2019-2020年高考英语 Unit4 实战演练 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 Unit4 实战演练 新人教版必修2.用所给的词的适当形式填空1. All she dreams is a_and fortable life in a small village by the sea. (peace)答案peaceful2_(protect) policies should be carried out to save the_(danger) animals.答案Protectiveendangered3. The_decided to_Tom as her secretary and she hoped to have a talk with her_before he came to work. (employ)答案employeremployemployee4. Put this plant into this_(contain). It is very_(effect) to mosquitobites.答案containereffective5. Peter had thought the boss was_, but he was_and he fired Peter without_.(mercy)答案mercifulmercilessmercy.短语应用in peace, as a result, in danger, protect. from, die out, have an effect on,set up,too much,get dressed,pay attention to1. I have taken this medicine for three days,hut it doesnt seem to _ me.答案have an effect on2. You should _ your pronunciation so that you can make yourself understood.答案pay attention to3. Because of human activities,many animals are _.答案dying out4. The old prefer to live _ in the countryside.答案in peace5. The factory has _ a night school to provide the workers with more chances to be educated.答案set up6. The diet contains _ sugar and fat.答案too much7. Tom, its late for school. Get up and _ quickly.答案get dressed8. In order to _ his men _ hunger and disease,Captain Cook loaded his ship with everything necessary.答案protectfrom9. Why are these animals _ of disappearing?答案in danger10. People held different views;_,the discussion came to nothing.答案as a result.翻译句子1由于他说的话,母亲很生气。(as a result of)_答案As a result of what he said, mother got very angry.2他们在山村建立了一所学校。(found)_答案They founded a new school in the mountainous village.3她有丧失生命的危险。(in danger of)_答案She was in danger of losing her life.4那令人兴奋的演出吸引了过往行人的注意力。(attention)_答案The exciting performances attracted/drew the passersbys attention.5中国的人口老龄化问题将会对整个社会产生很大的影响。(have an effect on)_答案The aging population in China will have a great effect on the whole society.语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空。The woman often called the First Lady of New York died on August. Brooke Astor was one hundred five years old. The extremely wealthy and famous New Yorker spent much of her life_1_(help)the needy in her beloved city.She was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She was the only child of a high level military officer. After two earlier_2_(marry) ,she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again. He came from a family_3_had been rich for least on hundred years. Among other things, he owed many buildings in New York City. Brooke Astor became one of the_4_(rich)women in the world when Vincent Astor died. She also became head of a huge charity organization_5_(found) by her husband. He repeatedly had told her she would have fun giving_6_his money.And apparently she did. Missus Astor gave tens of millions of dollars_7_(main)to places and people in New York City. She said it was the sensible choice because that was_8_the money had been made. She gave financial support to the citys cultural centers,its poor and disabled as_9_as to many other smaller charities.When she died, the mayor of New York said the city would not be what it is today_10_her support.1解析sb.spend time (in) doing sth.某人花(时间,精力)做某事。答案helping2解析从下文she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again.得知,她以前经历了两次婚姻。答案marriages3解析had been rich前缺主语。这是定语从句,只能用that/which。答案that/which4解析根据句意得知是最富有的。答案richest5解析found创办,成立;建立,过去分词短语作定语,表被动。答案founded6解析give away赠送;赠予;颁发。答案away7解析adv.大部分地;主要地。答案mainly8解析句子the money had been made主谓齐全。根据句意是因为这些钱应该用于人们和社会。答案where9解析as well as也,又,和。答案well10解析没有她的支持,就成就不了现在的纽约。答案without.阅读理解(xx年江苏,B)It was the first snow of winter an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now, I had been able to dress myself for recess (课间休息), but today I would need some help.Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher at Princess Elizabeth School near Hamilton,Ontario,had been through first snow days many times in her long career, but l think she may still remember this one.I managed to get into my wool snow pants. But I struggled with my jacket because it didn t fit well. It was a handmedown from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and matching scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will be able to put on your own boots. ”I didnt realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence.I handed her my boots and stuck out my feet. Like most children, I expected the adult to do all the work. After much wiggling and pushing, she managed to get the first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.I announced, “They re on the wrong feet. ”With the grace that only experience can bring, she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.Then I said,“ These arent my boots, you know.” As she pulled the offending boots from my feet, she still managed to look both helpful and interested. Once they were off, I said,“They are my brother s boots. My mother makes me wear them, and I hate them !” Somehow, from long years of practice,she managed to act as though I wasnt an annoying little girl.She pushed and shoved, less gently this time, and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet. With a great sigh of relief, seeing the end of her struggle with me, she asked, “Now,where are your gloves?”I looked into her eyes and said,“ I didn t want to lose them, so I put them into the toes of my boots.”语篇解读本文通过为小作者穿靴子的故事,描写了老师的善解人意和小女孩的顽皮。1According to the passage, the little girl got_from her brother.A. the wool snow pants and the jacketB. the jacket and the bootsC. the jacket and the hatD. the boots and the gloves解析考查细节理解。根据文章第二段中的“.my jacket because it didnt fit well.It was a handmedown from my brother.”与第四段中的“These arent my boots.They are my brothers boots.My mother makes me wear them”可知作者穿的是她哥哥的夹克与靴子。答案B2What made it so hard for the teacher to help the little girl put her boots on?A. The gloves in the toes of the boots.B. The slowness of the teacher.C. The wrong size of the boots.D. The unwillingness of the girl.解析考查细节理解。根据文章的最后一段的“I didnt want to lose them,so I put them into the toes of my boots”可知让帮助穿鞋的老师费了那么多耐心与力气的是藏在鞋子里的手套。