的。14. 【解析】选D。句意: 尽管Lighthouse主动支付三个月的工资, 但Lighthouse给很多医院打电话, 都没有结果。由此可知选D。even though尽管。15. 【解析】选B。smell of表示 “闻起来有某种气味(或气息)” 。16. 【解析】选C。此处表示 “他不能戴手套。否则他就不能摸了。” otherwise否则。17. 【解析】选A。at risk(处于危险中)与out of danger(脱离危险)对应。18. 【解析】选B。go beyond超出。19. 【解析】选C。realize my own value表示 “实现我个人的价值” 。20. 【解析】选D。follow. . . example表示 “以为榜样” 。. Dear

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