答案A3It can be inferred that before the little girl finally went out to enjoy the first snow of winter, the teacher had to help her put on her boots_.A. onceB. twiceC. three times D. four times解析考查推理判断。从文章第三段与第四段可知老师要帮小作者穿四次鞋:第一次是穿错了脚,第二次是脱下来重新穿上,第三次是作者说了“The arent my boots”之后,她又把鞋脱下来,当听说是作者的妈妈非让作者穿哥哥的鞋后,又把它们给作者穿上,第四次是听说手套被放在鞋子里了,就又脱下来重新穿了一次(文中没有点明,但可推出)。答案D4Which of the following sentences from the text BEST indicates that the teacher is very considerate?A. In her calm, motherly voice she said,“ By the end of winter.”( Paragraph 2)B. With the grace that only experience can bring, she struggled to. (Paragraph 4)C. .she still managed to look both helpful and interested. ( Paragraph 4 )D. .she managed to act as though I wasnt an annoying little girl. ( Paragraph 4 )解析考查细节理解。经过多年的磨砺,老师每次给她穿鞋都是那么有耐心,好像一点也不把小女孩的顽皮放在心上,这足以说明老师很体贴人。答案DB(xx年山东,D)An increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to (归因于) the global economic crisis awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works.Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January, according to UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at Alevel were also up.Professor John Beath, the president of the society and a leading lecturer at St Andrews University, said his firstyear lectures which are open to students from all departments were drawing crowds of 400, rather than the usual 250.“There are a large number of students who are not economics majors, who would like to learn something about it.One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hash t traditionally done,” he added.University applications rose 7% last year, but there were rises above average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15% jump, with peoples renewed interest in careers in the public sector(部门), which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters, and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on, although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain.Zack Hocking, the head of Child Trust Funds, said: “Its possible that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation that s financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty. ”语篇解读本文主要讲述了金融危机下学生们开始更多地选择与经济有关的专业这一现象。5Professor John Beath s lectures are_.A. given in a traditional wayB. connected with the present situationC. open to both students and their parentsD. warmly received by economists解析事实细节题。从第四段第二句话可知他把教学与当前的一些重大事件紧密相连,即贴近现实生活,故B(与当前的形势相联系)为正确答案。答案B6Careers in the public sector are more attractive because of their_.A. greater stability B. higher payC. fewer applications D. better reputation解析事实细节题。从第五段最后可知在当前金融危机下这些公共部门的工作以其安全性和稳定性吸引了求职者,故A(极大的稳定性)为正确答案。答案A7In the opinion of most parents,_.A. economics should be the focus of school teachingB. more students should be admitted to universitiesC. the teaching of financial matters should be strengthenedD. children should solve financial problems themselves解析事实细节题。由倒数第二段的内容可知应该“加强关于经济问题方面的教学”,答案为C。答案C8According to Hocking, the global economic crisis might make the youngsters _.A. wiser in money managementB. have access to better equipmentC. confident about their future careersD. get jobs in Child Trust Funds解析推理判断题。Hocking认为经济下滑带来的一个好处就是让年轻人学会了更明智地处理金钱方面的问题,在经济不稳定时期更好地理财。所以答案为A。答案A9What s the main idea of the text?A. Universities have received more applications.B. Economics is attracting an increasing number of students.C. College students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty.D. Parents are concerned with children s subject selecttion.解析主旨大意题。第一段提到全球性的金融危机使公众想更多地了解有关经济体系方面的一些问题,所以更多的学生申请经济学专业,本文正是对此展开的论述,故答案为B。答案B.话题写作训练读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Some of the planets most precious animals and plants are disappearing, according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN)On September 12, the IUCN released its Red List, a list of species at the greatest risk of extinction.The list includes 41415 animals and plants.The IUCN says that habitat destruction,hunting and other factors threaten all kinds of animals.Who is to blame?Scientists believe that 99 percent of threatened species are at risk because of human activity. “We are losing animals and plants at a high rate,” says Julia MartonLefEevre,director general of the IUCN. “We need to change our behavior.”Warmer oceans and overfishing are affecting sea life. This year for the first time corals (珊瑚虫) made their appearance on the list.The crocodile living in India and Nepal, has lost almost 60 percent of its population in the last 10 years. It is a victim of habitat destruction.Still, the news is not all bad. Thanks to the efforts made to protect them, some endangered animals have had an increase in their population. “This shows that protection methods can work,” says MartonLefEevre. “That s the message we want to send to young people.”【写作内容】1以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;2然后以约120个词就“停止错误行动,保护地球生物”进行讨论,内容包括:(1)对生物造成生存威胁的人类活动有哪些;(2)“warmer oceans”和人类活动是否有关联,为什么;(3)目前的保护措施是否有效,我们应该如何更有效地保护地球上的生物。【写作要求】1在作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【参考范文】The article mainly discusses the problem of protecting living things because many of them are endangered as a result of many artificial factors. But we should also notice we have made some progress in protecting them.Many animals and plants are dying out at a high rate owing to human activity, which has a bad influence on them, such as habitat destruction of animals, hunting and overfishing and some other factors.Some people may think warmer oceans are not the factor which is related to human activity. In fact, I believe, human beings destroy forests and give out too much greenhouse gases, which affects the climate seriously and causes the oceans to be warmer in the end.But to our relief, some measures we have taken are effective in protecting animals and plants and we are more confident now. So we need to keep on raising more public awareness and take more immediate and effective action to protect our friends animals and plants.

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